Wllmingt on. Public library — —.-*-—? - •- No. Wilmington, Mass* The Wilmington Crusader VOL. if NO. » WILMINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS — WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 19S3 PRICE TEN CENTS New School Contract Is Signed Last night, at 10:03 p.m. in the Roman House, the Elemen- LITTLE LEAGUE MOTHERS «»T » MRS. DREW HOLDS A SELECTMEN'S MEETING tary School Building Commit- TO MEET TONIGHT EEN 1 ALK tee and the Poorvu Construc- tion Company of Boston, signed A meeting, this evening, at by K.y a contract for the construction 8:15, has been called by the Mothers of the Little League, at Dorothy Murray was married of the new school, on Wildwood Sunday afternoon to David Brag- Street. the Wilmington Skating Club- house, on Chestnut Street. The don. Dodo, was dressed in a The contract was for the com- meeting is for the purpose of white dress and matching hat plete construction of the school, organizing an association of the and wore a lovely orchid cor other than equipment, and the mothers, to help out with Little Isage. We wish Dodo and Dave cost stipulated was $498,439. The the best of luck in the years to school will be built according to League. come. - the plans and specifications ori- BRUSH FIRE NEAR Vacationing in Maine is Janet ginally bid on, with a few minor WILDCAT RAILROAD McKay, while Gert Fenlon and exceptions. All three of the com- Nancy Cain are in New Hamp- mittee members, E. Hayward The Fire Department was shire. Also Irene Wicks, and Bliss, Nicholas De Felice and Al- called out, Monday afternoon, Mary Lou Swain are having a an Shepherd signed the contract to combat a blaze which covered combined work-a-well and vaca- for the town of Wilmington, and about an acre of land, in back I tion-a-while summer in Maine. Howard H. Poorvu, the treasurer of Broad Street, and adjacent Ralph Cliffords many friends of the Poorvu Construction Co. to the Wildcat Railroad, so call- really miss him now that he has signed for the contractor. ed. The blaze was reached by fol- !left Wilmington. The new school, to be erected lowing an old wood road. Kids Bob Clayton was seen talking on the property owned by the are thought to have been re- to Anne. Bea, Joan, Cyn and Kay town on Buck's Hill, will have 14 sponsible for the blaze. last Monday night at a Record classrooms, and a library and Hop. These girls journey to Kim ball's Starlight in Wakefield and Visual Aid room, equivalant in TV SET BURNS UP Mrs. Wavie Drew, West Street, re-elected a Selectman last March, size to a classroom. In addition, they really had a keen time. there will be an all purpose room A television set, valued up- John Tilley. Hawk Butler, Red had as one of her campaign points a statement that the Selectmen to be used as a cefeteria assem- wards to $350 was destroyed, by O'Connell. Berr Baldwin are should meet, every week, instead of bi-monthly. Mrs. Drew holds bly hall, and gymnasium, an all fire, Monday afternoon, at the 'some of the towns service men home of Harry Peterson, Laurel {home on leave. that the town's business doesn't get a close enough check with only ecectric kitchen, with stainless two meetings, by the Selectmen, every month. steel equipment, about 25 feet by Road, North Wilmington. The Dating: Tony and Cynthia. Jim 35 feet in size, a Nurse and Den- fire was thought to have started 'and Arne, Gene and Nancy, and Recently, Mrs. Drew announced that she was going to be in the tal office, a reception room, by short circuit. The Wilming- Mike and Peggy. ton Fire Department kept the Jeanne Fenlon was a lucky Town Hall, every Monday, to go over accounts, and keep herself teachers room, etc. posted, and the other Selectmen could be present or not, as they Each of the rooms ror the fire confined to the TV set. young lady this past week-end. primary children will be equip- She saw Julius LaRosa at the chose. ped with toilet faculties and the LYNDELL SIMPSON Hampton Beach Casino, Satur- Pictured above is Mrs". Drew, examining the work of Town Ac- day night. Jeanne can tell us ail other 8 rooms, in the other wing 1 Lyndell W. Simpson, Columbia countant Bob Peters, as she holds a Selectman's meeting, all by will have a set of toilet facilities about it and just watch us turn Street, an underwater demoli- green with envy. herself, last Monday. common to the 8 rooms. In ad- tion expert and "frog man" in (Polaroid One Minute Photo by Wilmington Crusader) dition, there will be two toilets the United States Navy, has had accessible from the outside, for METHODIST CHURCH NEWS a change of address. The new Services at the Wilmington use of children using the play- address is Lyndell W. Simpson, ground, when the school is Methodist Church will be at 10 PIG STOLEN WANTED DM-3, UDT No. 5, FPO, San Fran- a.m. next Sunday. The pastor otherwise closed. cisco, California. Donat Bourassa Jr., of Wil- MAN or WOMAN, any age, who The school is to be all on one will have as his sermon "New Areas of Conquest." mington Junction, reported to needs a home. Call Billerica level, with the grade being only MRS. BLISS ON the police Tuesday that a pig, 8876. slightly above the ground, with RECREATION COMMITTEE Beginning Sunday, July 5th, weighing about 100 pounds had the exception of a loading plat- and continuing through the sum- Mrs. May Bliss, Glen Road, be- mer, the Rev. Otis A. Maxfield been stolen. The pig was describ- form, in the rear, which will be ed as all-white. at tailboard height. The only came a member of the Wilming- may be heard each Sunday morn- ton Recreation Committee, at its ing, at 8:45 a.m. over WNAC in COMPLETE steps, leading in or out of the The home of the Marine Corps building will be adjacent to the meeting in the Town Hall, last a program entitled: "News In night. The meeting was devoted The World of Religion." Commandant, built in 1803, is known * BODY * loading platform, and will be as the oldest building in Washing- an emergency exit from the all- to further exploratory taUcs, on WORK purpose room, with four steps. the nature of the work to be ton, D. C. Floors in the class rooms are done by the committee. SOX SHELL TIGERS 12—5 to be of wood, but the other Cormier Hits Homer floors will be concrete. The main DR. SIDNEY S. SHER WALLPAPER ARNOLD lobby floor will be terrazo, and COMPLETES COURSES - "Fergle" the corridors will have asphalt Dr. Sidney S. Sher, local Wo- Iour.»*nr - KyAflill Faint v tile. In the all-purpose room the burn vision specialist, has just June 29—The Red Sox explod- Ovi-r 15,000 rolls in Stock FORD SALES floor will be of vynal plastic, in completed graduate courses at ed with* six runs in the third Boston Road - 662 - Billerica the library there will be court both Boston University and Suf- inning tonight, and three more 'Tii iimn Evenings Call 3103 tile, and in the kitchen quarry folk University. Dr. Sher, an in the fourth, featured by Walt red tile. Optometrist with 14 years ex- Cormiers third home run of the All ceilings will be plastered, perience in the eye professions, season, with two men on. and there will be accoustic tile is now writing a dissertation on The Sox trailed 5—3 going in- the importance of vision in the to the fourth when they came (Continued on page four) school. Dr. Sher will receive up with the six tallies on just • THE HILLTOP • an M.A. Degree in Education, two hits. majoring in eye-health education Red Sox pitcher Bill Lambert DINE • DANCE • LIQUOR on completion of his text. went the distance, allowing nine Orchestra Fri. - SaL hits. ENTERTAINMENT SUNDAY AFTERNOON WEST WILMINGTON The Tigers used three hurlers FOR RENT COMMUNITY CLUB TO MEET in trying to stop the second place ROUTE 38 TEWKSBURY Small 2 Room Cottage. on The regular meeting of the Sox. Tony DelTortc started and Your First Spot For Refreshments High Street, North Billerica. West Wilmington Club will be was relieved in the third by 2 Minutes from Wilmington For Appointment Call Biller- held tomorrow, July 2nd, at 9 Johnny McCabe, who was tagged Drop In end See Bob O'Brien and Ed Keough ica 8231. p.m. in the clubhouse on Forest for the loss. Street. Dick McKenna came in in the fourth and finished out. The Sox killed a Tiger rally in the fifth when with one out SAVE!! NO BETER GAS AT ANY PRICE!! SAYEIt and the bases full, second base- KEEP COOL!! man Paul Ryan snagged a line drive and tagged the runner to second, for an unassisted double play. USED CARS WINES "BOUGHT - SOLD - TRADED LIQUORS FOR SALE EASY TERMS Billerica 8167 CHOICE BUILDING LOT 125 foot front - 15,000 sq. feet GAS - WATER - SEWER PINEHURST ALTMAN'S, INC. L. E. DESMOND „ ♦ Telephone 631 Ttl. Billerica 5M ♦ ♦♦»«♦ • »*' _ PAGE TWO THE WILMINGTON CRUSADER, WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, MS THE WILMINGTON CRUSADER the next one, by extension, to make a .still stronger decision? Published Erery Wednesday If one man can order one thing, such as a dance floor destroy- Altered as Second Class matter November 22, 1960 at tfce Peat Office ed, then it follows that the next one can order the see-saws •t Wilmington, Massachusetts, under the.
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