aker Environmental, Inc. Airport Office Park, Building 3 420 Rouser Road Coraopolis, Pennsylvania 15108 ( 412) ;s9-6000 FAX (412) 269-2002 October 29, 1998 ;}Lj I <D I ~ b ?_D _/ ~ pt - Mr. Wen C. Huang, P.E. 1-+ W/ Minnesota/Wisconsin Section t:m/Rt=A-~ RCRA Permitting Branch HRP-8J RegionS 77 West Jackson Boulevard Chicago, Illinois 60604-3590 Subject: Technical Scope ofWork and Proposed Project Schedule Tank Farm Area Closure PPG Industries, Inc. Oak Creek, Wisconsin WID 059 972 935 Dear Mr. Huang: As per your correspondence to Mr. Tom Yurick ofPPG dated October 8, 1998 attached please find a copy of the Teclmical Scope of Work (including an attached addendum) for the Tank Farm Area Closure (i.e., UST closure and soil and groundwater remediation) at PPG's Oak Creek Wisconsin facility. The proposed project schedule is presented below: Activity/Description Bids for Tank Fann Area Closure Received by PPG 1119/98 Contract Award 11/25/98 USTs Removed from Service 12/22/98 Field Mobilization of Tank Farm Area Closure Contractor 1/4/99* Submission of CMS Workplan to EPA 2/1/99 Tank Cleaning, Removal, and In-Place Closure Complete 3/1/99* Soil and Groundwater Remediation Start-up 4/1/99* Soil and Groundwater Remediation Complete 12/1/99* Activity dates assigned an asterisk are target dates which will be confinned upon the acceptance of the schedule proposed by the successful bidder. PPG will submit a revised schedule to EPA subsequent to a contract being awarded. PPG will submit a progress and monitoring report bi-monthly to EPA and with copies to Wisconsin DNR for the duration of Tank Farm Area Clos~re activities. e A Total Quality Corporation Mr. Wen C. Huang, P.E. October 29, 1998 Page 2 Should you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please feel free to contact me at (412) 269- 2063. Sincerely, BAKER ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Daniel L. Bonk, P .E. DLB/rw Attachments cc: Mark Gordon- WDNR (w/ attaclunents) Walt Ebersohl- WDNR..(w/ attaclm1ents) Tom Yurick- PPG (w/ attaclunents) Pat Kacsuta- PPG (w/ attaclunents) Tom Ebbert- PPG (w/o attaclunents) Ann Foulkes- PPG (w/o attaclunents) MEMORANDUM OCTOBER 28, 1998 TO: FRANK KIENINGER FROM: DAN BONK SUBJECT: ADDENDUM TO BID PACKAGE TANK FARM AREA CLOSURE PPG INDUSTRIES, INC. OAK CREEK, WISCONSIN The following information and attachments are provided in response to the discussions from the pre-bid meeting for the above referenced project which occurred on Thursday, October 22, 1998. • Other Contractors Working at the Site: The successful bidder shall be aware of the work being performed by other contractors at the site. Tank cleaning and in-place closure work is being provided by Superior Special Services, Inc. ofFon duLac, Wisconsin [contact: Jed Hoffman (920) 924-5547]. Excavation of the roadway area south of the tank farm will be performed by CG Schmidt Inc. of Racine, Wisconsin [contact: Niels P. Anderson, VP/General Manager (414) 886- 1112]. • Tank Scrap Metal Issue: Upon the completion of tank cleaning activities, Superior Special Services will certify that the UST has been cleaned for demolition and scrap purposes, but not for reuse. • Underdrain Sump Issues: The average daily production rate for the underdrain sump is anticipated to be approximately 8,000 gallons per day (gpd) during the period from January through March. According to available drawings the portion of the underdrain system buried beneath the Tank Farm Area is comprised of clay tile. The composition of the above-grade portion of the underdrain sump conduit was not determined prior to the issuance of this addendum. The Contractor shall specify the materials to be used if it is the Contractor's intention to replace any portion of this underdrain sump conduit. • Site Utilities: PPG will provide reasonable volumes of potable water to the Contractor at no charge. The Contractor shall specify its anticipated water requirements in the bid. Telephone service is available in the contractor trailer and equipment laydown area. The Contractor shall be responsible for the cost of bringing the service from the nearest pole to the Contractor's office trailer and for monthly usage. Electric service is also available in the contractor trailer and equipment laydown area. The Contractor shall be responsible for the cost of bringing the service from the nearest pole to the Contractor's office trailer. There will be no cost to the Contractor for reasonable normal monthly service to the trailer. PPG will bear the cost of delivering electric service to the Tank Farm Area to support the operation of a remediation system. The Contractor shall specify in the bid the electric service requirements of its remediation system. The Contractor shall be responsible for delivering the service to the remediation system, metering the service, and the monthly usage costs. • Revised Bid Form: Attachment A contains a revised bid form. The bid form has been revised for the Contracotr to include unit rates for free product collection and odor suppresswn. • UST and Trestle Column Foundation Details: Attachment B contains three drawings including a plan of the UST foundations (dwg no. CR-7201-S150) and details for both the UST foundations (dwg no. CR-7201-S151) and the trestle column footings (dwg no. CR- 7201-S152). According to the notes provided in the details the majority of the trestle column footings extend 4' 6" below finished grade. • UST Dimensions: A revised UST data table containing tank dimensions is provided in Attachment C. Tank identification numbers are provided in the table and on a plan of the Tank Farm Area also provided in Attachment C. • Fire Monitor Platform Foundation Plan and Section: Attachment D contains two figures which depict in plan and section the fire monitor foundations which are located within the paved road area located south of the Tank Farm. The figures indicate that the tower foundations are 14 feet deep and should not be disrupted by tank removal activities. • Plan of South Roadway Excavation: Attachment E contains a plan of the anticipated extent of roadway excavation in the area south of the Tank Farm. Approximate limits of both contaminated and uncontaminated materials are depicted in the plan. Contaminated materials (i.e., concrete and soil) are to be consolidated into the Tank Farm Area as per the scope of work. • PPG-Approved Laboratories: Attachment F contains a list of PPG-approved laboratories. The following are responses to questions received by PPG since the pre-bid meeting. 1) What is the expiration date of the facility's RCRA permit? The RCRA permit for the Oak Creek facility will expire in May 2002. 2) Does PPG have a target date for the completion of the site clean-up? PPG' s preference is for the site clean-up to be completed in 1999. Contractors shall specify in their bid the target date for the completion of site clean-up using each contractor's particular approach. ATTACHMENT A Revised Bid Form 1.0 GENimAL PROVISIONS Scope of Work Section 2.0) llcalth and Safety 1'10g1 css and final Reports Waste Management TANK REMOVAL AND CLOSURE Scope of Work Section 2.1) Mobilization Tank Removal and Disposal Temporary Fireline and Sump Conduit Provisions Pennitting (If Applicable) Demobilization and Site Cleanup SOIL AND GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION Scope of Work Sections 2.2 and 2.3) Soil Remediation Via Soil Vapor Extraction 0 Design & Pennitting (including pilot if required) Provide and Install Equipment LS System Start-Up LS 3.2.3 Monthly Operations and Maintenance 3.3 Groundwater Remediation Via Air Sparging 3.3.0 Design & Permitting (including pilot if required) LS 3.3.1 Provide and Install Equipment LS 3.3.2 System Start-Up LS 3.3.3 Monthly Operations and Maintenance 3.4 Site Grading LS 3.5 Concrete and Soil Segregation, Sampling and Analysis (Option) LS Progress Monitoring and Post-Remediation Sampling LS Demobilization and Site Cleanup Subtotal ~j::~~:~!!~:~:~!;::!:l~:::~::·@I ALTERNATIVE SOIL AND GROUNDWATER REMEDIA Scope of Work Sections 2.2 and 2.3) Soil Remediation Via Soil Vapor Extraction Design & Permitting (including pilot if required) Provide and Install Equipment System Start-Up Monthly Operations and Maintenance Groundwater Remediation Design & Permitting (including pilot if required) LS Provide and Install Equipment LS .2 System Start-Up LS .3 Monthly Operations and Maintenance Site Grading Concrete and Soil Segregation, Sampling and Analysis (Option) LS Permitting LS Progress Monitoring and Post-Remediation Sampling LS 4.8 Demobilization and Site Cleanup Items Requiring PPG's Pre-Approval Schedule Free Product Collection $ day Draft Conceptual Design Odor Control $ /sq-ft covered Tank Removal Complete Soil/Groundwater Remd. start-up Note each line item to include all costs for total completion of project Soil/Groundwater Remd. complete Company: ______________________________________________ Authorized Representative: --------------------------------­ Date· Note Please type or pnnt In "Authorized Representaltve" By signature bidder clearly states your willingness and ability to comply with all of the contract terms and condttions 10/28/98 ATTACHMENTB Drawing No. CR-7201-8150: Tank Mats and Trestle Foundation Plans Drawing No. CR-7201-8151: Tank Mat Details Drawing No. CR-7201-8152: Tank Mat Details ~t rr , .•~.' -·' A.JI 'i 1 s •.J.l {.'j '· [(; 13£11 ~·) ll lj? 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