aua o ew eaa Editorial Advisory Group (appointments made on a rotational basis) MEMBERS AT ENTOMOLOGY DIVISION Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Mount Albert Research Centre Private Bag, Auckland, New Zealand Ex ff Director - Mr J. F. Longworth Leader, Systematics Group - Dr B. A. Holloway Co- opted from within Systematics Group r Τ K Crb r G W UNIVERSITIES REPRESENTATIVE Dr R. M. Emberson Entomology Department, Lincoln College Canterbury, New Zealand MUSEUMS REPRESENTATIVE Dr J. C. Yaldwyn Director, National Museum of New Zealand Private Bag, Wellington, New Zealand OESEAS REPRESENTATIVE Dr J. F. Lawrence CSIRO Division of Entomology P.O. Box 1700, Canberra City, ACT 2601, Australia Series Editor Mr C. T. Duval Systematics Group, Entomology Division Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Mount Albert Research Centre Private Bag, Auckland, New Zealand Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q c d d aua o ew eaa d Number 14 Ä k k ς Á eioea Á — a oae caaogue, a Á keys o amiygou aa Á d d Ά Ä χ . S. ugae d d ^ Entomology Division χ eame o Scieiic a Iusia eseac Á iae ag, Aucka, ew eaa k d ε1 Ά A X d d Ä Ά k ^ SYSEMAICS GOU 688 • WEYIE YEAS SEICE O EW EAA EOMOOGY Cataloguing-in-publication citation UGAE S eioea - aoae caaogue a keys o amiy-gou aa / S ugae - Weigo SI Sciece Iomaio uisig Cee 19 (aua o ew eaa ISS 111-533; o 1 IS -77-51- I ie II. Seies UC 5957(931 Date of publication: see back cover of subsequent numbers Suggested form of citation ugae S 19 eioea - aoae caaogue a keys o amiy-gou aa Fauna of New Zealand [number] 14. — ^ — is uicaio was ouce y ose iogay e auos MS was ascie o o a e ocesso a ae eisio eiig a sye coig was ooyese a e Ζ Goeme iig Oice imes ew oma ye is use o mos o e e; mao eaigs a igue aes ae se i Uies; Gaamo a Geea ae use i e ies e Eioia Aisoy Gou a e Seies Eio ackowege e oowig co-oeaio DSIR Research Orchard, Havelock North: Ms Cocko - assisace wi e ocessig Mount Albert Research Centre, DSIR: M W emoe - aius awigs a o coe moi Ms S owey - asciio o mausci e Ms M1 essie - ooeucio o ie igues Ms A Wea - comue ie maageme Science Information Publishing Centre, DSIR: awco - sueisio o oucio a isiuio M C Maews - assisace wi oucio a uiciy -- Front cover: e isecs eice ae om e o ow eeseaie o Geomeiae Oecooiae yaiae a oiciae ese wi ocuiae a ieiae ae y a e mos secies-ic amiies i ew eaas eioea aua Artist: D.W. Helmore. © Cow Coyig uise y Sciece Iomaio uisig Cee SI O o 971 Weigo ew eaa OEWO I ew eaa eesia ieeae sysemaics ega i a cocee way we a gou eicae o sysemaics was ome i Eomoogy iisio SI i e eay 19s I 19 we mak e wey-i aiesay o e esaisme o a gou a i is imey o eec o as ees a acieemes I e eay yeas e gou was ase i eso o e Sou Isa I moe i 1973 o e M Ae eseac Cee i Aucka wee e ew eaa Aoo Coecio gew a eeoe a i 19 e aua o ew eaa was egu Mos o e gous eay memes ae si associae wi i - ee as u-ime scieiss a ee as eseac associaes - a is as esue a coiuiy o eeise a o esi a as ee o emeous eei We ae coie a e Sysemaics Gou a e aua wi coiue o ae a cea oe i eo- moogy a ieeae sysemaics o e e wey-ie yeas e gou as aways soug o eeo sog iks wi oe isiuios a iiiuas wokig i is ie i ew eaa a oeseas I aicua e aua as oie a eice o uicaio o eiiie aoomic suies o ew eaa isecs a oe eesia ieeaes y seciaiss i ew eaa a y coeagues ougou e wo eas e coses o e secia eaio- sis a ae ee eeoe oe e yeas is a wi e Eomoogy ea- me o e iis Museum (aua isoy I is aoiae a Sysemaics Gous uiee yea sou e make wi e uicaio o wo commemoaie aua coiuios a eec is aicua eaiosi o oyess Ecyiae iae a o ugaes eioea caaogue e gouwok o eac oume was ai uig ecioca suy isis oyes o AC a ugae o M I is ie yeas sice e aua seies ega iee oumes comisig 1 ages ae ow i i a we ae assue o coiue suo om oe co- iuos a om suscies We ae coie eeoe a e aua was we coceie is makig a sigiica coiuio o ioogy a as a ey eiie uue Iee Eomoogy iisio is imy commie o e oecie o o- iig auoiaie a comeesie guies o ieiicaio o isecs a oe eesia ieeaes oug e meium o e aua seies I is a easue o ackowege e acieemes o Sysemaics Gou i is is wey-ie yeas i aicua e esaisme o e aua seies a I wis o e gou a e aua we o e uue J.F. Longworth ieco Eomoogy iisio SI eicae o e memoy o ee amaeu eioeiss Geoge eo uso 17-19 wose ie wok is uicaio aems o kee eegee Ae io 171-1931 wose ioeeig suies i eioea mooogy ae ow assumig ei ue sigiicace Kee o o COG 193-19 wo ie eoe is caaogue eace u em u wose eusiasm a isisece esue is comeio .. I would advise you to get a knowledge of facts from actual observation. Facts looked at directly are vital; when they pass into words half the sap is taken out of them." —o ya agmes o Sciece (17 7 ASAC This annotated synonymic catalogue represents an attempt to verify and define nomenclaturally the species of Lepidoptera recorded from New Zealand since 1769. It is based on a thorough re-examination of type material and recorded data. Types of nearly all nominal species held by overseas institutions were examined during 1980-81. Of the 2150 published names, type specimens of about 1570 (73%) are in the Northern Hemisphere; over 1460 of these (68%) are at the British Museum (Natural History). The 1761 recognised species are assigned to modern family-group concepts, and are listed under superfamilies, which are placed in `systematic' sequence. Within each superfamily, all subordinate taxa are listed alphabetically. Synonyms are listed in date order. For each species and synonym, basic nomen- clatural data concerning the type locality, collector, type status, condition of spec- imens (if noteworthy), and repository are given. Where relevant, species are cross- referenced to G.V. Hudson's illustrated monographic works. References are also given, as appropriate, to genitalia descriptions by A. Philpott and to first records of adventive species. Any additional remarks are given under `Notes' for a taxon entry. Names are proposed for three misidentified species, i.e., for which invalid concepts of previously described species have entered current usage: Dumbletonius sylvicola for Trioxycanus enysii (not of Butler); Heterocrossa rubophaga for H. adreptella (not of Walker); and Stathmopoda horticola for S. skelloni (not of Butler). Brief introductory sections outline the history of study, classification, and compo- sition of New Zealand's lepidopteran fauna. Keys to superfamilies, families, and (where possible) subfamilies are presented, with illustrations of diagnostic features. There is also a key to the brachypterous Lepidoptera. These keys conform to the New Zealand situation; any wider relevance is coincidental. The 69 species reported from the Kermadec Islands are excluded from the main catalogue, but are listed in an appendix. There are over 700 references. COES Page Taxonomic catalogue 52 Page References 215 Introduction 8 Appendix: Lepidoptera recorded from the Historical notes 9 Kermadec Islands 235 Classification 12 Taxonomic index 237 Relationships of Lepidoptera 12 Higher classification within Lepidoptera 12 Superfamilies of Lepidoptera, and their ACKOWEGMES families 13 A work of this nature cannot be done in isolation, Cptn f pdptr fn f ΝΖ 15 and I am deeply indebted to the following - whom Degree of endemism 15 it is my great pleasure to thank - for assisace Proportion of non-ditrysian groups 15 wi secimes omecaua oems access o Ditrysia representation 15 yes coecios a/o uise o uuise `Microlepidoptera / macrolepidoptera' ecos and information, hospitality in several proportions 15 couies expeditiously reviewing sections of the Fossil representation 1 mausci and in general by their enthusiasm and Relationships with other biogeographical geeosiy of spirit prodding a sometimes lethargic areas 1 a isace behemoth towards the finishing line. Concepts and conventions used in catalogue 17 ew eaa C Caw K Cosy e ae Keys to higher taxa in N.Z. Lepidoptera Kee o GW Gis a amiy C a (A) Key to superfamilies 19 O Gee AC ais uso M os G (B) Keys to families and subfamilies 22 Kusce A Maiso C Mui G Ois (C) Key to brachypterous Lepidoptera 7 ama a C aick A Sai a KA Illustrations (to the keys) 28 Wise -7- Australia: I.F.B. and J. Common, M. Horak, P.B. enigmatic, and this publication, I hope, will give McQuillan, E.D. Edwards, and E.S. Nielsen. essential nomenclatural information about this Canada: D.E. Gaskin. important and in many ways elegant group, and Denmark: N.P. Kristensen and family.
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