A Hanriot H-28 trainer displaying a V-tail invented and patented in 1930 by Jerzy Rudlicki. It was with the Hanriot airplane modified in Plage & Laskiewicz factory that the concept of a butterfly tail was first put to test in 1931. organizers: partners: 2 CONTENTS Foreword 4 Introduction 6 The Designers 8 Frank Nicholas PIASECKI 12 Wsiewolod Jan JAKIMIUK 16 Stanislaw Wojciech ROGALSKI 20 Tadeusz Leopold CIASTULA 24 Jerzy DABROWSKI 28 Jerzy Stanislaw RUDLICKI 32 Stanislaw Pawel PRAUSS 36 Wieslaw Zenon STEPNIEWSKI 40 Henryk Kazimierz MILICER Organizers and Partners 44 Museum of Flight 48 Polish Aviation Museum 52 Boeing Central & Eastern Europe 56 Witkacy Theatre 60 LOT Polish Airlines 64 Polish-American Community in Seattle 68 Legends of Aviation 3 FOREWORD Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, all been collected at the Museum. Development activity, therefore it More than 200 aircraft amassed is this area that many of our efforts It is my honor to present to you the make for one of Europe’s top aviation are focused on. It has also become exhibition “Frank Piasecki and Other collections. The exhibition “Frank our local specialty to encourage the Polish Aviation Designers”,, proprovidingng PiaseckiPias and Other Polish Aviation implementation of new technologies. an excellent opportunity to dispdisplayy Designers”Desi organized by the Polish We also put an intense effort to a portion of Malopolska Regionegion in a AviationAvia Museum addresses long- promoting our region as a place with place so exceptional as the Museumm lastinglast emotionsmot — patriotism and many economic advantages as we of Flight, Seattle. the senses se of commonmmon nationality. introduce more and more business- CommonCom on heritage,her ge, culture,cu knowledge friendly solutions. The region has I would like to invite you to see and respect for the past — the already attracted, among others, the the exhibition and learn about ideas soo closeclos too evereveryonene liviliving in ABB, Delphi, Google, IBM, Sabre, the vicissitudes of those who Malopolska.Malo lska. Comarch, Ericpol, Motorola and Nokia committed their lives, talents and Siemens Networks companies, which effortseffort too creacreatingg the milestoneseston The regionion is thee part of PolanPoland thathat establishedesta shed theireir R&D centersenters here. of globalglo l aviation:aviat : the greatg eat sonsson has thet greatestgreat t numnumberr of hishistoricalrical KrakowKrak w ranksrank among thehe leadinglead of the Polish nation. For we, the monuments, that is the cradle of global BPO centers, dominated by Poles andd the Americans,merica are hheirss PolishPolis culture,ulture where old traditraditionsns financialfina al branch.bra h. We concentratencent e to theirthe exceptexceptionalnal and gloriousloriou are preservedp served andnd whwhichh is the on thet IT, life sciencecience andnd momodernrn achievements.hi t Andd ththe achievementshi t richestih in bbeautifulll landscapes. The energetics,i whichh combine with ever that last, as the planes preserved by capitalcapit of MalopolskaMa olska is the cityci of improving communication to produce both the Museum of Flight and the Krakow,Krako , once thee seat off kings,kings todayoday a strong economical stimulus to Polish Aviation Museum in Krakow aam major culturalcultu and intellectual i ectu hub.ub development. attest, bearing witness to their The heritagetage of MalopolskaMalo Region designers’ ideas. Even though thee comprisescom ses WieliczkaW iczka aand its ancient World War II forced Polish designers person who comes to mind first when salt minee dating dat back to the XI century, to seek a new home in the hospitable the airplane is mentioned iss ththe pilot,ot, thehe Wooden Architecture Route American land. It was in America that it is the designer, who providesovides thee preservingpres unique local architecture, people like Frank Piasecki, a son of wings. Thanks in most partrt to theirt r and the harrowing memento of World Polish immigrants, lent them a hand expertise and skill it is nowadays War II: the former nazi concentration in the most difficult time of their considered prestigious too becobecome an camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. lives, and enabled them to continue aviation engineer. their work which led to designing But Malopolska is also a land of such history-making aircraft as the The Polish Aviation Museum has once innovation, where people labor to Concorde and B-58. The characters again initiated a most interesting take the utmost advantage of their the exhibition presents belong to a project promoting Polish history. Old potentialities. What constitutes wider cultural phenomenon which also airplanes, gliders, helicopters, wide our greatest advantage are the constitute a part of Malopolska array of aviation engines — have opportunities for Research & Region heritage. 4 History forbade them to return to their homeland and depraved them of our region’s charms, as well. And Malopolska has to offer, apart from Polish trademark hospitality, unforgettable experience of many cultural and sports events, as the famous Christmass Fair, Mountain Carnival in Bukowina Tatrzanska and CIS Ski-Jump World Cup contest in Zakopane. There is also the world- famous Festival of Jewish Culture. Krakow proves comfortable for street theater, music and film festivals. Such musical festivals as Sacrum Profanum and Misteria Paschalia attract visitors from around the world. For us, the exhibition in the Museum of Flight, Seattle is exceptional in every way, mostly because the latest in American passenger aircraft technology, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, is starting its service simultaneously as part of LOT Polish Airlines fleet. I am convinced that the Seattle exhibition will provide all visitors with an inspiring experience and will act as a spur to undertaking a multi-faceted collaboration. Marek Sowa, Marshal of Malopolska Region 5 INTRODUCTION Fans of aviation will be immediately Institute of Aviation). In 1930s Poland familiar with Frank Nicholas Piasecki was one of the eight exportersorters of and his engineering achievements. aviation equipment. However, who were these “other Polisholish designers”?igne They were the Few other professional groupsoups of leadingeading expertsxperts in their respective Polish intelligentsia contributedbuted soo areasreas of expertise,xpert but due to the much to the material and spiritualspirit conditions imposedimp d uponup them by achievements of global engineeringg history veryery ffewew peopleeople will associate ideas. They created and executed their nameses withwi mmachinesachi such research programmes, courageouss as DH-106 Comet, Westland Lynx, scientific and technical designs, and Caravelle,, oorr ththe iconcon ooff passengerasseng they also glorified Polish engineering aviation: thethe Concorde.Co corde. ideas on all continents. Frank Piasecki was born in the New World but all the These “others”thers” aree fforgottenorg en PPolisho h otherother protagonistsotagon ts ofof ouro exhibitionexhib on engineerss to wwhomm ththee presentesent werewere bornrn on thee ooldld continent.c tinent exhibition is dedicated. Their talents Turmoil of history made it so that the When their dreams of triumphant prominent of all the great Polish and skills blossomedmed beforebe re ththee PolishPolish engineeringnginee g iideasdea eendednded upp returnretur homehome werere shatteredsha ered theyth y hahadd engineerseng eers createdc ted ththeir mamagnificentgn cent Second World Warr whenwhe thehe dynamicdy mic mainlymainly inn thethe West.W st. to facefa thethe newne didilemmaleem a of whatw t to workswor in difficultdiff ult conditionscon tiions anda d growth of the aviation industryt in dod next. TheTh Britishh were reluctantl t tto thinkingth outside theth box. FFrank inter-war Poland was being shaped by When Poland lost the defensive war of employemp themthem at theirtheir designsign bbureaus.eaus. N. Piasecki had all those traits, even deliberate policy of utilising domestic autumn 1939 more than 200 engineers “Go“Go home”me” wasw frequentlyfrequ tly saidsai too though he was born in America. Many facilities. This way our aviation and approximately 800 aviation Poles,Pole includingclud engineersengi s aass well. famous Poles worked at Piasecki’s industry could boast a number skilled technicians ended up outside the However,How r, CanadiansCa ans and Americans facilities, among others the late engineers who could easily compete Polish territories occupied by Germanymany sawsaw thingsngs differently.di erently After all, a new professor Wieslaw Stepniewski, with top foreign experts. They were and USSR. “cold“cold war”ar” hadh begunbegun and they had engineer Piotr Kubicki, Bogdan Trocki, graduates of Institutes of Technology beenbee looking for prominent minds. and Tadeusz Tarczynski. in Warsaw and Lvov. They worked at When the Polish Armed ForcesForces wereere Polish aviation companies, especially disbanded and acknowledgementdgem As a visionary, Frank N. Piasecki was Piasecki and other Polish aviation at Panstwowe Zakłady Lotnicze (PZL of the Polish government-in-exile gladly taking them under his wings, designers were involved in creation — State Aviation Works), Podlaska was withdrawn in July 1945,45, a new he knew and trusted them. When of such constructions as: H-21B Wytwórnia Samolotów (PWS — chapter in life began for them.hem. The discussing the so-called national Shawnee, Piasecki YH-16, DHC.1A Podlasie Aircraft Works) and Lubelska fight for independence of their traits of Poles, people usually list Chipmunk, DH.112 Venom,
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