A SERPENT KINGDOMS WEB ENHANCEMENT Saurials More Lizardkin for Serpent Kingdoms Description Several saurial subraces exist, although only four—namely blade- he new Serpent Kingdoms book for use with the FOR- backs, finheads, flyers, and hornheads—are known to dwell in the TGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting provides a wealth world of Toril. Hornheads are as large as ogres and flyers are as of history and game information on several races of small as halflings, but the other two subraces are similar to humans serpentfolk and lizardkin. Now designer Darrin Drader updates and in height and weight. expands the information about another lizard race known as the sauri- All saurials are generally humanoid in shape. Each has two arms als. These creatures were previously described for D&D v.3.0 in an that end in clawed hands, two legs, and a lizardlike tail. A member article by Sean K Reynolds in Dragon Magazine 292. of the flyer subrace also has two “wings”—actually flaps of skin that extend from its wrists to its waist that allow it to fly. The scales that cover a saurial’s body are primarily green, with patterns of yellow on its back. Very rarely, a pure white saurial is hatched, but this col- Overview oration carries no stigma, and the event is not considered an omen. Somewhere near the Dalelands, in a hidden place known as the Lost Vale, lies a colony of intelligent reptilian humanoids said to hail from another world. These creatures, known as saurials, were Racial History stranded in Faerûn by the actions of an evil deity. More intelligent than lizardfolk and inclined to be peaceful and civilized, the saurials The saurials of Faerûn are community-minded creatures that were have maintained a thriving community in near-complete isolation kidnapped from their home on an alternate Material Plane by the for nearly fifteen years. Tales of these so-called dragonfolk pervade imprisoned deity Moander and transported to the Lost Vale. There many cultures, but few humans have actually seen them. they worked as slaves, corrupting and destroying the plants and Additional Credits Design: Darrin Drader and Sean K Reynolds RPGA and d20 logo are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All Editing: Penny Williams Wizards characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof Typesetting: Nancy Walker are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This material is Design Manager: Christopher Perkins protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained Web Production: Julia Martin herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of Web Development: Mark A. Jindra the Coast, Inc. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual Graphic Design: Cynthia Fliege, Dee Barnett people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental. This Wizards of the Coast game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® game by E. Gary Gygax and this work may be reproduced in any form without written permission. To Dave Arneson and on the new edition of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 System License, designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, please visit www.wizards.com/d20. and Peter Adkison. ©2004 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All rights reserved. Made in the U.S.A. D&D, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, FORGOTTEN REALMS, and DUNGEON MASTER are registered trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The Visit our website at www.wizards.com/forgottenrealms 1 A Serpent Kingdoms Web Enhancement Whatever their sources, these two factors ensure that as a race, saurials favor good over evil. Lawful saurials tend to be exceedingly protective, while chaotic ones tend to be more aggressive. All, how- ever, favor open discussion of how good aims should be achieved and maintain that personal freedoms should share space with the will of the majority. Saurial leaders are usually wise individuals who employ good judgment to achieve these ideals. Saurial Society The saurials of Faerûn have banded together into a group known as the Lost Vale Tribe, which originally consisted of 110 adult sauri- als—primarily because Moander made a point of slaying the tribe’s young. In the years since their release, the saurials have produced many new hatchlings, and the tribe now numbers 485 individuals, 104 of which are original members. The leader of the Lost Vale Tribe is Grypht (NG hornhead saurial wizard 15), who has three apprentices (NG saurial wizard 3). The spiritual leaders of the com- munity are Sweetleaf (NG bladeback saurial cleric 9 of Chauntea), Copperbloom (CG finhead saurial cleric 5 of Finder Wyvernspur), and their eight acolytes (NG or CG saurial cleric 2 of Chauntea or Finder Wyvernspur). In a typical saurial village, each member of the tribe learns a skill creatures of that region to facilitate Moander’s return to full deity that suits him, such as blacksmithing, weaving, farming, hunting, status. The saurials finally gained their freedom with the aid of a carpentry, masonry, or the like. Saurials prefer to build single- former Harper named Finder Wyvernspur (who slew Moander and family stone dwellings, although they have been known to live in absorbed his divine energy, thereby ascending to godhood himself), thatched huts if material or time is in short supply. a saurial paladin known as Dragonbait, and a female adventurer A saurial village usually incorporates more than one subrace, and named Alias. Elminster suggested that the saurials remain in the its members treat each other as equals and value one another’s Lost Vale and work to repair the damage they had caused, and they unique contributions to the community. The different subraces have done so, using this time to recover physically and spiritually cannot crossbreed, so the members of a given saurial household are from the harsh treatment they endured as slaves. normally all the same subrace. Finheads are the most common saurials. Bladebacks and horn- heads require more food than the other subraces, so they deliberately keep their numbers low to avoid depleting the village’s resources. Outlook Saurials are generally peaceful and contemplative creatures. Language Although they are trying to expand their numbers to ensure the Saurials speak Draconic, punctuating their speech with scents that race’s survival, they have no desire to conquer new lands or to influ- indicate their emotions. Their voices are pitched too high for ence the world around them. Though they are not particularly xeno- humanoids to hear, but those who can detect the scents and under- phobic, they tend strongly toward isolationism. Many young stand their meaning can gain a general understanding of a given saurials, however, are curious about the world beyond their village, saurial’s mood. The emotions corresponding to the stronger scent and as those hatched in the Lost Vale reach adulthood, some may cues are given on the following table. choose to explore the world around them. Some of these youngsters are likely to fall in with adventurers, since their strong community Scent Emotion ties make traveling alone uncomfortable for them—especially if Baked bread Anger they haven’t honed their language skills enough to communicate Brimstone Confusion easily with other races. Ham Nervousness or worry Saurials get along well with other open-minded creatures, partic- Honeysuckle Tenderness ularly those that respect nature. Since they have remained isolated Lemons Pleasure or joy from the other communities in the Dales, visiting saurials are likely Roses Sadness to react with surprise at the many shapes and colors of other Tar Victory humanoids. A saurial’s initial impression of a stranger is likely to Violets Danger or fear color her perception of the individual’s race as a whole. Wood smoke Devotion or piety Saurials are generally good-natured, and each seems to know from a very young age what role she will play in her own community. At Dragons and fey can hear saurials perfectly (although fey don’t nec- the same time, however, all saurials support the right of an individ- essarily understand Draconic), and they generally understand the ual to seek out and learn whatever she wishes wherever she can. scent cues whether or not they can follow the vocal content of the Some sages speculate that this attitude may be a form of rebellion message. Saurials can understand other creatures that speak Dra- against the slavery that the saurials once endured under Moander. conic, although their speech tends to seem dull and tired without the 2 A Serpent Kingdoms Web Enhancement proper scent cues. Saurials can learn to speak languages (including Draconic) normally with study, although few bother to do so. Saurial Traits Because of the difficulty of speaking the “deep tongues,” saurials can All of the saurial subraces share the following traits. For other understand the bonus languages they select but cannot actually information specific to each subrace, see the monster statistics in the speak them unless they devote skill points to learning them. Appendix. Saurials make written records by carving lines on sticks. Nor- Cold Torpor (Ex): Saurials are warm-blooded creatures, but they mally, however, written communication is used only for magical retain heat poorly in cold environments. Thus, a saurial takes a –5 writing or to record important events. penalty on Fortitude saving throws made to avoid nonlethal damage from cold environments, and it takes double the normal amount of nonlethal damage for failing such a saving throw. In cooler climates, saurials can easily die from exposure in an Relationships environment that a human would find merely uncomfortable.
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