•HPAdjustable HPDragon introduces displayImprint withFinish, the dual a world’s dramatichinge first 20.1” WUXGA dramatic style available exclusively with withWUXGA the HDX series XHD Ultra Brightview display delivering delivering the highest resolution and picture picture quality available in a 20.1” display: display: “True HD” 1080p high-definition high-definition resolution and will upscale upscale images up to “1200p” extreme high high definition for unparalleled brightness, brightness, contrast ratio, and color depth. depth. • HDX Integrated Audio provides a best-in-class audio experience with four four discrete Altec Lansing speakers and the integrated HP Triple Bass Reflex Reflex Subwoofer. Integrated amplifiers provide approximately 20W total total output while supporting a full range of treble and bass frequencies frequencies for outstanding stereo. • HDX integrated audio processor supports the latest external PC audio speaker speaker solutions without the expense of an external sound processor to to enable immersion in true HD audio with a full-surround sound experience. experience. Supports the best audio experience possible: 7.1 analog audio. audio. • Integrated Hybrid TV Tuner lets you watch, record, and pause live TV using using AmplifyWindows youryour youryour your your your your your yourVista™your yourlife yourlife lifeyour life yourlife yourlife yourlife life lifewithlife withlife withlife lifewith lifewithlife withlife lifewith lifewith lifewith lifewithcutting-edgelife orlifewith cutting-edgelifewith lifecutting-edgewith lifecutting-edgewithlife life withcutting-edgelifewith lifecutting-edgewith lifethecutting-edgewith withcutting-edge withcutting-edge withcutting-edge with cutting-edgewithwith cutting-edge withcutting-edgeHP with cutting-edgewith cutting-edgewith withcutting-edge withcutting-edge cutting-edge cutting-edgeQuickPlaytechnologies!* cutting-edgetechnologies!*cutting-edge cutting-edge technologies!*cutting-edge cutting-edgetechnologies!* cutting-edge technologies!*cutting-edge cutting-edgetechnologies!* cutting-edgetechnologies!*cutting-edge cutting-edgetechnologies!* technologies!* technologies!* technologies!* technologies!* technologies!*TV technologies!* technologies!* technologies!* feature technologies!* technologies!* technologies!* technologies!* technologies!* technologies!* technologies!* technologies!* technologies!*on technologies!* technologies!* technologies!* their technologies!* technologies!* notebook. notebook.Amplify Use ATSC your your your your your yourtoyouryouryour receive life life life life life life life life life life life life life broadcastlife life life lifewithlife with with with with with with with with with with with with with withwith with withcutting-edge cutting-edge cutting-edge HDTV cutting-edge cutting-edge cutting-edge cutting-edge cutting-edge cutting-edge cutting-edge cutting-edge cutting-edge cutting-edge cutting-edge cutting-edgetransmissions cutting-edgecutting-edgecutting-edge technologies!*technologies!* ortechnologies!* technologies!* technologies!* switchtechnologies!* technologies!* technologies!* technologies!* technologies!* technologies!* technologies!* technologies!* technologies!* technologies!* technologies!* technologies!*technologies!* •AmplifyEnjoy "true"true"true HD" HD"HD" 1080p 1080p 1080p youryour high-definition high-definition high-definition lifelifelife playback playback playbackwithwithwith on on theon the cutting-edgetheworld’scutting-edgecutting-edge world’s world’s first first first20.1" 20.1" 20.1" WUXGA WUXGA WUXGA XHD XHD technologies!* UltraXHDtechnologies!*technologies!* Ultra BrightViewUltra BrightView BrightView widescreen widescreen widescreen display. switch• toEnjoyEnjoy analog "true "true"true"true"true"true for HD" HD" HD" HD" HD"HD" access 1080p 1080p 1080p 1080p 1080p1080p to high-definition high-definition high-definition cablehigh-definition high-definitionhigh-definition or satellite playback playback playback playback playback playbackTV onprogramming. on onthe onthe on the world’s on theworld’s theworld’s the world’s world’s firstworld’s first first20.1" first20.1" first20.1" first 20.1"WUXGA 20.1"WUXGA 20.1" WUXGA WUXGA WUXGAXHD WUXGA XHD XHDUltra XHDUltra XHDUltraBrightView XHD UltraBrightView UltraBrightView UltraBrightView BrightViewwidescreen BrightView HP Pavilion HDX series Entertainment Notebook PC (HP Dragon) Datasheet • display.widescreenEnjoy Offered"true "true"true display.display. HD" HD" HD"exclusivelyHD"HD" Offered Offered1080p 1080p 1080p 1080p1080p by exclusively exclusivelyHP. high-definition high-definition high-definition high-definitionhigh-definition by by HP. HP. playback playback playback playback playback on on on theon theon the world’sthe world’sthe world’s world’s world’s first first first 20.1"first 20.1"first 20.1" 20.1" WUXGA20.1" WUXGA WUXGA WUXGA WUXGA XHD XHD XHD Ultra XHD Ultra XHD • widescreenBrightViewEnjoy "true"true display.widescreen widescreenwidescreen HD" HD"HD"HD" Offered 1080p 1080p 1080pdisplay. 1080p display.display. exclusively high-definitionOffered high-definitionOffered high-definitionOfferedhigh-definition by exclusively exclusivelyHP. exclusively playback byplayback byplayback byplaybackHP. HP. HP. on on on theon the the theworld’s world’s world’s world’s first first first 20.1"first 20.1" 20.1" 20.1" WUXGA WUXGA WUXGA WUXGA • HP Mobile•technologies!* ExperienceBrightViewUltraEnjoy Full-function BrightView "true mind-blowing"truemind-blowing"true widescreenwidescreen HD" HD" HD"RemoteHD"HD" widescreen levels levels 1080p 1080p 1080p display.1080pdisplay.1080p conveniently of of realism realism display. high-definitionOffered high-definitionOffered high-definition high-definition andhigh-definition and effectsdocks effectsOffered exclusively exclusively with withinto NVIDIAexclusively NVIDIAthe playback by playbackby playback notebook playback GeForceHP. playback HP.GeForce by 8800M HP.on8800Mfor on on onthe GTSonthe theGTS the world’s plus theworld’s plusworld’s 512MBworld’s world’s512MB firstvideo first videofirst firstmemory20.1" first20.1" memory20.1" 20.1" supporting20.1" WUXGA •technologies!*ExperienceUltraXHDEnjoy UltraBrightView "truemind-blowing mind-blowing"truemind-blowing BrightViewBrightView HD" HD"HD"widescreenHD" levels levels levels 1080pwidescreen 1080pwidescreen1080p1080p of of of realism realism display.realism high-definition high-definition high-definitionandhigh-definition display.and display.and Offeredeffects effects effects withOffered withOffered exclusivelywith NVIDIA NVIDIA NVIDIA playbackexclusively playbackexclusivelyGeForceplayback playbackGeForce byGeForce HP. 8800M 8800M by 8800Monby on HP. onGTS HP.on the GTSthe plusGTSthe theplusworld’s 512MB world’s plusworld’s 512MBworld’s 512MB video videofirst first memoryvideofirst firstmemory20.1" for easy• supportingExperience XHDWUXGAstorage.Enjoy Ultra the Press "truemind-blowing "truemind-blowing "truemind-blowingXHDhottest XHDXHDBrightView the DirectX Ultra UltraUltra HD" HD"ejectHD"HD"HD" 10 BrightViewlevels BrightViewbutton levelsBrightViewlevelswidescreen 1080pgames 1080p 1080p1080p1080p of of of foravailable.realism realism realism easy high-definitionwidescreen high-definition widescreenhigh-definition display.widescreenhigh-definitionandhigh-definition andretrieval. and effects effects effects Offered with It display.with display. works withdisplay. NVIDIA NVIDIA NVIDIAexclusively evenplayback playback Offered playbackOfferedGeForce playback Offered playbackGeForcewhile GeForce exclusively8800Mby exclusively8800M exclusively onHP. 8800Mon on on GTSthe on theGTS the GTSplusthe byworld’sthe plusbyworld’s HP.512MBbyworld’splus world’sHP. 512MB world’sHP. 512MB video •memoryExperienceWUXGA20.1"Enjoy supportingsupportingsupporting WUXGA "true mind-blowing"truemind-blowing"trueXHDXHD the thethe Ultrahottest Ultra hottest HD"hottest HD"HD"XHDHD"HD" DirectX BrightViewDirectX levelsBrightViewDirectXlevels Ultra1080p 1080p 1080p1080p1080p 10 of 10 of10 games realism BrightViewgamesrealism games widescreenavailable.high-definition widescreen high-definitionavailable.high-definition high-definitionandavailable.high-definition and effects effects widescreen withdisplay. display.with NVIDIA NVIDIA playbackOffereddisplay. playbackOffered playbackGeForce playback playbackGeForce exclusively Offered8800Mexclusively 8800M on on on on GTStheon exclusivelyGTSthe the byplusthe bythe world’s plusHP.world’s 512MBworld’sHP. •ListenvideoExperience20.1"Enjoy to memory thunderous WUXGAWUXGA mind-blowing"truemind-blowing "truemind-blowingsupportingsupporting audio from XHD HD" XHDHD" XHDHD"HD"XHDthe the four hottest hottest levels levelsUltraAltec levelsUltra Ultra Ultra1080p 1080p1080p1080p DirectX LansingofDirectX of of BrightView BrightViewrealism BrightViewrealism BrightViewrealism speakers10 10 games high-definition high-definitiongamesandhigh-definition high-definitionand and available.effects widescreeneffects available.the widescreen effectswidescreen widescreenbuilt-in with with withHP NVIDIA TripleNVIDIA NVIDIA display. display.Bass display. playback display.GeForce playback Reflex playbackGeForceplayback GeForce subwoofer.Offered Offered 8800MOffered Offered8800M 8800M on on exclusivelyGTS on exclusively on GTSexclusivelythe GTS exclusivelythe plusthe while •docked!Listen512MBExperiencefirstworld’sEnjoy toto thunderous 20.1"thunderous20.1" videovideovideo first "truemind-blowingmemory mind-blowingmemorymind-blowingmemorymind-blowing WUXGA audioWUXGAWUXGAaudio 20.1" from supporting
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