A Complete Bibliography of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series a Family: 1980–1989

A Complete Bibliography of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series a Family: 1980–1989

A Complete Bibliography of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A family: 1980{1989 Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 13 October 2017 Version 1.01 Title word cross-reference 4 [482]. 42nd [773]. 5th [174]. 2 6 [622]. 2 × 2 [611, 210, 453]. L1 [627]. R [401, 615, 509]. 79 [146]. 7th [174]. 1 [13, 536, 343, 320, 709]. 10th [779]. 149th A-Circular [481]. A. [364]. Abraham [380]. 151st [618]. 152nd [684]. 153rd [634, 459]. Absolute [701]. Abstract [327]. [758]. 17th [11]. 18th [11]. 1900 [756]. Acceptance [355]. Accident 1933 [11]. 1964 [597]. 1971 [68]. 1976 [15]. [680, 952, 456]. Account [655]. Accounting 1979 [174, 231]. 1982 [478]. 1983 [779]. [897, 677, 237]. Accounts [842, 777]. 1985 [917]. 1987 [942]. Accuracy [974, 66]. Acid [934]. Action [844, 825]. Activity [769, 123]. Actual 2 [24, 99, 12, 534]. 20th [743]. 21A [478]. [765]. Actuarial [792]. Actuaries [231]. 21B [478]. 2nd [153, 101, 25, 26]. Addendum [277]. Address [726]. Adjusted [648]. Adjusting [851]. 3 [251, 144]. 1 2 Adjustment [63, 207, 528, 209, 237]. [372, 216, 678, 335, 949, 239, 398, 456, 475]. Administrative [894]. Advanced Applications [959, 402, 915, 370, 495, 799, [801, 178, 480, 52, 716, 471]. Advances 689, 871, 966, 413, 600, 297, 542, 717, 466, [358, 792, 876, 877]. Affected [528]. 670, 410, 479, 477, 943, 141, 666, 108, 964, Against [11, 550]. Age [639, 316]. 295, 800, 984, 556, 515]. Applied Age-Period-Cohort [639]. Aggregation [600, 46, 263, 461, 876, 464, 852, 136, 753, [508]. Agresti [573]. Agriculture 326, 672, 290, 868, 824, 232, 990, 902, 629, [446, 775, 488]. AIDS 490, 815, 625]. Appreciation [264]. [764, 767, 743, 768, 763, 772, 773, 765]. Air Approach [138, 440, 732, 69, 25, 26, 216, [933]. Aitchison [744]. Akahira [342]. 493, 557, 690, 417]. Approaches Akaike [884]. Akin [98]. Alan [549, 918, 579, 257, 398, 540, 921, 411]. [558, 801, 573]. Albert [899]. Algebra [872]. Appropriations [120]. Approximating Algorithms [795, 629]. Alice [418]. Allais [2, 185]. Approximation [412, 267]. Area [287]. Allen [545, 745]. Allied [664]. [935, 796]. Arithmetical [947]. Armitage Allocation [658, 213, 120]. Allocative [814]. Arnold [30, 319, 939, 625]. Arrow [704]. Aloke [663]. Alternative [750, 536, 320]. Arthur [560, 298]. Ascher [921, 210, 579]. Altman [473]. Altruism [575]. Asmussen [815]. Aspects [345]. Alvey [956]. Ambartzumian [402]. [806, 770, 863, 118, 462, 647]. Assembly America [231]. American [262]. Analyses [773]. Assessing [979, 809]. Assessment [657, 554]. Analysing [258, 282, 81, 125, 17]. [505, 740, 241, 864, 977, 418, 904]. Analysis Assessments [278]. Association [262, 231]. [351, 216, 392, 549, 280, 326, 707, 714, 832, Asymptotic [342, 130, 342, 881, 169, 602]. 126, 250, 85, 868, 13, 859, 174, 934, 889, 377, Asymptotics [946]. Atkinson [901, 706]. 70, 143, 18, 639, 555, 430, 890, 583, 605, 21, Attack [932]. Attribute [521]. Auditors 944, 698, 907, 821, 479, 477, 749, 990, 99, 612, [560]. Austin [584]. Author [771]. 92, 718, 885, 873, 203, 744, 36, 688, 61, 107, Authorities [657]. Automatic [569]. 622, 570, 506, 246, 409, 513, 616, 595, 581, Automation [919]. Autoregressive 712, 343, 891, 649, 200, 214, 252, 292, 301, 480, [491, 315]. Aven [859]. Average [189, 613]. 484, 553, 690, 734, 145, 865, 433, 354, 302, 624, Aviation [67]. Avoidable [348]. 397, 26, 534, 556, 259, 746, 170, 625, 400, 17, 793, 416, 860, 319, 176, 17, 290, 414, 824, 829]. B [967, 81, 658, 199, 782, 832, 969, 825, 224, Analysis 752, 671, 910, 719, 881, 46, 521, 554, 792, 887, [671, 880, 795, 954, 901, 520, 463, 908, 603, 152, 146, 876, 24, 491, 463, 477, 949, 141, 51, 102, 706, 389, 221, 867, 132, 579, 673, 968, 574, 623, 882, 864, 877, 69, 132, 299, 823, 353, 252, 109, 223, 755, 842, 486, 297, 150, 72, 748, 573]. 253, 664, 751, 862, 329, 939, 953, 349, 471, Analytic [960]. Andersen [141]. 578, 519, 883, 746, 289, 755, 131, 78, 180, 468]. Anderson [168, 873, 900, 622, 421, 746, 15, B.-C [969]. Babbage [585]. Bach [217]. 125, 422, 343, 142, 553, 574, 534]. Andrew Back [346]. Annette [469]. Annual [33, 57, 87, 115, 134, 158, 186, 205, 235, 255, [97, 195, 286, 383, 533, 621, 683, 730, 856, 15, 272, 310, 332, 362, 373, 395, 424, 450, 502, 524, 19, 94, 192, 283, 380, 530, 618, 684, 758]. 547, 564, 590, 607, 635, 643, 651, 674, 692, 699, ANOVA [753]. Anscombe [512]. Answers 722, 736, 759, 804, 845, 892, 929, 970, 993]. [296]. Anthony [585, 422]. APL [512]. Background [11]. Bailey [460]. Bain [18]. Applicable [872]. Application Balakrishnan [843]. Ball [685]. Balzer 3 [384]. Bancroft [321]. Bandit [658]. 216, 558, 81, 465, 756, 481, 839, 75, 392, 416, Barnett [576, 322, 323]. Barrie [300, 721]. 658, 903, 950, 47, 884, 182, 199, 947, 965, Bartels [143]. Bartholomew [344, 288]. 989, 790, 73, 869, 835, 511, 782, 23, 860, 29, Barucha [99]. Barucha-Reid [99]. Based 54, 41, 249, 518, 344, 914, 540, 542, 633, 516, [886, 399, 732, 398]. Basford [915]. Basic 911, 912, 418, 817, 167, 560, 604, 720, 319, [886, 600, 46, 862, 25]. Basics [753]. Basis 750, 390, 15, 125, 326, 660, 672, 707, 714, 832, [245]. Basset [816]. Batchelor [245]. 28, 176, 177, 225, 300, 838, 17, 53, 126, 150]. Batschelet [324]. Bawa [79]. Baxter [67]. Book Bayes [90, 242]. Bayesian [153, 250, 290, 85, 789, 868, 22, 13, 414, 711, [554, 926, 885, 411, 948, 117, 437, 242, 121, 859, 48, 969, 824, 825, 149, 224, 752, 829, 717, 508, 405, 779, 944, 302, 624]. Beale 843, 226, 671, 910, 466, 630, 719, 946, 174, [695, 940]. Beard [499, 604]. Beaumont 468, 880, 342, 881, 959, 46, 263, 478, 355, 521, [461, 778]. Beckmann [599]. Beech [113]. 661, 670, 961, 879, 461, 492, 538, 957, 515, 536, Been [528]. before [756]. Begg [384]. 801, 889, 410, 786, 554, 791, 920, 904, 792, 70, Behaviour [152, 527, 198]. Behavioural 143, 168, 512, 795, 522, 18, 870, 555, 887, 288, [49, 770]. Being [910]. Belief [152, 7]. 152, 708, 82, 181, 146, 890, 402, 583, 77, 196, Belsley [166]. Belson [403]. Belt [653]. 267, 19, 605, 954, 901, 514, 129, 577, 580, 520, Bendat [707]. Benefit [378]. Bennett 151, 232, 404, 67, 229, 963, 330, 584, 991]. [70, 708, 338, 71]. Bensaber [783]. Berbee Book [74]. Berenson [902]. Berger [474]. [915, 21, 951, 324, 788, 927, 154, 498, 111, 731, Bergstrom [404]. Berkson [393]. Berkum 876, 541, 350, 405, 517, 779, 926, 944, 757, [888]. Bernard [50]. Bernardo [779, 405]. 248, 220, 16, 802, 925, 818, 907, 942, 49, 50, Berry [658, 814]. Best [261]. Bethea [623]. 80, 148, 171, 215, 781, 218, 415, 408, 821, 826, Bets [613]. Betting [5]. between [239]. 918, 391, 544, 24, 347, 491, 687, 747, 45, 101, Beyond [753]. Bharucha [731, 13]. 420, 463, 479, 493, 477, 489, 127, 217, 385, 585, Bharucha-Reid [731, 13]. Bias [849]. 631, 110, 247, 749, 928, 949, 956, 222, 990, 99, Bibby [385]. Bibliography [642, 50]. 943, 27, 141, 359, 51, 356, 495, 718, 885, 732, Bickel [406]. Bilinear [718]. Billard [659]. 666, 873, 902, 924, 945, 203, 623, 744, 820, Billingsley [73, 747]. Bina [110]. Binomial 844, 906, 908, 735, 882, 386, 601, 799, 576]. [611]. Bioassay [151]. Biological Book [294, 168, 222]. Biologists [249]. Biology [603, 733, 74, 106, 108, 228, 327, 921, 626, 464, [149, 324, 488]. Biomathematics [460]. 900, 628, 322, 665, 104, 663, 575, 691, 917, 102, Biomedical [146, 890]. Biometry [446]. 251, 475, 688, 819, 629, 964, 706, 389, 12, 40, Biostatistical [789]. Biostatistics 52, 107, 221, 494, 622, 867, 79, 864, 783, 837, [296, 224, 409, 296]. Birthday [406]. 877, 875, 69, 384, 659, 863, 132, 293, 710, 840, Bischler [167]. Bispectral [718]. Bivariate 539, 940, 689, 403, 166, 175, 299, 470, 11, 952, [241, 456]. Black [42]. Bland [817]. Blast 823, 909, 246, 473, 144, 298, 346, 388, 487, [931]. Bliss [31]. Block [797, 219]. Blom 409, 513, 794, 784, 325, 353, 871, 557, 899, [630]. BMDP [146]. BMDP-79 [146]. 923, 888, 827, 169, 745, 822, 874, 715, 490, 780, Boas [589]. Bogue [167]. B¨oker [818]. 485, 581, 83, 291, 712, 803, 992, 686, 343, 523]. Boldy [263]. Book Book [579, 716, 219, 754, 178, 597, 891, 958, [294, 886, 130, 955, 967, 297, 348, 351, 793, 460, 587, 71, 72, 86, 142, 200, 214, 227, 252, 537, 600, 816, 669, 667, 878, 197, 960, 713, 253, 265, 269, 292, 295, 301, 352, 459, 476, 797, 866, 828, 589, 262, 472, 668, 834, 836, 84, 480, 482, 484, 535, 553, 559, 586, 598, 664, 4 673, 690, 751, 862, 872, 966, 321, 323, 245, Cancers [701]. Capital [582, 110]. Capture 421, 734, 412, 145, 497, 800, 25, 407, 543, 778, [421]. Capture-Recapture [421]. Carbon 919, 905, 231, 831, 865, 922, 320, 329, 76, 939, [39]. Carbon-14 [39]. Cardiovascular 941, 582, 953, 349, 296, 230, 916, 968, 984, [258, 282]. Care [312]. Carl [711, 354]. 987, 14, 128, 471, 574, 578, 796, 354, 798, 913, Carlo [330]. Carlos [500]. Carrier [112]. 98, 287, 302, 345, 357, 411, 462, 474, 496, Carter [513, 296, 296]. Carvalho [72]. 624, 685, 519, 20, 103, 588, 358, 962]. Book Case [653, 240, 246]. Case-Control [246]. [109, 985, 815, 26, 172, 406, 709, 534, 556, 467, Case-Study [240].

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