l8 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. July 1. 1986 MANCHESTER CONNECTICUT CLASSfflED ADVERTISiNG 643-2711 The charitable go DPUC approves Karen Waggoner iHtfMES 100 J a p a r t m e n t s KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by U rry Wright dining for dollars NU rate freeze cooks Guamanian FOR SALE 1 f FOR RENT i page 3 Available July 1. Lovely 5 ... page 4 ... page 11 Manchester Pine St. room apartment (2br). BUSINESS & SERVKE DHIECTOItV ^ j m Older 8 room Colonial. 2 2nd floor of 2-famlly full boths.1% to 5 bed­ house. Heat, hot water I Don't care rooms. new furnace. and V2 of garage ln(;luded. icodCLEANiNO {CARPENTRY/ I HEATING/ M J^ U A N E O U S AcnY card/ you Needs'work. Flexible fi­ $525. Reference and secur­ I^^ISERVICES I REMODELING PLUM6INS {SERVICES A?e, m txH'T. nancing or lease with ity deposit required. HAVE AKV WORM*. option available. Owner Mlddle-oged or older cou­ w ill do housecleaning HERe. agent asking 84,900. 644- ple preferred. 646-8588 of- weekly or bl-weekly. Call .ter 5pm. Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ 0139. tor free estimates. 68;^ throom remodeling; In- 1 ^ ^ 2350. stailotlon water heglers, 474 Moln Street, 3 room Independent Construc­ ® * 0 ^fifhcoplng. Voco^ apartment. $400 monthly. tion Co. General Contrac­ garbage dlspolols; fwKet t l ^ euHIngs, hedge frlm- CONDOMINIUMS tors, custom home build­ repairs. 649-4539. Viso/M- FOR SALE Utilities not Included. No osterCord accepted. mlong, Pruntngs, flower I appliances. Security. Coll ing and remodeling, 8, shrub plantings. Free siding, excovotlon, etc. HlaurliPBtrr HrralJi 646-2426 wee'kdays 9 to 5. CARPENTRY/ Coll 659-2436 ) Manchester — A City of Village Charm Great Condo I Two bed­ REMODELING Coll 4564865 pr 456-7215. tiffer 5:36s»n. room townhouse, IV2 I baths, fireplace and a 1 bedroom apartment. IfdMISCELLANaUIS Heat plus utilities. $400 a ,Farrand Remodeling PAINTING/ A. Henry Personalized gorgeous rec room I Must ’ MSHWCIS Lawn Care-Complete be seen. Low 80's. "We month. 643-5549 or 647- Cabinets, roofing, gut­ PAPERING WednescJay, July 2, 1986 1242. ters, room additions, lown core and londscop- 25 Cents guarantee our houses" inp. Free esNmdtes, fully Blanchard 8, Rossetto decks, all types of remo­ Odd lobs, Truckinp, Nome your own price — Home repoirs. You name insured, all work guacon- »* Real Estate, 646-2482.a Manchester -1 bedroom deling and repairs. FREE 7'» estimates. Fully Insured. Father and son. ;Fast, It, we do It. Free estl- teed, senior citizens dis­ apartment with nurser- dependable service. nwtes. Insured. 6434304, counts. 647-1349. J Telephone 643-6017, after in Glastonbury- y/den. Built-In micro- Pointing, Poperhanglng Immaculote end unit 6pm, 647-8509. - — =__ ____________ C>l88ebyNEA.Inc Legal doubts wove. Fenced yard, near 8, Removal. Coll 646-5761. Mosonry 8, Repairs. townhoUse.' Large eat-ln pqrk. $495. Call 529-0299. Howkes Tree, Service — Carpentry and remodel­ Stucco. Cement Slabs, kitchen exits to deck and Commercial Painting Bucket Truck & Chipper. stone drvwalls. Carpen- private back yard. 2 large ing services — Complete home repairs and remo­ Contractors-Interlor and Stump Removal. Free Es- tTY Alterations. Can 643- {CARS bedrooms, 1’/2 baths. Nice -Manchester-Apartment exterior painting. 20 years tild e s . Special consider­ 9508V 649-5635.« MDTDRCYCLES/ delay vote on deling. Quality work. Ref­ llvlngl Offered at $103,900. In 2 Fomllv house (remo­ In business. Fully Insured. ation for Elderly and Hon- FDR SALE MDPEDS Joyce G. Epstein Real deled), 1st floor, 1 bed­ erences, licensed and In­ dlcopped. 647-7553. sured. Coll 646-8165. Free Estimates. 742-8628. Word PlTMesslng done df J Estate, 647-8895.0 room, parking, cellar home. Letter quality prin­ s to ra g e , y a rd . $425 Toyota Celica, 1981 - GT, 1983 Honda Scooter - set to merge ter work Picked up and Hatchback, louvers, rims, Aero-80. Low mileage. Ex­ referendums 0 New Jlstlng-beautlfully monthly. Available July). Remodeling/Carpentry delivered. Temporory, decorated two bedroom 649-2871. Oellverinp c^ean farm excellent condition. $4995. cellent condition. 742-0351. Work. Additions, decks [ELECTRICAL loam; 5 yords $75 plus tax. part time, permanent or, townhouse. This spectac­ and repairs. Insured. C all' flll-in vacation slot. Coll 649-2831. ular end- unit features a Also sand, stone, and By George Layng Manchester - Oft Porter, 3 David Cormier, 649-6236. grovel. Call 6434504. 742-8727. MISCELLANEDUS fireplace, 2 full baths, a 2 room apartment, heat, Dumas Electric— Having 1971 Malibu Convertible. Herald Reporter El^trlcai Problems? [AUTDMDTIVE cor garage, both o deck electric. Security deposit. Low Mileage, garaged mall plans <*) and a balcony wlthb yiew, No pets. 643-8552. Need repairs around the NeMk.a large or o smoll Bookeeping fultchdrgo 14 If you n6«<i oiw tftr cor td last '4 years. Must sell! home? Coll an ekpert. Ckinfusion over whether action would be legal led tennis courts and much R e w r? We Specialize In Years experience for drivt tlw voungstgri to 647-9869. Truck Cap - 6' x 8' x 4' the Manchester Board of Directors to delay voting more. Only one year old. You'll find the help you Residential Work. Joseph Wood Cop. Fiberglass Manchester - mature small business. Write C 8> sctiDDi, chtck tlw mony Tuesday night on whether to place three referendum Offered at $98,500.- Joyce adult. 2 room furnished need In Classified. 643- Dumos. Fully Licensed., N Bookeeping, 47 Teresa offerings in today's CHB- 1976 Plymouth Volare. window, fits full size 2711. Bv John F. KIrch designed to reach a merger questions on the November ballot. G. Epstein Real Estate, efficiency. All utilities. Free Estimates. 6464)253. Rd., Manchester, CT. sltlBci columns, 643-2711. Original Owner. Show­ pickup. $200. Negotiable.' Herald Reporter. - agreement. L 647-8895.0 Private bath, private en­ room condition. 16,500 647-1349. In addressing one of the questions, hoard members miles. $2,500. Call 646-3065. Until today, however, details of trance. Write to Box F, a Two partnerships that have initially decided unamimously to allow townspeople the Manchester Herald. For Sole - 1982 Oldsmoble those' sessions have been kept Rentals Toronodo. Excellent Con­ coitTpeted vocally and vigorously under wraps. to vote this fall on an $8.8 million school renovation Manchester - first floor, 2 l o c i STORE AND dition.Complete luxury forW era year and a half to build a “ The discussio/is have reached plan. They agreed to hold a second vote tonight after LAWN AND MISCELLANEDUS {CARS {TRUCK8/VANS mail in the Interstate 84 corridor some members said that no motion to vote had ever family, 2 bedroom, wall- 130 OFFICE SPACE cor. $10,000. 1984 Ford .an advanced stage.” the source to-wall carpet. Applian­ GARDEN I FDR SALE FDR SALE {FDR SALE FI 50 Explorer 4x4. Low ^aye agreed on a "merger of said. If a final agreemen^^ is been made, the agenda had not been followed, and the I ROOMS ces, washer hookups, mileage, excellent condi­ interests.” top sources said today. reached, he added, a number of referendum notice had not been read fully before the tion. Must see. $10,000. FOR RENT heat. $575 plus utilities. Loam For Sale. Approxi­ Slight Paint Damage - 1976 Ford,'. 4 wheel drive, Although no formal agreement lawsuits filed by the developers vote. 646-1984. mately 300 yards. Accept­ 1974 Thunderbird - full snow plow, 6O,O0O miles. 1976 Chevy Blazer. Excel­ Flashing arrow signs lent running ,con^ltlon. has been reached, it appears the against each other will be dropped “ It’s been a long day,” Mayor Barbara Weinberg ing offers. Call 643-67^. power, $800. Call 649-9404, $4,000. 649-9404 and 647- developers have agreed to build Room tor moture non­ Wilson Business Offices $279! Lighted non-arrow 647-1340 and’647-0080. 1340. Good solid truck. Rigged and the five anchor stores that said as members agreed to recess their meeting after smoking gentleman. Air. 3 Rooms. • Heot, stove, and support services. Fur­ $269. Unllghted $239! for plowing. $5,000. 1982 just one mall in the area, a source have committed to both malls will more than three hours. canditloning, kitchen refrigerator, carpeting, (Free Letters)! Few left. Ford E250 Van, Good close to the developers said. be’included in the joint project. nished offices, secretarial 1979 Flat Strada. Excel­ In addition to considering the school renovation privileges, washer/dryer, near Parkade. Older per­ service, reception, tele­ GOOD THINGS See locally. 1(800)423- lent condition, low ml- MDTDRCYCLES/ condition with racks. The source, who spoke only on Sears. Roebuck and Ch. of parking. Call 643-5600. sons preferred. $425. phone answering, word TO EAT 0163, anytime. leogd. 742-9476. $5,000. 1972 Audi 100LS. terms of anonymity, said this Chicago, Homart’s parent com­ plan, the directors were to have voted on two other J MDPEDS questions for the ballot — the creatihn of a housing Available August 1. Call processing and copier fa­ 1978 Audi Fox, 1978>lat morning that there was a 90- pany, arid D&L Venture Corp. of Female Only. Furnished complex for elderly people dn North Elm Street and . 643-6802. cilities. Level H Watkins Volvo 1972 164E-4 door, 4 128, All best ofter.Good percent chance a mall will be built New Britain have made, commit­ room, kitchen privileges. Center, 935 Main St., Man­ ENDROLLS For Sole7l975 Hondo terms on all vehiples. No the removal of sections of the Town Charter that give speed with overdrive, CB750F. New battery, in northern Manchester. But no- ments to put stores in the Buckland On busline. Call 647-9813. chester. 647.-(W73. 2Vh width - 250 high mileage but good money down to qualified voters in the Eighth Utilities District the right to veto needs goo.d tune-up.
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