Vol. 180 Tuesday, No. 26 28 June 2005 DI´OSPO´ IREACHTAI´ PARLAIMINTE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES SEANAD E´ IREANN TUAIRISC OIFIGIU´ IL—Neamhcheartaithe (OFFICIAL REPORT—Unrevised) Tuesday, 28 June 2005. Business of Seanad ………………………………2101 Order of Business …………………………………2101 Registration of Deeds and Title Bill 2004: Report and Final Stages ………………2118 Maritime Safety Bill 2004 [Seanad Bill amended by the Da´il]: Report and Final Stages ……………………………2123 Motion for Earlier Signature……………………………2132 Grangegorman Development Agency Bill 2004: Committee and Remaining Stages …………2134 Investment Funds, Companies and Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2005 [Seanad Bill amended by Da´il]: Report and Final Stages ……………………………2164 Motion for Earlier Signature……………………………2169 Garda Sı´ocha´na Bill 2004 [Seanad Bill amended by the Da´il]: Report and Final Stages … … … 2170 Adjournment Matters: Health Services ………………………………2204 Special Educational Needs ……………………………2206 2101 2102 SEANAD E´ IREANN Investment Funds, Companies and Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2005 is passed, a motion for earlier ———— signature of the Bill to be taken immediately on the conclusion of No. 5; and No. 7, Garda Sı´och- De´ Ma´irt, 28 Meitheamh 2005. a´na Bill 2004 — Report and Final Stages to be Tuesday, 28 June 2005. taken at 8 p.m., to conclude not later than 10 p.m. That does not actually refer to Final Stages, that ———— is the terminology used, as Senators know. Chuaigh an Cathaoirleach i gceannas ar Mr. B. Hayes: The Leader has kindly set aside 1.30 p.m. seven or eight hours this week to discuss the Garda Sı´ocha´na Bill 2004. ———— Ms O’Rourke: Yes, seven and a half hours. Paidir. Prayer. Mr. B. Hayes: She would, I am sure, agree this House has a proud and distinguished record of ———— debating amendments on Report and Final Stages when a Bill comes back here from the Business of Seanad. other House. Does she also agree there is still a fair degree of public concern about the fact that An Cathaoirleach: I have received notice from most of the 138 amendments were not debated in Senator Morrissey that, on the motion for the the other House last week and that we have an Adjournment of the House today, he proposes to important job to do this week? raise the following matter: Will the Leader give me a firm commitment To ask the Minister for Health and Children that the Government will not apply the guillotine to furnish a report on the staffing levels and to this Bill at any stage this week? If we do not patient throughput at the dental unit, Roselawn manage to debate the 138 amendments this week Health Centre, Castleknock, and if sufficient this side of the House is willing to meet next week dentists are available at all times to deal with to go through those amendments, to ensure emergencies and routine dental work. proper public scrutiny in the Houses of the Oireachtas of the amendments concerned. I have also received notice from Senator McHugh of the following matter: Senators: Hear, hear. The need for the Minister for Education and Science to reconsider extending the allocated Mr. B. Hayes: I make that offer to the Govern- hours in the case of a child (details provided) ment side of the House, should we not reach the who is attending a school in County Donegal end of Report and Final Stages. who has been psychologically assessed as need- Ms O’Rourke: We will have Friday too. ing assistance on a one-to-one basis. I regard the matters raised by the Senators as Mr. B. Hayes: Yes but I want to know that the suitable for discussion on the Adjournment and guillotine which the Government applied in the they will be taken at the conclusion of business. other House will not be applied in this House. The Leader would not want that and I hope she Order of Business. can give me that commitment. Ms O’Rourke: The Order of Business today is An Cathaoirleach: The amendments will prob- Nos. 1 to 7, inclusive. No. 1, the Registration of ably be moved in groups rather than discussed Deeds and Title Bill 2004 — Report and Final individually. Stages to be taken on the conclusion of the Order of Business and to conclude not later than Mr. B. Hayes: I am aware they will be grouped, 3.15 p.m. ; No 2, the Maritime Safety Bill 2004 and that is the normal procedure. However, irres- [Seanad Bill amended by the Da´il] — Report and pective of the grouping, very substantial matters Final Stages to be taken at 3.15 p.m. and to con- must be discussed, and this House has a very clude not later than 4.45 p.m.; No. 3, if the Mari- proud history of doing a job that the other House, time Safety Bill 2004 is passed, a motion for earl- for one reason or another, sometimes cannot do. ier signature of the Bill to be taken immediately I just want to be assured that the Government on the conclusion of No. 2; No. 4, Grangegorman will not apply a guillotine in this House. Development Agency Bill 2004 — Committee On another issue to do with business scheduled and Remaining Stages to be taken at 4.45 p.m. for later this week, No. 15 is a report from the and to conclude not later than 7.30 p.m.; No. 5 Committee on Health and Children on the risk Investment Funds, Companies and Miscellaneous equalisation scheme 2005. Perhaps time might be Provisions Bill 2005 [Seanad Bill amended by the allocated with the Ta´naiste and Minister for Da´il] 2005 — Report and Final Stages to be taken Health and Children, Deputy Harney, on Thurs- at 7.30 p.m., to conclude at 8 p.m.; No. 6 if the day morning to debate the issue, given what is 2103 Order of 28 June 2005. Business 2104 [Mr. B. Hayes.] meet at 12 p.m., 12.30 p.m. or 1 p.m., as we have currently in the public domain. It would be tended to do recently, one has to cancel such appropriate for us to have a debate for an hour engagements at the last minute. or two, since we are set to approve reports from Perhaps I might raise two more questions very the Committee on Health and Children. Perhaps briefly. I compliment Senator Leyden on introd- the Government might concede that. ucing his Bill, which is extremely important. It Last week the Government issued two very addresses a real human problem regarding the important public statements, one on child care location of wills in the aftermath of someone’s and the other on housing. It was an absolute dis- death. He explained it extremely well on the one grace that two such significant Government o’clock news. As a long-time member of this announcements were not debated in either House House, I very much welcome the positive pub- of the Oireachtas. There was room for them in licity gained for it through a Government press conferences and in spinning to the media, Member, who described himself with uncharac- but no discussion in either House. There has been teristic modesty as a backbencher, using this no opportunity for the Opposition to question the House’s facility to introduce a Bill. I am glad the statements’ significance. No other parliament in Senator got Government support and that of the world would tolerate that, and it is very coalition colleagues. I am sure that support will important that, where the Government makes a also be forthcoming from this side of the House. major public statement, it ensures the Houses of As a member of the Independent group, I will be the Oireachtas have an opportunity to test it and reintroducing a new version of the Bill that I put that it is made in plenary session of one or other forward, the Civil Registration Bill 2003, since the House. It is a disgrace that that did not occur. Government has once again shown an inability to The Taoiseach has time on a Thursday to open grapple with the issue, and has characteristically chip shops all over the city but not to attend kicked it into a committee. I am waiting. The either House of the Oireachtas. That is an committee will have reported by the autumn at example of the continual dumbing down of which stage I will go to work on this matter ham- Parliament for which the Government has been mer and tongs. We are lagging behind disas- responsible for the past nine years. trously in the area of civil registration. Switzer- land recently became the sixteenth country in Ms Ormonde: The Senator should not get Europe to introduce legislation in this regard. It nasty. is disgraceful that we are so far behind because the Government will not bite the bullet. Mr. B. Hayes: I apologise. It was not a chip I ask for a continuing debate on Iraq. This is shop but a tile factory. It is very important for the particularly important in light of recent inter- dignity of the Houses that important announce- national reports, published in the United States, ments be first made in both Houses of the which have begun to focus on the use of Shannon Oireachtas rather than to the press corps outside. Airport in the process of extraordinary rendition. We must clean up our act now that the outside Mr. Norris: The Taoiseach is my constituency world has got wind of this story. I and others representative, and generally speaking I get on informed police about a prima facie case involv- fairly well with him.
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