?{ I I , Social lQeport Tavern Night at Ellinis Tavern was a great success, those of whom attended had a wonderful night The evening finished in thewee hours of the morning. Anotherfunction has been requested atthe same tavern, in a couple of months time by all those who 0 ss abnded. Qreek €ommunity $rand eentenary $all 0n Saturday 23rd August, 1997 atthe Palladirim Ballroom of the Crown Entertainment Complex, the Queensbridge St, Melbourne. 7.00pm starL Sticfly NEWSLETTER Black Tie. of the CASTELLORIZIAN As fte Castellorizian Associaton has only been ASSOCIATION allocated 6 tables of 1 0 persons we have been OF VICTORIA requested payrnent in full by the 28th July. Please fonruard your cheques on to: Dianne Spartels 34 Cole HacreRRoPtzrutn lrlen St Brighton by this date. Those who have booked tables to collectpaymentin full for each table of (10) at POSTAL ADDRESS: $1 00perhead (ph. 95968610-0414 596861). P,O. BOX I ]2, SOUTH MELBOURNE, S2Os EDITED BY: Sts. Qonstantine cfr. Helen Day MICHAEL SPARTELS remarkable attendadce was ach ieved at our rece nt THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS StConstantinb and Helen's Daycelebration held on 25fi May 1997. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: P resident: Mlchoel Sportels The day commenced wittr a church service at St Vice P reddenf.' Anno Adgemis Constantne and Helen Church (Sth Yana). Many of Secrctory: Sondro Vorvodic our members atended the ch urch service togetherwith freosurer: Jock Miriklis two of our lovely young members Joanna and Maree Asslsfon I Sec rcta ry/ Socl ol Sec ,e.to ry Adgemis who were dressed in traditionalcostumes. Dlonne Sportels Fafier Dimifidelivered an inspired speech on BOARD MEMBERS: Castellorizians in ge neral an d con gratulated Jack Betty Adgemls, - John A, Adgemts Bisas upon his seleclion as Castellorizian of the Year Jlm Verginis - Chrls Colmer 1997. Peter Cootes Followin g trach urch service members attended a luncheon fu nction atfre clubrooms. The program commenced witr 24 young members of our newly Wd@rrr l4 eadpllar4lbl /V erurlpfip/L formed dancing group dressed in traditional costunes. flo. /06 ur/rlb/" ?ttd LJ..lr o/ *rz Itwas the first occasion the children performed in front g e.r"Jf.."lri* *rA JlrL* 5*7 of an audience. They were greeted by an emotional and enthusiastic audience whocontinued to show celdmfAurl' .r"/ a+, *d,l"lc o/ o "h, their apprecialion. Afterlunch the Castellorizian ofthe q i""h utqcz' t. lar,Eilfu4 h Year Award was presented followed by the Award earf.ll"4:q^ presentations to ourV.C,E. students. Over 1gS people enjoyed and witnessed one of our most Renl ur-.. successful days ever held at our clubrooms. a* i s. b !D 3t i#4 U *A:J : :i Corredion IfiSIEILORIZIAN LEADER TAUDS NOI/S BY NICHOLAS ISAFER/S It has been broughtto my attention fiat Jack Bisas was not president fom 1 986 to 1 988 as was printed Kastellorizian Association of Victoria president Michael in the previous newsletter. The presidentin the years Spartels has thanked Notis Sfakianakis for his pledge 1986-88 was Mr Steve Zombos. to channel some of his proceeds from last Sunday ni g hf s concert at Melbourne Park i nto Kastellon zo. Notis Sfakianakis Kastellorizo is a member of the Dodecanese group of islands and is he closestto Turkey. One of Greece's rnost popular and talented singer Notis Sfakianakis rece ntly tou red Austalia and Spartels said thatthe Kastellorilans in Victoria would gratefulfor 'l'm performed recently in Melbourne atFestivalHall and be his support. overwhelmed bythe put atMelbourne Park. factthat he's offered to some of his money into the island,'Spartels said: "lts heart-warming thathe has At the fi n al performance at Melbourne Park, Notis recognised Kastellorizo in such a way and we're Sfakianakis announced that allof his proceeds ftom very thankful for it." the Sunday show would be filtered back into the Kastellorizo is vulnerable island of Castellorizo and the Dodecanese region. to ftequentTurkish threats. Sfakianakis has a sfong linkto the Dodecanese Listed in the next column is a copy of the arttcle island of Kos. His family moved there from Crete and which appeared in the Greek Voice Newspaper on itwas on Kos that he began his singing career in Friday 20-6-1 997. 1 98s. Advertisements in Gassie news - more required - a) l stWednesday of month for Bingo/Lunch at 1 1am cost$3 We welcome two additional adverfisers to our b) 3rd Wednesdayof month forgames/morning coffee newsletter. lf anyotherpersons interested in games etc. Free at 10,30 sponsoring our newsletter please contact o ur editor for furtherdetails. 3. Cancellation of meelings:The organising committee JYtr. ilugh Qilchrist of the Senior's Club wish to apologise for any inconvenience to rnembers due to sudden Mr Hugh Gilchrist Ex Australian Ambassadorto cancellation of monthly/bimonthly meet n gs because Greece recently contacteC Michael Spartels in of unseen circumstances such as the unlimely death regards to a book he is writng on ethnic people who of a member. Please note thatthere will NOT be a served for Ausfalia in World War ll. A list of meeting ifthe unfortunate death of a memberoccurs members which is prominenty displayed on the wall within 0NE WEEK of meetrng. Members of the of our clubroom foyer was sentto Mr Hugh Gilchrist committee will; I endeavour to contact as many members as possible by phone butwe do apologise He thanked Michael for the list he had sent him if you cannot be contacted. because he was able to haue27 additronal names that he did not have. 4, The Association had a very successful 'bus trip'to the New Casino recenfly and the Seniors Club wish $irthday to thank them for sharing the profits with us. 0n the 8-6-97, Yvette Anne Salvaris celebrated her you 21st birthday on board M.V. Melba Star, From 5' As may be aware the Ethnic Commission Adelaide for the occasion Mrs Lucy Scopelitis, Dr & had awarded the Castellorizian Senio/s Club a grant .trlrs A. Chaplin, Ellois Chaplin, Mr & l,/rs N. of $600' This moneywill be used to buy equipment Scopelitis, Lucy & Anthony Scopelitis, Mr & Mrs M, and subsidise any functions/fips which may be Scopelitis, N/r & Mrs Finos, Anna Finos, Kathryn organisedthroughoutthecomingyear. Finos. From Canberra: Kylie Miller. Yvette is the daughter of Anna & John Salvaris. Donations girthday ln memory of Late Mrs T Kalafatas. Mrs A Toparis (NSW) Mr & Mrs M Lazos(NSW) Mr A surprise Sfth Birthday party was held for Chris & Mrs D Pavlou Mrs C Zervos Calmer at Nideos Tavern (Ringwood) on Saturday ln memory of Late MrJason Anastasiou 1Oth July. The celebration was attended by40 of Mr & Mrs D Pavlou, Mr & Mrs S Bisas, Mrs C Chris'closestfriends and relatives and a good tirne Zervos, Mrs S Coates, Mr & Mrs Con J Adgemis, was had by all (including the chefl). Mrs A Adgemis Qassie Senior Qitizens ln memory of Late Lucky Sciotis Mrs C Zervos, fulr & i\ulrs Con i Acigemis 1. a)donations received in memory of late Don The Diamond from Mrs Chrissie Zervos, Mrs Cherry Castellorizan Association of Victoria received a Peters (NSW)Mr & Mrs Peter Mangos donation of $200 in memory of the Late Mr Efstathios E Kondilios from his wife [v1rs Krystala E Kondilios. b)ln memoryof late MrsAnastasia Kalafatafrom Mrs Maria Exintaris ln memory of the Late Lucky Scotis, Mr Vellasaris Senior 2. Mothe/s Day Lunch Meeting 44 people attended the successful meeting atwhich itwas decided to llale have gettogetherstwice a month. Mr Don Diamond beloved husband ofTasia r rve{v S I I Sxlrao& Donation Qassie Dance Qlub to Evangelismos Church After our successful debut at Cassie Hall on May The Castellorizian Association of Victoria has made a 25th, the children are now keen to continue performing donation to the Evangelismos Church for a mural to and learning new dances. Presently the group are be painted on awallinsidethe church. learning dancesftom difierentparts of Greece. During the school holidays both Junior and Senior Wedding $ells Groups will perform forthe Box Hill Church Senior Citizens. Over the holiday break the children will also 0n Saturday 19th July George Stabelos will marry be going outtothe Pantomime. Dimifa Amblanitis at St Andrew Greek Orthodox in Forest Hill. Geoi'ge is the son of Tony and church Pare nts interested i n havi ng their c hildren learn Rosa Stabelos. dancing and involved in functions calleither Kath (98428606)or(98505294). Wedding Term 3 dates forthe Gassie Dance Club: 0n the 18th May lan Bisas married Popi Kostarakis at St Catherine's church Malvern. Best man Jim JULY20th 27th Bisas. Weddi ng Reception at Merrimu Receptions. AUGUST3Td 1()th 17th 24th 31st lan is the eldest son of Jack and Marika Bisas. SEPTEMBER 14th 21st Home after a stay in hospital Please note there will be no class on 7th Sept. Jim Pavlou, Rita Fatouris, Con Constance, Renee (Faherc'Day) Adgemis, Con N Constance. also the 21st Sepf. will be at Cassie Hall. the VENUE: St Timothy's Church Hall Cnr Thompson & toin Lillian StBulleen Cassie Dance Qlub TIMES: Juniors 4,45 - 5.30 now. Seniors 5.30 - 6.15 Keep the Qassie per payable 1 traditions alive! Term 3 fees $24 child by 27lh July 997 cARrPrs & co. Chris Colmer (Chris Kolomiris) Chortered Accountonl AUSTRALIAN GREEK Andrew tt/, Coripis F,C,A, ORTHODOX FUNERALS Telephone: 9886 473.l 253 Belmore Rd Mobile: 0.l4 488 025 (oll hours) North Bolwyn Vic,3l04 Tel, (03) 9857 531 I Fox, (03)98s7 9599 " Our fomily coring for your fomily" WESTPOINT CYLINDER HEADS FITZROY GTASS PTY LTD Cylinder heod speciolists DOMESTC & COMMERCIAL & spore ports GLAZNG & AIIRRORS .l68 Deon Alexiou Johnston St, Collingwood Vic 3066 Proprietor Tel : 94 I 92022 - 9 41 9267 2.
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