
New service• means no food service• By MITCHELL P. AL8t:RT ""l's Steve: Miller. USIMlUU Dell.. of Stu~ 8oJrrows, dire<:to< of AWliliary Sc Ka Problems, howevcr. ha"e I'loOI boen SMn H,..., £duo, den. Afrai,.... "1 upca ...hen the ".felena statC$, "tbt: new unlversi\)' food $IO ice limiled 10 Broward carnuses, Scrvice QP<:ns in October. food &Crvice will IUUJTIe !>'"Ovider, Service America, has deemed ~meriea applied for a liquor licen.... bul "., at CRnun""";,,l. They just can', prepare hot food service lit Commercial Blvd. By ERIC RABONI-; could rIO' acquire it unlll DAKA turned in food l)Ut orlhe Ratlike they can ou\ of the uneconomical and Unl>C<OlOS$IIry, To show S.", 519(( Writ,r ,!>e .... While lhe Ral did 001 have Ihe li­ "afelcd..... our .uppon for !he oontinuarion ofhot food The Rall>:skel1ar was closed after 3 p.rn quor lieen'" i' wItS dosod at 3 p.m, "II wliS service, we have signed Ihis petition." ""s past .....""k. FAU". new food service, According to Daniel Kish~lIl1h. the a long process. In a larse ",orpOOllion, pe0­ Strvi<:e America, I>aI; dosed ilS CXInCCSIiJOn d'rc<"tOf"of Food Sel"'icc,"we cannoc kttp Kish"'ugh rcplM:d,"Burtow$ dldn'l evcn ple have 10 be finger primed and " ..ny ~r for !he ....lTIma at Comrnereial the snack bar open "'hile ...·c do ""nova­ know thaI they "'anted il <:>p('n dunng the sigNWfU "'"' needed."This was t,me con-­ c........ tions. We illrt' CO'''' 10 be ,mpltmenu"1l wrrtn\C,_ OUfl", the regular se.......,er tb<: wmlns," $lIod K,obbaugh. hIgh ICC'b. equll"""'nl such as the Vabdine ~k bardodn'l evtneamtnough....."..,.,. Aa:onIing 10 I~ RClli$lra."S OfrlOO a. 5y..."m. ""luch will enable ...udenlS 10 lO COver labor <;'<)Su.·' Con"n"""'''l. ·'the campus aI thIS time h:as dcposi, money 'n the,r ~m and lhen Convenience Store rwahlY double the nu<11ber ofsn.do:nu Ihal charge agains< 11 on a dd>il card," The: ,""""'nls arc hkely 10 conlinue lhe: it did in Ihe '!Pring .ernest"•." Scrvice fighl for hoc food """'1<%. Btn Blank•• Sl1>" Scrvice America is e"P«"ed 10 open a Amene" IS noI "nde. oonl,.,..,. 10 provide Wilh signs posllOd everywhere hying d<:nl Utking ClaSSt. this summer al Com· con..en,ence store trailer, to be Iocaled rood Krvice during.h<: summer """,eSlcr "No food" these sludents "retrying to do mercial said, "Sludents spend aflernoons near lhe RlOSide~e Halls. "This eonve­ at CQmmercial. ·'Thi. is where the dif­ ..,Illcthing about whm they fccl is a grave groveling by .oda and candy maehincs nience store will sell everything fron' soda ficulty lies in having food suvice here:' injuslicc. A pelition directed to Mr, Lee wilh no o'hcr viable opt;o"". to shampoo:' ""id Kishbaugh. rAtlantic~ Sun-. ,,,. TIll' \.\ (',·1..11 '>'"dl'nt PuhliCdtion (If floridd Atldnlil" Un;IIC'r.>ity \Ia.\ 17. 19M9 Florida Atlantic University retains 25 year 0 name :!;Chaols When specifically referrln~ 10 Il) RON FASS ,.,. elne ,n.."ullon. "Th", would erelIle pro­ Oavld S, SpellSC-:, OIJllined a fi\le-step pro­ FIU.Mas~odal...od,"_ FlU <!oe>n', "'...nl SI<" SyIJl ,......."r blems 'ncluding a name elian&e, a oontnl pooallha' would elTcet,,'el) .so:ne B.......-anl aornpus. and a W>vereig.n adm,n;sl"'­ county. Tl>e condllston to Ihls lWCrvOC'" 10 be<;orne ,he: FAMU of the: Hi.pan""," """" Board of Rq,enu. on tbt: oorlSi(kra. t>OR:·.,eon,bns '0 OUlgOlnll: Prrs>dcnt of ofS"7W&f'd County is that the ooIe aulhori­ Wh,1e regenu. ult'ma'el)' voo.ed apins! ...... of • wrvq' prq>ared by <:0<>' '''''0 FAU, Dr Hekn Popovich. Popovich, A' Iy for SUS pr<>&rams be placed all FAU's the: propostd name change, 'he:re is cur­ suloants from tbt: UII"t1'$l\)' ofCahfornia. ......pomibilily rendy a bill ",".nng 10come up on "genda """cd bYrnaJOrlI) ap'llS( tbt: P"'JI'O'SC'd ,he Soulheasc Pbnrung Comm,,,,ooa'. that "",II approJInate 8 IInlllOl'l doll:n-s from """"""& last Thunda). f'qIovICh .:..d lhal Dr~nler. ""'lOftS ad>...tIo«d In tbt: name of hllmer Rtgenl FAU's re-presenta,i>'e the SUS educ-allon budglOl to bu,ld a tenth ". merger "'OIJld create an enurely un­ on the: 8OR. ",a.s ,he sponsor of the alucatiQn ""lhin Bro.....rd COIJnly. One \In'''crsi'y ," Broward Coun.y. ~n. Ton' mana.geable .""ahon. ,. "Name Change..tdea. Dies.ler however option included lhe erealton elf a tenth MePher-son. O_F..,n Lauderdale. IS le....hnj: Another idea proposed was 'hal FAU & r«C-.vcd cnt,,,.~,,, from tbt: studc:nlJ. facul­ unlvcrsity wilhin Ihe Stale University a delegation of Broward legi~lalors to FlU merge wilh UFo This wNld make lhe ty, .lalT. ad"n";strdl,on, and alulIlni of System block expan<llln fund< for FlU, ~AU an<l l'AU. Sclh Nadler, a s"..le'" who .... ,,~ Florida S-t:ne UNve,"")' Syslem similar '0 NQ>'a The amen<lmc'" "'ould ....te tit<> The' l'ni"e",ity is W be located III B","'anl Upllel hy the proposal Q.id," I 'hlnk 'he one 'n California. money designalL'd for "AU ~u..r lhtS Coun.)·, "The: facl tluol fundln!! anomer Oresder should reevaluate" he:'her or '0 It "'... d<:lcmIincd tha1 UF would be "vcry noo Un"'e","y ,n O...."anl, 11>e quc>11Ofl of ...... e..-s"y "OIJld d"en alteady-<lil"IOO he: i~ pr()pCrl)' r~n\ln. ,he people's reluctan' 10 lran,fer resourcelo and pr<)­ whetbt:r"'" btll In.,,,, en"rety '" ,II he pass­ .......,.... a>a,lahle for sta.e...."'" SUS grams 10 Souohea>.o Florida," In tbt: opt. "'I>hes. Dreuler ,n"", bt a Galor fan or Ihi~ ed $I,ll rema"", unans"'ered. Rcpresen­ p"oril1es, madt opllon ,n­ nlOl'l of the eor'lwll-arl". <"meunng .. ~"'abie," $llod r~ell' Conell,•. Tl>e 1aU"e Carol Hanson, eha.rman oftbt: Palm The: CQrU.I.Iltanu repon """",nuccI. lhe: On tbt: AU campu", people. "'ere spill Btaeh dekpuon, and also a mcmbr:r of also adnov-Icdged IbM ...PC<' FAU rec:onvner>da.1OI'l that: a name ehanlP' be lit· tbt: issue. HalfWlUtl'ns a ......... .aIyw; on chan&e, the Brouard COIJnty delegation, said, "h's and AU are fully d<:..tloped tbt:)' st'tIIled ......wed no link 10 lnereased .so:r­ half wan'ins the school 10 rcmaln FlU. nne lhe appearance ofarrogance. the: spealer­ sboukl be allowed w do $0 before od>er m­ v""",, or a grea,er un,ve"'''y presence in Raul Mas'idal, Dade Coun.y regenl, lakes-all ph,l"""""y the:y !lCCm 10 have Bro",...rd COIJn.y IOhciled ,he Soard elf Regents 10 change n""va arc levied, Anolher recommenda­ adoplcd. Th,s whal will ge' 'hem intO lC-·~ 's ti(m was thai FAU and FlU should mcrge The Con...ltan,s. Lee R. KCl'llChner and the nalT>lOS of Ille s... S'X reJ!.ional IrOtlble. ,. Catlin flIes law suit Accusations of discrimination By ASAO RHATn' SMfT Writer A civil r,gh"" compla.'" _ recently filed apins< Or Hck'n J\Jpovoch and the FAU Admln,smaUon by Or, Robcn Ca'hn. Dean oflhe: College ofSoc;al Scienea. Dr. C:"ltn, Who is the Univer­ lily's first black dean and one of .so:vel'31 eandidllte5 for the post <If FAU president. is ac<:using Ihe Universily of diserimilUllion, by giving him 1,,-" adm,ni.tra"ve powers lhan other Deans and in allegedly paying him I"," than whilcs in equivalenl p<)l;i'ions at FAU. A«:ordins 10 Leonan1 Klall, FAU General COIJn.s<:I, an ,nIC"",1 ....estlgation by FAU found "no.dUCrim,nahOo ,nvolved." Tbc Equal Employrnem Opponunuy Commi...;o.-, has launched a full InCStipllOR i..... tbt: mllU« 'The UllJven,ty's Equal Oppon1lllJty Director, Rick Walker, could R()( dl§C!o5e any deuub oflhis case, as the maller is .,...,..,.,1­ Iy Ul aetive State invC$lig.'iQn. No date has ylOl boen SCI for a bear­ ing. Or. Clltlin hi,"""lf could lIOC be reached for commen" 80th klall and Walker aa:rec lila, tbt: o<m;orrIC .,flhis in\les.i&ll- , li(m could have a major impact On fUlUre University poliey. As of now, Klatt as.so:rts,"thc mailer is in the hands of lhe Equal Employment Opponunity Comrni...ion, Next Week: OPINIONS 5 COMICS 13 Details on the proposed tenth State University to be called 8 Everglades U. and will be located somewhere In the County BUSINESS CLASSIFIED 13 of Broward. FEATURES 9 SPORTS 16 Poa~ 2....,Lon,1<- Sun, "'oy 11. l~lW NEWS JIM D1X police[b)~@'[('[(®[j' S .... SrlifJ' Writ..,. Fun and Felonies at FAU ----~---------------' ~ul I.... Ih,atYou'll he able to enol off thil bummer. Fret """r >-hades f""lunng the name F\orida Atlanlk UnIH·...h}llre no.... 516/89-Abandonl'd Van causes Headac:hes­ Glades road information booth. with the Nurses available 10 FAU Facully. SI"ff. and StU1lcnl< .... ,th valid ID·,. Jw.t At 5:30 pm, a white van waJ found m the P-14 identification in ;1. When she gOl her case. the ~'''P by the A<lnl1m'lniItion Buikling. Room 383. to pick. up your lot, apparenlly abandoned. TIle vehicle had a tow nurse disc.:overed that her nursing liscence. pa­ car o.hadc. 1O<by and ha...e a cooler car .1-.
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