We were sitting in a park, next to the swings one afternoon last week, desperately sear­ ching for the ever elusive profound state­ ment on drugs and the family, when we overhead two 11 year-old children earnes­ tly discussing things in the world. So we decided to plagiarise and Let the Children Speak: • 1 ETHEL: I don't know why you iiye in family with ^. only two parents hice that, Eddie. If you weren't so dependent ot\ jusi two people L- for love and aifecuon, you wouldn't be so % upset diat they're fighting at die moment. "^ And it's no wonder that they are so un- ., \ happy at dmes when they conform to such a steretypical view of the married ^ couple. EDDIE: Bullshit! Dad does the washing up once a week. ETHEL: Eddi! When will you realise the insdtu- ' , ', donalised sexism that exists and makes you blind to die obvious oppression of , ,. ^ women. ^ ^ EDDIE: Fuckin'Helt! Only one girl in the whole ' ' playground and she has to be a feminist. « Not everyone can live in an easy going, i • . , 1 household with dieir dad, like you!' ^ . -,.,. ^ \ - '• - ETHEL:, Well come and live widi us Eddie. , EDDIE: , Oh ,.. Mum and Dad won't let me. ' ETHEL: Do your parents think that you're their ^ property? Won't they let their washing machine out for a week? ,. , i .. EBDIE: OK, maybe there is less pressure and ten- . , sion in a more open, communal environ­ ment. Wow, do you want a joint - I'm so depressed. ETHEL: It's not a good idea to tum to drugs when­ ever you get depressed, Eddie. I went dirough a really heavy drug period when I was eight, and it didn't change anything. '\ 1 mean, I think drugs are great fun and ' I give you a different view ofReality, but it's , h not good being dependent on them. ' K EDDIE: Yeah, I know. I guess I should concen­ trate on changing my family situalion. (The sounds of scuffle emerge from behind the playground.) . v EDDIE: Hark! A rally calls. Where's the press? Does ray hair look alright? (Ethel looks at Eddie, and the two giggle.) 'i if \* !• W ' S p EDITORS MYFAMILY(/^ND07HEfl^DD/CrSJ-PAGE4e SHARE Bree McKilU9an/tMff Cheverton GRAPHIC ARTIST HOUSE FAMILY-PAGES NUCLEAR FAMILIES- Jan-WHIem Rohen TYPESETTER tou Larder DIFFERENT FAMILIES - PAGE 6 & 7 e OH NO! NOT ANOTHER LAYOUT Jan-WIHem Rohen: Format, front & Back Cover, Editorial, Credils/Contents, OCCUPATION...'PAGES VOLUNTARY STUDENT Ads, Nactear & Different Famines. Occupation, V.S.U., Maud Shanks/Pooh Corner, 8lah Blah Blah, Bits Arountj Ttie Place, Answerinci Lois of Phonecalls, UNI0NISM?/\7>ALE...-PAGE9 e DRUGS MISUSE ACT-PAGE10& Waiting for Bromide paper and Overtime. bree: Kolcha Shock, Drugs Act, Uiischka, Share House, Domestic - ~j .ViolencgfE^raordinaryWdmen.Ads, D0MESTICVI0LENCE-PAGE12 • LESBIAN ' !~'M Femlnltoo'rspectives, Legalising Hard 11 FAMILIES-PAGERS • BONG ATPOOHCORNER& MAUD SHANKS - PAGE 14 e BLAH BLAH BLAH - LETTERS - PAGE 15 e 7fy/?E£FEMINISTPERSPECTIVES0FAFAMlLY-PAGE16& Stefan Armforuster^ Jeii*Willem Roheii^Susl Bieckwetf V J ADVERTISiNGIViANAGER 17 • WON'T GET FOOLED AGAIN - PAGE 18 • WHEN IT'S NOT THE Stephen Loxton (Ph. 379 4096) THANKS TO HEROIN, BUT THE LAW WHICH SCREWS YOU UP - PAGE 19 e All tliB militant communist haretic leablan gay Nicaraguan KOLCHA SHOCK: LIFT OUT CULTURAL PROGRAMME - PAGE 20/21 »(frj^j\-^ FREE EDUCATION - PAGE 22,23 & 24 • FACULTY PROOFREADiNG Jeff Cheverton, Katrina Jensen;; ?1 Bodneyfrom Sydney, Louisa ;'; - ATTACK - PAGE 25 • DEATH PENALTY - PAGE 26 e ULISCHKA'S Foley4;;- ^ .-.„...:.. , ;^ • v,y ,f? * ^(•"•i . PUBLISHER ^»<&afc*:?^. «k ?>v^^r STARS-PAGE27 .^^^ RE-VIEWS-PAGE28T031 • UNION 1 < ofU;Q,mion^''-l'*ft^ I PAGES - PAGE 33, 35, 37 & 39 e AND A GROOVY BACK COVER e »i^^»»^g.«r6i , Whit9 Rabbit (Je//erson/\/rp/ane; One plil makes you larger* and one pill makessinall*andthe MY FAMILY AND t» OTHER 3 n The story of my family is the story ofthe habits of ADDICTS nations and the (lux of generations. It begins with my great-Grandmother Mona Montrc-Poppc, one of those most remarkable ofall people - a survivor in the rarified world ofthe 'loser elite', that damned by Tyrone Borgnine 0) troo|) of creative artists bewitched by the 00 0> stupefaction ofthe senses. Itwas she who i\cver fully recovered from the removal o( cocaine Moving to the musical mecca Ballarat in the a[)pr()priat('(l tiie fatnilv motto from Blake "the from the recipe of Coca-Cola. 1950's, the two led the initial push ofthe road ofE.xcess leads to the place of Wisdom". IK When the Depression came, Uncle Eric in a fit of Antipodean Beatnik, with their "twin tailgatin' Horn in 1871, Mona Poppc was a child of poor stewed pique swapped the enure business to an trombones" and their steady access to rural cc Belgian iheaire-gorrs. ,'\i iwciity slie went to Paris, American for a buick, leaving his wife and three psvchoactive produce, such as opium, betel, pcyotc, UJ wlicic slu- was soon adopted and cherished by the littlies penniless. He had intended on lighting in the tropical speedwell and bonsai marijuana. Bv the Q. .Syiiibolisis, ies inadeinoisellcs du (>aii-Can' and ilie Spanish Civil War, but made it only as far as eariy 1960's theywere already into their "Me s renniaiiis of the Conimuiie. Witii the absinthe Mildura Zoo, where he became known as 'die decade" and when those glutinous sevendes rolled IU driiikeis she drank, witli the opium smokers she Ducks and Drakes man'. around, Uncle Kcl and Aunty Carla were already (A sniokctl, and with Mavakovsv she saw clouds in Afier the end ofthe Second World War, the having computers installed in dieir home and • pants. .Mallarme .said her cheekbones were contran^ Uncle Eric emigrated to England. Strictly smoking crack. They now live on Dirk Hartog screaming seagulls. Jung, PLssaro, Beardslevand speaking a dipsomaniac as opposed to an alcoholic, Island and nin an international funding agency for Anna Akhmatova, .she gave her youth to art and he was aflccted in the most peculiar ways by his experimental chemical laboratories. artists. She was even inmiortaliscd by P.G. addicdon. Where other people became Wodehouse in "Vo What Jeeves" as Polly obsireporous, incondnent or sendmental, alcohol Warbunon, anthropologist, heiress and "all-round made my Unde Eric airheaded. He'd whisde peach" through his nose, play die Jew's harp all weekend, She led a dazzling life in the Ans on one and sdll stood for preselecdon for Bowen. His liver connnent, raised a family in a second and pioneered passed on in die late 1950's. and he followed in the Soma research in a third. She became Mona carly 1970's. He left behind a wife Erlene, and Montre-Poppc in 1908 when she married Arturo children Carla, Kelvyn and Wacko Bob the Hippy. Montre, cobbler and futurist. They emigrated to His body was donated to the RSL Eternal Flame Australia soon after, where she could pursue her committee. rvvin hobbies of intellectual disecuon and dissipation. After having two children by Arturo (Eric and Dierdre, my mother) she deserted the young family and fled to America. Her complete story can be found at any local library in her autobiography, "Kicking the Bejesus Out of That Ole Gong". In 1947 she joined Stanford University's research into the use of lysergic acid diethylamide as a truth serum. At the dme of her death her closest friends, William Burroughs, Brian Jones and Angela Davis, burned her body in a midnight ceremony by MY COUSIN WACKO BOB, THE the Susqhanna River. Her groundbreaking work in HIPPY the laboratory-controlled recreadon ofdie primidve Of Uncle Eric's three children, it was the mysuc-hallucinogenic experience won her wide youngest who took most after their father Wacko reknown in the scientific world, yet her children Bob the Hippy. When Caria and Kelvin moved to were never told of their mother. Ballarat, they left baby Bob at home in the north with their mother. Hyper-acdve and addicted to raw suger from a young age, he was soon backlisted by every school in die district. He received employment only through the dmely intervendon of die Vietnam War. Acdvides Vice-President for Australian troops in Saigon, die War taught Bob respect for die US dollar and die techniques of opdmum drug use. On MY COUSINS CARLA AND KELVYN, return to Australia he wa one of die eariiest THE CONEHEADS exponents of Buddha consciousness in conjuncdon I remember vividly our childhood family holidays widi die CIA, thereby making his fortune. by the sea each year, and how on the last Friday Phrenologist, dope-fiend, acid-casualty and disco- night ofthe season our mother would scrub and owner. Wacko Bob die Hippy's personal "summer wash us unul we were as pink as parakeets, all in of love" lasted from 1970 to 1975. readiness for the Big Night of the Year - Benny the In December of diat year, he reportedly left die Ball's Ballarat Big Band at die Club de Gulies, Uldrno Pub after an eight-hour binge of claret and Tugun Beach. tequila slammers, driving a stolen tour-bus owned Ours was always the quieter side of the family, by popular Australian group "Skyhooks". Signalled given to valium and hot toddies, so this annual to pull over by a plice breath-tesdng unit, he drank excursion into the glittering and dangerous world of a litre of disdlled water and induced MY UNCLE ERIC, THE ALCOHOLIC our showbiz cousins Carla and Kelvyn was a hypervendlation. When out ofdie bus he snatched a My Uncle Eric, the alcoholic, was bom in 1910 in tantalising taste of mystery and romance.
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