250.68 ˍ 250.56ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 694100 694200 694300 694400 694500 694600 694700 694800 2 2 2 .5 252.5 5 .5 5 2 3 5 0 8 25 2 5 ¬ 5 « 52 . .5 .5 1 5 250.5 2 252 0. 52 .5 25 2 250 . 515 250.02 2 51.5 ˍ ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 2 25 989 249.77 7 .5 5 JOSEPHST . 251 1 5 «¬ 252 2 253 .5 51 PRINCE ST W 2 1 250 988 250.00 25 . 5 ˍ 249.81ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 50 9 «¬ 2 24 .5 1 257 256.5 5 2 249.5 5 256 1. 5 2 249.5 24 9. 255.5 255 5 50 254 2 254.5 250 3 .5 5 5 .5 25 52.5 49. 2 0 253 2 250.5 250.5 2 252 250 25 .5 25 4 1 2 2 9 .5 251 .5 249 4934900 25 250.5 4934900 1 Bobcaygeon . 251.5 5 250 2 249.5 525 252 2 . 4 9. 5 251 .5 249.5 250 5 9. 250.5 25 4 1 2 Tributary Flood Plain Map .5 249.92 9.5 2 249.16 4 249.5 5 ˍ ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 2 2 ˍ ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 25 249.77 249.04 0 249 25 249.68 2 9. 4 5 5 ˍ ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 2 . 2 249.72 «¬ 51 ¬ 24 « 9 City of Kawartha Lakes 251 . 5 2 «¬ 249.5 5 251 2 605 896 250 Printed: July 2019 838.026 249.44 ˍ ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 249.72 9 9 24 24 .5 50 24 ¬ 2 .5 9 « .5 0 5 2 251 788 249.5 25 1 51 2 51 Legend 2 249.5 2 5 0 5 Main Channel Bobcaygeon Flood Plain . 249 249.5 2 48 Cross Section µ General Spill Direction .5 9 24 2 1.0 m LiDAR Contours Spill Line 4 9 249.5 QUEEN ST Sturgron Lake 100yr Lake Level - 248.4m 9.5 24 4934800 251 4934800 249 249 8.5 21 4 5 2 249 KeyMa p .5 248 48.5 248 2 .5 ¯ 249 249 249 249.5 249 249 249 249 249 249 2 248.5 49 49 H 2 2 E 4 8 249 A . 250 5 D 5 S . 3 1 5 T 2 .5 249 24 8. 5 248 .5 2 48 2 49 251 JOHN ST JOHN 48. 2 5 24 24 8 . 8 5 . 249 5 248 2 8 4 .5 . 1 5 .5 2 25 2 8 248.5 4 251 24 8 . 251 249 5 48. 49 2 5 4934700 2 4934700 48 24 2 251 8.5 .5 24 2 50 9.5 48.5 248.5 2 1 1 5 6.5 2 24 248.5 251 49 249 2 249.5 248 248 24 7 .5 250.5 5 5 49. .5 2 0 2 248 .5 0 249.5 5 2 5 249 . 4 .5 248 8 2 0 25 .5 8 4 2 9 248 24 .5 50 2 2 49 247.5 2 5 0 24 . 7.5 5 248 2 4 7.5 688.053 24 24 8 538.080 248 8 249.40 250 248 47.5 ˍ ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 248 2 7 249.22 24 24 248.89 8 «¬ ˍ 248.79ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 248 4934600 491 248 4934600 50 ¬ 2 « 9 4 248.5 250.5 2 7 248.61 5 4 ˍ ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 247 . 2 248.50 247.5 Notes: 5 9. 1) LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) survey data collected November 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th, 24 248.5 249 «¬ 2012 by Aero-Photo (1961) Inc. 248 8 .5 2) Contours produced by Kawartha Conservation GIS staff using LiDAR and GTAFBS 2002 data. 24 . 5 449 249 .5 248 1 247 3) Field Survey of structures by Kawartha Conservation, using RTK GPS. 25 4) Orthophotography (16cm) collected November 8th, 2012 48.5 248.48 247 2 ˍ 248.36ˍ ˍ ˍˍ Aero-Photo Inc. SCOOP 2013 orthophotography was used to supplement 2012 orthophotography. 47 2 SCOOP 2013 Copyright Queen's Printer 2013. 24 2 8 247.5 2 48 ¬ 5) The flood inundation areas were delineated using the DEM derived from LiDAR by Kawartha « 8 4 5 .5 2 2 1 4 Conservation's GIS department. 7 248 248 .5 6) Flood plain modeling was prepared by Kawartha Conservation's engineering department. 248 2 Input parameters were extracted from base mapping prepared by Kawartha Conservation's GIS 248 48 .5 2 department. 4 7 .5 7) This map is prepared for use in conjuction with the Flood Plain Mapping Study Dunsford Creek, 2018. 247 248.5 248 .5 248 246 251 248.5 REVISIONS 25 0 . 5 No. Description By Date 2 49 247 1 Bobcaygeon Tributary Flood Plain Map NP JULY 2019 2 49 8.5 24 2 FRONT ST W 4 ST W 248.5 9 2 248 4 4 8 9 2 247 8 2 248 24 47 4934500 . 4934500 248 5 249 247 248 248.5 24 8.5 Cross Section Numbering 250 Regional 248.5 Cross Section Water Level Number in Metres 201.01 3630 49 2 251 210.10 250.5 249 248 247 Cross Section .5 100 Year Water Level Label Extension 1 25 9 4 in Metres 2 249 251 2 48 248 1:1,000 5 . 7 µ 0 4 25 2 248.5 248 248 250 248 2 250 48.5 0 25 50 100 249 Meters .5 249 5 4934400 . 4934400 9 24 4 8. 2 5 5 7. 24 9 4 2 MAP1 694100 694200 694300 694400 694500 694600 694700 694800 693800 693900 694000 694100 694200 694300 694400 2 2 5 82.5 82 . 5 . 2 .5 8 59 259 6 .5 282 2 .5 8 282 26 4935200 267.5 4935200 2 66 26 .5 7 28 283 26 263 6 263 1 5 . 282.5 2 81.5 9 261.18 7 1604 ˍ ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 258.5 2 261.14 281.5 «¬ ST REID 265.5 264 .5 65 281 2 61.5 260.5 2 0.5 28 5 281. 1566 260.66 264 ˍ 260.40ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 281 .5 278.5 ¬ 263 « 257 280 Bobcaygeon 277.5 280.5 278 280 261 280 Tributary Flood Plain Map 257 280 279 262.5 278 City of Kawartha Lakes 262 277 .5 260 279.5 75 276.5 2 75 4935100 2 4935100 276 26 0 Printed: July 2019 254 .5 274 N ST .5 255.5 26 0 254 274 258.90 Legend ˍ ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 260 258.68 263 25 259 3 . 1449 «¬ 254.5 5 Main Channel Bobcaygeon Flood Plain 25 3.5 Cross Section µ General Spill Direction 2 51.5 2 253.5 6 258.55 1.0 m LiDAR Contours Spill Line 0 ˍ ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 254.5 258.39 255 1418 52.5 252 Sturgron Lake 100yr Lake Level - 248.4m 253 2 259 «¬ 255.5 270 254 254 2 5 2 250.70 . 5 ˍ 250.57ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 253 2 1.5 252 KeyMap 5 «¬ 254 59 ¯ 265 2 1074 251.5 W ST W 4935000 73.5 250.70 4935000 2 258.5 ˍ ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 250.57 52 2 253.5 273 1005 252.5 25 272.5 271 263 7 «¬ 258 257.74 253 ˍ 257.15ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 257.5 3 1399 .5 2 252 251. 27 250.68 5 ˍ ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 271.5 «¬ 250.56 258.5 1003 2 51 258 .5 9.5 258 26 «¬ 2 52 5 258.06 2 2 ˍ ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 1392 256.82 .5 . 256.63 2515 ˍ ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 2 250.02 51.5 256.43 ˍ ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 2 1342 5 7.5 989 249.77 5 «¬ . 261 «¬ 1 251.5 5 ¬ 2 270.5 « .5 51 2 2 256.32 51. ˍ ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 988 250.00 2 5 256.69 1349 ˍ 249.81ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 251 269 «¬ «¬ 6 26 1 5 2 268 266.5 1 268.5 267.5 267 255.51 ˍ ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 1309 257.5 255.04 250.5 COUNTY RD 8 253.5 250 252 «¬ 251 .5 252 251 4934900 25 250.5 4934900 255 1 . 5.5 5 5 26 251.5 249. 2 525 252 267 . 5 2 1. 5 250 26 256 250.5 25 5.5 1 66.5 . 2 249.92 5 7.5 2 249.16 26 264 5 ˍ ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 5 2 249.77 50. ˍ ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 249.68 2 249.04 ˍ ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 2 249.72 «¬ 51 «¬ 51 .5 2 64 ¬ 2 « 251 605 252.26 896 ˍ ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 1242 252.23 2 5 5 52 263. 252. «¬ 838.026 249.44 ˍ ˍ ˍ ˍˍ 262. 5 249.72 9.5 24 0 «¬ 25 251 252 788 7.5 261 25 251 0.5 6.5 251 250.5 26 259.5 25 2 Notes: 62 5 2 0 . 5 1) LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) survey data collected November 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th, 261.5 249.5 2012 by Aero-Photo (1961) Inc. 2) Contours produced by Kawartha Conservation GIS staff using LiDAR and GTAFBS 2002 data. 3) Field Survey of structures by Kawartha Conservation, using RTK GPS. 4) Orthophotography (16cm) collected November 8th, 2012 .5 9 Aero-Photo Inc.
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