THE EVENING STAR W«H»t«»t, 0. Cm M«r U, IMP CROSSWORD PUZZLE B-10 SrtnrWn. * ACROBB (Answer to Yesterday’s Praia) 17 Utopian 1 Run tut ItBell, book SHEINWOLD THI HYATTS —By Cal Allay (Down with: and candle, " Fr. for example • Fellah ON BRIDGE *£ /AMP’yOO GOT MO 22 Wu Indebted SAO WE SHOULD f7W/TTS WHAT HE 13 Algerian 24 Cure, as meat By ALFRED SHEINWOLD NICE TDOUR COMPANY AM* l ARGUMENT V WAMTEP TO VO/ L aeaport 25 Carpenter's trmua turn uaaters ma champion 14 Former tool 111 "* Army coach 26 Concern of 1*Ballerina the March Kaye of Dimes Vienna Coup % 14 Well-known Bouptonuta: May Be author 27 Easy 2 words possible 18 Time of 28 Friend of It is to stumble lntd youth and « Kukls a very fine play by accident; Inexperience: 29 Beg If this happens to you dont 3 words College 20 Spanish jara 31 at apologize. Just superior, Cambridge look 31 Poem by 34 Legumes u though you had planned It Ktbrtor ,;J»- 36 Cave • 22 Optimistic 41 Wearing DOWN In all. tartans 37 Started Frenchman 1 Moves a boat the day South dealei. of the 1920 s 42 Sub 2 Opera solo 24 Shibboleth 43 Dankly 3 Remember: 38 Likewise North-South vulnerable. 26 °l«'-e of 44 Poets of great 3 words 40 Obstinate: NORTH H'yßU business ability 4 Makes a Dial. *KJIO7 30 Baltic port 47 Clyde Beatty: blow-up 41 Home of the ?K72 31 - -'rifles* 3 words 5 Namesakes of Mau Maus 0842 GIL THORR —By Jock Borrill persons 51 Kurt Weill Mme. Gluck 43 Habits *JIO6 32 Building 6 Pamper 44 Town In musical Manche EAST n wing (with "The") 7 Views from WEST , ,~1 poyoN babmVokay, ©an©! department ,• t— .j l The third breaks] /atta 33 Sheep: Lat. 53 Janwfaced planes A 5 4 3 A 9652 As I HAP A POR THE PLATE * I ZIP. 1 NICE [ LEtT* GET *OME 34 Blanched one 8 What lang- 45 Buss J 104 AQ 91 35 '-•''bate: 54 Diminutive of laufers do 46 Sea with 0J953 076 Var. a girl's name 9 Tarsi no outlet *K 7 2 *954 If/> 36. u.i's£ 55 Bussed 10Revolve 48 Initial: Abbr. SOUTH nickname 56 Parisian 11 Field 40 River in 37 Protection airport 12 Bamegat Ireland *AQ 38 Andrea 57 Makes and Biscay ? 653 a 50 Strong 0 39 Realm of profit 14 Its capital is AKQIO emotion * riches 58 Robert Karlsruhe 53 Skillet AQB3 West North East " ,, South T"! 2 5~ rTBBBK!”« 7“"ir'TK"“Ti<rT7i 1 0 Pass 1 * Pass J7F" 2NT1 Pass 3NT Allpass Opening lead: Jack of heart*. South should not have bid ; two no-trump with the hearts is 5 wide open. As things worked Hr out he was very happy about ~ s~a his poor bid. It gave him the a a chance to execute a Vienna 24 25 Hitt ~' 27 28 29 coup without even knowing what was going on. The Vienna coup, for the BEETLE BAILEY —By Mort Wolker jf j benefit of those who came in JK late, is spectacular play "' a in " »*- ‘ V NEVER NEGLECT YOUR. I HOPE I NOW, GET \ Z&SZ/PM which you set up a high card ‘ \X BEETLE, THE DIFFERENCE POWER TO THINKANY TIME YOU'LL ALWAYS WILL, IN THERE ) ¦ 36 JF for an opponent and then ¦ V . squeeze him out of it. ) —— In the BETWEEN A MAN'S SUCCESS V OR ANY PLACE/ REMEMBER MY 1 CAPTAIN ANP . SSB%. FAILURE IN * YOU, / 5s W mru days of whist the best players AND LIES HIS . -—APVICE TO THINK/ f^lL struggled for several days to ; [/ ¦ work out such a play. | And now back to our hero, pp£=“p?±“pp after this historical note. He lost the first four heart tricks, 51 52 which served him right. On the fourth heart He discarded a diamond from the dummy and °i |r~: y^n a club from his own hand. West discarded the seven of clubs on the "ourth heart and East then led the nine of clubs. South wasn’t the best player THE TOODLES —By Baers in the world, but he did know oh# his playmates. West was in- capable of signaling with the r /tHD YOU REALLY 1 seven of clubs unless he had a ITS 11 NEED LARRY 1 high club. BUCK ROGERS —By Murphy Anderson NOT I TOODLE FOR THAT 4 WITH USTONK&HT >ROODiN&4 PROJECT LAST NIGHT Declines Finesse RIGHT/ ( WELCOME ABOARD, BUCK... INSTEAD OF BROOD-jP-I BUJN-JVIEONARD? South therefore declined the A ING OVER HAVING OF finesse. He put up the ’. REPORTING WELCOME M To\ JX ace of HUE*, A ROGERS /A \ ABOARD/ BREAKTWATDATEWrTHW ATTIi ¦ COURSE-: clubs and ran the four spades, discarding the last two clubs from his hand. This left him with the four diamonds. South wasn't trying to do anything difficult. He just hoped that his four diamonds would all turn out to be good. On the last spade .Vest had to come down to four card*. Btf'S He had the king of otobs arid four diamonds to the jack. What could he discard ? Dummy had the jack of clubs }THOUGHT IT WAS I GAVE YOU CREDIT*™* and South had just discarded BECAUSE YOU HEARD FOR BEING MUCH MORE the queen of clubs. So West IJ discarded a diamond, and South thereupon took four diamond tricks. West had been squeezed out of his diamond stopper. North, a fine player, had been watching with great ex- SCAM, '¦ —,, W«, Ami citement. “Marvelous,” he ex- claimed at the end of the hand. “A Vienna coup!" “Think nothing of It,” South demurred modestly. “It was easy.” Daily Question Partner bids two no-trump and the next player passes. FREDDY —By Rupe You hold: *9652 <?AQ9B 076. *954 YPOOR BCY/ YOU'RE SO ] WOW/ WET AMD MISERABLE ! I What do you do? Answer: Bid three clubs. This asks partner to show a major suit. If he has none he bids three diamonds and you will then bid three no-trump. (Copyrlaht, 1858, Oen'l Features Corp ) ON STAGE —By Leonord Starr WORD GAME Find 50 or more words in * ENJOY A NICE ) VARICOSE LONG, SOAK/1 r—- meaning, “abnormally en- ''—--j larged.” Average is 45 words; time limit, 40 minutes. Rules of the game: 1. Words must he of four or more letters. 2 Words uhlth acquire four letters by the addition Os “a." such as “bats," "cats." are net used. 'l. Only one form of a i-ord Is —y—^ used. 4. Proper names are not used. Answer to TENTACLE tael. tale. tact, talent, tate, tale. toil, tent, tenet, teen, tenace, eaten, eclat, elate, elan, elect, enact, neat, nettle, acnr. alee. ante. cane, cantle, cant, cattle, cent, celt. elan, clean, cleat, lace. lane, lance, latent, late, latten. lancet, lean, lent. THE BERRYS —By Corl Grubert HI AND LOIS nNOW?—By Mort Walker emd Dik Browne \ —,_ ME THIS t _ ( YOU KNCW HCW IT isl /HI SAVE TH!« f THERE'S lit.BET WILL fSTOP SAVIN® "sstss“ I rBUT f I ( BOTTLE OF PERFUME STILL SOME J V - BRINS BACK *WHAT DIED?'.' J C'Z-. XT) I "¦ MRS. FITZ'S FLATS —By Frank Roberge MUTT AND JEFF —By Al Smith n | WHY DON'T \ F"" tl /&OOD\ I'lLDO IT WHILE HE'S '\ T '— 1 ' YDU SEARCH j%Lit STaLX tOfcfcA ) . OUT HERE TM.KIN&TO ) 11 vuy with ..
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