THE LEWIS AND CLARK TRAIL HERITAGE FOUNDATION, INC. In this issue- Incorporated 1969 under Missouri General Not-For-Profit Corporation Act IRS Exemption Certificate No. 501(C)(3)-ldentification No. 51-0187715 Page 6- Sacagawea: Her Name and Her Destiny OFFICERS ACTIVE PAST PRESIDENTS Irving Anderson President David Borlaug Washburn. ND 58577 Cindy Orlando Page 10- t 849 '"C"" St. N.W. Robert I\. Doerk. jr. Wa shingcon. DC 20240 Cheyenne. Wyoming Lewis and Clark's Old Glory President Elect James R. Fazio Dayton Duncan Barbara l\ ubik Moscow. Idaho 10808 N.E. 27th Court Robert E. Garren. Jr. Page 12- Vancouver. WA 98686 Greensboro. Nort/1 Carolina All in the Family: The In-house Vice President H. john Montague Jane Henley Portland. Oregon Honorifics of Lewis and Clark 60 Watch Hill Drive, Apt. D Clyde G '"Sid" Huggins Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Mandeville. Louisiana Page 16- Secretary Donald F. Nell George Drouillard and Fort Massac Ludd Trozpel< Bozeman. Montana Jo Ann Brown 4 14 1 Via Padova James M. Peterson Claremont, CA 91 7 1 I Vermillion. South Dakota Page 22- Treasurer William P. Sherman j erry Garrert 32nd Annual Meeting-See t he "Cradle Portland. Oregon I 0 I 7 4 Sakura Drive of Montana History" St. Louis, MO 63128 L. Edwin Wang Immediate Past President Minneapolis. Minnesota Page 24- David Borlaug Wilbur P. Werner Washburn. ND 58577 Mesa. Arizona Herpetology on the Lewis and Clark Executive Director Stuan E. Knapp Expedition, 1804-06 Sam mye Meadows Bozeman. Montana Keith R. Benson DIRECTORS AT LARGE Page 30- Beverly Hinds Larry Epstein Robert Shattuck Fra nk Muhly Sio11x Ciry. Iowa cw Bank. Montana Grass Valley. California Philadelpl!ia. Pennsylvania News Update James Holmberg Dark Rain Thom Jane Schmoyer-Weber Page 31 - LouisviUe. Kent ucky Bloomingron. Indiana Greac Falfs. Montana Book Reviews Ron Laycock Joe Mussulman Benson , Minnesora Lolo. Montana Page 34- Lewis and Clark Trail Herirage Foundation, Inc. Chapter News P.O. Box 3434 •Grear Falls. MT 59403 (406) 454- 1234 • 1·888-701-3434 • Fax (406) 771 ·9237 • Website: MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION Membership in the Lewis and Clark Trail /1t1&:/dJ/6 _!i;vdaablZ, r.f I.? 2%e u/tk ~l//t.f t1Jtd ff.Gnf5d ...?ffirtt~ $zc. Heritage Foundation, Inc. is open to the general Jtti1lf~lt/ia~· tf_fP.1-ectddJlZ r'fk ~i<W fl/td ffb..{ ~eaftdJ!Z .f cwtbi;/{,/{(;1u public. Information and an application are avail­ t.? ~wti;a .f ,£,u~";; rz.1td.Jtj/lfln d=U.b?t, 1uCtZJ'd af:?'t!o/;//l/".1d t1/tajvtt1e1'­ able by sending a request to: Membership Coor­ l/aldl/t u/tic ~fl/af tVld f3'h11f ey't.e1'tiJ/tce. dinator; Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Founda­ tion, Inc.; P.O. Box 3434; Great Falls, MT 59403. We Proceeded On, the quarterly magazine of the Foundation, is mailed to current members during the months of February, May, August, and November. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES* Regular $ 30.00 We Proceeded On is the official publication of rhe Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, Inc. Family 40.00 The publication's name is derived from ch e phrase which appears repeatedly in the collecrive International 40.00 j ournals of the famous expedition. Heritage Club 50.00 E.G. CHUINARD. M.D .. FOUNDER ISSN 0275-6706 Regular-3 Yr. 80.00 Explorer Club Martin L. Erickson. Editor 100.00 1203 28th Street South #82 Jefferson Club 150.00 Great Falls, MT 59405 Discovery Club 500.00 (406) 761 -4706 [email protected] Expedition Club 1,000.00 Leadership Club 5,000.00 EDITORIAL BOARD Gary E. Moulro n, Leader. Lincoln. NE Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, Inc. is a tax exempt Robert C. Carril<er. Spokane, WA Edico rial Consultant: nonprofit corporation: 501(c)(3), IRS identification no. 51- Robert K. Doerk. j r.. Cheyenne. WY Vivian A. Paladin 0187715. Individual membership dues are not tax ded uctible. Robert R. Hunt. Seattle, WA Helena. MT The portion of premium dues over $30 is tax deductible. 2 W E PROCEEDED ON NOVEMBER I 999 - ~ usldent 's /ltessa<;e by Cynthia Orlando dation could not exist without you. The past three Let me begin with a heartfelt thanks to you all. years have brought a myriad of changes, the result of and particularly the Oregon Chapter, for your tribute the energy and enthusiasm and hard work of many, at the close of the annual meeting in Bismarck. many foundation members. The organization has What we have been able to accomplish at Fort evolved and grown to a national membership of over Clatsop National Memorial has been because of the 2,500 and been thrust into, as Past-President Borlaug thousands of you, who live, breathe and sleep the Lewis and Clark legacy, and work with us to protect notes. a national leadership position. We will be pulled in many different directions over the next few and preserve the story and physical sites associated years and what we must remember first and foremost with the expedition. What an in credible beginning to this new foundation year! are the values on which this organization is built. Similarly, the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Faun- (President's Message continued on page 4) by David Borlaug and Michelle D. Bussard Poised on the eve of the next century and com­ spirit of cooperation and partnership, will be shared memoration of the Lewis and Clark bicentennial, the with our national, state and institutional partners council welcomes our new president who will take and grace publications, products and programs be­ us into the new millennium. He is one you all know, ing developed to commemorate the bicentennial of who has come on over from the Lewis and Clark the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Trail Heritage Foundation- David Borlaug of North April 2000 will mark a significant moment for the Dakota. With our new president we will also be un­ council when we launch our annual planning work­ veiling the council's national logo (see page 39) . We shop in Kansas City, Kansas with Dr. Stephen are thrilled to be able to share it with the readers of Ambrose and the dedication of a magnificent Lewis WPO. The logo will adorn our materials and in the (Bicentennial Council column continued on page 4) To all you folks out there, let me say, "It's been a venture editing this magazine. It has been an excit­ good time, but I'll be moving on." ing adventure learning about the Corps of Discovery, This is my last editorial as editor of We Proceeded the Native Americans and all that went into the long On. walk the expedition took; a heartwarming adventure The new editor, with a new title of publications in the fellowship of meeting and sharing and laugh­ editor, Jim Merritt, will be taking over January 1, ing with all of you at the annual meetings and an ed­ 2000. iting adventure trying, and sometimes succeeding, I will be moving on to other adventures after hav­ in making WPO a better publication. ing written 38 editorials in WPO since my first one I am moving on because the foundation decided in November 1990 (I wrote two editorials in that first to expand the duties of the editor into the field of issue). I say adventures because it has been an ad- (Editor's Desk continued on page 4) ON THE COVER- Little has changed at the red bluff near Townsend. Montana. See Editor's Desk above. Photo by Troy Helmick. NOVEMBER 1999 WE PROCEEDED ON 3 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE EDITOR'S DESK Tee Cream Factory. We were look­ Cont. from p. 3 Cont. from p. J ing for free samples, but the recep­ tionist told us they didn't do free "The mission of the Lewis and working with publishers on all the samples anymore. Crushed at the Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, different publications that they are thought of another small bit of Inc., is to stimulate public appre­ involved in. Th e foundation adver­ Americana disappearing, we de­ ciation of the Lew is and Clark tised nationally for the position cided to take a group picture in Expedition's experi ence to and selected a person they felt was front of the building. While we America's heri tage, and to support better qualified in this area than I were doing this, the manager came education, research, development am. out and we told him our sad story. and preservation of the Lewis and So, T move on. He took us to the lunchroom an d Clark experience." A few thoughts before I leave you. said, " Help yourself to all the ice How can we do that? Only with In my first editorial, I com- cream you want." We did, and it your help. The story of Lewis and mented that I could say was really swell. Americana lives Clark revolves around teams of vol­ "antidisestablishmentarianism" as on! unteers who were important to the well as the next person, but why Who can forget when Steve success of the expedition. Like the should I if I can find a simpler way Ambrose told me he was going to expedition, the Lewis and Clark to express it. That is still my phi­ give $10,000 a year to WPO as Trail Heritage Foundation could not losophy. The cover of the first WPO long as his best selling book "Un­ survive without your commitment I edited was a slightly out-of-focus daunted Courage" was doing well? and support, your resolution, forti­ picture of the red bluff on the Mis­ It continues to sell well w ith over tude and positive attitude.
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