MAC PRE REGISTER WANTS YOUR NEXT HONOR POINTS CAlllfJRNIA TECH WEEK C(/lifDrn;(/ InStitute of TechnDIDIY Volume LI. _____________________T~ursdoy, February 16, 195o__ - ________________ No.17 CANDIDATES FOR ASCIT OFFICESIM t d F N • d I er en an ee omlnate For .Highest Student Office ---------------0 Four Lesser Offices Remain Open IH Game Room Till Tomorrow for Extra Candidates Thirty-one candidates for ASC IT offices were nomina ted at last Fr iday's assembly in Culbertson. Under Way Nominations for the editor a f the Tech and the Big T, busi­ Ill' n lialle' M~ II 'S h a ll ness manager of the Tech, and Ral ly Commissioner were left A las, our coll ective s wdent open until Friday, Februa ry 17, since there was onl y a single body hopes have been dashed to nomi nation for each of these offices. the ground. Pool tables, s lot ma­ (0) The nominations were as fol- chines, rou lette w heels a nd book­ lows: ies will not be installed in the UO.-I Industry" PI· t~s id e nt of t h e ASCIT game !'Oom. John Fee To get the game room ready Ul rich Mel'ten - Top.-c Vicc-P I'csidl!lIl fat' use, the catacombs must be Alumn. Ollie Garcin e r paved, she lves fo r storage must be installed in them a nd the Speaking on the subj ect, " The OJ lias Peck \rVest trunk 1'00m must' be cleared :1'e~ l' o l e ~m ~ nclu ~tI,y," Mr. J. H. Peal Pings of all the chan.lc te r istic old store, hache l , JI ., w lJI be t he guest S( · (, I ' ct~ II·.r room debris . It is to do th is job I of t~l e Alu?1 ni Placement Dis· Alan Hahel' that the $G500 has been a ppro. CU~S l .o n7 S~ I~ l e s ~n nex't T u~s d ~y SLa n Croner pria ted. I evenl(l g. 1 he t une fo J' t hiS In- 'l'I'('WS UI't'" C ~' n tl';, 1i 'l'.'uuk l'ooUl tel'esting address is 7::l0 p.m.; the Alan M a r~ h a ll I place, the lounge of B lack er Pete Mason The catacombs, paved a nd H ouse. Jesse Wei! s h e lved up to the corne l', will be f The d iscussion w ill covel' the J"' il'S t Rc rH"cseut.at tve Candial('s 1'01' l\SCl'l' onit'('S, F,'olll h' l't to I'i ~ h l : lil'st "0"', ,Jcssc ' ''cil, UtI'je h Me l'ten , J ohn li'ee, us ed as the central trunkl'oom . place for engineers and scien. Bob Davis nOli S le w <l I't, Bob St ~ lII a\\'ay ; secon d l'O\\', P ete Mason , H:IY GI'Cu tCl't, Oily GU I'(lnct', e h Ul'lie Steese, Of course t h o~e g--mn ping tiSts in the petroleum industry's Sam Middlebrook Chuc,k \"a il{cI', I):I\'C Ha nna, A lan Mat'sha ll; t. hit'tl I'OW, Sa m MlddJe l)l'ook, J ohn BOPluu1., B ~11'11ey pO.ng tables wI~1 be the first ope l'ations, t he types of me n l'e­ At. hletic Ma nager' Engholm, Bob l( ul'la nd, L eo n l\1i c lwclsO Il , CI! uck :\1iUCI', Stan GrollCl'j fO lll't h row, R ic h S m yth, Uul. thmgs moved lOto the game quil'ed for the various special. Norm Gray las ' P eck, Nt'tll Pings, I>at Pa:l.io, A lan H abe l', l1"ra n k 1.1It!",lg, Bob Davl!ii, A I P ittollj fifth I"OW, Doug room. Hopes a re high to put in ized divis ions of t he industry, Ray Gl'eutert Ing li s, Norlll (;I',IY, B ill \\' I'ig ht, e m 'l lIi1de b l'and , a couple o ~ poo.l ta bles as soon as and the aspects, advantages a nd Dave Hanna ------------------------------- t ~le ti. n a~CJaI lIght can be see n. di ~a dvantages of foreign serv­ Leon Michaelson r, url1lshmg of the game I'ooni is ice, I'ublicity Ma n ager' Y Finance Drive Ends IY Date Forum not inc luded in t he $6500. l>c l'Uu ent Subject Carl Hildebrand St uthmt H e lp The subject, "The Petroleum Bob Stanaway Studen t help will be expected Industry," is particularly im­ Bill W right · $ 1° • h IWell Attended on this project with regards to portant to men on the W est Second Rep r'csentati,tc nt Large moving ShifT, painting, a nd so ICoast, . and to a v-a riely 0: stu' Doug Inglis In51g Pat F azio With 2500Goa t ";~;~h ~~:;'~/D~~~~~~~~n~~; fo rth, Construction on the fl oor Id en ts In all phases of engineer, \,yitl, tile otli cial completioll 0 1'0 ! Illght, February 13, was well . at, in the catacombs is expected to ing, geology, physics, chemi8'tt,y A I Pilton the ] !)50 Caltecl1 VNICA tinanc iill A . I AI .' t~nd~d by about 200 e nt~u S l ?S ' get under way in the neal' future and chemical engineering. nall y Commissioner drive I'e ~ urn s s how more ,th3n nnuo umnl tic 1echme n, Dr. Roy F airchIld and it i ~ hoped that sludents w ill Mr, Thach el' is well qualified Fran k · L udw ig 900 ~o ntl'i l.l ll tion s totaling over , s Po.ke on " Se~ u aJ pl'o b J e!n~, a nd be able to he lp over the Spring to discuss the .s ubject from ali Ch t'('J' Lc.uJm' $2300. As -100 cards are still to D SI t d Adjus tments In Courtshlp. vacation if they a re On campus. as pects- educatlOn, past experi, Chuck Miller be I.UI'necl in, the Y is confi clent once a e Sex 1ll'lve Two weeks should have a signup ence ~tnd present position. He is Don Stewart of meeting its goal of $2500. i On Saturciay, February 25 , the The talk included a d iscu ssion li st ou t. A little help £f'om a ll will i now manage r of the Sou thet'n ..-:.t W OI' of the l.'t'ch Drive C h ~ dl'm a n J oe Cain L'ailcch Alumni Association pre-: of the Kinsey Report, in which lessen tile load tremendous ly, (Continued 011 Page ·1) J1obKul'l ;:mcl 1 I states that top credit for the s uc. .:;ents tiwjl' fourteen th annual Of'. Fairc hild quoted staLislics Uusincs:-; l\(il lI ,lgel' of t h e Tech ces.-; of It he campaign s hou ld go I (/ fIl llel' anc/ d.:mce. All Se niOl'S : on premarital intercourse which Cha rlie Steese to the 14.0 undergraduate a nd , .:Ire cordial ly invited to t his gala i s h o\~ed that college men were ('o-cditol'S of the Big T graduate so li citors who braved I affair. It will give the m an OP- I cons Iderably more moral tha n P:"~d ~:I~e~:s~~I~: ICES Assem bly J ohn Boppal' t rnud and rain to coll ect a n av- portunity to meet t he people ac- l athers. He l~ r e s e nt ed l'e~son s Barney E ngholm 1'0 1' U1I{I CI'gradun t cs w lLL be erage of $2.50 pel' head. live in the organization of which ! fOI'. the ~e x dt'l ve, and an mter· ViewsMonoro il Busill('ss M a nnj.{cr' of t hc Btg T h e ld F c b, 20 to ~ht1'Ch 3, P ick Ilabnc ' Tops t he seniors will soon be mem- ' est1l1g dIScussion on senses of up IH'C-I'('gis tt'ation cal'cls in Arte r a shon delay bl'Ough L Chuck WalkeI' , > bel'S value, H e gave as the basic Rich Smyth s U9-.<\ T h r'OO fJ betwee n tJrese a bout by a lag in gelling FBI A l ~hO ~l gh fin a l .re por t are not . niU II l'l' Ol)f iona l fears in premarital relations the The c ll stomarily tumultuous the Ila tl's. I clearance, Col. George Robel',ls yet JIl, It looks like h student To Sen iors, the price of t he fears of "detection , infection, '-_____________ j will be a ble to g ive to the men campaign seaSOn w ill 's ta rt at houses came t ~l' o ug with a. to- a nd conception!" tal of $8-l0, \V ~t l1 Dabney, Rlck- dance is $ 1. 25 per couple. Dinner , of Tech a ll the information about lllidnight ne xt Monday. Elections etts , l<..... leming :1l1d Blacker finish. is optiona l ancl t he pl'ice is $:3 'N ext l .cctu.l'e Frosh To Get t he PClSt, present, a nd fut ure of will be held the foll owing Thurs· ing in that order. The faculty PCl' pl <J.t e, . Aumission at the door A third lecture in this series, Monorail.
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