Legislative Assembly 3363 13 July 1993 TUESDAY, 13 JULY 1993 Alleged Censorship of Notice of Motion Hon. T. M. MACKENROTH (Chatsworth—Leader of the House) (10.01 a.m.): I rise on a point of privilege. Contrary to the statements made by the Under the provisions of the motion for member for Southport during the recess that, special adjournment agreed to by the House in some way, I had been involved in censoring on 21 May 1993, the House met at 10 a.m. his motion, I was unaware that—— Mr VEIVERS: I rise to a point of order. Mr Mr SPEAKER (Hon. J. Fouras, Ashgrove) Speaker, I am not referring to any action by read prayers and took the chair. the Leader of the House. I am referring to the notice of motion which appears in the General Business section of the notice paper. Mr PRIVILEGE Speaker, I ask for your ruling. Alleged Censorship of Notice of Motion Mr SPEAKER: Order! I am on my feet! I Mr VEIVERS (Southport) (10 a.m.): I rise inform the member for Southport that I am still on a matter of privilege. I refer to Notices of in the Chair today. I ask him to resume his Motion and Orders of the Day circulated to seat while I am on my feet. It is in order for the honourable members this morning and, in Leader of the House to speak to that matter particular, to a notice of motion tabled by me of privilege. on 21 May, part of which is included in today’s Mr MACKENROTH: Until he made that General Business section. The notice of statement to the media, I was unaware that motion which appears today is substantially the motion of the member for Southport had different from that tabled by me on 21 May. In been changed in any way. Personally, I could particular, that part of the motion which not care less what motion the member for referred to the Leader of the House has been Southport has on the books about me. He censored and the entire intent of the motion can say what he likes. I had nothing undermined. Mr Speaker, I ask that you give whatsoever to do with it. an explanation as to why such unprecedented Mr Veivers interjected. action was taken. Mr SPEAKER: Order! I warn the member Mr SPEAKER: Order! I remind the for Southport under Standing Order 124. I member for Southport that it is normal read to the House Standing Order 47, which procedure in any Parliament for questions on states— notice and notices of motion to be looked at “If a Notice contains unbecoming by the Clerk, who can make a decision as to expressions, the Speaker may order that whether a question on notice or notice of it shall not be printed, or it may be motion complies with the Standing Orders. For expunged from the Notice Paper by order example, Standing Order 119 states that a of the House.” member shall not use unbecoming or offensive words in reference to another Mr VEIVERS: Mr Speaker, in view of your member of the House. The notice of motion of censoring a notice of motion, I move that your the member for Southport has been edited. ruling be dissented from. Similar action has been taken previously. I Mr SPEAKER: Order! I find the phrase inform the member for Southport that there is that I censored the notice of motion offensive, nothing abnormal about that. The Clerk of the and I ask the member for Southport to Parliament had a look at the notice of motion withdraw it. I have given an explanation. I ask and edited it to comply with the Standing the member for Southport to withdraw that Orders. word. Mr MACKENROTH: I rise on a matter of Mr VEIVERS: What word? privilege—— Mr SPEAKER: That I “censored” the Mr VEIVERS: Mr Speaker, as you have notice paper. censored that notice of motion, I move that Mr VEIVERS: That is what happened. It your ruling—— was censored. Mr SPEAKER: Order! I am on my feet! PRIVILEGE 13 July 1993 3364 Legislative Assembly Mr SPEAKER: Order! I warn the member SUSPENSION OF MEMBER for Southport under Standing Order 124 to Hon. T. M. MACKENROTH withdraw that word. If he does not, I will ask (Chatsworth—Leader of the House) him to leave the House. (10.04 a.m.): I move— Mr VEIVERS: Mr Speaker, I am not “That the honourable member for going to withdraw the word “censored”, Southport be suspended from the service because that is what has happened. of the House for 24 hours.” Question put; and the House divided— AYES, 52—Ardill, Barton, Beattie, Bennett, Bird, NAMING OF MEMBER Braddy, Bredhauer, Briskey, Budd, Burns, Campbell, Mr SPEAKER: Order! I name the Casey, Clark, Comben, D’Arcy, Davies, De Lacy, member for Southport under Standing Order Dollin, Edmond, Elder, Fenlon, Foley, Gibbs, Goss W. K., Hamill, Hayward, Hollis, Mackenroth, 124. McElligott, McGrady, Milliner, Nunn, Nuttall, Mr VEIVERS: Mr Speaker, you cannot do Palaszczuk, Pearce, Purcell, Pyke, Robertson, that! Robson, Rose, Smith, Spence, Sullivan J. H., Sullivan T. B., Szczerbanik, Vaughan, Warner, Mr BORBIDGE: I rise to a point of order. Welford, Wells, Woodgate, Tellers: Pitt, Livingstone Mr Speaker, you threatened to ask the NOES, 31—Beanland, Borbidge, Connor, Cooper, member to leave the House. You are now Davidson, Elliott, FitzGerald, Gamin, Goss J. N., naming him. I suggest that—— Grice, Healy, Hobbs, Horan, Johnson, Lester, Lingard, Littleproud, McCauley, Mitchell, Quinn, Mr SPEAKER: Order! I warned the Rowell, Santoro, Sheldon, Simpson, Slack, member under Standing Order 124 previously. Stoneman, Turner, Veivers, Watson, Tellers: Under Standing Order 124, I now warn the Springborg, Laming member for the final time to withdraw that Resolved in the affirmative. reflection on the Chair. Whereupon the honourable member for Mr VEIVERS: Mr Speaker, I am not Southport withdrew from the Chamber. withdrawing the word “censored” because that is exactly what happened. I move that your ruling—— ASSENT TO BILLS Mr SPEAKER: Order! I inform honourable members that I have received from Her NAMING OF MEMBER Excellency the Governor a letter in respect of assent to certain Bills, the contents of which Mr SPEAKER: Order! That is a direct will be incorporated in the record of reflection on the Chair. I now name the Parliament. member for Southport. 15 June, 1993. Dear Mr Speaker, I hereby acquaint the Legislative Assembly that, in the period in which Parliament has stood adjourned, the following Bills, having been passed by the Legislative Assembly and having been presented for the Royal Assent, were assented to in the name of Her Majesty on the dates indicated: Date of Assent “A Bill for an Act to amend the Liquor Act 1992” 20th May, 1993 “A Bill for an Act providing for the approval, development and management of schemes of mixed use development, and for other purposes” 28th May, 1993 “A Bill for an Act to amend the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road Act 1984” 28th May, 1993 “A Bill for an Act to amend the Law Courts and State Buildings Protective Security Act 1983” 28th May, 1993 “A Bill for an Act to amend the Suncorp Insurance and Finance Act 1985” 28th May, 1993 “A Bill for an Act to amend the Racing and Betting Act 1980” 28th May, 1993 “A Bill for an Act to amend and repeal certain Acts in relation to the appointment of Supreme Court Judges, and for other purposes” 28th May, 1993 “A Bill for an Act to amend the Classification of Films Act 1991” 28th May, 1993 “A Bill for an Act to facilitate the integration of Bank of Queensland Savings Bank Limited with Bank of Queensland Limited” 28th May, 1993 Legislative Assembly 3365 13 July 1993 “A Bill for an Act to repeal the Carriage of Goods by Land (Carriers’ Liabilities) Act 1967” 28th May, 1993 “A Bill for an Act to make provision in relation to the establishment of universities and for the accreditation of courses that lead to higher education awards proposed to be offered by other bodies and institutions, and for related purposes” 28th May ,1993 “A Bill for an Act to amend certain Acts relating to superannuation” 28th May, 1993 “A Bill for an Act to provide for the corporatisation of nominated government entities and for related purposes” 2nd June, 1993 “A Bill for an Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the development and management of the Brisbane Cricket Ground, and for related purposes” 2nd June, 1993 “A Bill for an Act to amend the Electricity Act 1976, and for other purposes” 2nd June, 1993 “A Bill for an Act to amend the City of Brisbane Act 1924, the Local Government Act 1936 and the Local Government (Planning and Environment) Act 1990” 2nd June 1993 “A Bill for an Act to amend the Agricultural Standards Act 1952” 2nd June, 1993 “A Bill for an Act to amend the New South Wales—Queensland Border Rivers Act 1946, and for other purposes” 2nd June, 1993 “A Bill for an Act to discontinue certain business licences under the Dairy Industry Act 1989 and the Fishing Industry Organisation and Marketing Act 1982” 2nd June, 1993 “A Bill for an Act to establish a Building Societies Fund, to make provision for other the winding-up of the Combined Bowkett and Building Society Limited, to pay amounts to continuing building societies, and for other purposes” 2nd June, 1993 “A Bill for an Act to amend the Financial Institutions Code and the AFIC Code” 2nd June, 1993 “A Bill for an Act to provide for the restructuring of the dairy industry and for purposes” 2nd June, 1993 “A Bill for an Act to make various amendments of the statute law of Queensland, to repeal certain Acts and to declare certain matters” 3rd June, 1993 I hereby transmit the Bills to the Legislative Assembly, to be numbered and forwarded to the proper Officer for enrolment, in the manner required by law.
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