September 7, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1551 advocate, a mentor for his fellow veterans, will take place during the 40th Annual Legisla- and arranged by Willard Jenkins, was pub- and a leader in our community. tive Conference. Mr. Weston will also perform lished in 2010. Tino Adame was born in French Camp, at the concert, which will take place on Thurs- Mr. Speaker, Randy Weston is a living jazz California, and graduated from Franklin High day, September 22, 2011, at the Walter E. treasure and I urge all members to join me in School in 1965. After two years of study at Washington Convention Center, in Wash- commending him for his magnificent contribu- San Joaquin Delta College, he joined the U.S. ington, DC. tion to jazz fans around the world. Marines at the age of 19 and has proudly Randy Weston is an internationally re- f worn the honorable title of Marine ever since nowned pianist, composer, bandleader and that day. Tino was stationed with the ‘‘2/9 Hell cultural ambassador, whose compositions en- RETIREMENT OF MICHAEL in a Helmet’’ unit in Vietnam, and as a result compass the vast rhythmic heritage of both SULLIVAN of his service, earned a Purple Heart, the Viet- America and Africa. After six decades of ac- nam Service Medal, the Vietnam Campaign tive work, he is widely recognized as a true in- HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, novator and visionary who continues to inform OF INDIANA the Rifle Marksman Badge, and the Good and inspire. Mr. Weston has had an out- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Conduct Medal. standing career that deserves the recognition Wednesday, September 7, 2011 Tino completed his service in Vietnam in of this body. Let me share some of the high- 1967 and came home to work at the Tracy lights from his biography. Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with Defense Depot. He married Mary Hope Lopez Randy Weston was born on April 6, 1926 great respect that I stand before you today to in 1970 and continued to work at the Depot and raised in Brooklyn, New York, son of par- congratulate Mr. Michael J. Sullivan on his re- until he retired after 33 years. ents from Jamaica and Virginia. New York City tirement from his position as General Presi- Tino Adame has dedicated himself to serv- has long been a Mecca for jazz giants and dent of the Sheet Metal Workers’ International ing his fellow veterans. In 1998, Tino became Weston cites Count Basie, Duke Ellington, and Association, SMWIA. For 46 years, Mike has the first Latino Commander of the American Art Tatum as his piano heroes. It was devoted his life to serving, protecting, and im- Legion Karl Ross Post 16. One of his first ini- Thelonius Monk, however, who made the proving the lives of all Americans who want to tiatives was a successful petition of the Stock- greatest impact. ‘‘He was the most original I earn a living wage for their labor. This is par- ton City Council to sponsor an Independence ever heard,’’ Mr. Weston remembers. ‘‘He ticularly true for the members of the Sheet Day parade honoring veterans—the first such played like they must have played in Egypt Metal Workers. Michael Sullivan will be hon- parade to take place in 10 years. Tino then 5000 years ago.’’ ored for his many years of dedicated service went on to chair both the Independence Day Much of Mr. Weston’s connection to African at a retirement celebration on September 20, and Veterans Day parades. music stems from his father, Frank Edward 2011, at the Gaylord National Resort and Con- Tino has also taken part in many community Weston, who told his son he was ‘‘an African vention Center in National Harbor, Maryland. initiatives involving our community’s young born in America. He told me I had to Michael Sullivan’s leadership over the years people. He has taught students correct flag et- learn about myself, about him and about my has been indispensable for the Sheet Metal iquette, including the proper way to retire old grandparents,’’ stated Weston, ‘‘and the only Workers’ International Association. During his flags and dedicate new ones. He has recog- way to do it was I’d have to go back to the tenure, Mike has held numerous positions. I’m nized JROTC cadets at his alma mater, Frank- motherland one day.’’ Inspired by Nigeria’s proud that his career began in my home state, lin High School, with plaques of achievement. newly won independence from the United in Indianapolis, Indiana, where he completed He has also worked with young students to Kingdom, Weston started to incorporate tribal his apprenticeship. In 1973, Mike was elected write Valentine’s Day cards to veterans at the music with a type of West African pop music business representative. He later became the VA facility in Livermore. known as High Life. This blend culminated in business manager and financial secretary of Following the attacks on 9/11, Tino re- Mr. Weston’s 1960 album Uhuru Afrika, which Sheet Metal Workers’ Local Union 20. While quested and obtained a piece of limestone featured traditional African percussion and residing in Indiana, he served as president of from the part of the Pentagon that was dam- rhythms in the form of a jazz suite. the American Federation of Labor and Con- aged during the attack. That limestone is now In the late 1960’s, Mr. Weston took his fa- gress of Industrial Organizations (AFL–CIO) enclosed in front of the Karl Ross Post and ther’s advice and left the United States for Mo- for the state of Indiana. Later, he was ap- serves as an important reminder to our com- rocco, travelling throughout Africa to experi- pointed by the Governor to serve as a mem- munity about the 9/11 attacks and the sacrifice ence each country’s musical diversity. One of ber for the Indiana Workers’ Compensation of our men and women in uniform. the highlights of his travels was the 1977 Ni- Commission and Hoosier Alliance Against Tino also played an important role in con- gerian Festival, which drew artists from 60 cul- Drugs. Mike was vice president of the SMWIA vincing the Department of Veterans Affairs to tures. ‘‘At the end,’’ Weston says, ‘‘we all real- General Executive Council for 10 years and select San Joaquin County as the home for a ized that our music was different but the then served as the General Secretary-Treas- new veterans’ medical facility and nursing same, because if you take out the African ele- urer of the SMWIA. In 1999, Michael became home. Thanks to his hard work and the efforts ments of bossa nova, samba, jazz, blues, you President of the SMWIA, a position that in- of many in the community, the Valley’s vet- have nothing. To me, it’s Mother Africa’s cludes supervising and directing 157 Sheet erans will be able to get medical care close to way of surviving in the New World.’’ He had Metal Workers’ Local Unions throughout the home. the honor of playing at the Kamigamo Shrine United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico. This Tino Adame’s steadfast commitment to his in Kyoto, Japan in 2008 and commemorated vital group provides skilled services to various country, community and fellow veterans is an the 50th Anniversary of his Uhuru Africa industries including sheet metal, air condi- example to us all. I know his work to improve album in 2010. With his strong connection to tioning, kitchen equipment, transportation and the lives of our heroes will make a lasting im- African music, Weston has enjoyed success other metal related manufacturing. Mike has pact for years to come. It is for these reasons with the dozens of albums he released over also served as the vice president of the AFL– that I ask my colleagues to join me in hon- the past 50 years. CIO Executive Council, while also participating oring Tino Adame for his exceptional service Randy Weston has received awards and ac- in several AFL–CIO executive committees. In to our country and our veterans. claim at home and abroad, including the pres- addition to the prestigious positions held by tigious Jazz Masters Award from the National f Mike, he has served as the labor co-chairman Endowment for the Arts, NEA, in 2001. He of the Democratic Governors’ Association and HONORING NEA JAZZ MASTER has also received an honorary Doctor of Music also currently serves as president of the Eu- RANDY WESTON degree from Brooklyn College, City University gene Debs Foundation. of New York, in June 2006. In 2009 he was Mr. Speaker, Mike Sullivan represents the HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. added to the American Society of Composers, very best values of his home state of Indiana: OF MICHIGAN Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) Jazz Wall of hard work, perseverance in the face of set- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Fame. On May 11, 2011 Weston received the backs, and a selfless nature of wanting to award of Royal Wissam of National Merit of serve others before being served. He is a gen- Wednesday, September 7, 2011 the Order of Officer by command of His Maj- tleman in the truest sense of the word: strong, Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, legendary jazz esty the King Mohammed VI of Morocco, for decisive, but governed by compassion and artist Randy Weston will be honored this year his lifelong commitment to Morocco. His mem- kindness. by the Congressional Black Caucus Founda- oirs, African Rhythms: The Autobiography of Michael’s dedication to his fellow members tion at the Jazz Issue Forum and Concert that Randy Weston, composed by Randy Weston throughout his outstanding career is exceeded VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:04 Sep 08, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A07SE8.022 E07SEPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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