May 19, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E673 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CONGRATULATING PRESIDENT person are brought to justice by streamlining to Cleveland, Mississippi in 1999 while attend- TSAI ING-WEN OF TAIWAN the process and by reducing regulations ing Delta State University. She’s married to around the testing of these kits. Mr. Christopher Parks, Co-Owner/Coach and HON. JOE BARTON H.R. 510 would provide amendments to the they have two beautiful daughters named DNA Identification Act of 1994 and the DNA Paris Kaitlyn Parks and Layken Parks. Mrs. OF TEXAS Backlog Analysis Backlog Act of 2000 that re- Parks earned a Bachelor of Business Adminis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES quire more external regulation for all Rapid tration in 2003 and a Masters of Business Ad- Friday, May 19, 2017 DNA tests. Organizations performing such ministration in 2013 from Delta State Univer- tests would still be audited by the Federal gov- sity. She is the Finance Officer of Mississippi Mr. BARTON. Mr. Speaker, tomorrow, May ernment to ensure the quality of test. It will United to End Homelessness and owner/ 20th, is the first anniversary of President Tsai also be accredited by credible, nonprofit insti- coach of Spirit Xplosion Home of CE All Stars. Ing-wen’s inauguration. Having met President tutions that will lend the imprimatur of reli- She fellowships with St. Peter MB Church in Tsai twice during her first year in office, I ability. Sunflower, Mississippi. Mr. Parks graduated would like to congratulate her and the people I fully support this measure and I am firmly from Delta State University in 2005 with a of Taiwan on this occasion. committed to bringing justice to offenders of Bachelor of Science in General Studies and Taiwan has become a vibrant democracy, these crimes. This bill will provide relief to the Minor in Family Consumer Science and Crimi- where power at the presidential level has been countless victims of sexual assault. Rape kits nal Justice, and in 2012 with a Masters in peacefully transferred from one political party often go untested because of existing regula- Physical Education with an Emphasis on to another three times—most recently in last tions that make it more difficult to test such Human Performance. year’s election. Taiwan’s democracy is a shin- time sensitive data. I support this legislation. ing example for both the Asia-Pacific region, She has a great love and compassion for and for the world. At the same time, Taiwan f young people. Her ministry is to inspire young has endeavored to be a good global citizen. TRIBUTE TO MAXINE MARTENS people to excel in all things with God’s leading Mr. Speaker, I treasure the U.S.-Taiwan re- and to encourage women. Everything she lationship, which is one between like-minded does is done with the spirit of excellence. Her friends who share the same values. I admire HON. DAVID YOUNG motto is: ‘‘If I can help somebody then her liv- the distance the people of Taiwan have come OF IOWA ing is not in vain.’’ She loves God whole- in the face of many challenges. As a friend to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES heartedly and thrives to live according to his Taiwan, I commend its people and President Friday, May 19, 2017 will and his way; not just on Sunday, but every Tsai on this anniversary. day. She’s a genuine giver and does it cheer- Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise fully. Everything she has God gave it to her, f today to recognize and congratulate Ms. Max- everything she owns God has blessed her RAPID DNA ACT OF 2017 ine Martens on the occasion of her 100th with it, and she has faith the size of a mustard birthday. Maxine, along with her family and seed and know that it’s not over until God friends, celebrated on April 24th. SPEECH OF says it’s over. Our world has changed a great deal during Spirit Xplosion Home of CE All Stars was the course of Maxine’s life. Since her birth, we HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. established in 2011 and kicked off their first have revolutionized air travel and walked on OF GEORGIA season in February, 2012. Their competitive the moon. We have invented the television, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES teams have won several UCA, Athletic Cham- cellular phones and the internet. We have pionship, Jam Fest, Deep South, WSA, and Tuesday, May 16, 2017 fought in wars overseas, seen the rise and fall local competitions. They strongly believe that of Soviet communism and witnessed the birth Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I their success originates from the dedication of new democracies. Maxine has lived through rise today in support of H.R. 510, the Rapid and commitment of the athletes and parents. eighteen United States Presidents and twenty- DNA Act of 2017. Furthermore, they realize the importance of four Governors of Iowa. In her lifetime, the The Rapid DNA Act, or H.R. 510, will aid hard work, discipline, a family atmosphere, population of the United States has more than law enforcement in its effort to solve cases and perhaps most importantly—fun. Each child tripled. and bring justice to the victims of crimes. In is an individual and is treated as such to instill Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to represent particular, victims of rape and sexual assault confidence and a sense of personal accom- Maxine Martens in the United States Congress will be able to regain peace of mind because plishment. Their main focus is to prepare chil- and it is my pleasure to wish her a very happy this legislation increases the likelihood that dren for the challenges that lie ahead of them. 100th birthday. I invite my colleagues in the these perpetrators will be captured. The lan- Their ability to work as a team, striving toward House of Representatives to join me in con- guage of the Rapid DNA Act gives law en- a common goal, will prove to be a lifelong gratulating Maxine on reaching this incredible forcement investigators the ability to facilitate skill. The encouragement to reach that goal is milestone, and in wishing her even more the quick testing of DNA tests, such as rape CE All-Stars passion. kits. DNA material is sensitive and has only a health and happiness in the years to come. limited time before it is rendered useless. This f Spirit Xplosion Home of CE All Stars com- act addresses the issue by removing some of petitive teams are not recreational. They train the preexisting regulations and red tape that HONORING SPIRIT XPLOSION to compete at a high level of intensity. Two of have hindered this process in the past. their main goals are to create award winning routines, and to be an active group in the It is a disservice to the American people to HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON community. This type of goal requires commit- deny them the results from a Rape Kit. They OF MISSISSIPPI ment to attendance and structured workouts. deserve the truth. The Constitution of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Spirit Xplosion Home of CE All-Stars athletes United States ensures that every citizen of the Friday, May 19, 2017 commit twelve months to the program. CE All- United States of America has the right to pri- Stars is a family and love building new rela- vacy, as stated in the Fourth Amendment to Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- tionships with everyone that walks through the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution. The er, I rise today to honor a remarkable profes- their doors. Rapid DNA Act of 2017 will increase the sional minority business Spirit Xplosion Home chance that those who committed such of CE All Stars of Cleveland, Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me wrongs and those who have inhumanely vio- Mrs. Kimetria Parks, owner/coach is a na- in recognizing an outstanding minority busi- lated the basic rights and dignity of another tive of Holly Springs, Mississippi. She moved ness in the Mississippi Delta. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19MY8.001 E19MYPT1 E674 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 19, 2017 RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF FALL- neering developments in computer science workplace and the realism of how to do it all EN SOLDIER AIR FORCE STAFF and contributing to the Manhattan Project, including being a parent, a spouse and a child SERGEANT (SSGT) JOHN THOMAS among other achievements. Marina charted of the sandwich generation. SELF her own course and outgrew her father’s She leaves behind a peerless record of suc- shadow early in her career, leaving a mark cess, and I wish her well as she moves on HON. TRENT KELLY wherever she went. from her position at the University of Michigan. OF MISSISSIPPI After receiving her doctorate in Columbia Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me University, Dr. Whitman began her career in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in honoring Marina Whitman for her out- academia with the University of Pittsburgh in standing career as an economist. Her extraor- Friday, May 19, 2017 1962, eventually being named a Distinguished dinary work has impacted countless lives.
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