DOM ST C T . onny ide up The Review profiles Hen junior QB 'Brini Maxwell Show' hits tlie Sonny Riccio, a Missouri transfer who ·airwaves on Style Network threw for 101 yards in the season opener. Mosaic/ Bl Sports/ B6 An Associated Collegiate Press Tue days & Fridays Pacemaker Award FREE Winner 250 Perkins Student Center • University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 \ulttlllL' I\ I , J...-.uc 2 1111 II./'('\ it'll uc/(·1 eclu Scptcmhc1 7, 2004 Gubernatorial candidates visit Newark Minner focuses on re-election BY ANDREW AMSLER tions officers were given a pay National/State News Editor raise and that an investi gation of _ After fo ur years in office, the incident at the Smyrna prison . Gov. Ruth Ann Minner is on the is ongoing. campaign trail once again to Minner has spent some time prove to Delaware voters she recapping the various successes deserves a second term. she had in office, she said, but is Delaware's fi rst female interested in focusing on the goven10r, Minner said her expe­ ·i ssues that will impact Delaware rl.ence as both li eutenant and voters i.t1 the near future. governor set her apart from her Minner sa id the key issue in opponents. th e election is "education, edu­ ~ "It ta kes time to learn the cation, education." r.opes," she sa id . "I think it was ''ln today's education, it to my advantage to have that takes more than just high ~xperien ce when I started." school," she sa id. "We're doing Minner cited her challeng­ a lot to make sure that students ing first week in office as an have the opportuniti es they indicator of the value of her need." experience. The economy, Minner said, THE REVIEW/Andrew Amsler Counesy of College Republicans "l took office on the third of is a primary .concern for most Gov. Rutb Ann Minner campigned in Newark Sundar. Judge Bill Lee campaigned at the university Thursday. January and on th e fourth I had voters, but De laware is in a to cut $35 million from the much better econo(llic position budget," she sa id . "To come in th an many states. never havin g· served in the slate . "We had a downturn as government would have made it well ," she said . " [t's just that we Lee aims to return GOP to power very hard to get through that." we.re prepared, so we didn't feel · With four years behind her it as bad as others." and a campaign fund t)1 at greatly Despite having to cut more BY BROOK PATTERSON the state. efficient testing and a system for evalu ating outweighs that of her opponents, than $360 million from the Nfanaging News Ediror "We're a rich state, and we used to be student's learning problems are all issues M i!lllCf said she is confident staLe's budget cJ!vri.ng her first Voters in Delaware not on!y have to a great state," he said. "Thirty years ago, tqat need to .be addressed .within the state goin g into the fina l months of term in office, Minner said she decide who they want to be the next presi­ we used to have the best highways, state education system, Lee said. her campaign. was able to do so without laying dent of bh e United States in November, but police and mental service, and we don't Although the state ban on smoking "I hav·e a very strong sup­ off a single worker or cutting ·they must also decid e who they would li ke anymore." indoors at public places is controversial, porting group and a lot of volun­ any programs. to govern the state for the next fo ur years. Recent SAT scores indicate th:V the Lee said he would not repeal the law, but teers, more than I've ever had "What we did was consoli ­ First, however, the upcoming Sept. 11 state is the only one in the region where wo.u ld definitely reconsider it regarding before," she said. _ date programs to make them run primary wi ll choose the republican candi­ scores went down, Lee said . casinos. Minner came under fire last more effectively and efficient- · date who will chall enge Gov. Ruth Ann "We have a school system that in spite "Casinos are such a large industry in month following a statewide ly," she said. Minner for office. of good teachers, is fai ling .to produce Delaware," he said. '!However, my concern protest by correctional officers With an unemployment rat~ The Republi can frontrunner, Bill Lee, excellence in our classrooms," he ai.d. [if the law was changed] is for the cas-ino who claimed they had been neg­ well below the national average is running on the platform of improving Lee's solution is re-evaluating the state workers. lected . and underpaid. The and a fa irly stable economy, Delaware's schools; social services, high­ education system while giv ing teachers "I would have to be satisfied that there protest was triggered by an inci­ M inn er said she continues to way systems and government services. more control in the classroom, eliminating arc no health risks involved, and I' m not dent in which a prison inmate work w ith bu8inesses to secure "Delaware is a rich state with mediocre problem students and establishing a fair satisfied with that, but I do think we might took a female counselor hostage well Opaying jobs. services," he said. "We have a dangerous testing system. be looking at it in the future," Lee said. and sexually assaulted her in a One sector in w hich environment, the economy is weak and we "The three-tiered system is asinine," he Cancer rates in Delaware are among Smyrna prison. Delaware has had extreme eco­ don 't recognize technology as the industry said. "Teachers are teaching to an impossi­ the highest in the country, something that The governor has. been crit­ nomic success is the biotechnol- of the futiue." ble test that has an IQ component which needs to be studied heavily and carefully, icized that she mi smanaged the A lack of vision, Lee said, and failure guarantees some students to fail." situation, but she said correc- see Governor page A4 to plan for the future is a huge problem in Teach~r accountability, fair and cost see Judge page A3 Jones Collection opens to public LR JONES COLLECTION BY DEVIN VARSALONA been long overlooked. "It is important to recognize As his collection amassed, Staff Reporter For both students and adminis­ that the collection is the first step in Jones said he wanted to find a home Publi c viewing of the Paul R. trators, hosting the collection is a the direction that the university def­ for · parts of his coll ection that NTURYOF Jones Coll ection of African­ breakthrough on many grounds, she initely should head towards," h e would be conducive to the wide­ American Art, a 101 -pie·ce collec­ said. The Jones Coll ection is an said. spread e levation · of African­ NAMERICAN ART tion representing 66 African­ integral part of the administration's .Pttul .R. Jones, businessman, American arts and cultural diversi­ American artists of the 20th centu­ push in creating an educated and former federa l ~ administrator and ty. ry will open Wednesday in tolerant campus atmosphere. new recipient of an honorary doctor "I wanted to see the collection Mechanical Hall. Senior Carson Henry; president of humane letters degree from the make a difference ·at a major insti­ The entire Jones coll ection of the Black Student Union, said university, stated i.t1 an e-mail mes­ tution, so that it would be used to contains over 1,500 works, making the collection· is a crucial addition sage that he had a similar goal in bring new approaches to education it the oldest, largest and most com· to the university. mind. in a new century," he said. prehensive collection of works by Henry and BSU are pushing to When he started collecting the "A goal of this gift is to see the 20th century African-American diversify the university's culturally works of fe llow Afric<~n-Am~ricans university weave African-American artists in the world. focused academic prbgrams with in the lQ.60s, he had hoped to ele­ art into the teaching of American THE REVIEW/Jenna Maple Janis Tomlinson, director of the addition of a Black American vate the status of these artists, art, so that it is no longer treated as university museums, said African­ Studies major, which is now only a whose work was almost completely The Paul R. Jones Collection of African-American American art is an area that bas · minor. · invisible in museums and galleri es. ee Art page A4 Art will open Wednesday in Mechanical Hall. Kobe students right at home. in Del. BY l\NDREW G. SHERWOOD they're here." can use the English skills they learn in the Admini.r t rall\'~ News Editor . So far, though, the trip to New York ha classroom and in conversations with their Along with the rest of students on cam­ been the highlight of their lay. home stay fami li e . pus, Ichie Obata and Ai Kaino are preparing Kaino said she loved VISiting Central ELl offer six l ~vels of intensive lan­ for their second week at the university. The Park and sboppmg in New York City's guage instruction, ranging from beginner to two students are here studyj.ng Engli h wi th a crowded tores.
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