4343 yearsyears ofof coveringcovering SouthSouth BeltBelt Voice of Community-Minded People since 1976 Thursday, May 23, 2019 Email: [email protected] www.southbeltleader.com Vol. 44, No. 17 Holiday schedules set South Belt-Ellington Leader The South Belt-Ellington Leader offi ce will Judge rules Proposition B unconstitutional be closed Monday, May 27, in observance of Memorial Day, and will reopen Tuesday, May By James Bolen together,” Turner said. wants.” against you very soon. If you are a donor, you 28, at 9 a.m. For emergencies, contact Leader A state judge ruled Wednesday, May 15, that The mayor said he still intends to give fi refi ght- Gamaldi is hopeful the two sides will come to- might want to invest in someone else. If you do publisher Marie Flickinger at 281-948-2714. the city’s Proposition B is unconstitutional and ers a pay increase of some sort. gether and reach an agreement. business with the city and you are a Turner cam- Clear Brook City MUD void in its entirety. “(Firefi ghters) are deserving of a pay raise that “Hopefully, the fi re union will sit down with paign donor, get ready to be turned out. Change is The Clear Brook City Municipal Utility Dis- The measure, approved by Houston voters this the city can afford,” Turner said, noting his initial the mayor and work out a reasonable pay raise, coming.” trict offi ce will be closed Monday, May 27, in past November, required that the city’s fi refi ght- offer of a 9.5 percent pay raise is still on the ta- one that doesn’t bankrupt the city but also brings King’s statement shared a similar tone. observance of Memorial Day. The offi ce will re- ers be paid the same as their police counterparts. ble. “I do look forward to sitting down and talking them in line with their market counterparts,” “Sylvester Turner’s continued attempts to over- open on Tuesday, May 28, at 8 a.m. For conve- The proposition had proven to be controversial with them about what would be an acceptable pay Gamaldi said. turn the will of the voters is an affront to democra- nience, payments may be left in the drop box at because Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner said its raise within the confi nes of the city’s fi nancial ca- Mayor candidates Tony Buzbee and Bill King, cy,” King said. “No elected offi cial should thumb the drive-thru window. implementation would require hundreds of mu- pability.” both of whom are challenging Turner this Novem- their nose at the voters. Today’s ruling is hardly Clear Brook City MUD residents whose trash nicipal layoffs. According to Turner, implement- Marty Lancton, president of the Houston Pro- ber, each released a statement, decrying the deci- a fi nal resolution of the issue. It assures the city service falls on Monday will have regular trash ing the fi refi ghter raises mandated by Proposition fessional Fire Fighters Association, released a sion. and its fi rst responders will continue to be locked service pickup Memorial Day, May 27. All trash B would cost the city approximately $80 million a statement saying the union will appeal the ruling. “The smugness with which the mayor an- in litigation for years, which will cost millions of should be placed curbside no later than 7 a.m. year. “The court’s Prop B ruling is a disappointment, nounced the court’s ruling further reinforced my taxpayer dollars, continue to sap morale and di- Residents missing this trash pickup date will Those layoffs have now been placed on hold. but our fi ght for what’s right is far from over,” belief that he has a personal vendetta against vide this city. Sylvester Turner has been negoti- be serviced Thursday, May 30. Residents with The judge’s ruling revokes Proposition B, mean- Lancton said. “Two courts have ruled on the con- Houston’s fi refi ghters,” Buzbee said. “He thinks ating in bad faith with the fi refi ghters from day Tuesday/Friday service will not be affected. ing the city no longer plans to lay off 220 fi re- stitutionality of Prop B – one for, one against. We he has won the battle, but the truth is he has lost one. Had he simply agreed to binding arbitration fi ghters, 67 fi re cadets and 47 municipal workers certainly will appeal this ruling.” the war. The fi refi ghters will ultimately get the in the summer of 2017, all of this would have been CBC sewer work underway to cover the costs of paying remaining fi refi ghters Joe Gamaldi, president of the Houston Police raise we all voted for, one way or the other. We avoided. His handling of the fi refi ghter pay dis- Clear Brook City Municipal Utility Dis- 29 percent more on average. Offi cers Union, one of the parties involved in the will not allow this mayor to use taxpayer money pute is the epitome of failed leadership.” trict is working on the sanitary sewer rehabili- In her ruling, Harris County District Court Proposition B lawsuit, also weighed in on the rul- to pay his former law fi rm to use legal tricks to The Houston Professional Fire Fighters Asso- tation project in Sageglen, Highland Meadow Judge Tanya Garrison said the proposition violat- ing, agreeing with Turner that it’s now time to defy the will of the voters. If you are a politician ciation has appealed Garrison’s ruling. An appel- and Wood Meadow I and II subdivisions. CBC- ed the collective bargaining provisions of the state move forward. in this town and you are supporting this mayor, late decision could take as long as a year to hand MUD residents should be aware that the phone constitution. “This gives us all an opportunity to put this you best jump ship. Your photo ops will be used down. numbers for the contractor on last month’s notifi - Turner issued a statement praising the decision. unfortunate, yet avoidable, chapter in Houston’s cation insert were incorrect. The correct number “This is a tremendous positive ruling for the history behind us,” Gamaldi said. “We have an to contact Nerie Construction is 281-996-5551. city as a whole, for keeping the city on solid fi - opportunity to stop the costly lawsuits, stop the The fax number is 346-319-5172. District res- nancial footing and moving the city forward and litigation, stop the rhetoric and work out a deal Local graduations scheduled idents may call the MUD directly at 281-484- quite frankly, it is my hope, pulling the city back because ultimately that is what our community Multiple local high school graduation ceremo- Memorial Stadium for graduation. Arrive on cam- 1562. The district apologizes for any inconve- nies are scheduled to take place this coming week. pus by 4 p.m. nience this may have caused. Pasadena ISD For guests that may be heat sensitive, the cer- Dobie emony will be broadcast live in the Clear Creek Gulf Freeway closures set Judge Dobie High School will hold its graduation cer- High School Auditorium. As an added convenience There will be a total closure of the northbound emony Wednesday, May 29, at NRG Stadium, be- for out of town guests, the ceremony will be broad- frontage road of the Gulf Freeway from NASA ginning at 7:30 p.m. cast live on the district website www.ccisd.net. Road 1 to FM 518 through 5 a.m. Sunday, June Delgado South Houston To ease traffi c fl ow, beginning at 5:30 p.m., 30. At least one northbound and one southbound South Houston High School will hold its gradu- “Park and Ride” will be available for parents and main lane and frontage road lane on the Gulf ation ceremony Thursday, May 30, at NRG Stadi- guests at Goforth Elementary, League City Inter- Freeway from NASA Bypass/NASA Road 1 to addresses um, beginning at 1 p.m. mediate and Clear Springs High School. Every ten SH 96/League City Parkway will be closed daily Pasadena Memorial minutes, buses will transport guests to and from the from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and nightly from 9 p.m. to San Jac Pasadena Memorial High School will hold its graduation site at the Veterans Memorial Stadium. 5 a.m. through Tuesday, Dec. 31. Alternate en- graduation ceremony Thursday, May 30, at NRG Attendees will park vehicles and walk to the bus trance and exit ramps will be closed. Stadium, beginning at 7 p.m. ramp. The northbound exit ramp on the Gulf Free- graduates Lewis CTHS Additional handicapped parking has been des- way between SH 96/League City Parkway and The Lewis Career and Technical High School ignated on site at Clear Creek High School and the FM 518 will be closed continuously through 9 will hold its graduation ceremony Wednesday, May stadium. Harris County Precinct 2, Place 1 29, at NRG Stadium, beginning at 2 p.m. Clear Horizons p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 31. Justice of the Peace Jo Ann Delga- Drivers traveling north on the main lanes will In accordance with NRG safety procedures, all Clear Horizons Early College High School will do (left) was the commencement parents, family members, guests, and students at- hold its graduation Saturday, June 1, at Clear Falls continue to NASA Road 1, exit, then U-turn and speaker at San Jacinto College’s come back to FM 518. tending a Pasadena ISD graduation at NRG will be High School, 4380 Village Way in League City, at 2019 graduation ceremony at subject to a bag check and a metal detection screen.
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