THE PARISH REGISTERS OF MORESTEAD HAMPSHIRE 1549 to 1920 MORESTEAD BAPTISMS 1549 TO 1920 Transcribed from microfiche and a transcription made by D Pierce. The transcription made by D Pierce for the period 1549 to 1980 have been used with his permission and checked against the transcriptions made by BMS from 1813 to 198 and where differences have arisen these have been considered and action taken. Data examined and input onto a computer data base by B M Sullivan ACMA Telephone 01425 655827 Data only checked by Author Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document by the examination of the micro film copy of the original document held by Hampshire Archives and Local Studies, Hampshire Record Office at Winchester the Author cannot be held responsible for any errors. If you wish to use the information provided you should always check back to the copies of the original documents held on microfiche at Hampshire Record Office, Winchester. The Author would be pleased if you could notify him of any errors in this document. Acknowledgement:- HAMPSHIRE ARCHIVES AND LOCAL STUDIES, HAMPSHIRE RECORD OFFICE, Winchester, SO23 8TH. Completed May 2009 Son (S) or Page Entry When Dau Fathers Christian Mother's Christian By whom the Ceremony Number Number Baptised Year (D) Child's Christian Name Name Name Surname Abode Father's Occupation Remarks was performed Parish 1 30.11.1549 1549 S Garrett Charker Morestead 1 00.04.1552 1552 S Phillip Charker Morestead 1 00.08.1552 1552 S Christian Hooker Morestead 1 09.03.1554 1554 D Joane Charker Morestead 1 10.05.1557 1557 D Constance Charker Morestead 1 05.12.1558 1558 S Thomas Hooker Morestead 1 02.04.1560? 1560 D Agnes Charker Morestead 1 07.03.1560? 1560 D Ann Charker Morestead 1 02.06.1560 1560 D Agnes Hooker Morestead 1 05.11.1563 1563 S Christopher Hooker Morestead 1 20.11.1563 1563 D Elizabeth Hooker Morestead 1 02.05.1566 1566 S Richard Hooker Morestead 1 30.10.1569 1569 D Joane Hooker Morestead 1 18.10.1578 1578 S John Bensted Morestead 1 02.02.1578 1579 D Mary Philip Floude Morestead 1 11.06.1579 1579 D Joane Thomas Hayward Morestead 1 26.09.1580 1580 D Julian Thomas Hayward Morestead 1 00.04.1581 1581 S John William Constidue? Morestead 1 00.04.1582 1582 D Mary Mary Cosen Morestead 1 00.08.1581 1581 S John William Poole Morestead 1 17.09.1581 1581 D Elizabeth Custance Swaining a bastard Morestead 1 14.11.1582 1582 S Richard John Colebrooke Morestead 1 19.01.1583 1584 D Mary Mary Cosen Morestead 1 21.08.1585 1585 S Henry Francis Benerole? Morestead 1 03.05.1586 1586 D Mary Henry Constidue? Morestead 1 00.05.1586? 1586? D? John Henry Cosen daughter recorded in error Morestead 1 17.06.1587 1587 D Jane Francis Benerole Keeper of Longwood Morestead 1 27.11.1588 1588 D Mary Francis Benerole Morestead 1 00.00.1589 1589 S Richard William Considue Morestead 1 00.12.1590 1590 D Mary William Pazell Morestead 1 20.05.1589 1589 D Mary Henry Cosen Morestead 1 05.04.1591 1591 S John Richard Hooker Morestead 1 07.11.1591 1591 S Henry Thomas Croucher Morestead 1 06.01.1592 1593 D Heline William Considue Morestead 1 11.08.1594 1594 D Mary Richard Hooker Morestead 1 22.04.1595 1595 S Nicholas John Bensted Morestead 1 22.04.1595 1595 D Olive John Bensted Morestead 1 04.01.1595 1596 D Joane Thomas Hooker Morestead 1 14.03.1595 1596 S Henry Richard Hooker Morestead 1 10.04.1596 1596 S Thomas Henry Cosen Morestead 1 14.03.1597 1598 S Rudelph Richard Hooker Morestead - 1 of 12 - 1 02.08.1598 1598 S Thomas Ralph Smith reputed son of Morestead 1 00.00.1598? 1598? D Barbarah Thomas Hooker Morestead 1 06.09.1599 1599 S Thomas Thomas Kirby Morestead 1 13.06.1600 1601 S Edmund Richard Hooker Morestead 1 21.09.1600? 1600? D Elizabeth Thomas Hooker Morestead 1 02.01.160? 1600? D Alice Thomas Kerby Morestead 1 26.04.1603 1603 D Margarett Thomas Hooker Morestead 1 19.09.1603 1603 S Henry Willi Elcocke Shepherd reputed son of Morestead 1 29.12.1605 1605 S Thomas Thomas Hooker Morestead 1 08.09.1605 1605 S Henry Henry Edwards Farmer at Babridge Morestead 1 22.11.1607 1607 S John William Shoryer Morestead 1 13.03.1607 1608 S John John Harwood Morestead 1 02.10.1608 1608 D Mary Thomas Hooker Morestead 1 28.01.1609 1610 S William William Shoryer Morestead 1 04.02.1609 1610 D Dorothy John Harwood Morestead 1 07.04.1611 1611 D Alice John Harwood Morestead 1 12.06.1611 1611 D Joane Jane Chose a bastard Morestead 1 22.12.1611 1611 S John John Cosen Morestead 1 13.09.1612 1612 D Jane Thomas Hooker Morestead 1 27.09.1612 1612 S Symon Simon Joyner Shepherd reputed son of Morestead 2 16.04.1615 1615 S Richard Richard Condsidue Morestead 2 24.03.1615 1616 D Susanna John Hooker Morestead 2 16.06.1616 1616 S William John Harwood Morestead 2 09.07.1616 1616 S Henry Henry Hooker Morestead 2 08.10.1620 1620 D Margarett John Harwood Morestead 2 09.09.1622 1622 D Barbarah Stephen Penford Morestead 2 06.10.1622 1622 D Anna Henry Croppe of the lodge Morestead 2 06.01.1623 162? S Richard John Harwood Morestead 2 30.01.1623 162? D Anne Henry Croppe Morestead 2 15.12.1625 1625 S Thomas Thomas Bulbeck Morestead 2 17.07.1626 1626 S Henry Henry Croppe Morestead 2 25.09.1627 1627 D Mary Robert Hellier Morestead 2 02.04.1629 1629 S Robert Robertt Hellier Morestead 2 06.01.1629 1630 D Jane John Hooker Morestead 2 17.10.1630 1630 S Thomas Thomas Bulbeck Morestead 2 30.07.1631 1631 S Thomas Robertt Hellier Morestead 2 00.00.1631 1631 D Barbara Thomas Bulbeck Morestead 2 11.08.1636 1636 D Jane Osmund Meriweather Morestead 2 21.08.1636 1636 D Ignes Robert Hellier Morestead 2 24.03.1638 1638 D Barbara Osmund Meriweather Morestead 2 05.07.1641 1641 D Mary Osmund Meriweather Morestead 2 05.03.1642 1643 D Ann Richard Hooker Morestead 2 14.04.1643 1643 S Richard Richard Wilkens Morestead 2 00.00.1644 1644 D Barbara Phillip Wi??y Morestead 2 10.10.1646 1646 S Robertt Robertt Pincke Morestead 2 06.04.1648? 1648? D Elizabeth Robertt Pincke Morestead ye supposed son of Robert 2 21.09.1649 1649 S Matthew Elizabeth Warner Glasspoole Morestead 2 04.04.1852 1652 S William Thomas Heath Morestead 2 15.11.1853 1653 S Thomas Robertt Francis Glaspoole Morestead 2 19.02.1653 1654 D Dorothy Thomas Elizabeth Heath Morestead 2 12.04.1656 1656 S William Robertt Glaspoole Morestead 2 09.05.1655 1655 S Francis Thomas Elizabeth Heath Morestead 2 00.08.1657 1657 S Thomas John Emlin Over Morestead NOTE - Here the handwriting changes and there is a gap of 2 00.00.1657 1657 eleven years Morestead 2 13.09.1688 1688 D Joan Nicholas Ellen Nash Morestead 2 27.10.1688 1688 D Anne Robert Elizabeth Smith Morestead 2 24.05.1671 1671 S Thomas Thomas Jone Hooker Morestead 2 14.01.1672 1673 S Richard Thomas Joan Hooker Morestead 2 17.03.1672 1673 S Robert Robert Ann Windwer Glasspoole Windwer or Glasspoole Morestead 2 17.03.1672 1673 S Robert Robert Glasspoole Ann Windwer Glasspoole or Windwer Morestead 2 29.11.1677 1677 S John William Christian Heath Morestead 2 02.02.1680 1681 S Robert William Christian Heath Morestead 2 24.11.1682 1682 S William William Christian Heath Morestead 2 01.04.1686 1686 S John John Faith Complin Morestead 2 06.06.1689 1689 S Richard Richard Lucy Wheatland was born May 8th Morestead 2 08.07.1692 1692 D Elizabeth William Elizabeth Buxey Morestead 2 13.05.1694 1694 D Elizabeth John Dorothy Coleson Morestead 2 7 24.07.1698 1698 D Susanna Thomas Susanna Mansbridge Morestead - 2 of 12 - 2 7 26.01.1700 1701 D Anne Thomas Susanna Mansbridge Labourer was born January 24 Morestead 2 8 25.02.1701 1702 D Mary Will(iam) Mary Bucksey Morestead Warrener born 21 Feb - Bucksey junior Morestead 2 30.05.1702 1702 S William Richard Dorothy Wilkinson Labourer born and baptised Morestead 2 30.06.1703 1703 S William William Bucksey Warrener Bucksey junior Morestead 2 03.03.1703 1704 S Thomas Thomas Susanna Mansbridge Labourer Morestead 2 20.08.1704 1704 S Lewis Lewis Mary Marsh Labourer Morestead 3 05.10.1704 1704 S John Peter Mary Burges Farmer born September 16 Morestead 3 11.11.1705 1705 D Elizabeth Thomas Susanna Mansbridge born 10th November Morestead 3 23.02.1706 1707 S John Lewis Mary Marsh Labourer Morestead 3 27.12.1707 1707 D Jane Thomas Susanna Mansbridge Labourer Morestead 3 16.02.1707 1708 D Elizabeth William Mary Bucksey Warrener OTP Bucksey junior Morestead 3 02.04.1710 1710 D Mary Thomas Susanna Mansbridge Morestead 3 28.11.1711 1711 D Hannah William Mary Bucksey Morestead Warrener Bucksey junior Morestead 3 09.03.1711 1712 D Frances Francis Elizabeth Cate Labourer Morestead 3 9 01.02.1712 1713 D Sarah John Sarah Over Morestead 3 21.04.1714 1714 S William Francis Elizabeth Caught born 21 March Morestead 3 28.10.1716 1716 S Richard Franscis Elizabeth Caught Morestead 3 30.06.1717 1717 S Richard John Mary Over Morestead 3 06.07.1718 1718 D Sarah Thomas Susanne Mansbridge Labourer Morestead 3 19.10.1718 1718 S Henry Franscis Elizabeth Caught Morestead 3 02.08.1719 1719 S Richard Richard Elizabeth Light Morestead 3 10.03.1719 1720 S Robert John Elizabeth Complin Morestead 3 24.07.1720 1720 D Susannah John Susanna Rucksey Morestead 3 07.05.1721 1721 D Ann John Mary Over Morestead 3 27.08.1721 1721 S Samuel Francis Elizabeth Caught Morestead 3 07.01.1721 1722 D Elizabeth John Susannah Bucksey Morestead 3 08.02.1721 1722 D Mary John Elizabeth Complin Morestead 3 05.04.1722 1722 D Ann Richard Elizabeth Light Morestead 3 13.06.1723 1723 S John John Susannah Bucksey Morestead 3 06.10.1723 1723 S Charles Fransis Elizabeth Caught Morestead 3 07.11.1723 1723 D Betty Peter Ann Trodd Morestead 3 30.03.1723 1724 S William John Elizabeth Complin Morestead begotten
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