Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, August 27, 2009 OUR 119th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 35-2009 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS Westfield School District Earns Award For $650K Utility Savings By CHRISTINA M. HINKE energy and ensure the buildings are change of 14 more students over last Specially Written for The Westfield Leader adhering to the goals of the program. year. Ms. Dolan said teaching staff has WESTFIELD – The school district The two employees are paid an addi- remained the same even though enroll- was honored Tuesday with the Award tional income for their added duties at ment has increased. In looking at the for Energy Stewardship by Ross Kelly a stipend rate of $10,750 each as ap- intermediate school numbers, she said of Energy Education, the management proved for the year 2009-2010. she expects an even greater enrollment company with which the district works Mr. Pate said he anticipates the sav- at WHS in the years ahead and would in its energy-saving efforts. ings “continuing on the upward mark.” expect to need more teachers to accom- Mr. Kelly said the district “exceeded” He said teachers, staff and custodians modate the extra students. and “rose to the top.” The district has all are part of the key to energy conser- Board member Ann Cary asked how saved $652,000 in utility costs by con- vation. “It’s really changing the cul- many students on average are in a class- serving energy. “It’s a real golden star in ture,” said Bob Berman, business ad- room. Ms. Dolan estimated an average how we manage our budget,” said Board ministrator. of 25, but was not positive. of Education President Ginny Leiz. Superintendent of Schools Margaret She said with the anticipated grow- The program began in July 2007. Dolan reported on district enrollment ing enrollment at WHS that the build- Maintenance Department employees and said she expects changes to the ing could accommodate the influx. Michael Pate and Tony Cuccaro spear- numbers in the coming weeks. Edison Intermediate School is at 755 head the efforts by passing on constant Westfield High School (WHS) en- students and Roosevelt Intermediate reminders to staff of how to conserve rollment for 2009-2010 is 1,800, a School is at 784 students. Mr. Berman had met with parents of children who are graduating from Wash- ington Elementary School to Edison and will use the bus system. He said he was able to “accommodate everyone’s input.” So far, 10 stops are on the route, David Corbin for The Westfield Leader both going to school and returning TAKING OFF AFTER INSPECTION...Major General Glenn K. Rieth, pictured center, adjutant general of New Jersey and home. He said he is waiting on the bus commander of the New Jersey Army and Air National Guard, settles in prior to takeoff in a Blackhawk helicopter after inspection of the Westfield Armory last Friday. New Jersey National Guard Chief Warrant Officer James Den Hartog and company to report on a timing sched- Army National Guard Major Tom Frickanisce served as pilots. ule. He said there are 28 students using the bus. Board member Alice Hunnicutt asked Ms. Dolan if the self-contained classes Rep. Lance Visits Leader Office at McKinley Elementary School were being mainstreamed into regular classes. Ms. Dolan said some are mainstreamed for social studies and science. She stated To Voice Healthcare Opposition that there are 27 to 28 in a class and said By MICHAEL J. POLLACK Mr. Lance called it “essential” that visions, and in some cases, they are the “probability is high” an aide would Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Congress have all of August to “di- frightened. It is our responsibility to be in those classes. WESTFIELD – U.S. Congressman gest” the bill and hear from constitu- try to work through the process, to try The Lincoln School Early Child- Leonard Lance (R-7) visited The ents. “I hope we don’t rush to judg- to be civil to one another.” David B. Corbin for The Westfield Leader hood Learning Center has 246 students Westfield Leader office on Thursday ment in early September when we Mr. Lance said his constituents in GEARING UP FOR THE REGULAR SEASON...The Westfield High School enrolled in 13 sections. Ms. Dolan said to primarily discuss the status of, and return after Labor Day,” he said. New Jersey’s Seventh Congressional football team, the Blue Devils, run through its offense in preparation of its opening it was “the right move” to lay off a his opposition to, the current Mr. Lance called protestors dem- District, which stretches from west- game against Elizabeth on Saturday, September 12, at 1 p.m. at Gary Kehler Stadium in Westfield. teacher in the school as the a.m. and healthcare-reform bill. The congress- onstrating nationwide against the pro- ern Hunterdon County to Union p.m. session class sizes, at about 19 to man also discussed the efficacy of posed healthcare reform “perfectly County, including Westfield, Scotch 20, are within the district goal. There is town-hall meetings nationwide and legitimate” individuals who have a Plains, Fanwood, Garwood and one full-day section with 12 students. defended his vote to pass the “cap- “perfect right” to express their views Mountainside, are “extremely pas- Clark Sues Township RVSA; She said Lincoln is down two sections and-trade” legislation, which seeks passionately. sionate” about the bill. Seniors, in from last year. to reduce emissions of greenhouse “We have a responsibility to listen particular, he said are concerned be- State GOP OPRA’s Records Stimulus funds from the IDEA-ARRA gases such as carbon dioxide. to their concerns,” Mr. Lance said. cause, according to Mr. Lance, the grant application in the amount of nearly On healthcare, Mr. Lance stated re- “Many are unclear of [the bill’s] pro- CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 By WAYNE BAKER sonnel and expenditure records for the $1.4 million over two years will go peatedly his opposition to the current Specially Written for The Westfield Leader RVSA. When asked if he knew why towards the Leaps and Bounds program bill, H.R. 3200; his reasons are twofold. RAHWAY — The commissioners this information was being requested, at Lincoln and to pay for teacher and The freshman congressman believes MS BOE Approves Updated of the Rahway Valley Sewerage Au- Michael Brinker, executive director of paraprofessional salaries, as well as other the plan set forth in the House of Rep- thority (RVSA) heard about the Town- the RVSA replied, “Not a clue.” support. The IDEA-ARRA grant is state resentatives will not be “cost-neutral,” ship of Clark’s lawsuit against the In other business, RVSA was is- funding towards the excess costs of pro- which is President Barack Obama’s Handbooks, Foodservice authority at the RVSA meeting on sued its Title V Air Permit Modifica- viding special education and related ser- desire, and Mr. Lance thinks it will lead By MAGGIE DIGGORY date,” added Mrs. Schaumberg. Thursday. The commissioners also tion Approval for the cogeneration vices to children with disabilities. It also to greater “rationing” of care. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Among the budget items approved, heard about progress on completing facility at RVSA’s wastewater treat- will pay for a part-time transitional coor- Mr. Lance began by saying that he MOUNTAINSIDE — The the BOE voted in favor of continuing the upgrades to the treatment plant ment facility on July 31, but an error dinator who assists special education was “extremely pleased” that the House Mountainside Board of Education to use Dowling Foodservice Manage- and were updated on several legal by the New Jersey Department of students with the transition of leaving of Representatives did not vote on the (BOE) at its Tuesday meeting ap- ment, Inc. as the district’s lunch ven- and regulatory matters. Environmental Protection (NJDEP) school. “We’ve never had the money” nearly 1,100-page healthcare bill – de- proved updated handbooks and the dor. The service management fee is Clark’s lawsuit was served on the means the authority will need to file for this position, said Ms. Dolan, who spite “enormous pressure” from the foodservice contract. $4,120 for the school year, a 3 percent authority on August 18, and relates to an appeal. The error requires the au- mentioned the state requires the district Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi – The BOE had a minimum quorum increase over the prior year. The cost the impact on Clark of RVSA’s use of thority to perform additional testing to have one. before adjourning at the end of July. of four members. Board members of lunch with milk will remain at last a five-year rolling average for charg- outside what had been agreed on be- Ms. Leiz also noted the board is in He said he is in the process of Jorge Batista, Gene Nagel and year’s price of $2.25. If milk is pur- ing members. The closing of U.S. tween the two entities. talks with the Westfield Armory and the reading the bill in its entirety, but said Carolyn Williams were not in atten- chased alone, the price is 30 cents, an Gypsum’s plant in Clark is expected The authority is also seeking relief Town of Westfield about the possibility it is “very technical and in some ways dance due to other commitments or increase of 5 cents over last year. to significantly reduce the township’s from the United States Environmental of using the armory for additional park- confusing,” forcing him to rely on planned vacations.
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