Complimentary to churches .r V.' f///f j- and community groups jEHfnorttu ©ppnrhmfiii Ncfos fipv 2730 STEMMONS FRWY STE. 1202 TOWER WEST, DALLAS, TEXAS 75207 VOLUME 7, NO. 15 December 1-15, 1998 TPA Why Volunteer For Medical Research? /T-x From l^vl The Editor ;\rSt Chris Pryer Showing them NAACF showed decisive the money In 1909 W.E.B. DuBois, the There was a time in this claim to believe in freedom and A couple of weeks ago a small busi­ great African American intellectu- nation's history when vicious justice find a way to get along? ness lending conference was conducted al and advocant for racial equality, attacks on people of color had the What has become of the NAACP's with the noble intention of educating supported by a group of educat- unanticipated effect of bringing purpose here in Dallas? Is the local and assisting n:\inority/women small ed, principled and civic-minded them closer together. The actions chapter's hierarchy so preoccu­ business owners—and would-be small contemporaries, helped found the of the Ku Klux Klan, White Citi- pied with parochial fiefdoms that business owners—in underserved mar­ first national organization formed zens' Councils and the infamous preserving a proud heritage and kets on how to secure financing for their business ventures. The conference, held to combat the growing violence "night riders" so terrorized peo- harnessing its resources to forge at Union Station in downtown Dallas against African Americans. Less pie of color that they were forced economic empowerment not and sponsored by Guaranty Federal than a year after its inception, the to turn to one another for assis- worth its time and energy? If not Bank, South Dallas Development Cor­ National Association for the tance, comfort and understand- fairness, justice and equality, then poration, city of Dallas, and the U.S. Advancement of Colored what are the guiding forces of Small Business Administration, to name People began field opera­ activity and interest? just a few, consisted of a series of panel discussions on "Government Support tions. A former school teacher For Small Business Lending," "How named Kathryn Magnalia And most importantly, if Credit Scoring Influences Your Ability to Johnson is credited with the the NAACP still stands for Borrow," "Positioning Yourself to Get a efforts that led to the estab­ advancement, why is it that Loan," and "Contract Financing Oppor­ lishment of local NAACP tunities For Underserved Markets," so many local offidals appear chapters scattered throughout By rough estimate, I'd say there confused? Why, after two were between 75 and 100 people in atten­ the states, particularly those terms of service, is Lee dance at the conference when the first located in the South and West. Alcorn's eligibility to do a job panel discussion got underway at about How ironic it is that long he has been doing for the past 8:30 in the morning. It was a good mix­ four years now being called ture of Blacks and Whites, young and after the demise of Jim Crow, not-so-young, male and female—there and long after the enactment into question? -What has might have been one or two Hispanics of historic federal civil rights changed? there—all hoping to hear that key bit of legislation that legally guar­ Perhaps the real question is information that will, help them either anteed entree into any. and all who has changed. Who is it realize their dream of self-employment professions and walks of life and what is it that now makes or greater business growth. In addition to the various panels, made up of lend­ previously closed to African a membership vote such ing professionals from federal, state and Americans—even the most prominent news in the major local agencies, as well from banks and brilliant of minds like that of NAACP co-founderW.E.B. DuBois media? Since only members community development corporations, Dr. DuBois—in a leading can vote in this election, what there were booths set up by participat­ southern metropolis such as Dal- ing. is the point of an outdoor adver­ ing entities with plenty of the requisite tising campaign? ^ literature outlining how they can assist las, this very same august and It would indeed be a horrible individuals in realizing their business revered civil rights organization tragedyif African Americans' only goals. Would fail to honor the very prin- catalyst for cooperation and Minority Opportunity News As I sat in on the morning sessions dples on which it was established, respect among themselves would applauds the NAACP's national and listened to the various panel mem­ Of course we refer to the come from overt and violent acts office for their proper—albeit bers talk about all of the help available recent and surprisingly highly perpetrated against them by other somewhat delayed and not alto­ ^or minority business start-ups, it appeared that there is no lack of pro­ publicized (for an election of its radal and ethnic groups. (Not to gether staunch—support of Lee grams and initiatives in existence to kind) controversy surrounding mention those who are so hungry Alcorn's right to be on the ballot. increase the number of minority busi­ the upcoming vote for the next for power that they would betray Like a responsible parent disci­ ness owners, either locally, state-wide or president of the Dallas chapter of their own people.) What were the plining a bad-behaving child, nationally. And while a number of these the NAACP. It does a gross disser- demonstrations, the marches, the national stepped in and adminis­ programs have been in existence for sev­ eral years (with new ones being started vice to Dr. DuBois, the aforemen- legal challenges for if not to gain tered the obligatory spanking. and funded all the time), it does make tioned Ms. Johnson, Ms. Mary full and equal participation for When responsibility is taken one wonder why there hasn'tbeen more White Ovington (a wealthy White everyone? In 1998, what are the seriously, leadership emerges. progress made in the growing of viable, woman who helped conceptualize real stakes in the Dallas NAACP Here's hoping much more than a competitive and self-sustaining minori­ the organization), Roy V^lkins (a presidential election? vote tally will emerge with the ty-owned businesses, especially in what former executive secretary of the Rodney King's now famous assistance of the national office. is being increasingly described as the fer­ tile, "underserved" inner-city environ­ NA|ACP) and every person who question, "Can't we all get along?" Let leadership, not confusion, run ment. It also made me wonder whether believes in decency, dignity and ought to be posed to the Dallas the upcoming election. honor. NAACP. Why can't people who See EDITOR on page 3 MON E [mjf;r=T^cy/a^rjrignrM^ c ^rgirc^ ^ rrttt^tTni^. A^-g> ;)Hgi ] •raig®p©sima^ ST. JOHN BAPTIST CHURCH continued from page 2 Cover Story . >i sessions like this conference really con­ 16. Are We Ready For Managed nect vrilh those thousands of individu­ Medicaid? als that have the dream of self-employ­ * ~.' ) ment but continually struggle in the shadow of disfranchisement. Editorials Attendee Reeta Braggs seems to be a Denny D, Davis, Senior Pastor typical case study of the kind of individ­ 02.: NAACP Leadership ual that this conference was designed for. 1701W. Jefferson SL • Grand Prairie ,TX 75051 Special A single mother of three children (ages (972) 264-1483-Ofiice • (972) 263-5955 - Metro • (972) 264-9861-Fax 17,19 and 20), Ms. Braggs has been, try­ 13 Out Of Africa ing to get her own travel agency off the Sunday Worships Schedule ground since 1995. She is certified to be 1-30 an agent in various types of travel and First : : 7:00 A.M. Columns 1 Second 9:00 AJ4. has spent about $6,500 lo attend an avia­ 02 Editor's Comments Third : 11:00 A.M. tion travel academy. Ms. Braggs works Sunday School 9:30 A.M. 05 Community Pulse her travel business from out of her home but, because of the inability to generate Midweek Family Night (Wednesdays) - 07 LifeStories Prayer, Praise & Proclamation Service. 6:45 P.M. enough revenue to sustain it, has had to Come and worship with us soon! 09 Ethnic Notes take temporary jobs to make ends meet. (At this point, she can't even afford a 20 .Book Review computer, which would seem to be 21 Entertainment essential to her business.) While she con­ cedes that being in business for herself is •P 23 Personal Finances "more difficult than I imagined," Ms. 24. Living Braggs is hopeful that the various avenues available for getting financing 25. Spiritual discussed by the panelists at the lending JL conference will be the big break she Recurring needs to really get her business going. The fact that someone like Reeta 04 Around the State & Nation Braggs has been in business (of sorts) for OS! In The News three years without having any knowl­ EZ 21 edge of the seemingly plethora of gov­ It Z3r^"""nr 14,15 SWB Community Calendar cue jmi^. ernment and private enterprise pro­ '-^^^^ft iiisiitt^Li CZIIZIIi EZ 27. Emporium grams existing to help budding entre­ z JL preneurs like herself begs the question. Is Qfi{UtM»)"f*(Vroi0a.M»)%^^ 27. Career Opportunities the biggest problem one of not enough help, or not enough publicity? Or is it a matter of many fledgling," would-be minority business owners not doing TtanltyN* their due diligence, and, therefore, for­ ^jr going much-needed financial, and other, assistance? My guess is that it may be a combi­ nation of both.
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