Next isrue will be Volume 25. Wili you help ur maks $$$$S. he pnce d the back herhas been reduced to the twenty~fiffhanniversary irrue the beit ever7 We'd like encourage new roaderr to diwover the wealth of inlorms~ to do a bsg intemationai "Then~And~Now"lealure on your ,., .., ,,.,I8, ,,*,,, 3.: .',~,,., > . .,. ,, , .,.. liver over the lasf 25 years . with photogaphr and ;.,<.. , . , .'I, <I . ,.,,,,,.<,". stones of your education, empioymeni, families, children. I... .I, -,.. I .. ,, , ,, . .II grandchildren, h~hbler,have1, squipment banrpoflation tice Lhe increase because most of you long-time readerr . Lhe adaptations you have made Loclothiny equipment have been giving far mare than the minimum and have and houdng . your creative ways oi finding. keeping. kept the Gazette going with your generosity lunding and firing attendants . exampio al what the Toamey j Gmette and the Rehobiliiation Gdehave meant lo you in the way of ideas, equipment. coping. models, Mendrhipr, motiuation, have1 . the humorour and tactless remark or readonr of people to you or your hee international infomation rerv~ce. rero1ratorr . And we'd aim like "Haon" Anniveiisrv" Alumnae awards and reunions. Dunng the year, ~i~i received two gatifying alumnae awardr, the Tds Bkn Award hom the Alumnae of the Sacred Heart and the Distingulrhed Alumnae Award ham Randolph~Macon Glni's dream came t.ue. The October 1981 Garenel Women's College. and Joe celebrated his 50th reunion at RIC international polio conference war a superb ruccerr. Amheid Coliege. Thank you. G& readerr, far responding with such generoslty to the Gaffe> "Rmwn Bag" appeal for iundr Engllsh representative. Ja Sandford ir continuing to to help ruppon the conference. heip the Gazette in Engldnd. You may send your payment by cheque or Portal Order to MoJ.D. Sandiford. 55A Your warmth and generosity are mica1 of the warmth South StreeL Havant Hans. England PO9 1BY Special and fellowship that pervaded the conference, as G=&e price off1.50 hom disabled individualrand r3.00 from all readers met for the first time other readerr whom they atheo - plus 50 pence postage had "met" on the pages oi the Gazette. "Gi"i and the Gazette.“ rays one parkipant "have been the glue that Recordings. The ioiiowing sources have superb colkc~ held the polior of the world together for aimosia quarter of eons of boob and magazines on open reel or cassette. a cenhiy." including most ol the back issuer of the Rehobilitolion G-Ite. Both are responsive b new requests horn thore There war sadnew too. Sue Wlamr, a very rpeciai who are blind or physically unable to handle book So Toamey and Chagnn Falls Mend and one of the early if you need this issue recorded. get m touch with the members of the Gozelte rsii, did of a hearl attack the Johanna Bureau far the Blind and Phyrically Handi~ week before the conference. She war excited and happy capped. inc. 30 West Washinnon. Chicago. lllinoi~60602 about anending the conference as a representative of the or the Division far the Blind and Physacally Handicapped. Vermont Center far Independent Livmg, and look~ng for^ Libray of Congrerr. Washmgion. DC 20540. ward to reminircing at the "Brown Bag" Toorney dinner Aue otque vale! Donations are tar-deductible ar permitted by law if they exceed the suggested donation per copy and il they It was a happenins of significance for all disabled are made .oavable . to Rehabltation Gmena. Inc. Thew *re persons and for oveyone, young or old, who lace ihe most welcome. for the Goseite, stalled by uaiunteers. ir iimltationr of aging or seek reil~direaedhealthhi1 living. entirely ruppolted by i& readers and Mends. Whether you had polio or not, read the special lraiure on the conference - eipeciaily "Rx: Know Yourrelt" and Mickie McGrads "Warnings'" The Gazette edilonfound thefoiiowinggem in The Bum- Br~athingproblems? if you were weaned from a rer- blebee, a newsleuera/ biojeedbock in a letterfrom ospinal pirator long ago and are now oxpenencing breathing dif- cord injured genileman telling aj his amual in India. Bcuiher, check with the neareit reraurce ~ersonlisted in "To desc!ibe the Bornboy Aimor, b impossible . A/ier the conference section on page 36 and goto a pulmonani Sabeno reported my wheelchair was hopeiemly lost, on speciallit for an evaluation. If you live in the East. note oiwori oflcbl come on boord and asked me il Iouldn't especially the one~dayevaluation program deveioped by make on exception and walk just this once, othenuire they DL Augusta Aiba at Goldwater Memonal Hqitai m New didn't know hou, to get me alj the plane." Yark City ii ir one ol the few centers with prrionnel ex^ penenced in rerpiratow polio. An evaiuation will heip you now and give you and your doctors future referencemini Rehabilitation Gazette AnnuolIntemotionalJoumaiforlndependentLiving by DisabledPeople 2 IndependentUulo~.ASPPPI ktehlm EdWbyGIniLoune 2 Independenummush Shariarig. Comrnuniu Limg by Mow Deulin. Jasull Voluntaer Comr Aduaaier/Anendanb by Ray MICanhy and Tom Hutchinson. Indql~nd~nll.,l~lI I . ,b<l:onfi:.. lo 0, ,d " ' I " I I,I 11 ,..%.I, no. I.ull8 rl,',l.* 1, . I,. , I,,A ..ti,.~l"r , , .<,.FV, ,. ?, 1 w; I, 1.~'V,", .?",7.ff',, I,,dep~ndmtAltil"dr.s < b#,,#:,* t.: ~b ,r,,-1 *P ?. .' ?. ,7, m0.r kt.,. ?,fin< .< ,!I, 'qr.oO~.,rP81, M.,TIM.L,-, ,, '..,".$., \,<,,:.. A," ,,.;,,.., .,.,,I: <,,I+ , hq,~ IndepsndmtUvlng Conten. AccounlabdiN and Management: An Wn Lena. loDirecton byMn44jeshreue innovatiow: Ada~tiueEqujpme", Centar by DauidTvrey The F~PUnlvemiu by Barbam G. Hvmnlel. ApplrenticerhipPramam bvEileenS. Berhleu Ror~archandDemuNbaB~n. Halidic Appmarhnr. Rrxarch andTrainingQn(er EualuaSonThePhyri~ caUy DlmbledSludeno' R~ldmcePrognrn.U. ofCalifornia. Bs~elplpy 1962~1981by SusunO'Hom. oddtw.. .orohjsary.. .mat isthrpuunon ~YJ. ~.~idc~rn~n, s 3. A view ofSelCH*no,i. byMoWY Ho1fird Aduts~:DodrBr.nnan.IOhla). Dr RonddH DO~SH. 1lndt"nd. ~an~n~m~ne icaimfimn). Adoptlon by PmtrulthDisahilit3es by GmieSondner Kern Mahan. MrinrMcGra#. Judy Raymond ,Ohio1 Conos~ondmt.: Susn ArmbmchV 1Ohid. Nancy Cole' 1Macounl. Bab Hin' 1Ohiol. Carok AnnParronr'1Wbnrinl.Jean98ng~t1~~~~moul Intemmdond: Ronald2 Dvluan'lToiluonl. How toGn0n.n Elephantby Ala Wohaun,Ph.D, ~ ~--~- CoveW Sunny Waingaris" manuhaumd hh p~Mblrlrvnlung,uyanivhichJaanSbnia lo* Ev~wone.Wamingi! by MickikiMGmul asa%3e. Jnsm am*. uriaphirnicn~w~pac.. maliar and hash." on a rer*mor.inr. bi"h 44 AEump.mVl.wof*.Co"fere"cebyAddrfR*ho BO~I, aiiend.dth. =mernrc in~lmational~oiio Canfarenre,re. paw 31. Photo by W Foun 45 POP~.POI~O smpoaiumn ijo~k~mdby~ii~iii~e +7 Mou~llntenninen~~os~dve~r~r~r~rv~~n~~n~~fo~s~~~p byAuguriaAlbo.MD..AmeemKhan.M~.Motheulier,M.D..EACP 49 Don.tlonpermnualro.y: HowToMakeACuirassSh=llbyDD GGGII~~VSPPPP~O.B.E., FFARCS 54.50 horn dlsabledindviduak 51 EquCment byJoeLou* Mobiliu. Redining Whe~I~h~~~CciIiigHokt 5700hom nondiablodindluiduali, nmni- VAierledVan Urn Communiration: Telmhone id^ and se~= otionrandinibtution. Edmronhlbutlonr computen. Resp,iat~r; ore loxdedudible. PatageiHandling: 54 Books byJo~ayceKnif/en Pie-add $1lordnnts8corioreign mafling 56 Co~insulthHoa~ltaICu.bu~dth~~n,RN. Rehabllltadon Gauptt. 57 Potpowd by GiniLoune 45OZMoylandAuenue 64 IntornatlondVl~lto~ot4502Ma~landAwnu~ St. Loua. M!-un63108. USA Phone: 13141 361~0675 65 AvallableBask lnuo. ISSN 603614166 Independence Through Sharing Community Living "Phuons, will you pieas eoak dinner tonight?" war a happy choice. far although both of us had been a "Ya, yer, Iunderstand. Imake chicken culiy yes? iinle hesitant about the adjurhnents weld have to make, it "Thank you Phuong, that dl be fine. Yes. Hieu and Ti. turned out that our similar inter& more than mrnpensat you may take the ball and go out on the lawn to play'' The ed for minor incanveniencer and the diflerencer in our two Viemamere children. aged 6 and 8, after only5 week temlleramen*. in the US. understood better than they spoke. hey had arked permision thmugh rips and poindng. What was I (in a wheelchair or on crufcher) ddng with a Viemamere family in my home? it all began back in 1966 when my mather died leaving me therole owner and occupant of a Cape Cod houre in a suburban Philadelphia area. it has huo bedrooms on the double adductor limp, wore ashort brace for drop foot and first floor with a full bathmom, andtherameon thesecond camed a cane for arrktance over rough terrain. M-IS Oooi There were rewral optianr open I could sell the power had been gradually diminishing, my knees had house and move to a small apartment, or close off the gone into recurvahire over 25%. No one had a definitive second floor and remain here. In both car- I would be answer ar to why. or what could be done. My Mend. Jo. alone. Or Icould ark someone to share the house with me. working at that time in a ~eneralhonlnal, had had some I r 1.1 n 'l,.., 1 I, 1 ,.,..,,.I; < , rc. :r ,3p. *, ..I <x,>*,L#>c<.,~2.<,,,r ,L,,.~,,~la"... >,,. 6n.h ,,,.,,, : I ,,3.' 8 3, I i .. I. ' A"..<> I ., .>.''III, n.-.I rrdlI(I,, ..ne ,!r '2 A,,,, I ~"!CLL>!LI, <r. ..r.,. ti'. ,..,'*#' 5,. GP"?J I h31 .,"!< "(1 r. li <; CnLtrC, am- <*.,' ,,. q'..,.. .:t, .. n~.,. u. .,, ,%'., 3qr 8,.8cl..v -8.c I A :, ;<,,. ;,.9n,.,~ it... k... %,$* :.. :'6 ( XI*# qmddrr i. :rtrz. *I< , , rc,c b,,l nor:.^ 'I 'F* c~v.%#cIS,, b: twL c~m># #.f>.,# rs$#reJ',wn c-c i>8 9 '"P1. ,' .,, +,V@", ,,I,,,'. I ',,<I,, ..,?.,, W.. r. rl,,lll,,n. .j, I KL*",.., ai I,. i.,. I .,,I, .L ,.<M 0 rr, 8, LL~,..< U>,< p",,,,?; 3 \.!,.,, 2~ !:r,~,,.. ir 1,: 7,..r1 .#d>lcr.1..r .. is,:, ... I1 1 quit her jab and drove down with me. We stayed for six monthr.
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