ISSN01126-7766 A publication of the Department of Science and Technology SCIENCE andand TECHNOLOGY VOL. XXIX No. 4 FOURTH QUARTER 2011 With PST, Filipino time is Juan time! www.stii.dost.gov.ph EDITORIAL SCIENCEand TECHNOLOGY Science, technology, and innovation in VOL. XXIX No. 4 the expanding Filipino society Editorial Board cience, technology, and innovation are a triumvirate known as the engines of growth. However, these engines only work their maximum when revved RAYMUND E. LIBORO S Publication Director up by people who seriously want to see this country running neck-to-neck with its neighbors in the economic highway. ARISTOTLE P. CARANDANG Executive Editor For this reason, the Department of Science and Technology has been exerting FRAMELIA V. ANONAS a great deal of effort to make Filipinos aware of and appreciate the role of Editor-in-Chief science in their daily life. Such may be an uphill battle but the visionary Science JAMES B. INTIA Secretary Mario G. Montejo ensures that no stone is left unturned in DOST’s Layout & Graphics staunch promotion and advocacy of initiatives that will bring about maximum socio-economic benefit to the expanding Filipino society. DOST MEDIA CORE Contributing Writers Noticeably, the Department’s priority programs, projects, and activities, and JOY M. LAZCANO the Secretary himself, have been prominent in all media: print, broadcast, and Editorial Assistant cyber. AUDIO-VISUAL UNIT Photography In its own small yet tangible way, the S&T Post finds it befitting to close the year by showcasing in this issue the DOST’s accomplishments in 2011 and its plans MARIA JUDITH L. SABLAN Proofreader and programs until 2016. VALIANT P. ROSALES This issue highlights DOST’s programs underpinned by Sec. Montejo’s five-point Circulation agenda that are anchored on the social contract of the President Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III. Such agenda include: DOST Solutions to Pressing National Problems; Developing Appropriate Technologies that Create Growth in the Countryside; Improving Industry Competitiveness; Use S&T to Enhance Government and Social Services; and Building Capacity in Emerging Technologies Leveraging on collective action using mutlisectoral approach to solve multifaceted The S&T Post is published situation, the DOST underscores the value of oneness, of working together as quarterly by the Science and a family with a common vision. Gladly, the Department is a Lone Ranger no Technology Information Institute- Department of Science and more in its drive to achieve national progress through S&T. It has strengthened Technology (STII-DOST) with its alliances and now works closely with other government offices, academic editorial office at DOST Compound, Gen. Santos Avenue, Bicutan, institutions, private organizations, and even some people’s and non-government Taguig City. organizations. Telefax: (02) 837-7520 Tel No.: (02) 837-2071 to 80 Moreover, the strength of this administration can be measured in its internal local 2148 effort to let everyone in the DOST system work cohesively towards a common Email: [email protected]; goal. With a solid core, the energy radiates to all its partners especially to the [email protected] general population where it has a social contract to fulfill – that is making science, technology, and innovation help in nation building. This is science working for the Like us on Facebook Filipinos. And we call this Filipinnovation! Science and Technology Information Institute (DOST) Science and Technology Information Institute-DOST (Library) Aristotle P. Carandang Ignite the Mind Expo Science 2011 DOST Starbooks WHAt’s INSIDE? OCT • NOV • DEC Fourth Quarter 2011 what’s new? 3 Research on emerging science now mapped out till 2018 3 4 DOST genomics program to focus on health,agriculture, and biodiversity Enriched juice helps improve kids’ nutrition what’s cool? 06 5 DOST-PTRI team gets 2011 PAGASA award 6 DOST-NRCP prez goes on air for int’l science confab 5 7 DOST to partner closely with health industry management sector 8 TRC, NABCOR to set up rice post-harvest facility in NE Technology differences do not hinder unified problem-solving, says science chief 9 NAST Academician gets top Southeast Asian 9 Scientist Award 10 IPO Phil boss urges more Davao inventions DOST news 11 DOST experts iron out tech transfer, intellectual property guidelines 12 One-stop shop of assistance to MSMEs eyed 14 S&T POST 1 3QTR.2011 WHAt’sWHAt’s INSIDE?INSIDE? 12 DOST experts iron out tech transfer, intellectual property guidelines 13 High cost in knowledge and technology hinders 23 innovation PCHRD GC approves new set of R&D projects feature 14 Natural dye industry in PH in living color special report 24 16 DOST 2011 and beyond: Science for the Filipinos agri news 23 Agri-econ experts eye opportunities amid challenges in PH agriculture 24 Panama disease can be managed – DOST 25 from the regions 25 Novel creations shine in Davao invention contest 26 Link up with businessmen, Ilonggo inventor tells colleagues 27 DOST awards winners in 2011 Bicol invention contest 27 28 DOST-Marinduque program, trainings, consultancy yield proud results 29 Romblon State U hosts DOST-PAGASA-ASTI Automated Weather Station 30 Bicol Consortium for Health R&D has new chair, CamSur projects 30 setup 31 Lolo Natomo’s metal touch is DOST’s touch 31 S&T POST 4QTR.2011 2 WHAt’s NEW? Research on emerging science now mapped out till 2018 cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. Also set in the pipeline are function- al and designer foods that can treat ailments, molecular marker studiers, deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA finger- printing, novel enzymes development, sustainable drug discovery, and bio- energy production, among others. Another important activity in the country will be the Human Genome Project which will provide important information on the Filipino identity. Stakeholders also cited the impor- tance of resource-sharing among DOST- assisted research institutions and hu- Sec. Mario Montejo addresses the stakeholders before the setting of the man resource development to achieve roadmaps on emerging science. the goals of genomics research in the next seven years. By FRAMELIA V. ANONAS In nanotechnology, research ac- S&T Media Service tivities will center on addressing the RESEARCHERS IN the country can now ing of living organisms and how they top ten problems of the world in the program their research activities in can be improved. In the country, ge- next 50 years, including energy, water, emerging science with the setting up of nomics R&D are commonly done in the food, environment, and poverty, among the sector’s research and development areas of agriculture, health, nutrition, others. roadmaps. Filipino ethnicity, nutrigenomics, bio- technology, biodiversity, and forensic. In the field of ICT and semicon- Led by the Department of Science ductors, nanotechnology research will and Technology’s Philippine Council for Meanwhile, nanotechnology, also be geared toward building core facili- Industry, Energy and Emerging Technol- called the “science of small,” involves ties for nanometrology, solar cell test- ogy (DOST-PCIEERD) last October, the the study of things at the atomic level. ing, and failure analysis. Also set in crafting of the R&D roadmaps involved At this level, there are properties and the pipeline are nanomaterial samples stakeholders in the fields of genomics functions not present in larger dimen- preparation, chemical analysis and im- and nanotechnology. sions but can be designed and con- aging, advanced materials, and high trolled at the nano level. Nanotechnol- resolution characterization. “One important thing that you ogy researches in the country are in should consider in crafting the roadmaps the areas of biotechnology, materials Nanotechnology studies with en- is the final outcome of the research ac- science, and information and communi- ergy applications will focus on device tivity,” Sec. Mario Montejo advised the cations technology. structures, bulk heterojunction type stakeholders during the workshop. “In solar cells, water-splitting photovoltaic the end, the final product that comes In the field of health genomics, system, and hydrogen fuel cells. from research should uplift the lives of R&D will focus more on the develop- the Filipino people.” ment of diagnostic kits for commonly- The stakeholders in this field encountered diseases. This effort leads also laid out plans to develop human Genomics refers to the study of ge- to a “Filipinized personal medicine” resources, linkages, and marketing nomes, or the complete set of genetic that addresses unique conditions of schemes of potential technologies to material of organisms. Getting down to Filipinos in infectious, lifestyle, and the industry. gene level leads to a better understand- S&T POST 3 4QTR.2011 WHAt’sWHAt’s NEW?COOL? DOST genomics program to focus on health, agriculture, and biodiversity By LUISA LUMIOAN S&T Media Service, STII DEPARTMENT OF Science and Technology searches on diseases such as dengue, nomics initiative in a developing coun- Secretary Mario G. Montejo, in his TB, AH1N1, cancer, cardiovascular dis- try, however, is no easy task. It requires address during the launching of the eases and diabetes and genomic studies a critical mass of scientists and experts Philippine Genomics Center in Shangri- on endemic crops, staples, bio-products to develop a sustainable program, and la Hotel Makati City, last November fisheries and livestock to significantly appropriate resources to support the 28, 2011, said that DOST will focus enhance agricultural
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