.n d e U V iU REV. A. WALLACE, Editor. OOEAN GROVE,, N. J., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1883. VOL. IX. NO. 36, CAMP ■ MEETING OF 1883. self, then he rises to superiority. All ever-brightening pathway of the Chris­ Christ. Jeaus to save, left all hia glory quences of not doing them. He re­ by the B e rvice a during camp-meeting, power:ia offered the faithful instrument tian life, and said ht!, believed Bome per­ becajne incarnate, and did not cease hi minded us of theBeif assertion o f Christ, and wero desirous of expressing by th is REPORT CONTINUED. to accomplish ihe salvation, of men. sons were converted1, without knowing earthly.missionuntil he had reached who placed such importance upon hia act, their loyalty and consecration to The. weakness o f the pulpit to-day ib, the fact. A man who is Bincere, and the hearts of men. The work o f re- own teachings aa that the welfare, pres­ Christ. After this service! was over Dr. PEERLESS PULPIT ELOQUENCE. that the ministers B ro not consecrated lives m> to the light he has, ia a good detnption haa been going on,,and that ent and future, of man depends upon Stokes made aome farewell remarks, re­ CULMINATION OK THE CROWD. powers The weakness the inaction of m an; But he who ia both o f these,’and evidence has confounded infidelity is obedience to their spirit. In them the turning thanks to the ministers,, the the natural orator for the unction o f adds theWto faith in Chriat as his Sav­ the flower o f conversion in others. It highest principle* of morality are un­ audience and the choir, for their faith­ . CLOSING CONGRATULATIONS. tbe Holy Ghost. They shine but they iour, ia a\ Christian; There, is a ;wide was'jessential. for Chriat tb come that folded with childlike simplicity but with ful attendance and efficient aid in mak­ do not burn,. difference yetween wilful unbelief and he might condemn sin in the fiesh, that THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE HAPPY. the majesty of Deity, compelling the ing these meetings a success. He al­ Three qualifications are necessary to helpless unoelief. One is damnabje, the be bjight show the world a perfect man, homage of every honest soul.'. They luded to the material prosperity o f this GRATIFYING RESULTS. render our individuality a power for the. other cheering ; one deceives outright, heitji without sin, the law had no instantly prove themaelvea to the mind place as the result o f faithful adherence greatest good. W e must be living in­ the other crifcs, “ Lord, I believe—help pOwur over him, by. his atonehnent the without argument, and are received by to the religious idoa which had,inspired Last.week’s R e c o r d presented a syn­ carnations of Jesus Christ, have pro­ thou mine unbelief.” ; Conversion im­ righteousness o f tbe. law-may be ful­ the moral nature as axioma. its founders, and of thoir determination opsis o f camp-moeting-wcirk from the found sympathy for the unconverted, plies an absolute surrender o f the will, filled in ub. God cannow be just and the Men in their own atrength cannot live to m a k e religion tha prominent fe a t u r e ! commencement up to Saturday night. and have the gift o f purity no less than and a change ol heart which is. tho seat justWer of them that believe, without these sayings,. An absolutely new spirit in the future as in tho past. He believ­ W o continue the narrative in this num­ the gift of power. Then the nations of the affections) and this surrender is violating tho law, which man through must be put ipto us. The morality they ed nine-tenths o f thoso who came here ber from Sabbath morning until the will bow to the mild sceptre: of the possible before conversion. He aaid he disobedience has taken, but we are to contain is a profound one only half seen, w e re in sympathy with the aim and o b ­ close o f tbe meeting on Thursday, 00th Prince o f Peace. The vision o f the eeer insisted .on a remarkable conversion do ojir part. ■ • until tbe revolutionary power o f the ject o f t h e Association, and all w o u ld ult. These two issues embrace mainly and poet will, be realized, and Christ whon he first turned his! face heaven­ The firet step we must take is belief, Holy Ghost uprOots the human nature. admit that this had been a glorious the department of preaching; other will be crowned the Saviour of mankind ward, but that a selfish wi(l had to be then, obedience from love, which will The kingdom of heaven is asupernatur- oamprmeeting. “ Lnat Sabbath,” h e features of the groat occasion will bo the through the power of a consecrated finally suirenderedl' and he had to wait ultiriiate in sal vation, al tnoral condition, attainable here to said, “ the largest congregations in the subject of communications for several individuality. patiently the movement p f the Spirit; .- ' f, GOD'S I.MAUE LOST— REGAINED. become immortal hereafter. The con- history, of the Grove assembled on th e s e weeks to come. For half an hour after the doxology The witness of the Spirit n the knowl­ Rev. Waldo Messaros, o f Phila­ soquences of obeying these aayinga is to grounds,” which he interpreted as evi­ the people lingered around tho. Audi­ CAMl'-MKETINO 8ADHATH. edge received that one is a Christian; it delphia, read two texts, Gen. 1:27. be imniutably grounded on the sure dencing a growing intoreBt in the place torium, many crowding into the Taber­ : Thegreatestday oftheseason each ie not belief, but absolute knowledge. “ God created man in hiB own image, ” foundation; and of disobedience, !is to and its objects. Tho^leaders of tbe dif­ nacle, where, after a brief sermon by year at Ocean Grove is the Sabbath oc­ Faith gives ua salvation’; it ib our capi­ and ?d Cor. 3: 18, “ But we all with build upon the sand. His illustrations ferent meetings had furnished him with Mrs, 0. L. Roacli, several souls were curring in the annual camp'-meeting. tal in business; it is the, fire in the fur­ open face beholding as in a glass the were apt and lucid. The description of the following results; which although powerfully blessed at the, alter. Then the crowd culminates. The min­ nace—not. the headlight the engine; glory of the Lord, are changed into the building of Eddystone light-house not accurate, were under rather than . Of the Sabbath School, Bible Class, isters selected to officiate must be the the headlights might be, brilliant, and the same image from glory tp glory, was graphic, , and the glad river in over the mark. He believed tbe un­ and the children's m eeting—the aggre­ best obtainable for popular and effective we have had samples of t^em through­ even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” spring^ bursting its fetters o f ice and counted results were greatly in excess gate attendance ] -being nearly 3,000. preaching, and every appliance which out these meetings in fine pratorical dis­ The preacher’s theme was divided into singing joyously to the ocean, was a fit of these figures: We give memoranda'elsewhere, ami ot zeal, prudeuce and experience suggests, plays, bu t. after all, the power to send the image o f God in man— the image emblem of the emancipated soul, freed There had been reclaimed, 45;! con­ 3:30 p. M; at the tap of hell, is resorted to. for general order, and the ua forward was the fire in the heart. loat,;and the image restored by Christ. from the chains of sin, rejoicing in its verted, 327; sanctified, 302; quickened widest possibly scope for gospel inilu- BEV. J. BOYJ) BKADV; Faith comes ~ by. prayer, bpt prayer is The image was, a spiritual image, with new ; found liberty, as it B o u g h t the and helped to a better and more spirit­ ence. ,.-j- mustered the resources of hia extra­ not tho mere utterance o f words—it lovOjas ite centre, a divine love, con­ boundless sea of divine love. The ser­ ual life, about 3,600, making in all, 4,274 August 26th dawned most auspicious­ ordinary pulpit ability; to the elucida- must come from tho heart. \ straining attraction and desire, an im­ mon will long bf) remembered by the souls who had expressed themselves as ly. People intent on a goad “ Sabbath ation and enforcement o f that grand He paid a beautiful tribute to sancti age of purity, forgiveness, truth, justice. thousands who listened to it. benefited in some way by these meet- day’s journey” rose early, and after text, Heb. 7 :25. “ He is able to save ficd old age, and said in Christianity the Theje' is a divine sense, unregonerate ! REST KOR THE WEARY. inga. The Doctor evinced much feeling sauntering along the shore, dropped in them to the utternibst that com o to best of the1 feast was always reserved man' has not. - Wisdom, which is the Rev. I. Siminona, in the afternoon, in tho course o f hia romarka.at the con­ at the Tabernacle sorvice, where fervor God by him,” The analysis was original, until' the last. There cornea a time in mosl beneficent use of knowledge we familiarly addressed the people from tbe clusion of which, the ministers on tho ran high, and the exercises could hardly comprehensive, and profound.
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