July 1997 Number 2 JOURNAL of The Helminthological of Washington W A semiannual Journal of research devoted to Helminthology and all branches of Parasitology , Supported in part by the Brayton H. Ransom Memorial Trust Fund , ^ CONTENTS MARGOLIS, L., J. M. GROFF, S. C. JOHNSON, T. E. MCDONALD, M. L. KENT, ANDR. B. BLAYLOCK. Helminth Parasites x>f Sea Otters (Enhydra lutris) from Prince Wil- - Ham SoundrAlaska: Comparisons with Other Populations of Sea Otters and Com- ments^on the Origin of Their Parasites . L_, '\6\j BARTOLI, P. AND J. C. HOLMES. A Transmission Study of Two Sympatric Digeneans: Spatial Constraints and Solutions . _.„___._: 169 FEDYNIGH, A. M., D.-B. PENCE, AND J. F. BERGAN. Helminth Community Structure and Pattern in Sympatric Populations of Double-Crested and Neotropic Cor-_ morants __.__ * Ul_l ^ r __.___^ 176 DEMAREE, R. S., JR., R. L. CRITCHFIELD, AND S. P. TINLING. Oschmarinella mdcrorchis sp. n. (Digeriea: Gampulidae) from the Liver Sinuses of a Beaked Whale, Meso- - plodon stejriegeri (Cetacea: Ziphiidae) „. .______^ . 183 DYER, W. G., L. BUNKLEY-WILLIAMS, AND E. H. WILLIAMS, JR. - Parasites of the Dol- - phinfish (Corypiiaena hippurus) in Puerto'Rico ] ^..^ '.__ 188 "SALGADO-MALDONADQ, G., R. PINEDA-LOPEZ, V. M. VIDAL-MARTINEZ, AND C. R. KEN- NEDY. A Checklist of Metazoan Parasitesof CichHd Fish from Mexico '_ ^ 195 KRITSKY, D. C., W. A. BOEGER, AND M. JEGU. Neotropical Monogenoidea. 30. An- cyrbcephalinae (Dactylogyridae) of Piranha and Their Relatives (Teleostei, Ser- rasalmidae) from Brazil: Species of Calpidothecium 'gen. n., Calpidothecioides ,gen. n., Odothecium gen. n., and Notothecioides gen. n. ^ ., , ^.__^_ 208 BROUDER.jM. J. AND T. L. HoFFNAGLE. Distribution and Prevalence of the Asian Fish • Tapeworm, Bothriocephalus acheilognathi,in the Colorado River and Tributaries, Grand Canyon, Arizona, Including Two New Host Records __^^ _l_i_ . 219 RiGBYv M. C. AND W. F. FONT. Redescription and Range Extension of Spirocamal- lanus istiblenni Noble, 1966 (Nematoda: Camallanidae) from Coral Reef Fishes in the Pacific _i_ 1^. ._ '. __A__^_~ 227 .(Continued on Outside Back Cover), - _' Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington - THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON THE SOCIETY meets in October, November, February, April and May "for the presentation and discussion of papers in any and all branches of parasitplogy or related sciences. All interested persons are invited to attend. >«•— Persons interested in membership in the Helminthological Society of Washington may obtain ap- plication blanks in recent issues of THE-JOURNAL. A year's subscription to the Journal is included in the annual dues of $25.00 domestic and $28^00 foreign. The HelmSoc internet home page is located at -http://www.gettysburg.edu/~shendrix/helmsoc;html OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY FOR 1997 President: ELLEN ANDERSEN , Vice President: ERIC P. HOBERG Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer: HARLEY G. SHEFFIELD ' ,-.. Recording Secretary: W. PATRICK CARNEY Archivist/Librarian: PATRICIA A. PILOT ,... Custodian of Back Issues: J. RALPH LICHTENFELS Representative to the American Society of Parasitologists: ERIC P. HOBERG Executive Committee Members-at-Large: WILLIAM P. WERGIN, 1997 WILLIS A. REID, JR., 1997 KEVIN BAIRD, 1998 JOHN H. CROSS, 1998 Immediate Past President: SUSAN FRICKE-MEYER ., .. .__ "- ~- r-; .,._ -<'' l — /' ~~" V '',-'—• . - . ^ THE JOURNAL OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON THE JOURNAL is published semiannually at Lawrence, Kansas by the Helminthological Society of Washington. Papers need not be .presented at a meeting to be published in the Journal. MANUSCRIPTS should te sent to the EDITOR, Sherman S. Hendrix, Department of Biology, Gettysburg College, Gettysburg,-PA 17325. email: shendrix@cc,gettysburg.edu. Manuscripts must be typewritten, double spaced, and in finished form. Consult recent issues of the Journal for format and -style. The original and two copies are required. 'Photocopies of drawings may be submitted for review purposes but glossy prints of (halftones are required; originals will be requested after acceptance of the manuscript. Papers are accepted with the;understanding that they will be published only in;the Journal. REPRINTS may be ordered from the PRINTER at the same time the corrected proof is:returned to the,EDITOR. : AUTHORS' CONTRIBUTIONS to publication costs (currently.$50/pg for members, $100 for non- members) will be billed by Allen Press and are payable to the SOCIETY. BACK VOLUMES of the Journal are available. Inquiries concerning back volumes and current subscriptions should be directed to the business office. BUSINESS OFFICE. The Society's business office is at Lawrence, Kansas. All inquiries concerning subscriptions or back issues and all payments for dues, subscriptions, and back issues should be addressed to: Helminthological Society of Washington, % Allen Press, Jjic., '1041 New Hampshire St., Lawrence, Kansas 66044, U.S.A. EDITORIAL BOARD SHERMAN S. HENDRIX, Editor 1997 1998 _ 1999 FLOY C. ANDERSON DANIEL R. BROOKS -JOHNM. AHO RALPH P. ECKERLIN ERIC :P. HOBERG DWIGHTD. BOWMAN ^ RONALD PAYER ROBIN M. OVERSTREET WILLIAM F. FONT A. MORGAN GOLDEN MARY H. PRITCHARD JOHN C. HOLMES ROBIN N. HUETTEL ROBERT L, RAUSCH J. RALPH LICHTENFELS FUAD M. NAHHAS HARLEY G. SHEFFIELD JOHN S. MACKIEWICZ DANNY B. PENCE DENNIS A. THONEY BRENT B. NICKOL JOSEPH E URBAN! STEVEJ. UPTON VASSILIOS THEODORIDES © The Helminthological Society of Washington 1997 . /ISSN 1049-233X This paper meets the requirements of ANSl/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington J. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 64(2), 1997 pp. 161-168 Helminth Parasites of Sea Otters (Enhydra lutris} from Prince William Sound, Alaska: Comparisons with Other Populations of Sea Otters and Comments on the Origin of Their Parasites L. MARGOLIS,1'5 J. M. GROFF,2 S. C. JOHNSON,1-3 T. E. MCDONALD,1 M. L. KENT,1 AND R. B. BLAYLOCK1'4 1 Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada V9R 5K6 (e-mail T.E.M.:mcdonald+@pbs.dfo.ca; e-mail M.L.K.:[email protected]) and 2 Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis, California 95616 (e-mail: Joseph [email protected]) ABSTRACT: The helminths found in the gastrointestinal tracts and gallbladders of 68 sea otters (Enhydra lutris) from Prince William Sound, Alaska, and their prevalences were: Corynosoma enhydri (Acanthocephala), intes- tine, 51.5%; Orthosplanchnus fraterculus (Trematoda), gallbladder, 50%; Diplogonoporus tetrapterus (Cestoda), intestine, 12%; and Pseudoterranova decipiens (Nematoda), stomach, 1.5%. One pup examined was free of helminth parasites. Throughout its range from the Kuril and Komandorski islands in Russia, across the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, and south to California, the sea otter harbors a total of 17 or 18 species of helminths, of which 5 or 6 are incidental infections with larval (2 species of Anisakis) or juvenile worms (3 or 4 species of Poly- morphus). The adult worms of sea otters (12 species) are derived primarily (9 species) from pinnipeds. One species, Microphallus pirum (Trematoda), found widely in sea otters from the Komandorski Islands to California, may be primarily a parasite of various shorebirds. Only one species, C. enhydri, is uniquely a parasite of sea otters, occurring throughout its range at prevalences greater than 50%. California populations of sea otters harbor only M. pirum, C. enhydri, and Polymorphus species, lacking any species known to be transmitted by fish; the diet of these sea otters consists almost entirely of invertebrates. Northern sea otter populations from Russia and Alaska have a more varied diet and are hosts for at least 5 fish-transmitted parasites. Among the commonly occurring parasites, the most striking difference between Russian and Alaskan populations of sea otters is the absence of O. fraterculus from Russian populations and its frequent occurrence in Alaskan populations. KEY WORDS: parasites, helminths, Orthosplanchnus fraterculus, Diplogonoporus tetrapterus, Pseudoterra- nova decipiens, Corynosoma enhydri, sea otters, Enhydra lutris, Alaska, North Pacific Ocean, zoogeography. In spring 1989, a major oil spill in Prince Wil- Materials and Methods liam Sound, Alaska, caused by the grounding of Data on helminth parasites were recorded from 69 the T/V Exxon Valdez, resulted in substantial sea otters (37 9: 27 adults, 7 juveniles, 3 undetermined mortalities among the sea otter (Enhydra lutris) maturity; 26 6*: 12 adults, 8 juveniles, 6 undetermined population. More than 1,000 dead sea otters maturity; 1 pup; 6 undetermined sex: 3 adults, 3 un- were recovered during rescue operations in determined maturity). Fifty-nine of these animals were Prince William Sound and neighboring coastal collected live and necropsied either immediately fol- areas (Bayha and Kormendy, 1990). We report lowing death or euthanasia (usually within 1 to 6 days, rarely up to 10 days), or they were refrigerated and on the helminth parasites collected from some examined within several (maximum 6 to 8) hours after of the necropsied animals and compare the find- death. The remaining 10 otters were dead upon collec- ings with previous reports on helminth parasites tion, but appeared sufficiently fresh to yield valid par- of sea otters from North American and Asian asite prevalence data. .Stomach, intestine, and gallblad- populations. We conclude with a discussion of der were examined
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