CLAMPS MS21919 DG & WDG CLAMPS MS21919-WCJ CLAMPS Loop-type cushioned aluminum alloy clamp. Band Material: Corrosion Resistant Steel Cush ion (non-fuel resistant) is bonded to inner Cushion Material: Fluorosilicone - For elevated CM surface and edges of clamp. WDG clamps are temperature usage in petroleum based fluid cushion wedge type. Cush ion assures tight fit and contaminated areas. Unaffected by ozone. Not eliminates vibration, thus preventing line abrasion. resistant to phosphate ester based fluids. Color Tube Dash Price Dash Price Tube Dash Price Dash Price is solid blue. Dia. No. Each No. Each Dia. No. Each No. Each 1/8 DG2 $0.55 WDG2 $0.47 1-5/16 DG21 $1.73 WDG21 $1.70 Part No. Tube Dia. Price WP 3/16 DG3 $0.45 WDG3 $0.51 1-3/8 DG22 $1.58 WDG22 $1.35 MS21919-WCJ2 1/8” $1.72 1/4 DG4 $0.23 WDG4 $0.46 1-7/16 DG23 $2.82 WDG23 $1.99 MS21919-WCJ3 3/16” $1.74 5/16 DG5 $0.27 WDG5 $0.52 1-1/2 DG24 $1.33 WDG24 $1.30 MS21919-WCJ4 1/4” $1.66 3/8 DG6 $0.27 WDG6 $0.58 1-9/16 DG25 $2.90 WDG25 $2.40 MS21919-WCJ5 5/16” $1.75 7/16 DG7 $0.52 WDG7 $0.60 1-5/8 DG26 $1.99 WDG26 $2.06 MS21919-WCJ6 3/8” $1.88 ME 1/2 DG8 $0.31 WDG8 $0.62 1-3/4 DG28 $1.50 WDG28 $1.95 MS21919-WCJ7 7/16” $1.95 9/16 DG9 $0.59 WDG9 $0.67 1-7/8 DG30 $1.93 MS21919-WCJ8 1/2” $2.10 5/8 DG10 $0.38 WDG10 $0.59 1-15/16 DG31 $2.78 MS21919-WCJ9 9/16” $2.75 11/16 DG11 $0.75 WDG11 $0.87 2 DG32 $1.36 MS21919-WCJ10 5/8” $2.95 3/4 DG12 $0.42 WDG12 $0.80 2-1/16 DG33 $2.24 MS21919-WCJ12 3/4” $2.98 13/16 DG13 $0.76 WDG13 $0.93 2-1/8 DG34 $1.90 MS21919-WCJ14 7/8” $3.45 HA 7/8 DG14 $0.67 WDG14 $0.90 2-1/4 DG36 $2.15 MS21919-WCJ16 1” $3.95 15/16 DG15 $1.03 WDG15 $0.94 2-3/8 DG38 $2.75 MS21919-WCJ20 1-1/4” $4.99 1 DG16 $0.50 WDG16 $0.90 2-1/2 DG40 $1.92 1-1/16 DG17 $1.15 WDG17 $1.29 2-5/8 DG42 $4.80 1-1/8 DG18 $1.12 WDG18 $1.25 2-3/4 DG44 $5.35 OETIKER SS MECHANICAL 1-3/16 DG19 $1.59 WDG19 $1.44 2-7/8 DG46 $5.65 AP 1-1/4 DG20 $1.29 WDG20 $1.20 3 DG48 $2.53 WDG48 $3.50 INTERLOCK CLAMPS Oetiker’s core skills are reflected in three tried-and-tested 3-1/8 DG50 $4.75 product groups. A wide range of clamps and rings for connec- MS21919-WH CLAMPS tions and mountings of all types. In-house-produced pincers Band Material: Low Carbon Steel for optimum installation of our assortment of clamps. And LG Cushion Material: Silicone - For elevated practical Quick Connectors for fast plug connections without temperature usage in phosphate ester based tools. • Mechanical interlock: for pre-coated material fluid and other synthetic fluid contaminated Clamp ear: fast and simple installation, visible deformation provides evi- areas. Unaffected by ozone. Not resistant to dence of proper closure • Dimple: increases clamping force, spring-effect petroleum based fluids. Color is white. compensates for changes in diameter due to thermal • Specially formed strip edges: reduced risk of damage to parts being clamped • Material: EP Part No. Tube Dia. Price 155 Stainless Steel, Material no. 1.4301/UNS S30400 MS21919-WH2 1/8” $0.84 Description Part No. Price MS21919-WH3 3/16” $0.87 Oetiker 256 Stainless Steel MI-Clamp 15-05730 $0.37 MS21919-WH4 1/4” $0.83 25.6mm (1”) open position / 22.8mm pinched position MS21919-WH5 5/16” $0.89 Oetiker 226 Stainless Steel MI-Clamp 15-05731 $0.38 MS21919-WH6 3/8” $0.84 22.6mm (7/8”) open position / 19.8mm pinched position CS Oetiker 105 Stainless Steel MI-Clamp MS21919-WH7 7/16” $0.88 10.5mm open position / 8.9mm pinched position 15-08416 $0.32 MS21919-WH8 1/2” $0.95 Oetiker 133 Stainless Steel MI-Clamp MS21919-WH9 9/16” $1.06 13.3mm open position / 11.4mm pinched position 15-08417 $0.35 MS21919-WH10 5/8” $1.10 Oetiker 145 Stainless Steel MI-Clamp IN MS21919-WH11 11/16” $1.35 14.5mm open position / 12.6mm pinched position 15-08418 $0.34 MS21919-WH12 3/4” $1.22 Oetiker 170 Stainless Steel MI-Clamp 15-08419 $0.35 MS21919-WH13 13/16” $1.14 17.0mmopen position / 15.1mm pinched position MS21919-WH14 7/8” $1.35 Oetiker 198 Stainless Steel MI-Clamp 15-08420 $0.35 MS21919-WH15 15/16” $1.20 19.8mm (3/4”) open position / 17.0mm pinched position EL MS21919-WH16 1” $1.25 OETIKER STEPLESS SCREW CLAMPS MS21919-WH18 1-1/8” $1.71 Oetiker Stepless Screw Clamps feature a unique MS21919-WH20 1-1/4” $1.45 tongue-in-groove de sign to provide a perfect 360° seal. Their narrow band width of 9 mm is MS21919 WCH CLAMPS designed to fit grooved objects. They are ideal Band Material: Corrosion Resistant Steel where specialty clamp ing needs have to be AV Cushion Material: Silicone - For elevated met and the application calls for a smooth inner temperature usage in phosphate ester based sur face such as on flexible duct sleeves. The fluid and other synthetic fluid contaminated tongue-in-groove design pro vides that “stepless” areas. Unaffected by ozone. Not resistant to complete seal. Manufactured using 300 AISI petroleum based fluids. Color is white. series stain less steel. Clamping O.D. Price Clamping O.D. Price TO Part Number Tube Dia. Price P/N P/N MS21919-WCH2 1/8” $1.24 Range Inches Each Range Inches Each MS21919-WCH3 3/16” $1.32 028-9 13/16” - 1-1/8” $4.85 090-9 3-5/16” - 3-1/2” $5.35 MS21919-WCH4 1/4” $1.13 031-9 15/16” - 1-1/4” $5.75 095-9 3-1/2” - 3-3/4” $5.95 MS21919-WCH5 5/16” $1.15 032-9 1-1/16” - 1-1/4” $5.35 100-9 3-11/16” - 3-15/16” $4.85 MS21919-WCH6 3/8” $1.24 PS 036-9 1-1/4” - 1-7/16” $5.60 105-9 3-15/16” - 4-1/8” $6.50 MS21919-WCH7 7/16” $1.15 MS21919-WCH8 1/2” $1.23 040-9 1-3/8” - 1-9/16” $5.35 110-9 4-1/8” - 4-5/16” $5.35 MS21919-WCH9 9/16” $1.35 045-9 1-9/16” - 1-3/4” $5.80 115-9 4-5/16” - 4-1/2” $6.50 MS21919-WCH10 5/8” $1.35 050-9 1-3/4” - 2” $5.35 120-9 4-1/2” - 4-11/16” $4.75 MS21919-WCH11 11/16” $1.43 055-9 1-15/16” - 2-1/8” $5.35 125-9 4-11/16” - 4-15/16” $3.65 BV MS21919-WCH12 3/4” $1.49 MS21919-WCH13 13/16” $1.59 065-9 2-5/16” - 2-9/16” $5.35 135-9 5-1/16” - 5-5/16” $5.35 MS21919-WCH14 7/8” $1.71 070-9 2-9/16” - 2-3/4” $5.35 140-9 5-1/2” - 5-11/16” $7.50 MS21919-WCH15 15/16” $2.01 075-9 2-3/4” - 3” $5.75 145-9 5-11/16” - 5-7/8” $5.95 MS21919-WCH17 1 1/16” $1.57 080-9 2-15/16” - 3-1/8” $6.80 150-9 5-7/8” - 6-1/16” $3.45 MS21919-WCH18 1 1/8” $1.89 MS21919-WCH20 1 1/4” $1.85 085-9 3-1/8” - 3-5/16” $5.35 160-9 6-1/16” - 6-1/4” $4.90 MS21919-WCH22 1 3/8” $1.82 165-9 6-1/4” - 6-1/2” $5.35 WWW.AIRCRAFTSPRUCE.COM 104 Prices Subject to Change Without Notice CLAMPS 200 HOSE CLAMPS BREEZE LINER CLAMPS Aero-Seal stainless steel clamps are for indus- An integral extension of the band as an inner liner trial & aircraft applications. This tan gen tial worm- protects soft-surface hose (silicone and others) CM screw type clamp is for use on fuel, oil, air & from damage caused by extrusion or shearing coolant lines. The worm drive provides uni- through the band slots. Liner clamps afford form clamp ing pres sure without dis tort ing hose. maximum protection to soft hoses while providing Tighten slotted head with screwdriver. a true concentric seal. Standard 1/2” (12.7mm) band 5/16” (7.9mm) slotted hex head screw WP Per SAE standard J1508 Type “F” QS200 Dia. Range (In.) Price QS200 Dia. Range (In) Price Dash Each Dash Each No. Min. Max. No. Min. Max. SAE Part Description Min Max Price -06H 7/16 25/32 $1.49 -44H 2-5/16 3-1/4 $2.15 Size Number -08H 1/2 29/32 $1.55 -48H 2-9/16 3-1/2 $2.15 6 Breeze Clamp 9406H 7/16" 25/32" 05-14930 $1.10 ME -10H 9/16 1-1/16 $1.55 -52H 2-13/16 3-3/4 $2.29 8 Breeze Clamp 9408H 1/2" 29/32" 05-04708 $1.10 -12H 11/16 1-1/4 $1.54 -56H 3-1/16 4 $2.25 10 Breeze Clamp 9410H 9/16" 1-1/16" 05-14931 $1.10 -16H 13/16 1-1/2 $1.55 -60H 3-5/16 4-1/4 $2.40 -20H 13/16 1-3/4 $1.55 -64H 3-9/16 4-1/2 $2.34 12 Breeze Clamp 9412H 11/16 1-1/4 05-04709 $1.11 -24H 1-1/16 2 $1.60 -72H 4-1/8 5 $2.55 16 Breeze Clamp 9416H 13/16 1-1/2 05-04711 $1.08 HA -28H 1-5/16 2-1/4 $1.60 -80H 4-5/8 5-1/2 $2.90 20 Breeze Clamp 9420H 13/16" 1-3/4" 05-14932 $1.12 -32H 1-9/16 2-1/2 $1.60 -88H 5-1/8 6 $2.96 24 Breeze Clamp 9424H 1-1/16" 2" 05-14933 $1.12 -36H 1-13/16 2-3/4 $1.70 -96H 5-5/8 6-1/2 $2.96 28 Breeze Clamp 9428H 1-5/16" 2-1/4" 05-14934 $1.12 -40H 2-1/16 3 $2.05 --- --- --- --- 32 Breeze Clamp 9432H 1-9/16" 2-1/2" 05-14935 $1.19 AP Less 15% in lots of 50.
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