EAST GWILLIMBURY ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION AND TRAILS MASTER PLAN Final Report D16-010-39 June 2012 7$%/(2)&217(176 $FNQRZOHGJHPHQWV ([HFXWLYH6XPPDU\ (DVW*ZLOOLPEXU\¶V$FWLYH7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ $7 DQG7UDLOV0DVWHU3ODQ :KDWLVWKH$FWLYH7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ $7 DQG7UDLOV0DVWHU3ODQ %HQHILWVRI$FWLYH7UDQVSRUWDWLRQDQG7UDLOV +HDOWKDQG)LWQHVV 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ (QYLURQPHQW (FRQRPLF 7RXULVP :K\'RHV(DVW*ZLOOLPEXU\1HHGDQG$7DQG7UDLOV3ODQ" 9LVLRQDQG2EMHFWLYHV 7KH6WXG\3URFHVV :KDWLV,QWKH3ODQ" ([LVWLQJ&RQWH[W (DVW*ZLOOLPEXU\DQGLWV([LVWLQJ$7DQG7UDLOV6\VWHP &RPPXQLW\3URILOH (DVW*ZLOOLPEXU\LV*URZLQJ ([LVWLQJ3ROLFLHVDQG,QLWLDWLYHV :KDW\RX7ROG8V &RQVXOWDWLRQ6WUDWHJ\ 2QOLQH4XHVWLRQQDLUH 3XEOLF,QIRUPDWLRQ&HQWUH 6XPPDU\RI3XEOLF,QSXW 7KH3URSRVHG$7DQG7UDLOV1HWZRUN 7KH1HWZRUN'HYHORSPHQW$SSURDFK ),1$/5(3257 72:12)($67*:,//,0%85<_$&7,9(75$163257$7,21$1'75$,/60$67(53/$1_000*5283_-81( L ,QYHQWRU\RI([LVWLQJ&RQGLWLRQV 5RXWH'HYHORSPHQWDQG6HOHFWLRQ3ULQFLSOHV &DQGLGDWH5RXWHV 3URSRVHG)DFLOLW\7\SHV 7KH1HWZRUN&RQFHSW &\FOLVWV 3HGHVWULDQV 7KH3URSRVHG$FWLYH7UDQVSRUWDWLRQDQG7UDLO1HWZRUN 1HWZRUN)HDWXUHV 3URJUDPPLQJ 2XWUHDFK)RU$7DQG7UDLOVLQ(DVW*ZLOOLPEXU\ $7DQG7UDLOV2XWUHDFK (GXFDWLRQ (QFRXUDJHPHQW (QIRUFHPHQW :RUNLQJZLWK2WKHUV ,PSOHPHQWLQJWKH3ODQ 0DQDJLQJ,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ :KR'RHV:KDW" $1HWZRUN0DQDJHPHQW7RRO $)LYH6WHS1HWZRUN,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ3URFHVV /DQG$FTXLVLWLRQ6HFXUHPHQW6WUDWHJLHV %XLOGLQJWKH1HWZRUN 1HWZRUN,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ6FKHGXOH 3ULRULW\3URMHFWVIRU,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ &RPPXQLW\'HVLJQ6WUDWHJLHVWKDW6XSSRUW$7 /DQG8VH3ODQQLQJ $FWLYH/LYLQJ,QIUDVWUXFWXUH 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ3ODQQLQJ ,QYHVWLQJLQ$7DQG7UDLOV +RZ0XFK:LOOLW&RVWWR,PSOHPHQW" 5LVN0DQDJHPHQWDQG/LDELOLW\ LL :KHUH:LOOWKH0RQH\&RPH)URP" :K\6KRXOGWKH7RZQ0DNHWKH,QYHVWPHQW" $FWLYH7UDQVSRUWDWLRQDQG7UDLOV6XSSRUWLYH3ROLFLHVDQG5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV &KDSWHU³7KH3URSRVHG$7DQG7UDLOV1HWZRUN´3ROLFLHVDQG5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV &KDSWHU³(GXFDWLRQDQG2XWUHDFK´3ROLFLHVDQG5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV &KDSWHU³,PSOHPHQWLQJWKH3ODQ´3ROLFLHVDQG5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV &KDSWHU³,QYHVWLQJLQ$7DQG7UDLOV´3ROLFLHVDQG5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV &KDSWHU³0HDVXULQJ6XFFHVVDQG1H[W6WHSV´3ROLFLHVDQG5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV 0HDVXULQJ6XFFHVVDQG1H[W6WHSV 0RQLWRULQJDQG3HUIRUPDQFH,QGLFDWRUV :KHUH'R:H*R)URP+HUH" /,672)),*85(6$1'7$%/(6 ),*85(6 )LJXUH 0RGH6KDUH7UDQVSRUWDWLRQWR:RUNIRU7RZQRI(DVW*ZLOOLPEXU\ )LJXUH 0RGH6KDUH7UDQVSRUWDWLRQWR:RUNIRU5HJLRQDO0XQLFLSDOLW\RI<RUN )LJXUH /HYHORI3DUWLFLSDWLRQLQ3DUN5HFUHDWLRQDQG&XOWXUH$FWLYLWLHVLQ )LJXUH 3URSRUWLRQRIVXSSRUWIRUPDNLQJLQYHVWPHQWVIRUWUDLODQGDFWLYH WUDQVSRUWDWLRQLPSURYHPHQWVLQ(DVW*ZLOOLPEXU\ )LJXUH 0RWLYDWRUVIRU$7DQG7UDLOXVHLQ(DVW*ZLOOLPEXU\ )LJXUH (DVW*ZLOOLPEXU\$FWLYH7UDQVSRUWDWLRQDQG7UDLOV0DVWHU3ODQ 1HWZRUN'HYHORSPHQW3URFHVV )LJXUH 7RZQ:LGH&\FOLQJ 7UDLO5RXWHV±([LVWLQJ&RQWH[W )LJXUH$ 8UEDQ$UHDV&\FOLQJ 7UDLO5RXWHV±([LVWLQJ&RQWH[W )LJXUH 7RZQ:LGH3HGHVWULDQ6\VWHP 7UDLO5RXWHV±([LVWLQJ&RQWH[W )LJXUH$ 8UEDQ$UHDV3HGHVWULDQ6\VWHP 7UDLO5RXWHV±([LVWLQJ&RQWH[W )LJXUH 7RZQ:LGH&\FOLQJ 7UDLOV5RXWHV±$7703&DQGLGDWH5RXWH1HWZRUN&RQFHSW )LJXUH$ 8UEDQ$UHDV&\FOLQJ 7UDLO5RXWHV±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he Town of East Gwillimbury Active Transportation and Trails Master Plan presented in this report is the product of the hard work and effort of many people. The study team would like to thank the Mayor and Members of Council, the public, Town Staff, Trails Advisory Committee, agency representatives and stakeholders who gave their time and energy in the development of this planning study, especially those who participated in the public open houses, completed the online survey, and many others who provided written or verbal input to the study team. The Town of East Gwillimbury’s Active Transportation and Trails Master Plan Team would like to express their appreciation to the following individuals that contributed to the development of this Plan. Trails Advisory Committee Town of East Gwillimbury Study Town of East Gwillimbury Team Council Bob Leech Wayne Hunt Mayor Virginia Hackson Chair, Trails Advisory Committee General Manager of Community Town of East Gwillimbury Programs and Infrastructure Mayor Virginia Hackson Town of East Gwillimbury Councillor Cathy Morton Town of East Gwillimbury Town of East Gwillimbury Gary Shropshire Councillor Tara Roy-DiClemente Director of Parks and Councillor Marlene Johnston Town of East Gwillimbury Leisure Services Town of East Gwillimbury Klaus Hintz Project Manager Councillor Tara Roy-DiClemente Trails Advisory Committee Town of East Gwillimbury Town of East Gwillimbury Irene Tamblyn Stewart MacIntosh Councillor John Eaton Trails Advisory Committee Landscape Architect Town of East Gwillimbury Parks and Leisure Services Barry Sanderson Trails Advisory Committee Grant McKeich Parks Supervisor Lorrie Mackness Town of East Gwillimbury Trails Advisory Committee Robin Prentice Sylvia Bowman Environmental Planner Trails Advisory Committee Town of East Gwillimbury Don Yantzi Study Consultant Team Trails Advisory Committee Dave McLaughlin, MCIP, RPP Samuel Baptiste, BURPL Aaron Robichard Senior Project Manager Transportation Planner Trails Advisory Committee MMM Group Ltd. MMM Group Limited Sharon Hamilton Jay Cranstone, MLA, O.A.L.A, Joanne McLaughlin Roy Hamilton C.S.L.A Senior Graphic Designer Senior Landscape Architect MMM Group Limited Joe Miceli MMM Group Limited Local Snowmobile Club Claire Basinski, B.ES Pam Foster, MCIP, RPP Transportation Planner Senior Planner MMM Group Limited MMM Group Limited FINAL REPORT TOWN OF EAST GWILLIMBURY | ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION AND TRAILS MASTER PLAN | MMM GROUP | JUNE 2012 A-1 EAST GWILLIMBURY ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION AND TRAILS MASTER PLAN Executive Summary D16-010-39 June 2012 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Town of East Gwillimbury has developed an Active Transportation (AT) and Trails Master Plan (ATTMP) to facilitate the development of a Town-wide network of active transportation and trail facilities over the next 25+ years. The AT and Trails Master Plan proposes planning, design and operations guidelines as well as supporting policies, recommendations and programs to encourage active transportation including walking and cycling as well as trail related activities. The Plan is also intended to support the Town’s other sustainable growth management and "Healthy Communities" initiatives. This study is intended to focus primarily on non-motorized travel modes (hiking, cycling, walking, etc.) on Town and Regional Roads, and on lands owned by the Town such as parks, public open space and woodlots. It also identifies potential trail corridors that are currently under private ownership that might be considered in the longer term if opportunities permit as ‘desire lines’. It identifies priorities for network implementation projects over the next 25 years, determines an appropriate strategy for operations and maintenance, and reviews the current standards, by-laws, and programs for trails, cycling and walking. The Plan also includes supporting educational and safety-related policies, as well as programs that promote walking and cycling. In January 2010, the Town retained active transportation specialists from the MMM Group and established a study team led by the Parks and Leisure Services Branch of the Community Programs and Infrastructure Department. Throughout the study process, the study team and consulting staff consulted with residents as well as the Town’s Trails Advisory Committee and local stakeholders to develop and refine the recommended policies and the proposed network as outlined in the East Gwillimbury Active Transportation and Trails Master Plan (ATTMP). Vision and Objectives As part of the master planning process, a vision was developed by the Trails Advisory Committee which was reviewed, refined and confirmed as follows: “The Plan identifies “The Town of East Gwillimbury supports active transportation and recreational trail priorities for network use, including walking/hiking and cycling, as a means to promote healthy implementation lifestyles, encourage sustainable land management, foster more environmentally projects in phases friendly community design and reduce the number of single occupant motor over the next 25+ vehicle trips. The Town achieves this through pedestrian, trail and cycling systems years and reviews the current standards, by- that are linked and integrated into
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