Area/State Colby Free Press Wednesday, April 6, 2011 Page 3 Weather Area races decided Tuesday Legislature votes Corner From “VOTE,” Page 1 Williams has held the seat since Dennis Allison re- signed. R. Alan Jones and Matt Vogler were elected There were no fi led candidates for Brewster City to the council. Dwight Williams was elected to the Council. Bill Selby and Craig Fulwider won with 19 third council seat with fi ve write-in votes. to up speed limit and 8 write-in votes. There were fi ve candidates for four seats on the From “LIMIT,” Page 1 In Gem, Phyllis Ziegelmeier was re-elected as Golden Plains School Board. Vogler got 84 votes; state’s total highway miles. mayor. Warren Ziegelmeier and Annette Spresser Brandi Wark, 97; Jeremy Schiltz, 78; and Paul But Sen. Vicki Schmidt, a were elected to the council. Bruggeman, 98. Joe Broeckelman missed out with the state’s economy. He said Topeka Republican, said the In Rexford, David Williams was elected mayor. 73 votes. companies have an incentive change will make major high- to bypass Kansas in shipping ways more dangerous. products because they can save “I think when the speed lim- time with routes through other it’s 70, people drive 75 or 80. I Clayton man pleads guilty to cruelty states. think when it’s 75, they drive 80 National Weather Service A Clayton man will be spend- on Friday, March 6, the sheriff’s farm, he said, but after consulting “It will make us more com- or 85,” she said. “We will see Tonight: A 30 percent chance ing 10 days in jail after pleading offi ce received a complaint about with the vet, they were left as they petitive. There’s a lot of east- an increase in fatalities on our of showers, mainly after 1 a.m. guilty to cruelty to animals in De- two dead animals which could be were in better health and had ac- west, and even north-south op- highways and we will see an in- Mostly cloudy, with a low around catur County District Court for seen from Norton Road, which cess to food. tions,” he said. “This will bring crease in the severity of injuries 39. East wind between 10 and failing to take care of at least two runs north and south on the Nor- On Wednesday, March 16, Dial more business – logistics and on our highways.” 15 mph. dozen cattle. ton County line north of Clayton. entered a guilty plea to the cruelty distribution business – across The red-light provision is a Thursday: A 30 percent Travis Dial was charged with After investigating and consult- to animals charge. He was sen- Kansas.” response to complaints from chance of showers and thun- one count of a Class A nonper- ing with a veterinarian, said Tate, tenced to 12 months in the county Other supporters argued that motorcyclists about traffi c sig- derstorms, mainly after 1 p.m. son misdemeanor, “intentionally 14 cattle were removed from the jail, all suspended except for 10 Kansans already are traveling nals that don’t change unless Partly sunny, with a high near failing to provide food, potable farm and taken to a clinic for vet- days. more than the top speed limit of they’re triggered by sensors 63. East wind around 15 mph. water and/or care as needed in the erinary treatment. Dial was ordered to pay restitu- 70 mph on major highways, and when a motorist approaches Thursday Night: Patchy fog health or well-being of an animal, He said he counted 10 dead cat- tion to the county for boarding his the change simply recognizes them. They say motorcycles after 1 a.m. Otherwise, mostly cattle.” tle at the time. cattle and make arrangements for that. and bicycles often are too light cloudy, with a low around 40. Sheriff’s Deputy Jay Tate said There were some horses on the probation with Court Services. The bill allows the secretary to trigger these signals, leaving East wind between 5 and 10 of transportation to set the new their riders waiting for long pe- mph. speed limit on divided, four- riods. Friday: Patchy fog before 10 Republican River dispute back in the courts lane highways. The Department The measure says that with a.m. Otherwise, mostly sunny, TOPEKA (AP) – The U.S. Su- ing an interview with the Associ- merit to take a look.” of Transportation estimates a “steady” red signal, motorcy- with a high near 73. South wind preme Court agreed Monday to ated Press. “We’d prefer to solve Lawsuits among states over wa- 1,060 miles of highway would clists and bicyclists can move between 10 and 15 mph. reopened Kansas’ lawsuit against it like neighbors, but we do expect ter are fi led directly with the Su- be eligible, mostly Interstates through the light after “a rea- Friday Night: Partly cloudy, Nebraska aimed at stopping its Nebraska to live up to the commit- preme Court. and roughly 10 percent of the sonable period of time.” with a low around 42. northern neighbor from using Re- ments it has made.” Saturday: Mostly sunny and publican River water to irrigate If Kansas prevails, Nebraska breezy, with a high near 71. thousands of acres of farmland. will be forced to stop irrigating Saturday Night: A 20 percent The high court gave Kansas per- about 500,000 of the 1.2 million chance of rain. Mostly cloudy mission to fi le a new petition over acres in its part of the Republican and breezy, with a low around L L its allegations that Nebraska took River basin, and farmers there OCAL TV ISTINGS 38. more than its share of water in would have to grow dryland sponsored by the Sunday: A 30 percent chance 2005 and 2006 – enough to supply crops. of rain. Partly sunny and windy, a city of 100,000 people for a de- Nebraska offi cials have ac- with a high near 59. cade. Kansas sued Nebraska over knowledged some overuse of Sunday Night: Partly cloudy the Republican River in 1998. The Republican River water but ques- and breezy, with a low around states settled the case fi ve years tioned Kansas’ accounting, and 36. later, but Kansas contends Ne- they’ve noted that Nebraska has Monday: Sunny, with a high braska violated the terms of that complied with the settlement near 64. agreement. since 2006. Monday Night: Partly cloudy, Now Kansas wants to force In Kansas, there’s been bipar- with a low around 38. Nebraska to reduce farm irri- tisan support for efforts to force Thursday Evening April 7, 2011 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Tuesday: Mostly sunny, with gation in its part of the nearly Nebraska to cut its water use. The a high near 63. KAKE/ABC Wipeout Grey's Anatomy Private Practice Local Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live 25,000-square-mile river basin Sunfl ower State’s request to the KBSL/CBS Big Bang Rules CSI: Crime Scene The Mentalist Local 2011 Mast Late Show Letterman and to pay Kansas back for the high court to reopen the lawsuit KSNK/NBC Community Couples Office Parks 30 Rock Outsource Local Tonight Show w/Leno Late Monday: High, 54; Low 26 economic gains Nebraska alleged- was fi led last year by Attorney KSAS/FOX American Idol Bones Local Tuesday: High, 79; Low 33 ly saw for using too much water. General Steve Six, a Democrat un- Cable Channels Precip: Month: 0.None A & E The First 48 The First 48 Manhunter Manhunter Manhunter Manhunter The First 48 Kansas previously calculated the seated by Schmidt in the Novem- AMC Speed The Killing Speed Year: 0.99 inches amount of the potential payment ber election. Schmidt and Bruning Normal: 3.98 inches ANIM The Bear Whisperer The Bear Whisperer The Bear Whisperer at $72 million. are Republicans. BRAVO Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Happens Housewives/NYC Happens (K-State Experiment Station) “We would all like to resolve “We don’t believe Nebraska has CMT Married Married Married Married Married Ron White's Celebrity Smarter Smarter Sunrise and Sunset CNN In the Arena Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Thursday 7:20 a.m. 8:14 p.m. this without re-engaging the Su- lived up to its end of the bargain,” preme Court,” Kansas Attorney Schmidt said. “The court at least COMEDY Futurama Futurama Futurama South Pk South Pk South Pk Daily Colbert John Oliver (U.S. Naval Observatory) DISC Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch General Derek Schmidt said dur- believed our claim had enough DISN Good Luck Fish Hook Phineas Deck Good Luck Good Luck Deck Deck Hannah Hannah E! Sex and t Sex and t Liar Liar Chelsea E! 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