BANE REGISTER: laanad WMklr. Entorad u SKond-Glaaa M.tl.r «t thi Pdi*. ; VOLUME XLVII, NO. 37. offlet it Bfd Bank, N, J. oniUr tbt Act ot Utah Id, 1879. RED BANK, N. J.,-WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18,1925. $1.50 PER YEAR. PAGES 1 T0.:$ FELL IN FRONT OF AUTO. icse spears of grass are set out on THIS TOWN WONT SHIRK. BY TRUCK. HREE CARS IN SMASHUP AXATION IN FLORIDA, >e lawn about four' inches apart RUMSON TO WAR ON DOGS BASEBALL COMING BAi river'i Alertnen Savei Girl and' ch way, in rows in each direction, Boy From Getting Hurt. * RED BANK TO MAKE NO FIGHT RAGIC ACCIDENT SATURDAY /OMAN HURT IN NIGHT CRASH HOLE STATE INVESTIGATED ke a field of corn. These spe.ars of OFFICIALS FAVOR REDUCING THE ORIOLES WILL BE '" AGAINST ASSESSMENTS," • AT FAIRFIELD GARDENS. Elizabeth Minton of Mechanic "ON MONMOUTH STREET, . FOR EQUALIZATION. ' ass are kept wet, and are sprayed CANINE POPULATION. treet, twelve years old, and Ed- y day, and in two or three US AGAIN THIS SEASON."; Tha" Increased Aaaaumenta Mad* by ihlrtajr Hpwer, Aged Tbrea Yean, yard Anderson of Clifton place, [r>. Grace' Armttrong Cut on the iieiimenti Ranged From 5 Per v tlia County Tax Board R«l»rded ecks tho grass is established. In The Counciimen. Agree That There Ray Sanborn Hat Letitd Elgfit Daughter of Charles Hower, fourteen years old;' narrowly es- Mead When Dodge Car in Which Cent to 63 Per Cent of'True couple of months or so, with good are Too Many Poga Running at Acret of Land On Pattonon AveJ by.tha Town Commliiloneri •• Cruibad Under H.r Father1* Mi- :aped serious injury last week on She was Riding Overturned Af- Value—Lawn Grati Grown From , Being Juit and Equitable. ire, a nice lawn is\obtained, al- Large—Black Point Road, Hcii- nue for Ball PlayingC»tli* china—Diad at tha Hoipltal. 3road street. The Minton girl was ter It Had Struck Two Other*. Plants Inatead of From Seed. the grass appears very denta Wint Sidewalk, and Curbi. atand to be Started Thli Week,' i '- At the mooting of the commis- A tragic accident occurred last kipping rope across Broad street, A woman was hurt and three au- That Florida is also having its tax mrse -to a Northerner. People The borough officials of Rumson sioner! of Red Bank Monday night letween Wallace and Monmouth •i Rod Bank will hgaiti havo a SUL Saturday morning at Fairflold Car- imobiles were badly damaged in ssossment problems much like sre ,Bay that this is the only grans are about to start, a" war on dogs. day-baseball team and a bascbaiL, a letter* was read frpm the Mon. lens in Middletown township when treets, when she ran into the An- . smashup last Wednesday night in oso jn Monmouth county and at will survive under tho hot sun Councilman Edward O'Brien, who mbuth Cbunty taxpayers' protective diamond tho coming season. Kay]? Ihlrlcy HWer, aged three years, lerson bpy, who was riding a hi- ront of St. James's hall on Mon- thcr parts of New Jersey, is shown .nd iri the sandy soil of Florida, brought the matter to the atten- luagyc urging the officials to join :ycle. Both were knocked''down Sanborn is the owner nnd mahagoij; laughter of Grace and Charles mouth street. The injured Woman,; the' following letter from John jme.times lawns of a half-acre cr tion of the council at last Thurs- Of the team and ho has lcnBcd fc>^ with n number of other municipali- Sower of Fair-field Gardens, was ind they fell in front of an automo- Mrs- Grace Armstrong of Shrews- Cook, editor of The Register: lore are prepared and set out in ; ties in making a fight In the courts day 'night's meeting, said that five years eight ricrc3 of land 'ofl( run over by an automobile truck lilo driven by Thomas Lang of bury township, near Newman Florida is having the same kind lis way. , . ' there were too many dogs running against the increased assessments tumson. Lang stopped the car tho Bcutli side of Pattcruontavenu 1 jwned by her father. Her body Springs, was cut on the head, but if, a tax reorganization that New We saw a now' wrinkle in selling at largo at Rumson and that the in Shrewsbury township, near Ri made by the county board of taxa- was crushed and she died the next trithin a few feel. A mudguard he injury was not serious. - crsey h having. During the year al estate the tion, Tho invitation was not ac- other day. Big council should take immediate ac- Bank, for a baseball diamond. l lay at the Long Branch hospital, n the car'hit the boy but he was The ladles' Hebrew society held .9.24 a^complcte .investigation was racts of land in out-of-the-way t|on: to reduce the dog population. baseball ground will be called cepted. , & ' lot hurt. The girl was not hit, by 'here she was taken after the ac- i annual ball nt St. James's hall lade ill every eounty of every sale laces are often bought for $3 an cited a caso where a school I Oriole Park- and the team will ba Onjy throe councilmenvand the ident. ;ho machine. Vednesday night and the crash oc- if real estate. The United States ere or even less. Then these tracts child was mayor were present. All of them by a dog recentrecent- known as the Oiiolea, which is thai The tragedy occurred within sight :utred as the dancers were leaving law, compelling revenue s,tamps to re cut up into lots 25x100 feet ly. The other memberb s of the name that nil lha professional" were of the opinion that tho in- if the child's home. Whi|« the he hall, Monmouth strcet.cn both be placed on deeds according to the .nd sold at $10 to ?25 a lot. Blue- creased assessments made in this board agreed with Mr, O'Brien and teams representing Red Bank have) .ruck was standing in the yard NEwimETOWNSTORE, ildes was lined with cars; Mrs. lale price o£ the property is the irints and maps of these tracts are the matter will be taken up with borne" for the past fifteen years o% town were Justified in.view of tns Shirley climbed on the back part of Armstrong and Walter Giblin were lame in Florida as it is in New Jer.- nado and the lots sold principally fact that the percentage, of assess- the borough attorney at the next so. Mr. Sanborn hns an option td" he truck. Raymond O'Neill, driver GEORGE W. BRAY OPENS BUSI. .raveling on Monmouth street in a ic,y. Five counties.in New Jersey tourists, who buy them without meeting. ."' ,•- • buy the piopcrly at the expiration' ment'had been much lower than in of the truck and a neighbor of the Jodge touring car in the direction /ero investigated by the tax board leejng the property and without somo other partsvof the* county. NESS AT THAT PLACE. Bids for furnishing .2,000 tons of his property. The property I»N Hower family, got in the truck and f the railroad station.. In ' front nd great inequalities Were found mowing anything about the prop- of slagwere opened at last week's owned by Miclaol Corlelt, vihd The counciimen who were absent started to drive away without know; Tha Stare at tho Village Center if the hall the Dodge hit.a Ford each county. In Florida every Tty. On Friday, March 13th, we ware Eugene M. Magoe, J..Blrdsall meeting. The contract was bought it over thirty years a ing that the child was on the ma- Greatly Improved and Made to ouring car, driven by Ervin Rsed ounty was investigated. The re- ook an automobile drive of about awarded to the National slag com- from• the Delalield Smith estate. Pharo and Thomas M. Gopalll. ihine. About a hundred, yards Look Like New—Shifting (Meet iort of the investigation was pub- 75 miles. We passed a place whero v jf McLaren, street, who was start- pany of Pittsbur? on a bid of Mr, Sanborn state? that a grandV ' Warren H. Smock, the; borough Ing Place of Townthip Official!. ished last week and it showed somfi] l from the houBo.tho truck hit a bump ing for h'omev The impact knocked he number 13, in big figures, was $2.GO a ton. The Duquesne stand will be -started on tlio prop« 'counsel, stated that the'tight which n the road and Shirley was thrown George W. Bray' of Red Bank the Dodge car across the street :ounties being assessed as low as tiick up on posts and trees for a producfc company of Dover and tho was to be waged against the in- ipened his grocery, fruit and vege. per cent of true valuation and erty this iveek and that tlio fieilj iff. ; She fell under the truck and vhero it struck* a roadster parked onsiderable distance along the Emanuel slag company of Allen- will bo plowed up and graded. The) creased assessments was not only ne of the-rear wheels passed over able store at Middletown village ilong the curb. 'The Dodge car ome as high as 63 per cent of true bad. A couple of men at the side town, Pennsylvania, each bid Saturday in the building which he valuation. The governor of the land is neatly level and it will not) .""I ; unjustified but would prove expen- ler body.
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