■ % ; l ^ MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1968 PACi PIGHTfiEN iianrt{i«atfr lEaftiittg Iffralo BloodmohUe Unit VisUs Church Tomort^f^^ to 6:30 P, M. Temple Beth Shojom tomorrow The annual meeting of Hoi* Co. Memorial ? Temple No. 83, Manchester Lodge No. 78, A.F. evening at 8:80 sharp, and A-M., wiU hold a stated com­ 2, SMFD, has been scheduled for Pythian Sister*; wiU. seat their SeventHTerm A b o ut T o w n munication at the Masoidc Temple Saturday, , Jan, 29. All member* 1050 officers tomorrow at B p. m.. Saui M, S'ilverstein, recently f y FLEXIDOQR MIRRORS and honorary member* of the com­ in Odd Fellow* Hall. The cere­ turned frbift hie fourth tnisslon to Ask For Ayerage Daily Met T^ress Bon tonjoSToy'aveplng at 7:80, Ifollow- Tub 'Baclosnres $ 3 ^ .9 5 OVCNUINE EUBCTRO The W i th e r BU*}«j^^r^rney, son of Ing the business m eeting'^ e en­ pany'who wish to attend the din­ mony will -toe followed by enter­ For DeSimdne Europe'' and the Near .East, - Far th r Waek Kadad ner meeting are gaked to contact tainment numbers and ’ refresh- ihow colored slides of the many Complete Jna. B, m s Fencaat nf ,U. K Weather phueau Mr. and Mr*. 'R*J^vlond Griffin, tered apprentice degree w l be P ER BACK conferred.. At. the cpnclusiofK. of the company headquarters. menta The .officer* are reminded countries he 'visited, and will tell “Bo IT YOURSELF' •1*4 A>"*ry 8 t, ha* arrived at Fort of bis personal *xperlenc<Mj''d0rlng Dix. N ^ J., and been aasiRned to the meeting there wilt be a social to wear their white gowns. Case Employes Reelwt CXear, colder touiidlt. Low 10- The Holy-Ghost Mother* Circle the trip. He la scheduled' to speak ,496 Co. A, 272nd Regiment of the 69th hour ahd refreshments. - 15. WedsMvdny, ouamy, /«n tln- Will meet with Mrs. William E. A.3.C. Shirley A. Simoncelll left tJiiion President, Other at 9 p.m. V Maoaber * f tha Audit Infantry Division for eight weeks oed cold. High near 82. of basic training. He was former? The Manchester Child S t u d y ^eUiore. 45 Adelaide Rd^i Wed­ Saturday to attend technical school Prior to th e. talk, ^Mrs. George Buraus at Olreoiatlaa nesday at & p. m. , at Kessler Air Force Bade, Biloxi, Officers at ^ Meeting Lessner, presldgnt^of the Sister­ FIETCHEB BUaa CO. M aictutUn^— A CUyJd VUlagB Charm J^****^*^y*** ^ n e ra l Ice Cream Group will meet In the library of ■ y. .. ■ . Miss.,, after spending a 10 day hood, and Mrs. ''Sanol Solomon, t-7B79 / . the Buckley School at p. m. to­ ■ Members of the Case Em- morrow. John J . Blasko, M. D, Pvt.V Charles T. Bunce, 20, son leave with her parents, Mr. and president. of Hadassah, will con­ 148 W EST MIDDLE TURNPIKE of M r.\nd Mr*. Louis C. Bunce, Mrs. Adam Simoncelll, 88 .Coolidge ptoyes*^ Assn., Inc..' of the Caae duct a brief business meeting. ' Manctiestef Assembly No. IS cornmiistoner, State Department AUTO GLASS INSTAUED VOL. LXXIV, NO. 85 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY. JANUARY 11, 19.6.6 (caaoaUM AiThtaatag aa Pag* 14) rpRipE FIVE CENTS of MenUl Health. 1^1 address the 520 W. Renter St., recently ar­ St. Bros, paper-making company yes­ The following members of the Ofder of Rainbow for Glrli, will rived in Jiipan for duty with the meet Ujl* evening at 7:30 in the group on "The Fears and Phobias terday reelected Matthew De- Sisterhood and Hadassah will of Children.” Mr*. Maxine Harry 29th E n g in ^ Base Topography Manchester ^txarden Club meih' serve as hostesses: Mrs. Daniel GLASS FURNITURE TOPS Masonic Temple to elect officer* Battalion at Camp Tokyo He en­ 4 Simone, a glaze-roll operator, to for the next term and to initiate will serve a* program chairman. bers will be .entertained by a '*fhi» seventh term as president of Moeler. Mrs. Joseph German, Mrs. tered the Arm ^ In April, 1954. on Herbs this evening in theRob- Seymhur Nelebep:' Mrs. James Sle- MIRRORS (F ira ^ * and Door) new menber*. All member* arc ■ '''X- the union. ^ Costa Rica requested to wear their White A son wa<v bom at the St. Fran­ bint Room o f Center (mutch Some 80 members, about two- gak Mrs.' Isidore Raddihg, Mrs. Staff Chief for U.S. cis Hospital Saturday to Mr. and The W CrU will have an all-day House by Mrs. George Simmons of Hyman Lehrman. Mr*. Heiiry gowns. The’ n « t rehearsal of th* session tomorrow *t\ the South thirds of the membership, turned PICTURE FRAMING (oN typM) Mr*. Alfred Chaves, 43 Edison Rd. <k)vi^tr>', an authority oi> this out to vote at the annual meeting Roaenzwelg, Mrs. Lazarus Splwak, minstrel chqnis >vill be held 'Wed' Methodist Church. Sewing will Mrs. Bernard Bursack, Mrs. nesday, Jan. I2i at 7 p. m. subject. Herb cookies and herb held yesterday pioming at the Ital­ WINDOW and PLATE GLASS Town Won A meeting of the Elks Pancake be for the Red Cross. potlUck spreads will be a feature of the ian American Cilub on’ Bldijdge Kramer and Mrs. Jprome Ni In Blockade if Reds Festival committee will be held luncheon will bo enjoyed at noon refreshmenta Sjireet. The linien represents work­ Mrs. John Rottner Will fumlSK'tiie JA LO U SIES: iBsUUatlon Is Quick, Easy aad Economical. SMFD Auxiliary firemen wlU and the business session wiH, opeii Slmcha cake. have a special meeting tonight at tomorrow night at 8 o'clock at the ers St the two Case Bros; plants at Contraelors: We have In etoefc By R^liela American l^Klon Home. at 2 p. m. , ■/' Highland Park here and in F ast __________^ ^ ____________ 7 o'colck at h^dquarter*. \ ■ Anyone wiahing to donate food articles to the Elka' food sale, for Hartford. MEDICINE CAIINETS and SHOWER DOORS Fail to F^ee Fliers the benefit of th* high school Reelected with DeSimone were San. jose, Costa Rica, Jan. 2 : llcholsrship. fund, to be held Jan. Horace R. Risley,.,vlce president; Open Saturdays—Open Thursday Cvenlag* 11 {ff) — President Jose \ Herbert F. Kesma, Jr., secretary; HANDS TIED? / I3\st the State Armory, i S ' re- ESTIMATES OLAOLY cn'EN Washington, Jan. 11 (>P)— Mahout th* prospacU for imac* In Figueres, feuding with Ni(x- , U . ^ , qumed to leave the a r 't lc - and Geoige J . .McCann, treasurer. The only opposition was offered by the Far East or whether th* Reds ragua, announced today a I e a \ at the a r m o r y Thurs­ Adm. Arthur W. Radford said would launch any major actions day m in in g before 11. o’clock. If John W. Adamy, who failed in an today the United' States sm|ill rebel aerial force has attempt to unseat McCann. against Formosa, saying that th* unable tob^ n g the food to the ar­ should support an Allied “CTommunista are unpredictable.'' taken Villa QueSeda, a Costa mory, eitlMm'''Mrs. J. R. Reynolds IJeStmone. who will begin nego- -bldckade of Red China "if all Radford left Washington a Rican village ^60 miles south or Mrs, R a n r Firato may be 'con­ tiating soon with the company on a month ago for a meeting of the Df- Sam Sheppard Goes to Mother^s^r^neral tacted and they will make arran­ new work contract, said he con­ other measures” fail to bring North Atlantic Treaty Militsu-y of the Nicaraguan frontier. Ike for 5% gements to h ^ a it picked up. templates no change in policy. 18th CENTURY about the- release of prisoners Council. He continued around the 'The Presitteot said th* group “Our reiationship with manage­ I'.-i-s.v. ItesuM You Lack A ^ svorld from Europe, visiting Unittd probably got there by hopping in' ’P gress^ ired • * .• * ment has been the best possible," held by the Communists.— To pastures in light planes. Com, The H olyfam axSoclety ofTthe CHARM CAPTUiflED BY Radford, returning from the States miUtsry missions to "listen Civil, Postal Caiurch of the A ^ m p tlon will' he said, adding, .‘.‘we understand, HIGH SCHOOL to their problems and help to munications Wera reported cut each other's, problems very well." Far Eafi, waa aaked whether th* with the vlllags of 8,500.- It is elect officers for the year 1955 at O __________ ____ United. State* ahould Support an smooth them out." e . Its monthly meeting umight at The- local independent union has DIPLOMA In Honolulu last week, Radford about 50 nillea north of this Capi­ been in existence for 10 years dnd. Allied blockads if United Ksticms tal city.' t -/ 8:30 In the church hall. All mem­ You can 9 tt ona at HOM E ih your said, any blockade of Red (Thins Pay R oost although It is not connected with, ■ -« . & o negotiations failed to obtain the would b* an act of war and not a Foreign Minister Mario Esquivai ber* are urged to be presept snd any national union, ’ U affiliated -jp ara tuna. If you 4oro 17 or ovor fr ^ o m of the U.S. fliers and oth­ Secret Datd to bring a projq>ectlve memliAr. thing to b* treated lightly. declared a "break in relations" with the National Independent ond hovo loft school, writo for intor- er ‘Allied men held by the Chi- "It’s a matter for the President with Nicaragua seems imminent. , .Washington, Jan. 11 (A*)— Union Council. * osting froo bookUt—toHs you how! ne*e.
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