22758 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 7, 2005 the rails as a hobo, an experience he later tom 40 years ago of hosting an annual party CELEBRATING AND SUSTAINING said helped him identify with people on the where he would present his own award ‘‘Role CHINESE AND AMERICAN CUL- margins of society. In 1941, he earned a Theorist of the Year,’’ to one of those gath- TURAL CONTRIBUTIONS Ph.D. from Ohio State University and did fur- ered. He presided over these celebrations with ther post doctorate work at the University of grace and wit. This past August, he hosted his HON. DONALD A. MANZULLO Chicago. His dissertation used data gathered final such banquet which drew over sixty par- OF ILLINOIS at the University of Minnesota to examine the ticipants. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES relative accuracy of statistical versus clinical Ted bought a vacation home in Carmel in Friday, October 7, 2005 prediction of undergraduate success. During the 1950s. He moved to my hometown for this time he also collaborated on research to Mr. MANZULLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today good in the 1970s. He loved to golf and measure hypnotic depth. This work pioneered to recognize the Festival of China taking place played almost every Monday, always aiming to research in these fields and framed the ques- at the Kennedy Center. This festival is the shoot his age, which he achieved at 89. He tions for hundreds of subsequent studies by largest in the history of the Kennedy Center and his wife, Genevieve, often hosted elabo- psychologists. and the largest celebration of Chinese per- rate costume parties where he always played In 1949, after a short stint as a clinical psy- forming arts ever undertaken in the United the part of Don Quixote—a role he often chologist in Illinois and Los Angeles, he joined States. Indeed, the Kennedy Center is coordi- played in his professional life. the faculty at UC Berkeley. In 1969, he left UC nating the performances of more than 800 art- Berkeley to join the faculty at UC Santa Cruz. Ted is survived by his sons Jim Allen, Ron- ists from China and the United States and is During these academic years, he gained the ald Allen, and Theodore Sarbin; sister Ruth hosting more than 50 events associated with reputation as an energetic teacher and grad- Landy; domestic partner Karen Sobeck; four the month-long celebration. uate student mentor, supervising more stu- grandchildren: Mathew Allen, Chelsea Allen, Mr. Speaker, it is well known that significant dents than any other faculty member in his de- Park Allen, and Link Allen; and two great differences exist between the United States partment. He also gained the reputation as a grandchildren: MacKenzie Allen and Delaney and China in some areas of current policy and prolific author of studies and journal articles. Allen; and numerous people who still love and practices. This is why it remains important that He focused his work on psychopathology—the cherish him. His late wife Genevieve Sarbin, our government fosters cooperative artistic study of anti-social behavior and its root died in 1999. interaction between our two countries. I am causes and effects. He became known as pleased to commend the Kennedy Center and ‘‘Mr. Role Theory,’’ defending the unorthodox f the Chinese Ministry of Culture for collabo- view that the label ‘‘mental illness’’ was often rating in this vein. used as a moral judgment to express or exert IN HONOR OF THE UKRAINIAN Mr. Speaker, I also want to draw this body’s social power over those whose conduct was AMERICAN VETERANS, POST #24 attention to the important role that these cul- perceived as unwanted or dangerous. OF PARMA, OHIO tural exchanges play in the overarching rela- In the course of his academic career, Ted tionship between China and the United States. published over 250 scientific articles and book As Chairman of the US-China Interparliamen- chapters. He received scores of honors, in- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH tary Exchange, I know that it is important that cluding both Fulbright and Guggenheim fellow- OF OHIO the United States and China continue to work ships. He received the Morton Prince Award IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to understand each other on a variety of lev- from the Society for Clinical Experimental Hyp- els. Mutual cooperation, particularly through nosis, as well as the Henry Murray Award Friday, October 7, 2005 U.S.-China exchange programs and cultural from the American Psychological Association. events, brings about a deeper understanding In 2001, the Western Psychological Associa- Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in tribute and recognition of the Ukrainian Amer- and, in turn, can strengthen our bilateral rela- tion recognized him with a lifetime achieve- tionship, so we can resolve our differences. ment award. Although Ted officially retired in ican Veterans, Post #24, of Parma, Ohio, as they will preside over the blessing of a com- Mr. Speaker, I applaud this exposition as it 1976, he never stopped working. He continued works to deepen our appreciation for some of to teach and write throughout his life. Recently memorative monument anchoring the ‘‘Walk- way of Remembrance’’ within the Ohio West- China’s unique cultural treasures and enhance in Washington, D.C., Ted presented a new the friendship between our two countries. award named in his honor as part of the an- ern Reserve National Cemetery in Rittman, f nual American Psychological Association con- Ohio. vention. The newly erected monument will forever URGING CONGRESS TO SUPPORT Ted was perhaps best known for pioneering symbolize the bravery and sacrifice of the men DEMOCRATIC ELECTIONS IN work he did on the subject of gays in the mili- and women of Ukrainian heritage who heeded COTE D’IVOIRE tary. From 1987 until just before his death, the call of duty on behalf of our country. The Ted was a researcher for the Defense Per- individual and collective service of these vet- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS sonnel Security Research and Education Cen- erans continues to play a key role in pro- OF NEW YORK ter at the Naval Postgraduate School in Mon- tecting our democracy, during times of peace IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES terey, California. The Department of Defense and times of war. Friday, October 7, 2005 founded the Center to study the impact of psy- American veterans of Ukrainian descent Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, democracy has chology on national security in the wake of its continue to be a vital source of strength in begun to take hold in Afghanistan and Iraq re- discovery of a spy ring embedded in the Navy. every branch of the United States military, dat- cently, and today the United States has an op- He had been at the Center less than a year ing back to the dawn of America. The deep portunity to affirm democracy and democratic when he co-authored a report which found no dedication to justice and significant contribu- evidence to support the idea that gay and les- principles in another country—Cote d’ivoire. tion to American society by Ukrainian Amer- bian soldiers pose a security risk. The report Congress, along with the Bush administra- ican veterans has been, and continues to be, later became public in 1990 when it was pub- tion, must commit the resources that are a vital strength within our community, and lished under the title ‘‘Gays in Uniform: The needed to ensure that this strong U.S. ally can within our Nation. Pentagon’s Secret Reports.’’ hold its election at the earliest possible date. The Report’s publication propelled Ted into Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me Just 5 years ago, 85 percent of the Ivorian the spotlight. However, despite its notoriety, in honor of the Ukrainian Veterans of America, people approved a Constitution mandating that the ‘‘Gays in Uniform’’ report simply reflected Post #24, as they commemorate the unwaver- Cote d’ivoire’s President remain in office until the theme of Ted’s life work: Listen to others ing service reflected by veterans of Ukrainian an election result. and refrain from judgment in reporting the heritage; their honorable service within the Violating this critical provision of the Con- facts. Ted called this narrative psychology— United States Armed Forces will be remem- stitution could render the rest of the document listen to what the patient has to say rather bered always. Let us also recognize United null and void and throw the country into further than rush to characterize them. States veterans of every ethnic background, chaos. Ted had a devoted following of former stu- whose united commitment serves to strength- Postponing the election would also reward dents and colleagues. He established a cus- en our entire Nation. Cote d’ivoire’s anti-government rebels, who VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:16 Mar 29, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00210 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR07OC05.DAT BR07OC05 ejoyner on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with BOUND RECORD October 7, 2005 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 22759 have waged a brutal campaign of fear and in- involving the Pledge of Allegiance. Though the lainous portrayals nearly stalled Brock’s career timidation. Any peace plan must include the legislation was intended to ostensibly deal with until he garnered his most famous role in disarmament of these rebels. the ‘‘under God’’ controversy, which was bad 1962, that of the innocent but falsely accused Supporting democracy and democratic prin- enough considering the important role that the ‘‘Tom Robinson’’ vindicated by Gregory Peck’s ciples is of particular importance in Cote Courts play in ensuring that our legislative en- Oscar-award winning performance in To Kill A d’ivoire, which is the economic anchor of West actments are permissible in light of the Con- Mockingbird, henceforth Brock’s film char- Africa.
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