Press Packet Table of COntents 3. Center for Open SCience 4. Founder Biographies 6. What we do 6. Infrastructure Projects 6. Open Science Framework 7. Metascience Projects 7. Reproducibility Project: Psychology 7. Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology 8. Reproducibility ProJect: Many Labs I 8. Many Labs 8. CREP 8. Croudsourcing a Dataset 9. Community Projects 9. Badges 10. Registered Reports 10. Statistical Consulting 11. PRess Correspondents 14. Our Sponsors 15. Our Logos 2 What is the Center for Open Science? In science, no individual is the However, in the current system, scientists arbiter of truth. Scientific knowledge are often asked to choose between their accumulates by sharing information livelihood and their scientific values. This and reproducing results. Ironically, the dilemma often results in choosing publica- reward structure for scientists does not tion over reproducibility or forcing inter- always provide incentives for individu- esting findings out of insignificant results. als to pursue openness and reproduc- The Center for Open Science seeks to en- ibility. The Center for Open Science able open practices by providing resources aims to change that. and creating incentives for researchers to adopt them. Founded in March 2013 by Brian Nosek and Jeffrey Spies, the Center for Open COS operates in three primary realms. Science (COS) is a non-profit science First and foremost is infrastructure. One and technology startup dedicated to of our main projects is building research increasing the openness, integrity, and management software, the Open Science reproducibility of scientific research. Framework (OSF), which connects all That mission is stages of the re- a daily goal that “In science, no individual search lifecy- drives all of the cle. The second work we do. is the arbiter of truth.” area of focus is COS has three metascience; primary activities: building infrastruc- we study the science of science to gain an ture to support the research workflow understanding of what leads to greater and enable open practices, growing a reproducibility. Our third branch is com- community of scientists and stakehold- munity building; we foster communities ers around open practices, and con- of researchers, journals editors, and other ducting metascience research to better stakeholders around open science practic- understand the state of science while es. All of our efforts support our mission evaluating interventions to improve it. of increasing the openness, integrity,and reproducibility of scientific research. Openness and reproducibility are fun- http://cos.io damental to the advancement of science. 3 ThE Founders: Brian Nosek Co-founder and Director at the Center for Open Science. Nosek received a Ph.D. in Psy- chology from Yale University in 2002 and is a professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Virginia. He received ear- ly career awards from the International Social Cognition Network (ISCON) and the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI). He also co-founded Project Implicit (http://projectimplicit.net/), an Internet-based multi-university collaboration of research and education about thoughts and feelings that ex- ist outside of awareness or control. Jeff Spies Co-founder and CTO of the Center for Open Science. Spies received his PhD in Psychology from the University of Virginia. Working with his doctoral advisor, Brian Nosek, he devel- oped the Open Science Framework, which be- came the first project for the Center for Open Science. Through his management of the Cen- ter, he continues to pursue his ambition of im- proving science by making it more open and accessible. 4 The Three domains of the Center for Open SCience Infrastucture MetaScience Community 5 What WE do: Organizational tools for Infrastructure: scientists and researchers The Open Science Framework (OSF) The COS’ flagship product is the Open tion with additional tools will help OSF Science Framework. The OSF is a free, users streamline workflows and increase open source web application that helps efficiency. scientists manage their entire research workflow and facilitates collaboration. Every user, file, project, and component Customizable privacy settings allow for on the OSF has its own persistent, unique easy sharing of a project between collab- identifier, allowing work to be cited. Ev- orators; sharing with the public is accom- ery public resource has a statistics page, plished with a simple displaying informa- click of a button if and “The COS’ flag- tion about the number of others viewing and when the researchers ship product is are ready to do so. downloading your work. the Open Science One-time sharing of pri- Any project, or compo- Framework.” vate resources is possi- nent of a project, can ble through creation of be made public at the view-only links, most researcher’s discretion, making it easi- helpful for peer review. These links can er for scientists to bring open practices be configured to anonymize the proj- into their work. Integrated version con- ect contributor list in order to maintain trol and logging facilitates good scientific blinded peer review. practice without any added burden on the user. Seamless integration with tools like The OSF and its features are under con- Dropbox, Figshare, and Dataverse allows tinual development. The OSF is open researchers to continue to use their favor- source, so the community is welcome to ite products while gaining added benefit contribute to the effort. from features of the OSF. Future integra- http://osf.io 6 Infrastructure projects Scientific inquiry into the state of Metascience: science itself focusing on reproducibility Reproducibility Project: Psychology The Reproducibility Project: Psychology Science, and Journal of Experimental is a large-scale, collaborative effort to Psychology: Learning, Memory, and understand the reproducibility of a sam- Cognition. ple of studies from the scientific litera- ture. Involving more than 200 scientists The expectation of this effort is that from around the world, individuals or we will learn about: the overall rate of teams of researchers follow a structured reproducibility in a sample of the pub- protocol for designing and conduct- lished psychology literature, obstacles ing a close, high-powered replication that arise in conducting effective rep- of key effects from the selected articles. lications of original study procedures, The investigation samples articles from predictors of replication success, and the 2008 issues of three prominent psy- aspects of a procedure that are or are chology journals: Journal of Personality not critical to a successful direct repli- and Social Psychology, Psychological cation. https://osf.io/ezcuj/wiki/home/ Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology The Reproducibility Project: Cancer Bi- The experimental protocol, materials, ology, a collaboration between Science data, and results for each replication are Exchange and the Center for Open Sci- openly available on the Open Science ence, is independently replicating 50 Framework. The studies will follow the high-impact cancer biology studies that Registered Reports format, in which peer were published between 2010-2012. review of proposed experimental designs Through independent direct replica- and protocols will be conducted prior to tions, the project aims to identify best data collection, to maintain quality assur- practices, determine how to maximize ance of these replications. Eventually re- reproducibility in the field, and facilitate sults of these Registered Reports will be an accurate accumulation of knowledge. collected and published as a full replica- This will enable impactful novel find- tion study. ings to be trusted and built upon by the https://osf.io/e81xl/wiki/home/ scientific community. MetaScience Projects 7 Many Labs 1, 2, and 3 The Many Labs projects are crowd- variations in samples and settings have sourced metascience studies that little impact on the magnitude of the takes a packet of individual studies effects. Though there were instances and tests them in “many labs”. This where effects were seen. The results of allows conditions, like participant this led to two other Many Labs initia- compensation, to be compared, giv- tives that expanded on the ideas of the ing insight into which conditions first. might lead to a trend in replication Many Labs 1: https://osf.io/abesq/ success. The first project, Many Labs Many Labs 2: https://osf.io/8cd4r/wiki/home/ I, tested a packet of 12 experiments Many Labs 3: https://osf.io/ct89g/wiki/home/ and was completed in 2014. This scientific endeavor suggested that Crowdsourcing CREP a Dataset The goal of the Collaborative Rep- Crowdsourcing Data Analysis is a lications and Education Project method of data analysis in which mul- (CREP) is to facilitate student re- tiple independent analysts investigate search training and solidify research the same research question on the findings in psychological science same data set in whatever manner they through student participation in consider to be best. large-scale replication efforts. https://osf.io/gvm2z/wiki/home/ https://osf.io/wfc6u/wiki/home/ 8 MetaScience Projects Community: building and supporting the Many Labs 1, 2, and 3 open science community Badges for Journals Despite the importance of open com- Currently, Psychological Science, munication for scientific progress, pres- Journal of Social Psychology, Euro- ent norms do not provide strong incen- pean Journal of Personality, and So- tives for individual researchers
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