Biddenden Parish Council Meeting Tuesdav8 December2009 PlanningApplications and Decisions Applications to Ashford Borough Council Application No. Location and Description Application Registration Type Date 1. 09/00194nC WestWing, Old ClothHall, North St,Biddenden, Notificationto Illll/09 (DEL) Ashford, Kent, TN27 8AG. T1 & T2 Golden carr;rout work to WeepingWillow reduceby 30%. treesin conservationarea 2. 09/00184/TC TownlandFarmhouse, 32 North St,Biddenden, Notificationto l3ll1l09 (DEL) Ashford,Kent, TN27 8AS. T1- WeepingWillow carryout work to reduceby 30%.T2 - Oakreduce by 25%.T3 - treesin Walnut- reduceby 30%.T4 *Bay tree- reduce conservationarea by 25-30%.T5 - WeepingWillow &T6 - Oak- reduceto previouspruning point 3. 09/01235lAS The New Mockbeggars,Mockbeggar Lane, Full Planning 0glll/0g Benenden,Cranbrook, Kent TN17 4BD. Erection Permission ofgarage 4. 09101331/A3 WoodlandsCaravan Park, Tenterden Rd Full Planning 16lll/09 BiddendenKent, TN27 8BT Partialreorganisation permission of existingcaravan site to allow staticholiday caravanson part ofthe existingtouring caravan area- revisedscheme to previousapplication 05/00336/AS 5. 09l0l294l{S WoodlandsCaravan Park, Tenterden Rd, Full planning 16lIL/09 Biddenden,Kent, TN27 8BT. Erectionof permission office/reception/shopbuilding (amendment to 03/0063 4/ AS)- retrospective 6. 09/01303/A5 TheDye House,North Street,Biddenden, ListedBuilding l7/lI/0g Ashford,Kent, TN"7 8AG. To openblocked Consent fireplaceand install wood burning stoveand cowl to chimney. 7- 09/01008/A5 WashendenManor, High HaldenRd, Biddenden, Full planning l7llll1g Ashford,Kent, TN27 8DA. Erectionof stables. permission 8. 09/01380/A5 SpillLand CaravanPark,Benenden Rd, Full plannig 20lll/0g Biddenden,Ashford, Kent TN2y 8BX. permission Replacementof existingsite managers caravan andgarage with a brick andmortar dwelling. 9. 09/01346/A5 The Mews,Tenterden Rd, Biddenden,Ashford, Full planning 30/ll/0g Kent, TN27 8DN. Extensionto existinggarage - permission retrospective. Application No. Location and Description Application Registration Type Date t0 09/01426/AS The Weavers HouseoI I High St, Biddenden, ListedBuilding 03/12/09 Ashford, Kent, TN27 8AL. Erection of a first Consent floor dormer window with a pitched roof to match existing style at the east and west end of the terrace to rear elevation. r 1 09/01433/A5 Orchardene, Frittenden Rd, Biddenden, Ashford, Full Planning 02/t2/09 Kent, TN27 8LF. Demolition of existing Permission conservatoryand erection ofnew single story rear extension,extension to attic to createbedroom, ensuitebathroom and dressingroom including erection of two new dormer windows and balcony. Erection of new dormer window to front elevation. 12 09/01434/AS Roberts Farm, Smarden Rd, Biddenden, Ashford, Full Planning 03112109 TN"7 8QJ. Proposeddemolition of 5 existing Permission outhousesand replacementwith new garagelswimmingpool building and home offrce/garden store. t3 03/01157/AMND The WeaversHouse, 1l High St, Biddenden, Non material t2nu09 /AS Ashford, Kent TN27 8AL. Revision to small changeto pitched roof dormer window on planning Permission permission ref 03/01 157/AS for construction of an oak framed addition to the rear of the property with a glaznd link between the addition and the existing building t4 09101436lAS Roberts Farm, SmardenRd, Biddenden, Ashford, Full Planning 04112/09 TN27 8QJ. Demolition of rear conservatoryand Permission replacement with erection of kitchen/breakfast area extension, erection of wagon porch to front elevation to create extended hall and first floor bathroom, new ground floor windows to rear elevation, demolition of rear porch and replacement with window and erection of new rear porch and back door. Decisionsby Ashford Borough Council Case No. Location and Description and Application Decision Type 1. 09/00485/A5 Holden Farm Cottage, Three Chimneys, Refuse Biddenden, Ashford, Kent TN27 8EZ. Remove head of chimney just below ridge level. Re- build using bricks to match existing. Rake out remaining joints to the chimney and re-point using lime mortar. Sought Listed Building Consent 2. A9t0r2r9/AS Frogs Hole Oast, SissinghurstRd, Biddenden, Granted Ashford, Kent, TN27 8HB. Amendment to Listed Building Consaent06/02251/A3 - Removal of stud walls and wardrobe. Sought Listed Building Consent. 3. ,09101142/AS Little Monks Cottage,Monks Hill, Smarden, Granted Ashford, TN27 8QJ. Replace farm gate with a pair of timber gateswith brick piers and a 'rambler' gate. Sought Full Planning Permission Case No. Location and Description and Application Decision Type 4. 09/01209/AS Heartsay House, Headcorn Rd, Biddenden, Granted Ashford, Kent, TN27 8JY. Erect a single storey, timber framed, glazedconservatory. Sought Ful Planning Permission s. 09/01203/AS Bloomsburys Biddenden Ltd, Bloomsburys Granted Biddenden, SissinghurstRd, Biddenden Ashford, Kent, TN27 8DQ. Erection of 2 illuminted free standing entrance signs - retrospective. Sought Advertisement Consent. 6. 09/01285/AS Standen Barn, Smarden Rd, Biddenden, Granted Ashford, TN27 8JT. Retrospectiveapplication for use of garagebuilding for ancillary residential accommodation and associated fenestration. Sought Full Planning Permission 7. 09/01098/45 StandenBarn, SmardenRd, Biddenden, Approved Ashford, TN27 8JT. Application for a non material amendmentto 08/1098/45 forthe erection of a new entrancelobby to the North elevation and replacementof 2 sliding doors to form 4 new windows to the East elevation - opening of new windowto WC in lobby area, Replacementof single door with double doors with less recessinto fagadethan approved 8. 09/01042/AS Little Whatmans,Gribble Bridge Lane, Biddenden, Ashford, Kent, TN27 8DF. Proposed new gate, together with pedestrian accessgate. Sought Full Planning Permission 9. 09/01146/A3 Summer Hill, Cranbrook Rdd, Biddenden, Permit Ashford, Kent, TN27 8ER. Erection of 2 x two storey extensions and alterations to the existing structure to include the erection of an orangery, two bay windows and two new dormer windows to the east elevation, 3 new dormer windows to the west elevation and construction of games room to basement(Revised schemeto 09/00580/45). Sought Full Planning Permission Appeals ,CaseNo. Location and Description and I)ecision Application Type' 1. APP!E2205|D/09/2114591 Summer Hill, Fosten Greeq Cranbrook Dismissed Rd, Biddenden, Ashford, Kent TN27 8ES. For Considerationby the Full Council Application No. Location and Description Application Registration Type Date 1. 09l001-94nc WestWing, Old Cloth Hall, North St, Biddenden, Notificationto llllll09 (DEL) Ashford,Kent, TN27 8AG. Tl & T2 Golden carryout work to WeepingWillow reduceby 30%. treesin conservationarea 2. 09/00184/TC TownlandFarmhouse, 32 North St Biddenden, Notificationto l3/lll09 (DEL) Ashford,Kent, TN27 8AS. T1- WeepingWillow carryout work to reduceby 30%.T2 - Oakreduce by 25%.T3 - treesin Walnut- reduceby 30%.T4 -Bay tree- reduce conservationarea by 25-30%.T5 - WeepingWillow &T6 - Oak* reduceto previouspruning point 3. 09/01235/45 TheNew Mockbeggars,Mockbeggar Lane, Full Planning 09/lll09 Benenden,Cranbrook, Kent TN17 4BD. Erection Permission ofgarage 4. 09/01331/A5 WoodlandsCaravan Park, Tenterden Rd Full Planning 16lll/09 BiddendenKent TN27 8BT Partialreorganisation Permission of existing caravansite to allow staticholiday caravanson part ofthe existing touring caravan area- revisedscheme to previousapplication 05/00336/AS 5. 09/01294/A5 WoodlandsCaravan Park, Tenterden Rd, Full Planning 16/11/09 Biddenden,Kent, TN27 8BT. Erectionof Permission office/reception/shopbuilding (amendmentto 03/ 00634 I AS)- retrospective 6. 09/013031A5 The Dye House,North Street,Biddenden, ListedBuilding lTlll/09 Ashford, Kent, TT{'7 8AG. To openblocked Consent fireplaceand install wood burning stoveand cowl to chimney. '17/lll09 7. 09/01008/43 WashendenManor, High HaldenRd, Biddenden, Full Planning Ashford,Kent, TN27 8DA. Erectionof stables. Permission 8. 09/01380/45 Spill Land CaravanPark, Benenden Rd, Full Plannig 20/11/09 Biddenden,Ashford, Kent TN2y 8BX. Permission Replacementof existing site managerscaravan and garagewith a brick and mortar dwelling. 9. 09/01346lA5 The Mews,Tenterden Rd, Biddenden,Ashford, Full Planning 30/lll09 Kent, TN27 EDN. Extensionto existinggarage - Permission retrospective. Application No. Location and Description Application Registration Type Date r0 09/01426/AS The Weavers House, 11 High St Biddenden, ListedBuilding 03/12109 Ashford, Kent, TN27 8AL. Erection of a first Consent floor dormer window with a pitched roof to match existing style at the east and west end of the terrace to rear elevation. 11 09/01433/45 Orchardene, Frittenden Rd, Biddenden, Ashford, Full Planning 02/r2t09 Kent, TN27 8LF. Demolition of existing Permission conservatoryand erection ofnew single story rear extension, extension to attic to create bedroom, ensuitebathroom and dressingroom including erection of two new dormerwindows and balcony. Erection of new dormer window to front elevation. l2 09/01434/AS Roberts Farm, Smarden Rd, Biddenden, Ashford" Full Planning 031t2109 TN'7 8QJ. Proposeddemolition of 5 existing Permission outlouses and replacement with new garage/swimming pool building and home office/garden store. r3 09/4u36/AS Roberts Farm, Smarden R4 Biddenden, Ashford, Full Planning 04/12/09 TN27 8QJ. Demolition ofrear conservatoryand Permission replacement with erection of kitchenlbreakfast area extension, erection of wagon porch to front elevation to create extended hall and first floor bathroom, new ground floor windows to rear elevafion, demolition of rear porch and replacement with window and erection of new rear porch and back door..
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