Appendix I Islam X-Rayed Prepared by A Board of Experts on Islam Published by: Rashtra Chetna Prakashan & Charitable Trust (Ahmedabad, Gujarat) Introduction Islam is only a 1400 year old religion. But within such a short period it has spread over most of the parts of the world and today this religion has around 135 billion followers [sic]. Unlike other religions, Islam has not undergone any theological reform or evolution since Islam is intrinsically anti-reformation. Viewed from the historical perspective, Islam portrays itself as a vigorously confrontationist doctrine— confrontationist both, on theological as well as material premises. Purpose of this literature This literature is not a textbook on Islamic theology, but in a true sense, is a training manual with a specific purpose. A very famous “Kafir” scholar of Islamic theology once remarked that, “The strength of Allah lies in the non-Muslims’ ignorance of the contents of Islamic theology which shapes the Psyche of the Islamic world.” Nothing can be truer than that, and that explains the purpose of this train- ing manual. The main purpose of this training manual is to create a group of non-Muslim experts on Islamic theology in order to expose 162 APPENDIX I Islam to the non-Muslim masses and demolish the myth of “religion of peace” as Islam as generally misportrayed by the secularist agents of Islam. Now a question is likely to arise that why we Hindus should take the trouble of exposing Islam. The answer is that the non-Muslim world must know the root and the mechanism of Islamic terrorism; then only we shall be able to formulate a counter-strategy to fight Islamic terrorism. We are often told that Muslims are peace-loving people and only the terrorists are misinterpreting Islam, but if we study Islamic theology, we shall know for certain that there is nothing called peace- loving Muslim or terrorist Muslim, rather whoever believes in the Quran and Hadiths are either real terrorists or potential terrorists and all those people who believe in Islam cherish a single desire in their hearts: destruction of all non-Muslims and Islamizing the whole world. Understanding this is important in two accounts. First, if we understand that terrorism is intrinsic to Islamic religion, we will be able to make aware the so far unaware non-Muslims regarding the same and build up resistance to Islamic terror and take pre-emptive measures to eradicate it. Secondly, when we understand Islam prop- erly, we shall be able to counter and neutralize those secularists who preach in favor and expose them in public. To be precise, to eradicate a certain threat to our existence, we must first have the proper threat- perception and without understanding as well as exposing Islam to the non-Muslim masses, we cannot make the masses aware of what danger Islam poses for their very existence. This “Training Manual” is divided into three broad parts, each of which is again sub-divided into several Chapters. The first part deals with the “theological Exposition of Islam.” The second part deals with how secularists and the Muslim intellectuals try to defend their theory that “Islam is a religion of peace.” So, in this part, a thor- ough guideline is provided as to how we should counter and demolish each of their arguments in favor of Islam. The third part deals with the “Strategy of creating awareness among the non-Muslims regard- ing the Islamic danger.” Along with this “Training Manual,” our activ- ists are advised to go through the Quran and certain books on Islamic theology and history, which are listed. It must be zealously remem- bered and followed for all times that this “Training Manual” is not meant for the general public. It is specifically for the people who have resolved to shoulder the job of exposing Islam as a mission of life. Each copy of this Training Manual has a separate code-number. The activist to whom a copy of this “Training Manual” is allotted must APPENDIX I 163 not part with his copy. Lending the copy to another person, whoever he may be, for even a very short period or photocopying the same is strictly prohibited and any such act shall be considered a serious breach of organizational discipline for which the concerned activist shall be held liable and answerable. The reader must go through this “Training Manual” with utmost sincerity and thoroughness and must achieve a complete grip over this subject before taking it to the public. In each and every session/debate on this particular subject, activists are instructed to carry a copy of the Quran for ready reference and demonstration. Bharat Mata Ki Jai . Part—1 Chapter 1 The Key-words of Islam To understand and expose Islam, one must study and analyze it in the light of the “Quran” and the “Hadiths” as well as the history of the development of Islam during the lifetime of Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam . Chapter 2 Allah Allah is the only god of Islam. So whatever the secularists say about “Islamic tolerance of their religions” and Gandhian delirium of “Ishwar Allah tere naam” are nothing but a hoax and a ploy to mislead the Hindus . Exercise: [i] Prove that Allah is the only god to be worshipped and the Gods of other religions are to be condemned . [ii] Prove that only believing in Allah is not enough, and to be a true Muslim one has to condemn and destroy other religions also . Chapter 3 Islam . 164 APPENDIX I Exercise: . [iii] Show how Islam is incompatible with other religions. [iv] Show how Islam is detrimental to peace . [vi] Show that to be a true Muslim one has to reject and condemn and try to finish all other religions. Hint: Sura 109; 3/19, 85; 48/28. 61/9, 8/29, 72/14, 15; 2/165 . Chapter 4 Kafir . 3/28: Let not the believers take disbelievers for their friends in prefer- ence to believers. Whose death that hath no connection with Allah unless (it be) that ye but guard ourselves against them, taking (as it were) security. Allah biddeth you beware (only) of Himself. Unto Allah is the journeying (Md. Pickthal). This ayat is extremely important for understanding the behaviour- pattern of the Muslims living in a non-Muslim country. The above ayat says that a Muslim should not make friends with the non- Muslims and such is permissible only when the Muslims feel that antagonizing the non-Muslims will risk their security. In India as well as other countries where the Muslims are the minority, we see that sometimes they behave in a friendly manner with the non-Muslims and take part in the social and political activities with the non-Muslim majority community. For example we have Muslims in all the political parties in India who are, in a concerted manner, furthering the cause of Islam, taking advantage of the secularist myopia of our country- men. In general, whenever a Muslim pretends to be friendly with the non-Muslims, these the non-Muslims take as a sincere gesture and ignore their threat from the Muslims. The Muslims take advantage of our ignorance and consolidate their strength. The Muslims some- times make friends with the non-Muslims to use them for their own purpose and when the purpose is served or the Muslim gets an upper- hand, the real Islam in them comes out (30–31) . 33/59 O Prophet! Tell thy wives and thy daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them (when they go abroad). That will be better, so that they may be recognised and not annoyed. Allah is ever forgiving, merciful (Md. Pickthal). In this ayat, Allah is asking the Muslim women to put on “Burqa” as an identification mark so that the Muslim males can recognize APPENDIX I 165 them as Muslim women and do not molest them. So Allah provides immunity from molestation to the Muslim women only . Further this ayat shows that Allah does not hold molestation as an offence in general and if a Muslim molests a non-Muslim woman that is not Allah’s lookout . This verse not only shows the partisan attitude of Allah but also gives the Muslim males a permanent license to molest the non-Muslim women. Chapter 7 ZAKAT How all the Muslims sponsor terrorism The main objective of this instant chapter is to show how all the Muslims of the world consciously support and sponsor terrorism . (The obligatory nature of zakat, the limitation of compassion and Islamic charity only for the Muslims, and the prescription of jihad as a higher form of service than zakat, ensures that most of zakat goes for militant Islamic objectives). So it can be quite comfortably inferred that all the Muslims around the world pay “Zakat” willingly and knowing fully well that such money is going to be used for terrorism as per their religious scrip- ture. So, in other words, it is the common Muslims who consciously fund the Islamic terrorists as a religious duty and service to Allah . So it is not only some Islamic charity and financial organizations, but the whole Muslim world is responsible for financing Islamic terrorism against the non-Muslims. Chapter 8 Shahada . (Establishes that only Muslims can be shahid and that too by get- ting killed in a battle against the non-Muslims—Jihad and therefore Bhagat Singh cannot be called Shahid). We must remember that calling all the worthy sons of Bharat Mata by the adjective of Shahid is the worst possible insult to their sacred souls and immortal inspirations.
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