Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1989 Daily Egyptian 1989 10-20-1989 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 20, 1989 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_October1989 Volume 75, Issue 228 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, October 20, 1989." (Oct 1989). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1989 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1989 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Friday. October 20. 1989. Vol. 75. No. 228, 28 Pages Tamaroa couple sues Foundation dation sold it to a bankrupt man." to the UnivetSity. He said the first payments based 00 Ihe net IDlIIlret Land mismanagement dairned lbendahl said. was aeated when the couple c0n­ value of the bUSt asset, which is "The lbendaldl allege 1he lIIUIU8l . veyed bali of the propeny to the evaluated each year." Kimmel said. By Tony Mancuso of the farmland by Lester percentage pa~ they expect­ FoundaIion Dec. 31, 1984, and the He said the uniuust is citeo c0n­ Staff Writer Pitchford. The suit was filed Oct ed weren't CROUgh and that we second In* wa set up March 1. fused with an annuity InJSl, whicb 10 in Perry County. mismaDaged Ibe trust," Ball said. 1985 wbe.8 ~ sccood half of the pays out a 6lIUI sum based on a The SID Foundation president Rex Ball, SIU Foundation presi­ "Our auomey believes our posilioD pupeny was gi¥cn OYer. paceru::.ge of Ibe criginal value of believes the Foundation has a dent, said the land was donated 10 is correct." "Both of the ttusIs were unitrusts the laIld. clear-cut defense in a suit Calvin the UIJiversity in the sping of1985 "Anything the FoUldation bas which were set up for the benUu Ball said the "charitable ani­ ami Jean Ibendahl have filed and was sold 10 Habert Paasch in done was legal and proper," Dan of the 00n0n- When Ihe IbendabIs trust" is set up to pay tbe IbeDdahIs ~at the Perry County the same year. When Paasch Kimmel, auomey representing the donated the property they were a yearly percentage of the ptqJClty declared bankruptcy in December Foundation, said. "If the suit taking advantage of a tax siluation value until their deaths, when die Jean lbendahl said the couple 1985, the Foundation regllined malces it to the counroom, the and providing themselves with a money will go to the ~m-c from Tamaroa is suing the control of the propeny until it was Foundation will be vindicated.· lifetime inoome. Now they are not College of Agricukwe.. Foundation for a minimum of resold 10 Pitchford. Kimmel, of Gilbert, Kimmel. satisfied with what they bave He said as the value of tI!e pr0p­ <;;15,000 because of mismanag~­ "We believe the land was not Huffman 4. Prosser, Ltd., said two JCCeived," Kimmel said. erty fIucuIates each ,ear. as well as ment of its 612-acre farmland beingw~p~rlybefore trusts were actually set up when "As desaibed by the Internal the amount of IllODCy the doocxs donation before the 1987 purchase (Pitchfonl's purcbase).: ..The foun- the Ibeodah.Is dooaIed Ibe propeny Revenue Servia; a uniIrusl makes JCCeive.. Flag proposal meets fiel1' death in Senate- WASHINGTON (upf) - The mg, "Senators demonstrated today ~enate, in a dramatic showdown that they Wlderstand that the right ThurSG4Y with President Bll~, of dissent is a fundamental princi­ decisively rejecied a proposed con­ ple of our society. A majority, DO stilUtional amendment to outlaw matter how large or impassioned, desecration of the American f.ag. cannot censor others or dictate how The ame.,dmenl, .."tiel! \\oould they express their political views... have been the 27th, was once c0n­ Congress, in response to a sidered almost cenain of passage. Supreme Court decision invalidat­ But grassroots passions cooled, ing a Texas law which banned flag senators feared tinkering with the 200-yt;ar old Bill of Rights and See RAG, Page 7 Republican co-sponsors defected. The vote was 51-48 ill favor of the amendment., 1S ~ of the· two-thirds llwijorily voting UW was required for passige. A vote break­ down sOC'NCd 33 Republicans and 18 Democrats voting for the amendment. and 37 Democrats and II RepnlJ!icans agair.st. "In ny view, the flag should be at half-mast after this vote." said St.ilate GOP I~ Robert We of Gus says no matter what Kansas. the Issue Is, the U.S. Serwe Rickey Anderson, left, RaY Haney and ROO . on New Era Road Thursday afternoon. The The American Civil Liberties can make itself look like a Estill put . ., a ride tor the Halloween carnlva: .camIvaI begins Dilly. Union hailed the Senate vote, say- high schoOl debate team. Homemaker fills board position Most campus buildings· By Theresa Uvingston experiences to fiU the P'lllit:oo," more prel'lccnce in suburban Staff Writer Mary Frances Fagan, spokeswom. ~ and bet appoinImcot md"­ an for the governor, said. finns that SID is DDt just anotbe.r cOuld handle tremor A former bank officer and D'Esposito's appointment is regional S1atea>llege. -bUl is a earthqualce struck there it homemaker from WinneiU has effective immediately and runs major Univmily willi a statewide By Oale Walker been named by Gov. lame!! R. through 1995, but is subject to ;"~" . S14df w.riter would not be so bad bere. Thompson to the SIU Board of Senate corumnation. Legislators ~~eaOO. D'EsposilO brings educational If an earthqua1cC like the one ~From 1955 to 1970. the Trustres. are scheduled to vote on the a.1ministrative experience to the that struck Francisco were buildings built OIl campus use Molly D'EsposilO was appointed appointment Nov. l. San jot·. baving served a three-year to bit Carbondale. the brick steel framing, but the masonry to fill the vacancy aeated by Carol "From what I know of her, I term as a Barat CoUege trustee in K. Kimmel , who resigned last buildings on campus would walls around the steel frame brlicve Mrs. D'EsposiIO will be an the 1970... She sair1 she looks for­ have some daml'.ge but most could possibly crumble," he week: because she had moved out outstanding member of our Board ward 10 Ihe appointment and plans other buildings should handle said. of state. of Trustees," Chancellor Lawrence to tour the various SID campuses the strain, Allen A. Haake, Buildings made with steel "The gCNemor feels she is very K. Pettit said in a press release. "In SIU.c's supervising architect frames, steel reinforced con­ qualified. with all of her various addition, she will help II) give us See BOARD, PaIge 6 - and engineer, said. crete or wood frames would­ MSome of the brick walls OIl withstand a quake better than some of the buildings are not masonry constructed buildings. Southem Illinois to receive reinfon:ed maoonry walls and he said. we saw in SM Francisco where Buildings construcled in some of the DiallOnry units, Carbondale since the early Comedy Cellar help in fighting elderly abuse either brick or concrete block, 19705 are designed to with· review.· By Jackie Spinner ing COIlJ1ties and nine northwestern fell from buildings and landed SIaIld eanhquakes of a magni· 5taff Wrrter lIlinois counties. on cars and on people and IUde of 6.5 10 7 on the Richter "Older oeople don't have to be killed them, N Haake said. scale without major failure or The Illinois Department of abused." Margery Kemp, casp. Some of the buildings in the collapse, in compliance with AprJlJrlal Aging has targeted Southern manager supervisor for Shawnee Old Main mall area sucb as lhe Building Officials and .cont!nues Illinois as one of four state areas Alliance for Seniors, said. "They Parkinson Laboratory, Code Administrators code, that need programs to fight elderly become vulnerable because they Anthony Hall, Wheeler Hall Bob Swen~on, an architec'. at abuse. are unable to withstand abuse :!Ild AILgeid Hall. were built Swenson Kaha Architects in The Elder At-use and Neglect because of failing health." beiVi~ ~rt_~~aalce tecbnology Carbondale, said. Program, designed to combat Susan Patterson, Egyptian Area was developed, he said. "When you design a build­ abuse of the elderly by asking vol­ Agency on Aging field coordina­ "All of our brick buildings ing you try to create a situation unteers to repon suspected abuse, tor, said the Illinois Deparunent on would have some damage but where the components of the is being implemented in 13 Aging did not have enough money fortunately",: are 100 miles building won't fall on people," Southern lIlinois counties, includ­ to go statewide so the program from the epicenter of the New ing Jacleson County, suburban Madrid fault zone," so if an See 0lIAKE, Page 7 Coole County and eight surround- See AGfoIG, Page 6 ,-------, NEED I' BUY ONE, I TO ADVERnSE? 1 GET ONE 1 THE ANSWER"S IN world/nation' BLACK 1 F!~! 1 AND' . Premature explosion ruins 1 Cinnamon Sam's gourmet I . WHITE.' cinnamon lOU at regular price ~Ha~k on' 8ogota's, leaders I and receive a second roll I : ' . , BOGOTA, Colombia (UP!) - An aDeged hitInaq apparently planned' I a:=~;t:.;E! I to attack members ofCongress when a grenade he was ~g detonated .• prematurely outside tile Capirol., killing him instantly and wounding four ' olbers, police said Thursday, Jaime de Jesus Molina Alvarez. 22, was blown up before illunch crowd in BogOta!s Bolivar· Plaza on Wednesday: He was carrying asubmacbine gun, a two-way radio.and die grenade, , which was SIrlIRJCd to his abciamat.
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