*Estimates - QTON No. E15-181 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY FOR THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY SELECT COMMITTEE ON ESTIMATES 2015-16 MR BRENDAN SMYTH MlA (CHAIR), Ms MEEGAN FITZHARRIS MlA (DEPUTY CHAIR), DR CHRIS BOURKE MlA, Ms NICOLE LAWDER MLA ANSWER TO QUESTION TAKEN ON NOTICE DURING PUBLIC HEARINGS Asked by Alistair Coe MLA on 24 June 2015: Shane Rattenbury MLA took on notice the following -question(s): Ref: Hansard Transcript: 24 June 2015 page 939. In relation to: How many passengers do not swipe off? Shane Rattenbury MLA: The answer to the Member's question is as follows:- During the 2014-15 financial year to date there has been a total of 313,281 instances where a passenger has failed to tag off correctly when using a MyWay card. There have been 14,457,288 instances where passengers have successfully tagged off using a MyWay card. Approved for circulation to the Select Committee on Estimates 2015-16 Signature: Date: ) ' By the Minister for Territory an,p Muni~Jpal Services, Shane Rattenbury MLA '-._,.:.._.,/'// *Estimates - QTON No. E15-182 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY FOR THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY SELECT COMMITTEE ON ESTIMATES 2015-16 MR BRENDAN SMYTH MLA (CHAIR), Ms MEEGAN FITZHARRIS MLA (DEPUTY CHAIR), DR CHRIS BOURKE MLA, Ms NICOLE lAWDER MLA ANSWER TO QUESTION TAKEN ON NOTICE DURING PUBLIC HEARINGS Asked by Alistair Coe MLA on 24 June 2015: Shane Rattenbury MLA took on notice the following question(s): Ref: Hansard Transcript: 24 June 2015 page 940. ~CEii/~ ~ ¢ In relation to: - 1 JUL 2015 How many redundancies in ACTION over the last financial year? Shane Rattenbury MLA: The answer to the Member's question-is as follows:- Two redundancies were processed in the 2014-15 financial year for staff from within the ACTION corporate area. Approved for circulation to the Select Estimates 2015-16 Signature: Date: Shane Rattenbury MLA ' *Estimates - QTON No. E15- 183 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY FOR THE AUSTRALIAN CANTAL TERRITORY SELECT COMMITTEE ON ESTIMATES 2015-16 MR BRENDAN SMYTH MlA (CHAIR), Ms MEEGAN FITZHARRIS MlA (DEPUTY CHAIR), DR CHRIS BOURKE MLA, Ms NICOLE LAWDER MlA ANSWER TO QUESTION TAKEN ON NOTICE DURING PUBLIC HEARINGS Asked by Brendan Smyth MLA on 24 June 2015: Shane Rattenbury MLA took on notice the following question(s): Ref: Hansard Transcript 24 June 2015 page 946. In relation to: , - 1 JUL Z015 What is the breakcjown of ACTION's revenue? Shane Rattenbury MLA: The answer to the Member's question is as follows:- The breakdown of non ACT Government user charges in the 2015-16 ACTION budget is: MyWay Fares 18,453,031 Cash Fares 5,032,969 Charter 692,000 Bus Advertising 545,000 Total 24,723,000 Approved for circulation to the Select Committee on Estimates 2015-16 Signature: Date: Shane Rattenbury MLA *Estimates - QTON No. E15-184 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY FOR THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY SELECT COMMITTEE ON ESTIMATES 2015-16 MR BRENDAN SMYTH MLA (CHAIR), Ms MEEGAN FITZHARRIS MLA (DEPUTY CHAIR), DR CHRIS BOURKE MLA, Ms NICOLE LAWDER MLA ANSWER TO QUESTION TAKEN ON NOTICE DURING PUBLIC HEARINGS Asked by Brendan Smyth MLA on 24June 2015: Shane Rattenbury MLA took on notice the following question(s): .. Ref: Hansard Transcript: 24 June 2015 page 946. In relation to: - 1 JUL 2015 Can you please provide a fare compaiison of bus networks across Australia? ~ J... ~1?, ACT LA <?.O'l: I~/ Shane Rattenbury MlA: The aP.swer to the Member's question is as follows:- The tatrle below displays the comparison for a MyWay adult peak fare equivalent for other jurisdictions across Australia: $4.50 $3.76 $4.66 $3.39 ·. ··.· ____ .·.-__ -_-._--__ --.----_· ___ .._ ...·.. ·. .·· P~rtb +Trfifl~P~rth< ··· ..... $3.74 . -- --- -··-- -- -- . -- .. ---- .. ··- . .. · Hoba'ri 1.Nl?tr-&iaslll~nia ···. $3.52 Other jurisdictions have distance or zone based ticketing. The examples within the table above are based on an Adult peak fare journey of 13km. Approved for circulation to the Select Committee on Estimates 2015-16 Signature: Date: ------~··1 By the Minister for Territo~ierPa(services, Shane Rattenbury MLA *Estimates - QTON No. E15-185 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY FOR THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY SELECT COMMITTEE ON ESTIMATES 2015-16 MR BRENDAN SMYTH MLA {CHAIR), Ms MEEGAN FITZHARRIS MLA {DEPUTY CHAIR), DR CHRIS BOURKE MLA, Ms NICOLE LAWDER MLA ANSWER TO QUESTION TAKEN ON NOTICE DURING PUBLIC HEARINGS Asked by Meegan Fitzharris MLA on 24 June 2015: Shane Rattenbury MLA took on notice tnP---- following question(s): . <(:, C EI V~" ~ 0 Ref: Hansard Transcript: 24 June 2015 page 947. - 1 JUL 2015 In relation to: ("'j /... 0 :<i,w ~· ACT lA ~O How many full fare paying passengers travel in non-peak times? ?/])·Er:. $~;_;,... Can you please provide a breakdown of the statistics of passengers types during non-peak peno<T'"""" times? Shane Rattenbury MLA: The answer to the Member's question is as follows:- For the 2014-15 financial year-to-date, 3,178,070 passenger boardings were recorded by full fare paying passengers (Adults) in non-peak times (weekday off peak and all-day weekends/public holidays). This accounts for 46% of all Adult passenger boardings occurring in non-peak time. Absolute and proportional breakdowns by travel period for all passenger types are included below: 690,183 417,094 199,849 175,218 2,135,118 3,611,774 527,718 22.0% 64.7% 19.6% 63.3% 17.1% 34.0% 57.6% 8.4% --=~---~---- I *Estimates - QTON No. E15-186 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY FOR THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY SELECT COMMITTEE ON ESTIMATES 2015-16 MR BRENDAN SMYTH MLA (CHAIR), Ms MEEGAN FITZHARRIS MLA (DEPUTY CHAIR), DR CHRIS BOURKE MLA, Ms NICOLE lAWDER MLA ANSWER TO QUESTION TAKEN ON NOTICE DURING PUBLIC HEARINGS Asked by Nicole Lawder MLA on 24 June 2015: Shane Rattenbury MLA took on notice the following question(s): Ref: Hansard Transcript: 24 June 2015 page 948 ~C El It~ ~ 0 In relation to: - 1 JUL 2015 What is the reason for the $200,000 rollover for the underground storage tank? Shane Rattenbury MLA: The answer to the Member's question is as follows:- This relates to a capital works .initiative to replace four underground diesel storage tanks at the Tuggeranong Bus Depot. The rollover was required due to unanticipated construction delays .. Approved for circulation to the on Estimates 2015-16 Signature: Date: By the Minister for Territory Services, Shane Rattenbury MLA *Estimates - QTON No. E15-187 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY FOR THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITi\L TERRITORY SELECT COMMITTEE ON ESTIMATES 2015-16 MR BRENDAN SMYTH MLA (CHAIR), Ms MEEGAN FITZHARRIS MLA (DEPUTY CHAIR), DR CHRIS BOURKE MLA, Ms NICOLE lAWDER MLA ANSWER TO QUESTION TAKEN ON NOTICE DURING PUBLIC HEARINGS Asked by Nicole Lawder MLA on 24 June 2015: Shane Rattenbury MLA took on notice the following question(s): Ref: Hansard Transcript: 24 June 2015 page 949 In relation to: - 1 JUL Z015 When will the contract for the Erindale bus station be awarded and what is the expected completion date? Shane Rattenbury MLA: The answer to the Member's question is as follows:- The contract for the Erindale bus station is expected to be signed in the coming weeks and should be awarded by the end of July 2015. Construction is expected to be completed by February 2016. Approved for circulation to the Select Committee on Estimates 2015-16 -~-·1 By the Minister for Territory and unicipal Ser:Jices, Shane Rattenbury MLA *Estimates - QTON No. E 15-188 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY FOR THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY SELECT COMMITTEE ON ESTIMATES 2015-16 -·- MR BRENDAN SMYTH MLA (CHAIR), Ms MEEGAN FITZHARRIS MLA (DEPUTY CHAIR), DR CHRIS BOURKE MLA, M ~L~&J'i ~ «'"' ~ a \ - 1 JUL 2015 ) ANSWER TO QUESTION TAKEN ON NOTICE (") /...,I DURING PUBLIC HEARINGS %41, ACT LA . ~<:.>-0:/ 1rrer:. su.,S',,./ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--"1:::::.- -# Asked by Nicole Lawder MLA on 24 June 2015: Shane Rattenbury MLA took on notice the following question(s): Ref: Hansard Transcript: 24 June 2015 page 949. In relation to: Can you provide a list of real time ACTION display locations? Shane Rattenbury MLA: The answer to the Member's question is as follows:- Real Time Passenger Information Displays (PIDs) have been installed at the following locations: Cohen Street Bus Station Belconnen Community Bus Station Westfield Belconnen Bus station City Bus Station Tuggeranong Bus Station Woden Bus Station. Gungahlin Bus Station ANU Bus Station City West Kippax PIDs at Barton Bus Station are currently being installed and due to be operational by the end of Jtoi~y 2015. Approved for circulation to the Select Committee on Estimates 2015-16 Signature: Date: By the Minister for Territory a~uoieipal Services, Shane Rattenbury MLA *Estimates - QTON No. E15-189 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY FOR THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY SELECT COMMITTEE ON ESTIMATES 2015-16 MR BRENDAN SMYTH MLA (CHAIR), Ms MEEGAN FITZHARRIS MLA (DEPUTY CHAIR), DR CHRIS BOURKE MLA, Ms NICOLE lAWDER MLA ANSWER TO QUESTION TAKEN ON NOTICE DURING PUBLIC HEARINGS Asked by Alistair Coe MLA on 24 June 2015: Shane Rattenbury MLA took on notice the following question(s): Ref: Hansard Transcript: 24 June 2015 pages 949 and 950 In relation to: 1. What is the cost of the product (AdBlue)? - 1 JUL 2015 2. Has it been chosen for emission or efficiency benefits? Shane Rattenbury MLA: The answer to the Member's question is as follows:- 1. ACTION purchases Ad Blue under contract for 68 cents/litre (GST inclusive) 2. Ad Blue is used to reduce emissions of oxides of nitrogen from the exhaust of diesel vehicles. There are no particular efficiency benefits. Approved for circulation to the Select Committee on Estimates 2015-16 Signature: Date: p Shane Rattenbury MLA *Estimates - QTON No. E15-190 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY FOR THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY SELECT COMMITTEE ON ESTIMATES 2015-16 MR BRENDAN SMYTH MLA (CHAIR), Ms MEEGAN FITZHARRIS MLA (DEPUTY CHAIR), DR CHRIS BOURKE MLA, Ms N1cmE l.AWDER MLA ANSWER TO QUESTION TAKEN ON NOTICE DURING PUBLIC HEARINGS Asked by Alistair Coe MLA on 24 June 2015: Shane Rattenbury MLA took on notice the following question(s): Ref: Hansard Transcript: 24 June 2015 page 951 In relation to: How much (how many) of the ACTION fleet can be advertised on? - 1 JUL 2015 Shane Rattenbury MLA: The answer to the Member's question is as follows:- All ACTION buses are available to display advertisements.
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