University of Central Florida STARS Text Materials of Central Florida Central Florida Memory 1-1-1896 Catalogue of Rollins College, 1896-1897 Rollins College Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Catalog is brought to you for free and open access by the Central Florida Memory at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Text Materials of Central Florida by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Rollins College, "Catalogue of Rollins College, 1896-1897" (1896). Text Materials of Central Florida. 566. • WI-NTER .PARK, ·FLA. CATALOGUE I89P,-,9.7. .., . .. CATALOGUE .· . -OF- RoLLrr s CoLLEOE9. -· - _-:_ . WINTER PARK, FLORIDA. 1896-97. CRANGE COUNTY REPORTER f:>RI T, ORLAN DO, FLA. ------- _-_-__ -__- ___-,-- ___- ____ -====----11= l 1 98. I I ·~ - --- J,J\NUAR:Y. JUNE. NovEMBER. 1 MARCH. 1 1 s M T -~ -T F . s -;; M T w T . 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I I JULY. l I _s ~ T ~ .T F ~ s .M .T ~ T : : _s ~ : : : : : : _s ~ T:~J : : ~ I 2 ;; 4 :, ti 7 •' ;~ 4 , n (; 7 , ~ ; 7 Sl 10 l l 1~ :i -:l :} 7 9 : I ' H J:l J1 L ·l:i 14 ];j 10 1l l:.? J;~ J.l Vi W ]~ ]4 1:'; It; 17 1 lU 10 1112,rn 14·15'rn l' I 16 17 l ' Hl·:Z, 21 -2 7 Hi L :W :?l 'l.:! :!:{ :...O ~l 22 ~ :l4 ~3 :,W J7 J H 20 21 ·zi:2o ! ~~ ,!. ; ~ ~ . ~ I I 24 2:: '2:7 ., _ i :::J -;.. '..?ti 2, •) :..~ :m 'Zi 2 • . 24 2 .-- _ ·,27 oo ! ~ox1 . .. ... .. ~1 . ... ... ... .. .. .. 81 ' ... 1.. I .. ' . •..· I ==1 I GENERAL · REMARKS. · Rollins College was founded under a special charter ·from the state of Florida. Its object,- as expressed in . its ch~rter, was to establish and forever maintain an institution of Christian learning, to promote the general interests -of education, t~ qualify its students to engage in t4e learned . professions or. other employments of sQciety, and ~o discharge honorably an4, usefully the various duties of life. · The college is located at Winter Park. · This town is situated four miles north of Orlando, the cpunty seat of Orange eounty. It is on the Plant System and Florida Central & Peninsular railroads, hence is easily accessible from alf parts of the state. Tl;le town is in the "high pine" country and •sur- . rounded by numerous beautiful lakes~ From the ~hores of these lakes the land rises in gradual slope, furni~hing perfect drainage and providing most desirable sites for building. · The town is noted for its general healthfulness and i·s especially free from malarial di ease. · Winter Park was designed by its fonnders to be a center of educational influence. This purpose has been steadily kept in view and has made the town a resort for · cultivated and in­ telligent people. It has ready access to the commer~ial world, . but is sufficiently removed to afford an agreeable retirement. The college campus is in· the southern part of the town . It consists of twenty acres upon the north and west shore of Lake Virginia and rises fifty feet in gradual slope from ·-the water. There are no"v six buildings on the college campus, all erected within the past thirteen years: Knowles Hall, .con­ taining the recitation rooms and·chapel; Pinehurst, containing librari, offices, laboratory, etc.; Dining Hall; the Lyman Gym­ nasium; _Lakeside, the dormitory for young men; and Clov~r- leaf, that for the young women. · The authorities of the college do not believe in the large dormitory system of lodging students. The college has there­ fore built cottages of moderate size, in each of which_ a matron or a member of the faculty · lives and has supervision of the students. Eack room £s arranged /or a single .occupant. ._ One cottage is occupied exclusively by young women, tw~ others ex- ROLLINS COLLEG~. 5 elusively by young men. Every effort is :made to surround· the student. with .the influences of a well-ord~red, Christian .home. · All th~ students are .admitted to gymnastic ··1>ractice,. under . -the direction of _competent teach~rs. A . i:nedical -· expert,, appointed_by the -college, subjects each student to a physical . examination and directs what · exercises - should . be . taken. T~t-appi:-oved appliances for both light . and heavy gym­ ~tics· are provided. Lessons are -also ·given in the Delsarte system, aiming to secure grace and ease of ·_movement. The-library is well supplied with cyclopedias, dictionaries,_ reviews, indexes and other materials· most useful in th_e · study· of special topics.. _ The . books have_ been catalogued· and arranged with a full card catalogue. · Tue Reading Room c_otitains .a well selected list· of maga­ zines and periodicals for the free use of students.. and Reading Rooin are furnished with ·.tables and chairs for. conve~ient and quiet study. · . · A well equipped Town Library and Reading Ro_otn . ar~ at the service of the students without charge~ _ - · . _ There ~re two Literary Societies in the . College : · The '' Demosthenic Society ' for young men and th~ Friends in· Council.' ' for young woinen. Thes~ societies are' under the -guidance of a · member of. the Faculty and afford ex:cellent training in writing, debate; oratory and p arliamentary law.· A ~ollege paper ~ '' The· Sand-Spur, '' is issued each term. by a board of editors chosen from the college . students. .. Con- · tributions are made to the colum.ns ·· by faculty' students~ alumni' and friends. · . The ' ' Rollins College Choral Club '', i's · an organization · .. for the study of Glees, . Choruses, Cantatas an9- Oratorios. The society gives public .recitals y·ear. The museum~ which is well equipped, all departments of Natural Ijistory being represented occupies a room in Knowles Hall and term time is .o pen daily -for the 'Use of -- students - ·. and the public~ · T h e college· is Christia n in cha racter, -but not sectarian. Parents may select the cl;iurch which they desire their -.children · to attend. In the· matter o f di cipliue, ·th~ _opject is to secure _improvernent of time. ·_ Tµe regulations are, such as . earnest stu,dents would in1pose up~n .themselves in order to ecuie the greatest benefit to themselyes · and to their fel_lt?w students.· 6 ROLLINS COLLEGE. COURSES OF STUDY. _The institution offers_the foll wing courses of study: I. College Courses : four years.
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