FOR MEMBERS ONLY FOR MEMBERS ONLY FOR MEMBERS ONLY AMERICAN AIR MAIL SOCIETY SALE 304 THIS IS A MAIL SALE JULY 7, 2018 SEND BIDS WITH MEMBERSHIP NUMBER TO DON LUSSKY, 1332 N. WEBSTER ST., NAPERVILLE, IL 60563 OR EMAIL TO [email protected] MINIMUM BID IS 10% OF CATALOG VALUE (NO LESS THAN 50 CENTS). NO “BUY” BIDS. IN THE EVENT OF DUPLICATE BIDS, THE EARLIEST RECEIVED WINS. ALL LOTS RETURNABLE WITHIN SEVEN DAYS IF PURCHASER BELIEVES MATERIAL ISN’T AS DESCRIBED. CAMS FAMS FFUS LOT NUMBER DESCRIPTION (* means not properly backstamped) CAT. VALUE USING THE CAT. NUMBERS AS IN THE NEW VOL. 3 1 1S3…Colonial Air Transport #10 FFC Boston 7/1/26 to Hartford………………………………………………………………..5.00 2 Souvenir Historical Flt #581A…motorcycle courier svc from Hartford 3/15/28 addressed to Colonial Air Transport NYC (#10 cacheted cover w/C10 autog by courier & pilot)………………………..……………………………….17.50 3 United Air Lines: RAM1W29 & E29 (to Bethlehem from CLE AMF & Newark) and W66………A Klein donation 20.00 4 Four w/UAL cachets: AM1SE78f, E92, E111 & E115………………………………………………………A Klein donation 20.00 5 2N10 w/C10…”Lindbergh Again Flies The Mail” St Louis-CHI 2/20/28……………………………………………..……..10.50 6 3S9…National Air Transport Ponca City 4/4/27 to Ft Worth……………………………………………..A Klein donation 5.00 7 3 w/Western Air Express cach: 4S3 plus Pasadena & Salt Lake AMF 6/1/30 disp to San Diego…..A Klein don ??? 8 Eastern Air Lines 10/15/37: AM5 & 6S33, RAM5 & 6S34 & N34 (from Miami & Jacksonville)….A Klein don 14.00 9 R8S & N23…Pacific Air Transport Medford & San Diego 2/27/33 to Sacramento………………A Klein donation 7.00 10 Northwest Airways: 9W & E6 (dbl cx/cach on rev)…Madison to Minneapolis & CHI 11/22/27….A Klein don 11.00 11 More Northwest Airways: 9W9, W10, E11 & E12……………………………………………………………A Klein donation 22.00 12 9NW14 & SW19 (add’l North-West Airway cachet on reverse),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,………………….,,,,,A Klein donation 10.00 13 Florida Airways 9/15/26: 10S5 & pilot Carl B Eielson autog on N7…………………………………………………………..21.00 14 Clifford Ball 4/21/27: 11S1 & N3…………………………………………………………………………………A Klein donation 11.00 15 RAM11N&S15 (United Air Lines to Santa Barbara 11/1/36 from Oakland & LA AMF)………...A Klein donation 8.00 16 United Air Lines 8/1/46: AM11S43, S49 & N52………………………………………………………..…..A Klein donation 14.00 17 Cont’l extension to San Diego: 12E89, a, b; W90, f; W91; W92*, a & W93………………….T Dempsey donation 20.50 18 Pennsylvania-Central Airlines: AM14E7 & cacheted N11*………………………………………….…..A Klein donation 16.00 19 Cont’l Airlines 8/1/28 (also RC-19a…1st day of 5 cent rate w/C11): 16S4, S5 & N5………...A Klein donation 41.00 20 Boeing Air Transport: 18N19, N20, S21, S22* plus Salt Lake AMF (SLC-4) 1/15/32 to Sioux City, Sioux Falls and Watertown……………………………………………………………………………………………………………A Klein donation 24.00 21 Pitcairn Aviation 5/1/28: 19S1f (Mauck spec-printed env) & S2b (minus city name variety)…both w/C10..…35.00 22 19N8 w/C10, S11* w/Scott #628, N11* w/three #651………………………………………………..………………………..24.50 23 19S13*, N15* (Roessler checker-board border air mail env), S20 & S21 (last two autog by PM)………………...30.00 24 Five more from 4/1/31: 19N22 (PM autog), N23, S24, N24 & N25 (PM autog)…………….……………………………15.50 25 Eastern Air Transport: 19N27*, stained N29 & N31*……………………………………………………………………..………..39.00 26 EAT from 12/1/32: cacheted 19S32, S33, N33*, N34 (PM autog) & N35* on spec-printed Augusta C of C cacheted envelope……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……….17.00 27 The missing AM25W4 ?? Frank Herget cover from Indianapolis 12:30AM 6/2/34 b/s CHI AMF 9AM 6/2……...??? 28 Cacheted Boston & Maine Airways AM27N17 (Bangor-Presque Isle), S19 & N24……………..A Klein donation 13.50 29 Transcont’l & Western Air: 34W9, E14 & E26………………………………………………..……………….A Klein donation 10.00 30 All American Aviation pick-ups: P1E2*, E9*; P2S29; cacheted P49-A-11S & P49-B-6N…………………..………….13.50 31 Frontier Airlines: 73E87, S113 (El Paso-Mazatlan) & unlisted spec-printed Lake-of-the-Ozark 6/4/76 b/s Kansas City, MO 6/7 on face……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………..??? 32 Trans-Texas Airways: 82N35, S35, N36, S36 & S108 (Harlingen-Tampico, Mexico)…………………………………….12.50 33 Ten #10 unlisted Trans-Texas Airways cacheted cc’s: 12/31/55 Laredo-San Antonio; 7/8/56 Austin & San Antonio to Dallas; Dallas & Ft Worth to Laredo; 1/22/56 Lake Charles-Dallas & return; 3/1/56 Beaumont- Dallas* and 6/1/56 Temple & Waco* to Corpus Christi……………………………………………………………………….……..??? 34 Lake Central Airlines: 88W59f, N60*, S61, S62f (only 51 pcs), N65, E72 & W76……………...A Klein donation 70.50 35 Southern Airways 10/25/50: 98S23, S24, S25 & N27…………………………………………………………………………….10.50 36 More Southern: 98SE29, SE30, NW31, NE34 & S35………………………………………………………………………………..12.50 37 98S86 (Eglin AFB-Miami) & N90f (Memphis AMF-Chicago)………………………………………………………………………11.00 38 West Indies Aerial Express Port-au-Prince to Santo Domingo 12/13/27 (WI-5) autog by pilot B L Rowe………10.00 39 WI-7…another pilot autog West Indies Aerial Express; Port-au-Prince-Santiago, Cuba 2/28/28…………………...7.50 40 F1-2 variety…magenta Albany cach but w/add’l “Greetings From Buffalo” & “First Day Rochester-Montreal” cachets; pmkd Rochester, NY 12:30AM 10/1/28 & b/s Montreal PM 10/1………………………………………………...??? 41 FAM 2: Roessler 2 cent rate cover pmkd Seattle 10AM 8/6/25 & b/s Victoria, BC 3PM 8/6 w/2 different “Seaplane Mail” cachets………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…??? 42 F4-3…PAA regularly scheduled svc Habana-Key West 10/29/27 (Cuba imperf Scott #282)………………………….5.40 43 F5-1…Pan American from Miami to Cristobal Feb ’29 (also Lindberghiana #43)……………………………………….….5.00 44 F6-4a…PAA from Port-au-Prince, Haiti to Santiago, Cuba 1/9/29 (5” x 6” env)…………………………………………..…??? 45 F8-15a…PAA from Brownsville to San Salvador Jan ’30 w/Scott #622 & 681…………………….…………………………??? 46 F14-12 & 12a (PAA from Guam to Hong Kong & Macao) plus 16 (Hong Kong-San Francisco)…………………...…21.00 47 F18-200g…cacheted PAA from Rangoon 9/12/53 to London*……………………………………………………………..….40.00 48 F20-1*, 1F, 2* & 3…Pacific Alaska (subsidiary of PAA)……………………………………………………………………………13.50 49 American Overseas Airlines: F24-35a* (addressed to Copenhagen) & 63 (Boston-Cologne)………………………..17.00 50 AA: F26-55 (San Juan-Aruba w/”747” cachet, cacheted 93 (Santo Domingo-NY) & 95 (Barbados-NY)……………7.00 51 Four TWA: F27-80 (NY-Milan), 116F (Detroit AMF-Frnkft), 190F & 220F (JFK to Hong Kong & Malaga)……..…..8.00 52 F28-62F (Seattle AMF-Taipei), 77 (Osaka-JFK) plus unlisted spec-printed first Northwest “Stratocruiser” Tokyo-Seattle* 4/30/52……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……...13.00 53 F59-14d (Charlotte Amalie to Fort-de-France), 25 (San Juan-Antigua) & 31F (Miami AMF-Santo Domingo)..149.00 54 F95-5 & 5F…Seattle to Hilo 12/17/67 via Northwest Airlines………………………………………………………………….13.00 55 6 American Airlines FFUS: AA-F316 (to Paris), 328 & f (to Stockholm), 330 (to Brussels), 331 (to Hamburg) and 331ua (to Brussels)…………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………..…..16.00 56 HP-D39Nf…America West since deregulation: Columbus, OH to Milwaukee 6/1/92..…rare/no value listing in cat. 57 CO-D82W…only 19 pcs flown Jackson, MS to Houston (bkstmpd 3/2/83 in error)……………………………..………35.00 58 12 Frontier since dereg: FL-D85NE & f, 87SW & f, 88E & f, 89E, 90W, 91E & f, 92W & f…………………………….24.00 59 United to Frnkft: UA-F273, f & 275f (from CHI & DC) and return 274 & 276……………………………………………….21.00 POLAR 60 PP28c…unused postcard as shown on p36 AAMS new Vol. 2 (1st seaplane over Juneau 8/16/20)…………….……??? 61 PP39b7b…Amundson-Ellsworth attempted 1925 No. Pole flt; Economy Stamp Co. stamped address…….….175.00 62 PP47 related…unused Norwegian photo card of “Norge” airship mooring mast at Kings Bay……………………….…??? 63 PP69 related…set of 4 Votaw postcards re: 1928 flt that crashed in Greenland & its recovery in ’69……………..??? 64 PP110d…Los Angeles 8/27/31 “Reception for Wiley Post & Harold Gatty” on Roessler envelope…………..….30.00 65 PP114d1a…Edmonton 8/5/31 “Lindbergh Flies 1115 Miles Over Arctic Barrenlands” (Canada #3143)……..30.00 66 PP135c3…”Welcome to Col. Lindbergh” pmkd Reykjavik 8/17/33…………………………………………………………..35.00 67 PP135c6 & 7…Lindbergh returns from Atlantic survey; Miami 12/16/33 & NYC 12/19 with C10a sgl……..…70.00 68 PP136d…spec-printed cover welcoming Wiley Post back to NYC 7/22/33 after world-circling flt………….……35.00 69 PP157c…Barrow, AK 8/15/38 spec-printed Will Rogers-Wiley Post Mem’l Expedition cover autog by two from Hillsboro, TX…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5.00 70 PP167b…Vancouver, WA 6/21/37 comm forced landing of Russian No. Pole plane…………………………………..35.00 71 PP170b3…San Jacinto, CA 7/14/37 comm arrival of 2nd Russian trans-Polar plane………………………………………??? 72 PP229a…Danish Pearyland Expedition post card as illustrated on p209 AAMS Vol. 2………………………………250.00 73 PP235d…flt from Blue West One, Greenland 6/15/49 to Copenhagen (postcard bkstmpd 7/1/49)………..….40.00 74 PP250a…spec-printed Aquila Airways “Falklands 1st Survey Flt” pmkd Southampton 4/16/52 backstamped Port Stanley 4/28……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...…20.00 75 PP250d…8” x 9½” wax-sealed registered env from Falklands 11/30/52 to former Fklnds gov. in London..100.00 76 Spec-printed postcard Oslo-Tokyo 5/23/53 & rtn via SAS (PP257a2)………………………………………………….……20.00 77 PP261…pilot autog Chile Air Force Bell ‘copter ship-to-shore inspection flt 2/27/54……………………………..……..??? 78 PP268…Greenland view card w/Canadian Pacific Airlines cachet “1st Psgr Flt Vancouver-London”………..…100.00 79 PP272f…Dept of The Navy #10 env pmkd Little America 5/1/56 inscribed “New Zealand to Antarctica-1st Flight” (no VX-6 cachet)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………75.00 80 PP276c3…Little America 12/15/56 inscribed “This Env Went w/Adm Byrd on His 3rd Flt Over So.
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