» - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. April »■ 1W7 MANCHESTER FOCUS S P O K fS dmmMiyiii BSIwwiFiyiii n a su E M L / i ^ E i S 1 ^IIVICE DIRECTORY F9RMLE BilFWIBIT iD l2 FBWgIlOWIIp Hartford Stage BROUD As a Foaeocklll MANCHESTER — 3nd FIffEWOOD. fSSacord. 8 TO Y O T A 193i pickud. Sugar Rqr tafcBB Dwnors hovo tokon mo- fleor, 3 bedroom, hoot foot lengths, green, Long base, cap. Excel­ to talk budgrt ttculouo coro of this and oppllancot. n o delivered. 5 cord min­ lent condition. Asking offarkig la thin spacious condo townn- pots. 0550 plus security. imum. Moster/VIsa $1988, 4439288. mhidtow IgW tWe IWl houso at Forost Ridoe. Call 444-3939._________ cord. Sforfhern Fire­ pogaS 3 loroo bodrooms, 4 room oportmont. 8485 wood distributors. 777- $s IRMTIRCVCLS/ At^ALrrV .^JSffaSTin onormous dlnlnp room per month plus utili­ 3414. P N fL 'P t,««rn Car# ond llvlnp room combi­ ties. Available April \ m k » op. PrvH nation and a proot bio 15th. 449S345._________ n m n m t* « m i country kitchon. 3.S OFFCE/RETAR. HONOA^LTcTSoxTe it raftrcncM. S«ta, baths, control olr, full 3 iB D R b O M duplex In EQIHfMENT $1300. 447-9345. Runs C pv pnvfrpnmppf walk-out bosomont. newer 3 family home. greof. «M mppli ^pyMpP. Includes appliances c o Tm Tm u t b ITI d e T ^ S154,900. Jackson ft H AR LEY Davidson mo- (flOf^P iPPPffWPffPP Jackson. 443-4400.n and won to wall carpet­ lloinbow 100PC digital con Kmt. MM9M. g p r r a » r » ;R 8im fn» ing. Hoot not Included. 2 years old. Used very torcycle, 1974, SXE tfoy* Troy I 8410 monthly. Security little. C P M -M 3 D 0 3 1200. Excellent condi­ tjlloy. fffW fWWtot LOTi/lAND and roforoncos re- M-Bosic $2300 447-0049. tion, completely re­ Gfrdono, fontoio, ttoipor FOR SALE oulrod. 3 children pre­ built, all chrome. Ask- ^P||pp|p^^p V M o, lorao or ferred. No pets. Coll lng$4JOO. Coll 4438912. BLECTRICAL Contrac­ CoflOO-lfM. 30 ACRES primo farm­ 443-3635.______________ tor — RpplaeaNwt old land, rich loom, no 3 bedroom townhouso. RMSALE iHmtrliratrr) A C;!y 0! './litaqe Chs ii'm HrralJi Casual Knit ★ futo ponol, upprodo to HAW KC^ troo iifpvlleo. stones; ovor 3000 foot Hoot, hot water, car­ a now circuit Prodkor Guckot troeie G on cloon rivor; one peting, olr conditlenor, POOLS Amozlng dis­ fNCOMC Tax prt J A L 8TONV Polntprt - cMppor. Stump rdWlo count! Limited time flip In your I ponol. Dryor dutlolo, block off route 4 near all appliances. Nice lo- (NMkiepd roNn - wifitpr owInMnlnp poolo wtrod> voi. FToo m m m m . Andover/Bolton lino. cotlon. Coll 443-1595. only. The blp new fan­ Aecurolp ona racMono* apoMit) ^afpMtofwi, Spo cm i conoldoroflqn tastic 1987 family size roc rooiwo. Plxturoo SS9,900. Torms-'/i STUD i 6 Typo oport- TuBBdEy, April 7,1987 pxppripncpa In all inotollod, oloo com- for oMoriy and kondf- down. (414) 851-0130. pool Includes huge sun d O C G n iB MMOM. pliotas pf painfina coppod. 047-TSSI. ment. Partly fur­ deck, fencing, filter, morctol orlrlno dono. 30 nished. Working single IraOp. flaat«Por1i,aua- yooro oxporlonco, II- ladders, and warranty TAX ATTORNCY ramatd on tlma. Km i- LAWN oAowlnp, low mole preferred. Loose. for only 8938. Full fi­ conood and fuHv In- Security. No pots. 443 (MNrMPWI tfonflol or cwnnMrclal. ourod. Prop ootlmotoo. rotos. BxcoHont oroHit CAPE Coral Florida. Fas­ nancing available. Flood RofProncoo. 0434P30, test growing area In the First come! First Reconstruction M ANCHESTER — Maple P A ifItiN ti. Inforler ona DUMAS CtocWlC — USA. Two building lots. serve! Coll Foul 1-800- W HITMAN axfprier. Wallpapor- S^klM6 ^Loon loom Sacrifice 04500.813-543- Wood oportmonts. 852-7445 or 2035431141. Hovlnp otoctrtcol prob- mowfno, odd lofo. IM New luxury, two- 1M Oownay OrlM., Apt A ino. Opainv work. Rtf- lomo? Nood 0 lorpo or o 3041. LANDSCAPER'S Trailer danger loWo oorvico, roaoono- bedroom townhouses. MmwnwMr, S2S-18P1 oroneo* and fully In- omoll ropoIrT ffo opo- 4' X 10' with sides and •urod. 30 yooro blo rotoo. Jim . 040GG7. 279 Bldwell Street. 449- clollzo In rooMontlol 5249._________________ romp. Must see. Asking oxporlonco. Martin work. Jooopti Dumoo. Rontsis $450. 443-1349.________ of Main Street CLEAN 5 rooms, 3rd INCOME TAX MottMon. 040-4431 of- Fully llconood. Froo E C M M T UIWM m R E i remains PnparaHon In yourhomo. AH for 4:30. ootlntotoo. 040-S3S3. floor, heot and hot ii?Tgff<Zift/gxtorlor. water. Reliable adults ENDROLL8 p PMnftna and wollpop- AO^MS with references. Secur­ 27H wKNh • 288 RMNonaM* ralM. mfornw orlna. iniurod. Evon* FMIEIIT ity deposit required. 1 12% wtdih - 2 for 288 H A R ITO R D (AP) — The Con- Hon on now On low. CoN Jim Info Gory McHuolt043- frm oMi up onO OtOwry. FOM No pets. 4435343. MUST ba ptokad up at Itw fioctlent Itiver continued to rise to be delayed ofior • pm. r ^ ie e t . I DEAL for single working Harakl Offlea Monday (kru thrompMvt the niglit and was u r - womon. Centrally to- f^GDNMMMHUMS Thuraday bafora 11 am. only. expected to crest toCay as more ODD lobo, Trucklnf. coted, non-smoker. rain wai forecast and flood wam- PAINTING Homo ropolro. You FMM IEIIT References ond secur­ inga remained in effect. HilaHer i ■itorlor nomo It, wo do H. Froo ity. 840 per week. Coll ootlmotoo. Inourod. 043- If you nood a boftor cor to Elenor 3:30pm to 8pm M ANCHESTER. 2 bed­ Automotive H m NaUonal Weather Service $4.8 million project 0304, ____________ drivo ttw younootors to only. 449-9433.________ room condo. Fully ap­ predicted an 88 percent chance of MOo Mkon In owry loo w » dot school, chock tho nxmv pllanced kitchen, cen­ rain todajr, with temperatnrea in OHOXly lo our moln eonewn. LAW N Moworo and out- PLEASANT Room for tral air, car port, pool, door powor OQuIpmont, oNorlngo In today's Clos- mature working gen­ C M S the mid-48a. NOME RfMOiELMS olflod columns. 443-3311. tennis, rec oreo availa­ won’t start until 1989 MABONAGLl IMTIt tuno upo ond oorvico. tleman. Kitchen prlyl- FDR SALE About 8.88 inches of rain fell Also a comploto obw- ble. 1 small pet ac­ Fowor Waoklno leges, parking. Near cepted. $790 per month. Monday and hornet along the many ponlnp oorvico Includ- rivera and Mreama remained Bruoh or Sfroy You'll novor know tho bus line. References 1 year lease plus secur­ BUICK Century station By Ggorge Lovng three months more before the Ino circular sow cor- required. 643-9033. wagon. Air condition­ flooded. Nnmerons roatte in Con- FNEl ESTIMATES bldo tip blodoo. Quality powor of Closolflod until ity deposit. 449-0795. Harold Rapertar contract for the work to awarded. ing, power steering, Small necticiit remained cloaed or par­ Fully Inourod Stiarponlno, 104 Hil­ you uoo It yoursolf. Coll M ANCHESTER. 3 bed- Kandra said the D O T b n b^Rm 443-3311 todoy to ptoCo on room, 1'/i baths, fully power brakes. Engine tially Moched by the flooding. The reconstruction of downtown tM-PANAt liard St., Monctiostor. dead. Body good for Medium title searches and other Iksck- 043-6774 440-3111. od. CARS appllanced kitchen, 3 T te Connectirat River crested in Main Street will prohaMy not begin ground work in preparation for car garage. No pets. ports. $400/best offer. northern Massachusetts Monday, FOR SALE Large until 1808 — at least a year later acquiring property and eaaamenta $750. 447-1315, 4436530 449-5005. aKhot^h it continued to riee slowly than previously anticipsted, Man­ neceaaary for the ocmetniction. Two 7-IOpm. CAM A RO 84 Z-28.5 speed, In central and lower Connecticut. chester Public Works IMrector bulldinia are to be demoHMied for a olr conditioning, t-top, The Nortbeaat River Forecast HOMES HOMES custom stereo, power George Kandra said Monday. bypan road that motorteta can uae 0 3 HELP WANTED RBSI ESIRIB [ z TI |3g|BMMeES Center in Bloomfield reported the FOR SALE FOR SALE TAKE A LOOK windows. $9700/best This allraclive Buttoned Kandra said the delay is expected while the construetton work to on ANDSTORAOE offer. 742-1791 or 444- river would rise "another few feet" because of the time it takes to make underway. 563S. Tabard is easily knitted from in Hartford and Middletown before FACTORY EXECUTIVE CARS federal construction money availa­ Thoae bulldIngB, which bonae Mx MAINTENACE Worker. M ANCHESTER. 8139,900. HOM E Values are Ex­ A V A ILA B LE Imme- 4-ply yarn in your favorite cresting sometime between 7 a.m. HOMES Ranch In convenient ploding I Do you know Direct from Ford M USTAN G 79. 78K miles, ble for the work, and the time busineasea, are located on PurnMl 15 hours per week lob dlotely, 1 car garage 4 speed. $1000/best color. Adds a warm and and noon Tuesday. FOR SALE location, 3 bedrooms, the value of your home Motor Co. Detroit, with lock. COntoct qf- needed for the approval process for Place and Oak Street. The owner of available. Must be offer. Please coll 449- comfortable look to a casual The river was expected to reach the flnal design plans. Those rians 14 X 21 fireplaced living In fodav's real esfafe Michigan. ter 7pm. Gary, 449-0903. the bulldingB, downtown btwIneM handy and tomlllor market? Realty World 5428. wardrobe. 28 feet In Hartford, 10 feet over flood are being drafted and should be with old houses.
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