auuniurmenift. LOCAL AFFAIRS. been entered, and a quantity ot lead pipe anbRifnncnta. and some brass door-knobs stolen. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS K Tinker’s famous singing orchestra, al- ways popular in Ellt worth, will appear at i Strand Theatre Hancock ball next Admr notice—Rafus H Emery Wednesday evening —Vesta L Wescott in concert, and playing for a ball which !£ Burrill National —Isaac B Goodwin will follow. Bank —Almeda Goodwin Exec notice—Charles 8 Holt Mrs. Harriet C. Davis, who has spent '* Francis Arnold | —George the winter with her in Massa- OF Help wanted—Girl for housework daughters ELLSWORTH ** —Man o farm chusetts, arrived home last Thursday, and I J A coffee 1 Haynes—Climax has her home for C W Grludal—Seed oats opened Ellsworth the offers you every possible banking accommodation Earl B Tinker summer, I Union Trust Co, within bounds of safety. We want your business. Tinker’s Singing Orchestra Blanquefort commandery, Knights | Ellsworth Greenhouse Templar, will bold a conclave next Mon- Caution notice—John W Smith Officers and day afternoon and evening. The order of credited on accts. of Corporators of Hancock County 2% monthly checking $500 and over Savings Ban': the red cross will beconferred in tbeafter- la bankruptcy—Edward S Carpenter noon and the order of the temple in the I 4 Boston: percent., compounded semi-annually, in savings evening. A will be served at6.30. dept. Walter H Wpod’s Co banquet | A. L. Witham baa been appointed Check and | Both Savings are under Ilia new Departments CONDENSED TIME TABLE. nagger of the store of the Ureat j Trains arrive at Ellsworth from the west at Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., in Belfast. U. S. Government Two examina- 6.42 a m. 4.28 m. supervision. p Mr. Witham will leave this week to Trains leave Ellsworth for the west pt 11.10a open tions yearly. Full particulars by mail, or cad. m, 6.22 p m. the atore. Winfred B. Joy, of Ellsworth Falls, succeeds him as clerk in the store SCHEDULE OF MAILS here. ■ ■ ■ ”•****• *+ *" m ■ w i. —. ... — ■ I I AT ELLSWORTH POSTOPFICK. There are three big features on the pro- , In effect Sept. 26, 1916. gram at the Stand for this week. Thurs- <MJuc«ja3aui.AX*Moocottiw**MiiXOCBCiiOP»poooooooogaaooQQQOQppoo day, Robert Warwick will appear in “Sins MAILS BBOKIVKD. of Society”; Friday, Annette Kellerman From Wbst—6.42 a m; 4.28, p m. in and From East— 11.10 a m; 6.22 p£n. “Neptune’s Daughter”, Saturday NO OROUNDS FOR COMPLAINT the “Forbidden Fruit.” MAILS CLOUS AT POSTOFPICB society drama, Going Wbst—10.40 a m; 6.50 pfm. To-night’s picture in the Draft series will If are Going East—6.16 a m: 3.65 p m. be “Orinding Life Down”. they The monthly meeting of the Ellsworth Registered mail should be at poetofflce half teachers’ association will be held next an hour before mail closes. Friday evening at 7.4S o’clock, at the high school Two will be taken WEATHER IN ELLSWORTH. building. topics CLIMAX COFFEE up for general discussion: 1. Compul- sory education; the duties of teacher, HANCOCK COUNTY SAVINGS BANK For Week Coding mi Midnight Tuesday, superintendent and truant officer. Not do extra f May 9, 1916. grounds. only you get and 2. Some of the of goodness observations taken at the problems graduation. | j [From power station of the Bar Harbor A fine flavor in CLIMAX but the Coffee is Union Rivet Daniel a native of Ella- Coffee, j Power Co., in Ellsworth. Precipitation Is Adams, jr., given in inches for the twenty-four hours worth, son of the late Daniel and Abigail so an num- S at unusually strong, you get exceptional ending midnight.J died in On ids, S. D., 27 aged • Weather Precip- Adams, April “SAFETY FIRST!” her of cups to the pound. ^ Temperature condition* itatiou sixty-two years. Mr. Adams left Ells- worth when a boy, and had since lived in | 4am 12 m forenoon afternoon Comes fresh to us week to our the West. He leaves a one A bank that has the of every , goes Wed 46— 6J— clear cloudy,rain .88 widow, son protected savings Thurs 45— 68— rain,fair fair .18 and a daughter, a brother, Herbert, find fresh-ground AFTER it’s ordered. this for over 43 must cer- patrons Fri 68- 67- fair fair three sisters, Mrs. H. E. Heppner, of community years Sat 46— 51— fair Mrs. H. M. cloudy Oregon, Allan, of Billings, be a safe and sound bank for YOU Sun 42— 68— fair fair tainly Mont., and Mrs. W. R. Bradley, of St. Paul. An Coffee lh ^ Mon 40— 62— fsir fair,rain .08 amazing James E. of off to deal with. I Tues 48— 64— c1oudy,fair fair Parsons, Lubec, stopped value at in Ellsworth last Friday on his way home from Portland, where he attended the The Hancock Bank en- I John B. Dean has bad a telephone In- County Savings meetings of the grand masonic bodies. stalled in his house. the honor of this and A. 3.T.S/ MAixe Mr. Parsons has just been elected first S joys long faithful ser- J. HAYNES, <j'ELi!swoimri I Mrs. of in Lovinia J. is | Reeves, Bangor, vice president of the Maine council of the the for a visit of a week. Wee ; has added thousands of dollars 4 city order of the high priesthood. His daugh- j many Mrs. Susan Cushman Mason left Sun- now ter, Mrs* P. A. Coombs, is visiting in interest to the deposits in its care ; invites E day for a visit of two weeks in Boston. her parents in Lubec. She expects to Congressman John A. Peters is at home make a short visit in Ellsworth with her YOUR savings account on the same safe,- I mother before to her home in trom Washington for a few days, on busi- returning liberal- interest ness. East Orange, N. J. guarding, basis. 1 Mrs. Harlan Hodgkins returned Friday The Ellsw'orth woman’s club held its from a visit of three weeks with relatives annual meeting yesterday, at the home of in Massachusetts. Mrs. B. B. Whitcomb. Officers were elected as follows: Mrs. Austin H. Joy, Luther M. Piper awl wife left last week Lime president; Mrs. F. M. Gay nor, first vice- Agricultural for New Haven, Conn where they will Hancock County Bank I Mrs. B. B. second Savings j make their home. president; Whitcomb, vice-president; Mrs. John Duffy, secre- 1873 Mrs. Fred H. Macomber, who has spent Established E1J Me. a tary ; Miss Alice H. Scott, treasurer. The SWOrth, the winter in Eiltsworth, returned Monday program for the day included an interest- to her home in'Seal Harbor. Seed Oats Grass Seed 1 ing paper by Miss Elizabeth True on There wilt he no 8.30 supper at tbe He- “Woman as a Breadwinner”, piano selec- To Stop Auto Speeding. | the bmldings late be kah Refresh- of Milliken (the lodge Tuesday evening. tions by Miss Dorothy Mathews, and City Marshal Silvy has Btarted a cam- Sms’ Joseph esUte) which was also ments will be served after tbe degree violin selections by Mrs. Ida L. Sinclair, against automobile speeding. He Jlflge paign families suc- work. .eatroyed. Both with Miss Erva Giles as accompanist. has repeatedly given warning that the ceeded^in^ much of saving a few things, The ladies’ aid of the Methodist laws and automobile regulations ^f„h v condition. Lime and Cement society Luther A. Leach has been appointed speed “Odder *»S in a damaged in a ordinance owned E. H. chores will serve sapper st the home ot of the Bar Har- adopted by the city special Norris '/ Bod” cottage, by general superintendent several times, but was j .on will be enforced. This ordinance forbids caught fire * Corn Hancock Baved Mrs. 1’omroy, street, ■ su- bor & Union River Power Co., having the efforts of the towns- faster driving than twelve miles an hour through this evening. over all lines east of Bangor. E! A insurance was carried | pervision y fp *. partial on streets of Ellsworth within the follow- of Are unknown. Patrick Bresnahsn pleaded not gnilt; on Mr. Leach comes to Ellsworth from the ach party. Cause limits: C. W. « search and seizure warrant last Mon- Bar Harbor office of the company. He ing GR1NDAL, the of State and Oek streets, day. He was adjudged guilty, and paid a has been connected with the company From junction over or Water street COMING EVENTS. j fine of flOO and costs, |4.07. since its organization, and before that had down either street High trt Wa>hinrton street. at home of Water Maine ♦ of was in been with the Bar Harbor Electric Light WedDesday evening, May 10, Street, Ellsworth, Col. Frederick Hale, Portland, From McKenzie avenue on Main or Union is not a in Methodist Ellsworth yesterday, in tbe interests of Co., since 1887. He stranger street to the John Black homestead on tb' Mrs. Cora Pomroy—Supper by having for a few months, some Surry road and on Conrt street to the S. 1 4 ladles’ aid IS cents, his campaign for tbe republican nomina- Ellsworth, i. society; the Ellsworth Goodwin place. tion for United States senator. years ago, been located*at Also at Ellsworth Falls, from the Janet 17, at Hr Wednesday evening, May ^ L. H. of has of State and North streets to the Ba- ton office. Cushman, Ellsworth, cock ball — Concert and ball; Tin) A meeting ot the republican oonnty bridge over Union river, and to the Jun jgor been appointed superintendent of con- of the Waltham road and Mill street, a- etton orchestra.
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