| {- , .-) 1c? { L-) I '*-ui ,r-A tnlZ UNITED j NATIONS t4"" CaseNo. MICT-I3-39 ,#frisb Klig,trtr Mechanism for Internati on al Criminal Tribun al s Date: 29April 2013 Original: English SINGLEJUDGE Before: Judge Vagn Jocnscn,Single Judgc Registrar: Mr. John Hocking THB PROSBCUTOIT v. Augustin BIZIMANA WARITANTOF ARRESTANI} ORDEITFOR TRANSFER ADDRESSEDTO ALL STATES Rule 57 of the Rulesof Procedureand Evidence The Office of thc Prosecutor: Receivedby the Registry Mechanismfor IntelnationalCriminal Tribunais HassanBubacar Jallow 291041201310:08 Murlaza Jaffer Teresa Berrigan SunkarieBallah-Conteh l+ THE MECHANISM FOR INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL TRIBUNALS ("MICT''): SITTING as Single Judge Vagn Joensenpursuant to Rule 57 of the Rules of Procedureand Evidence(the "Rules"); BEING SEIZED of the Prosecutor'sEx-Parte and ConfidentialRequest for a Warrantof Arrest and an Order for Transferof AUGUSTIN BIZIMANA (the "Accused") filed on 25 Februarv 2013; CONSIDERING the Indictmentsagainst AUGUSTIN BIZIMANA confirmed on 29 August 1998by JudgeNavanethem Pillay and on l3 October20ll by JudgeKhalida Rachid Khan of the InternationalCriminal Tribunal for Rwanda("ICTR"); CONSIDERING the Warrantof Arrest and Order for Transferand Detentionof AUGUSTIN BIZIMANA dated8 November2001, which is currentlyin force; CONSIDERING United Nations Security Council Resolution 1966 (2010) regarding the cooperationof Stateswith the MICT; CONSIDERING Article 28 of the MICT Statuteand Rule 57 of the Rules; NOTING the needto vacatethe Warrantof Arrest and Orderfor Transferand Detentiondated 8 November2001 requestingtransfer of AUGUSTIN BIZIMANA to the ICTR, and the needto replaceit with a requestfor his transferto the ArushaBranch of the MICT; HEREBY RESPECTFULLY REQUESTS ALL MemberStates of the UnitedNations to: I. SEARCH FOR, ARREST AND TRANSFER to the custodyof the ArushaBranch of the MICT AUGUSTIN BIZIMANA. a Rwandancitizen born in 1954in Gitarama prefecture,Rwanda, who is accusedof havingcommitted during 1994in Rwandathe following crimes: genocide,complicity in genocide,crimes against humanity (murder, extermination,rape, torture, persecution,and other inhumaneacts) and violations of common Article 3 and Additional Protocol II (murder,torture, rape, crueltreatment and outragesupon personal dignity); II. SERVE on the Accusedat the time of his arrestor as soonas practicable immediately following anest, in a languagehe understands,a certified copy of this warrant of CaseNo. MICT-13-39 29April2013 UI [":?. arrest,accompanied by a copy of the indictmentcertified in accordancewith Rule 48 (G) and a statementof the rights of the accusedset forth in Article 19 of the Statute andin Rules40 and41; m. INFORM the Accusedat the time of his arrestor as soonas practicableimmediately following arrest, in a languagehe understands,that he is being transferredto the ArushaBranch of the MICT; IV. SEEK AN ACKNOWLEDGMENT of receiptfrom AUGUSTIN BIZIMANA of a copy of the warrantof arrest,the indictmentand the statementof rights in a language he understands.and returnone setof documentstogether with proof of serviceto the Prosecutorof the MICT; V. SEARCH AND SEIZE all physicalevidence related to the crimes allegedagainst AUGUSTIN BIZIMANA; VI. CREATE an itemizedinventory of all seizedmaterials, including documents, books, papersor any other objects,that is properly witnessedand is acknowledgedby the Accused; VII. TRANSFBR all seizedevidence and the inventoryto the Prosecutorof the MICT; VIII. NOTIFY the Registrarof the MICT and the Prosecutorof the MICT of the arrestof the Accusedfor the purposesof arranginghis transferto the custodyof the Arusha Branchof the MICT withoutdelaY; x. REpORT forthwith to the Registrarof the MICT and the Prosecutorof the MICT if unableto executethis Warrantor Order for Transfer,indicating the reasonsfor the inabilitvto do so;and X. MAKE INQUIRIES to discoverwhether the Accusedhas assetslocated within the territory of the Member Stateand if so,to adoptprovisional measures to freezesuch assets,without prejudiceto the rightsof third parties; ORDERS that,upon his transfer,Accused AUGUSTIN BIZIMANA be remandedin custodyin the UnitedNations Detention Facility at the ArushaBranch of the MICT; and 29April2013 CaseNo. MICT-13-39 q \z VACATES the Warrant of Arrest and Order for the Transferand Detention of AUGUSTIN BIZIMANA dated8 November2001. Arusha,29 April2013,done in English a\ ( t/ ) |/ntrt - l.-,1,-,_^- Judge|agn Joengfn Si/sleJudge / [Sealof theMechanism] f, A- -,s \-l tfltY -t \t \st tr@,y\lNx--T!t ^ztz -\\- - _J CaseNo. MICT-13-39 29April2013 TRANSMISSIONSHEET/ FICHE DE TRANSMISSION FORFILING OF DOCUMENTS WITH THEARUSHA BRANCH OF THE MECHANISMFOR INTERNATION CRIMINAT TRIBUNALS/ POURLE DEPOTDE DOCUMENTSA LA DIVISIOND'ARUSHA DU MECHANISMEPOUR LES TRIBUNAUXPENAUX INTERNATIONAUX I - FITING INFORMATION / INFORMATIONSGENERALES Tol A: MICTRegistryl Greffe du MTPI - From/ De: Chambre D1fense Bureaudu Procureur DutyJudge CaseName/ The Prosecutorv. AugustinBizimana Gase Number/ MIGT-13-39 Affaire: Affaire No: rcsmitted/ 29APril2o13 Dat6du: I Transmislel. No. of Pages/ 4 (including OriginalLanguage / X English/ Ll French/ Ll Kinyarwanda No de pages: cover Page) Langue de I'original: Anglais Frangais Titleof Warrantof Arrestand Orderfor Transfer DocumenU Titre du document: Level/ n ConfidentiallConfidentiel ! Ex parte(specify/ preciser): Catlgoriesde fl Ex parte n Ex parte n OtnerEx Parte/Ex ParteAutre (specifyl classement; Defenceexcluded/ Prosecutionexcluded/ pr6ciser): D6fenseexclu Bureaudu Procureur exclu Documenttype/ n IndictmenV J OrderlOrdre ! AppealBook/ Ll Noticeof Appeal/ Type de Acted'accusation Livred'appel Acted'appel document: X WarranU n Affidaviu n Submissionfrom non-parties/ Mandat Declaration sous serrnon Ecrituresd6posds par des tiers nMotion/ n Correspondence I Submissionfrom parties/ RequOte Ecrituresd6posds par des pafties ! Decision/ ! JudgemenUJugement ! Bookof Authorities/ Ddcision Livrede sourcesjuridiques II - TRANSLATIONSTATUS ON THE FILING DATE/ ETAT DE LA TRADT]CTIONAU TOURDU DEPOT n Translationnot required/ La traductionn'est pas requise KFrhng Partyhercby submits only the original,and requeststhe Registryto translate/ La paiie d1posantene soumet que I'originalet solliciteque le Greffeprenne en chargela traduction (Wordversion of the documentis attachedl La versionen Word se trouveen annexe) n English/Anglais X French/Frangais I Kinyarwanda EFmngTartyhet€by submits both the original and the translated version for filing, as follows/ La partieddposante soumet ci-joint I'original et la versiontraduite pour ddpOt,comme suit'. Original/ n English/ n French/ ! Kinyarwanda Original en Anglais Frangais Translation/ n English/ n French/ ! 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