Jurassic-Cretaceous Biochronology and Paleopeo^raphy of Norlh America, edited by G.E.G. Wcstermann, Geological Association of Canada Special Paper 27,1984 A REVIEW OF THE BIOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE POST-LOWER BAJOCIAN JURASSIC AMMONITES OF WESTERN AND NORTHERN NORTH AMERICA J.H. Callomon University College London. Gower Street, London WCIE6BT, U.K. ABSTRACT Boreal Province as typified by East Green/and, with again an extensive (Boreal) Bathonian sequence and only intermittent From the beginning of the Upper Bajocian, Jurassic North evidence of Callovian. 5) Despite apparent faunai disparities, A merka straddled two strongly differentiated ammonite faunai the succession in region D, the North Slope, has close affinities realms, the East-Pacific Realm and the Boreal Realm. These in with that of adjacent arctic Canada, region C. 6) Comparison turn overlap so little with the Telhyan Realm, in which the of ammonite distributions within and between domains A and primary chronostratigraphic ammdnile zonations have been B shows them to be consistent with possible lateral tectonic defined, that direct correlations between North America and displacements of accretionary terranes in the Cordillera since the standard European successions continue to be almost the Middle Jurassic of between zero and a maximum ofperhaps impossible in most of the Middle Jurassic. This has led to much 2000 km northwards for the Alaska Peninsula relative to the uncertainty, the identifications of ammonites and their assigned continent. 7) Similarly, strike-slip displacements of northern ages being frequently locked in circular argument. The taxon­ Alaska relative to the Laurentian Shield are unlikely to have omy and hiostratigraphy of the ammonites are, therefore, exceeded a few hundred km and could also have been zero. reviewed in the light of what has been learned in the last 30 years of their distribution and evolution both in North America and in the rest of the world. Four regions or domains are RESUME distinguished: A, the epicratonic Western Interior, from Wyom­ A partir du debut du Bajocien superieur, 1'Amerique du ing to Alberta; B, the mobile Cordillera, from northern Cali­ Nordse partageait entre deux domaines ou lesfaunes d'ammo- fornia to the Alaska Peninsula; C, epicratonic arctic Canada, nites etaient fortement distinctes; il s'agissait du Domaine Est including the Archipelago; and D, the Alaskan North Slope. Pacifique et du Domaine Boreal. Ceux-ci, a leur tour, ne se Some 80 ammonite faunas are identified and arranged in four superposent que sipeu au Domaine Tethysien, oil lespremieres parallel time-ordered sequences, ranging from Upper Bajocian zonations chronostratigraphiques d'ammonitesfurent definies. to the lop of the Jurassic. Their correlations, among themselves que les correlations directes entre les successions de reference en and with standard successions in the Arctic and in Europe, are Europe et celle d'Amerique du Nord continuent a etre presque discussed and indicated as far as the evidence allows. The impossibles pour la plus grandepart du Jurassique moyen. Ceci conclusions are: I) The Middle Jurassic ammonites of region A a conduit a une grande incertitude, 1'identification des ammo­ formed a distinct Western Interior faunai province within the nites et leurs ages supposees etant frequemment I'objet de Pacific Realm. 2) With one exception; all the Middle Jurassic demonstrations cireu/aires. La taxinomie et la biostratigraphie faunas of the Western Interior Province are of Upper Bajocian des ammonites sont done revisees ici a la lumiere de'ce que les - Bathonian age, including the ones previously assigned to the dernieres30 annees nous ont apprissur leur distribution et leur Callovian: the Calhvian is almost totally unrepresented. 3) The evolution tant en Amerique du Nord que dans le reste du Upper Bajocian and Bathonian art similarly strongly repres­ monde. Quatre regions ou domaines sont distingues: A, le ented in the Cordillera, region B, Lower Callovian being well- " Western Interior" intracratonique s'etendent du Wyoming a developed only-in southern Alaska. 4) The succession in region I'Alberta; B, la Cordillere mobile, de la Californie Septentrionale C, arctic Canada, is closely similar to that of the rest of the a la Peninsule d'Alaska; C, le Canada antique, intracratonique. iy@s Project 171: mm 1 Circum-Pacific Jurassic 144 CALLOMON comprenant i'Archipel; et D, le Versant Nord de I'Alaska, and rapidly varying, either in depositional wedges or through Quelques 80/aunes d'ammonites ont ete identifies et disposees erosion. Lithologic correlations at the level of ammonite faunai en quatre sequences chronologiques paralleles qui s'etendent horizons may therefore be reliable over distances no greater du Bajocien superieur au sommet du Jurassique. Les correla­ than a few kilometres. To collect bed by bed from such succes­ tions, aussi bien entre elles qu'avee les successions de reference sions therefore may never be possible. Nevertheless, great pro­ de I'Arctique el d'Europe, sont discutees et etablies dans la gress has been made, and much of the ammonite sequence can mesure des preuves disponibles. Les conclusions suivantes sont now be pieced together with some confidence. The picture that tirees: 1) Les ammonites du Jurassique moyen de la region A emerges is as follows. constitutent uneprovince du Western Interior, bien dtstincte au Correct identification of Lower Jurassic rocks presents no seindu Domaine Paciftque. 2) A ('exception d'une seule, toutes serious problems, for the ammonites they contain resemble les faunes du Jurassique moyen de la Province du Western those from the well-known standard successions of Europe Interior sont d'age Bajocien superieur - Bathonien, y compris quite closely - almost always to generic, sometimes even to celles precedemment attributes au Callovien; cet etage nest specific level. Occurrences are scattered and successions locally praiiquement pas repesente. 3) De meme, le Bajocien superieur highly incomplete, but somewhere or other almost every part of et le Bathonien sont largement represented dans la Cordillere the Lias has been recognized. In the Aalenian( Lower Bajocian (region B), le Callovien inferieur n etant bien developpe qu'en olim and sensu U.S. and Canadian Geological Surveys), more A iaska meridional. La succession dans la region C, le Canada and more specifically Pacific elements enter the faunas, extend­ antique, est tres semblable a celle du reste de la Province ing from the Andes to the Alaskan Peninsula, but broad corre­ Boreale comme elle a ete etablie dans VEst du Groenland, avec lations can be continued upwards as far as the top of the Lower encore une sequence tres repandue du Bathonien boreal et. Bajocian (Middle Bajocian olim and sensu americano), Hum- seulement, des indications sporadiques de Callovien. 5) Malgre phriesianum Zone, whose Stephanoceras. ranging from the ses apparentes particularites fauniques, la succession de la Andes through Oregon, Alberta, the Queen Charlotte Islands, region D, le Versant Nord, a des qff mite's etroites avec celle du la the Talkeetnas to the Alaskan Peninsula, bear an astonishing region C, contigue, du Canada antique, 6) La comparaison des resemblance to those from Dorset and the Swabian Jura. (For distributions d'ammonites au sein et entre les domaines A et B recent reviews see Westermann and Riccardi, 1976, 1979; Hall montre qu'ily a compatibilite avec des mouvements tectoniques and Westermann, 1980, and Westermann, 1981). Thereafter, horizonlaux de zones d'accretion dans la Cordillere a partir du faunai similarities with Europe abruptly cease. Jurassique moyen; {'amplitude des mouvements, vers le Nord, de la Peninsule de I'Alaskapar rapport au continentpeut etre The next higher ammonites found both in South and North evaluee entre zero et, peut etre 2000 km. 7) De meme, les America came to be described during the 1920s to 1930s in the deerochements de I'Alaska septentrional par rapport au Bouc- heyday of the Buckman-Spath schools of taxonomy, and lier Laurentien n'ont pas du depasser quelques centaines de km almost every new ammonite found, no matter how scrappy, et ont pu aussi bien etre nuls. had to have its own new generic name: a) Neuqueniceras Stehn, 1924 (Andes), b) Yakounites McLearn, 1927 (Queen Charlotte Islands), c) Yakounoceras McLearn, 1927 (Queen Charlotte INTRODUCTION Islands), d) Eurycephalites Spath, 1928 (Andes), e) Xenoce- Jurassic rocks have been recorded from almost innumerable phalites Spath, 1928 (Andes). 0 Miccocephalites Buckman, localities in the western United States, Canada and Alaska, and 1929 (Alberta), g) Paracephaliies Buckman, 1929 (Alberta), h) listed and reviewed by Imlay in his masterly survey of 1980. Metacephalites Buckman, 1929 (Alberta), i) Paracadoceras Many ammonities have been found and described, but the Crickmay, 1930 (B.C.), and j) Lilloettia Crickmay, 1930 (B.C.). majority came from scattered localities and were collected by Nevertheless, the affinities to known groups seemed fairly field parties not primarily interested in ammonoid biostrati- clear. The second and third [b) and c)], alias Seymourites Kilian graphy. The number of places in which collections have been and Reboul, 1909, were close to Kepplerites from the Lower made carefully bed by bed in recorded sections is therefore very Callovian of Europe; (a) appeared close lo Reineckeia from the small. To work out the correct sequence of ammonite faunas Middle Callovian of Europe; and the rest strongly resembled and even the associations of genera and species occuring Macroeephalites from the Lower Callovian, together with Rei­ together in them has been very difficult, and is in many cases neckeia the only non-American genera to be widely cited from still uncertain. We have had to rely to a considerable extent on South America. The ages of the beds containing these faunas indirect correlations, mainly lithoslratigraphical - the positions were thus firmly ascribed to the Callovian; ergo, immediately of finds within a formation, with luck at levels that could be succeeding as they did the Lower Bajocian, the whole of the located relative to the base or top of the formation.
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