Nicholas Postgate’s Publications (up to 2016) A. Books (authored and co-authored) 1. Neo-Assyrian Royal Grants and Decrees (Studia Pohl, Series Maior 1; Rome, Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1969) pp. 1–138, Plates I–XXVIII. 2. The Governor’s Palace Archive (Cuneiform Texts from Nimrud, II; London, British School of Archaeology in Iraq, 1973) pp. i-xvii, 1–283, Plates 1–98. 3. Taxation and Conscription in the Assyrian Empire (Studia Pohl, Series Maior 3; Rome, Pontifi- cal Biblical Institute, 1974) pp. i-xx, 1–441. 4. Fifty Neo-Assyrian Legal Documents (Warminster, Aris & Phillips, 1976) pp. i-x, 1–221. 5. The First Empires (Oxford, Elsevier-Phaidon, 1977) pp. 1–152. (Hungarian translation: Bu- dapest 1977; Arabic translation: Baghdad 1991). 6. (with Dr. B.K. Ismail) Texts from Niniveh [edition & commentary; MS completed 1979, pub- lished Baghdad 1993]. 7. (Editor and principal author) The West Mound Surface Clearance (Abu Salabikh Excavations, 1; London, British School of Archaeology in Iraq, 1983) pp. i-vii, 1–111, Pl. I-XII. 8. (with S.M. Dalley) Tablets from Fort Shalmaneser (Cuneiform Texts from Nimrud, III; Lon- don, British School of Archaeology in Iraq, 1984) pp. xii+289, Plates 1–50. 9. (Editor and principal author) Graves 1 to 99 (Abu Salabikh Excavations, 2; London, British School of Archaeology in Iraq, 1985) pp. i-vi, 1–224, Plates I–XXXII. 10. The Archive of Urad-Šerua and His Family: A Middle Assyrian Household in Government Service (Rome, Herder, 1988) pp. xxxiii, 230. 11. Early Mesopotamia. Society and Economy at the Dawn of History (London/New York, Rout- ledge, 1992; reprint 1994) pp. xxiii, 367. (Also translated into Spanish). 12. (with F. M. Fales) Imperial Administrative Records, Part I: Palace Administration (State Archives of Assyria, Vol. 7; Helsinki, 1992) pp. xliii, 260, Pl. XI. 13. (with P. Steinkeller), Third Millennium Legal and Administrative Texts in the Iraq Museum, Baghdad (Winona Lake, Eisenbrauns, 1992) pp. xv, 123, Pl. XXXII. 14. (Co-editor, with H.D . Baker and R. J. Matthews), Lost Heritage (Fasc. 2) (British School of Archaeology in Iraq, 1993) [Illustrated list of stolen antiquities]. 15. (with F.M. Fales) Imperial Administrative Records, Part II: Provincial and Military Administra- tion (State Archives of Assyria, Vol. 11; Helsinki 1995) pp. xlii, 211. 16. (Lead editor with J.A. Black and A.R. George) A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian (Wiesbaden, 1999; reprinted 2000 and 2004) pp. xxiv, 450. xiii xiv Nicholas Postgate’s Publications 17. (Co-editor with D.C. Thomas, and contributor) Excavations at Kilise Tepe, 1994–1998: From Bronze Age to Byzantine in Western Cilicia, 2 vols. (McDonald Institute/ British Institute at Ankara, 2007) pp. 620 + 244, 527 b/w illus., 58 col. illus., 43 tables. 18. (with A.Y. Ahmad), Archives from the Domestic Wing of the North-West Palace at Kalhu/Nimrud (Edubba 10; Nabu Publications, 2007) pp. xxi, 83, Pl 35. 19. The Land of Assur and the Yoke of Assur: Studies on Assyria: 1971–2005 (Oxbow Books, 2007) pp. viii, 376. 20. Bronze Age Bureaucracy: Writing and the Practice of Government in Assyria (CUP, 2013) pp. xi, 484. B. Books (Edited) 1. (with M.A. Dandamayev et al.), Societies and Languages of the Ancient Near East: Studies in Hon- our of I.M. Diakonoff (Warminster, 1982) pp. 356 2. Artefacts of complexity: Tracking the Uruk in the Near East (Iraq Archaeological Reports 5: Lon- don, British School of Archaeology in Iraq, 2002). 3. Languages of Iraq, ancient and modern (London 2007) pp. 187. C. Journal Articles and Contributions to Books, Encyclopaedias, Conferences, etc. a. Articles in the Reallexikon der Assyriologie: 1972: Habur, Middle Assyrian Period Band IV 28a–29a Halzu 64a–b 1973: Harran 122b–125a 1975: Hindanu 415b–416a Husur 524a–b Huzirina 535b–536a 1976: Idu Band V 33a–b Imgur-Enlil 66b–67b 1977: Itu’ 221b–222a Izalla 225b–226b 1980: Kalhu [with J.E. Reade] 303a–323b Kilizu 591–593 1983: Kurba’il Band VI 367b–368a 1989: Mannäer Band VII 340–342 2004: Palast, Einleitung Band X 195–200 Palast A.V Mittel- und Neuassyrisch 212–226 And smaller articles including: Halahhu, Halziadbar, Hadattu, Harihumba, Harmis, Hasamu, Hamedi, Ilu-milki, Isana, Išpalluri, Kašiari, Katmuhu, Laqe, Mahmur-Gebiet, Obst, Pfeil, Pinie, Schaf, Schmuck, Sahrizor, Steuer, Surmarrate, Tarsus, Terebinth, Weide Nicholas Postgate’s Publications xv C. Papers in Journals and Edited Volumes 1. (with J.D. Hawkins), “Notes on the Rimah Texts, 1964”, Iraq 30 (1968) 186–7, Plates LXVII–LXXII. 2. “Two Marduk Ordeal Fragments”, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 60 (1969) 124–27. 3. two contributions to: J.M. Coles (ed.), The Awakening of Man (Hamlyn, 1969) 14–25 and 37–64. 4. “A Neo-Assyrian Tablet from Tell Al Rimah”, Iraq 32 (1970) 31–5. 5. “More ‘Assyrian Deeds and Documents’”, Iraq 32 (1970) 129–64, Pls. 18–31. 6. “An Assyrian Altar from Nineveh”, Sumer 26 (1970) 133–6. 7. “Land Tenure in the Middle Assyrian Period: A Reconstruction”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 34 (1971) 496–520. 8. “Texts and Fragments”, Journal of Cuneiform Studies 24 (1972) 175–76. 9. “The Role of the Temple in the Mesopotamian Secular Community”, in P.J. Ucko, R. Tring- ham and G.W. Dimbleby (eds.), Man, Settlement and Urbanism (London, G. Duckworth & Co., 1972) 811–25. 10. “URU.ŠE=kapru” and “Old Sumerian GE =aš?”, Archiv für Orientforschung 24 (1973) 99. 23 11. “Appendix 1: Tell Taya Tablets, 1972–73”, Iraq 35 (1973) 173–75. 12. “Neo-Assyrian Royal Grants and Decrees: Addenda and Corrigenda”, Orientalia NS 42 (1973) 441–4. 13. “The Inscription of Tiglath-Pileser III at Mila Mergi”, Sumer 29 (1973) 47–59. 14. “Royal Exercise of Justice under the Assyrian Empire”, in P. Garelli (ed.), Le palais et la roy- auté (Compte Rendu de la XIXe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Paris 1971 [1974]) 417–426. 15. “Two Points of Grammar in Gudea”, Journal of Cuneiform Studies 26 (1974) 16–54. 16. “The bit akiti in Neo-Assyrian Nabu Temples”, Sumer 30 (1974) 51–74. 17. “Some Remarks on Conditions in the Assyrian Countryside”, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 17 (1974) 225–43 [review article of: F.M. Fales, Censimenti e catasti di epoca neo-assira]. 18. Notes brèves, 6, Revue d’assyriologie 68 (1974) 93. 19. “Isin=INki?”, Sumer 30 (1974) 207–9. 20. “Assyrian Texts and Fragments”, Iraq 35 (1975) 13–36. 21. “Some Old Babylonian Shepherds and their Flocks”, Journal of Semitic Studies 20 (1975) 1–21 (with a contribution by S. Payne) [review article of: J.J. Finkelstein, Yale Oriental Series, Babylonian Texts, Vol. XIII]. 22. “Inscriptions from Tell al-Wilayah”, Sumer 32 (1976) 77–100. 23. (with P.R.S. Moorey) “Excavations at Abu Salabikh, 1975”, Iraq 38 (1976) 133–69. 24. “Excavations at Abu Salabikh, 1976”, Iraq 39 (1977) 269–99. 25. “Excavations at Abu Salabikh, 1977”, Iraq 40 (1978) 77–88. xvi Nicholas Postgate’s Publications 26. (with R.D. Biggs) “Inscriptions from Abu Salabikh, 1975”, Iraq 40 (1978) 101–118. 27. “An Inscribed Jar from Tell Al-Rimah”, Iraq 40 (1978) 71–5. 28a. “The Organization of Labour in Assyria”, Xth Congress of Economic Historians, Edin- burgh 1978, pp. 199–208 [not separately published; see 28b]. 28b. “Employer, Employee and Employment in the Neo-Assyrian Empire”, in M.A. Powell (ed.), Labor in the Ancient Near East (American Oriental Series 68; New Haven, 1987) 257– 270. [Revised version of 28a]. 29. “The Economic Structure of the Assyrian Empire”, in M.T. Larsen (ed.), Power and Propa- ganda: A Symposium on Ancient Empires (Mesopotamia 7, Copenhagen 1979) 193–221. 30a. “The Historical Geography of the Hamrin Basin”, 1st International Conference on Baby- lon, Assur and the Hamrin, Sumer 35 (1979) 594–91 (sic!). 30b. (same title; revised version with sources) Sumer 40 (1984) 149–59. 31. “Assyrian Documents in the Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Geneva”, Assur 2/4 (1979) 1–15. 32. “On Some Assyrian Ladies”, Iraq 41 (1979) 89–103. 33. “Excavations at Abu Salabikh, 1978–79”, Iraq 42 (1980) 87–105. 34. “Early Dynastic Burial Customs at Abu Salabikh”, Sumer 36 (1980) 65–82. 35. “The Place of the šaknu in Assyrian Government”, Anatolian Studies 30 (1980) 67–76. 36. “The Assyrian Empire”, in A. Sherratt (ed.), The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Archaeology (Cambridge, 1980) 186–192. 37. “Palm-trees, Reeds and Rushes in Iraq Ancient and Modern”, in M.-Th. Barrelet (ed.), L’archéologie de l’Iraq (Colloques du C.N.R.S., No. 580; Paris, 1980) 99–110. 38. “Princeps Iudex” in Assyria”, Revue d’Assyriologie 74 (1980) 180–2. 39. “Administrative Archives from the City of Assur in the Middle Assyrian Period” (2nd Inter- national Conference on Babylon, Assur and the Hamrin, Baghdad 1979), Sumer 42 (1986) 100–105 (Arabic translation: 36–40). 40. “Nomads and Sedentaries in the Middle Assyrian Sources”, in J.S. Castillo (ed.), Nomads and Sedentary Peoples (XXX International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa, Mexico 1976; Mexico, n.d.) 47–56 41. “Ilku and Land Tenure in the Middle Assyrian Kingdom: A Second Attempt”, in J.N. Post- gate et al. (eds.), Societies and Languages of the Ancient Near East: Studies in Honour of I.M. Diakonoff (Warminster, Aris & Phillips 1982) 304–13. 42. “Abu Salabikh”, in J. Curtis (ed.), Fifty Years of Mesopotamian Discovery (London, British School of Archaeology in Iraq, 1982) 48–61. 43. (with J.A. Moon) “Excavations at Abu Salabikh, 1981”, Iraq 44 (1982) 103–136. 44. (with J.A. Moon) “Excavations at Abu Salabikh, A Sumerian City”, National Geographic Re- search Reports: 1976 projects, 721–743.
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