FREE PUBLICATION FEBRUARY 2021 The Sorell ROVING RANGERS Page 4 With TheTIMES Tasman Gazette and East Coast View we distribute 10,000 copies throughout the South East and East Coast of Tasmania. NEWS ~ SPORT ~ FOOD ~ ARTS ~ COMMUNITY Real estate Grape expectations running hot MARTINE HALEY have the same outlook and property sales worth $1.1 bil- this was backed up by Core- lion, and transactions up 40 THE real estate market in Logic’s 2020 report from De- per cent on the previous quar- Sorell, the South East gener- cember. ter. ally and Tasman Peninsula is “The CoreLogic report con- First home buyer sales in- red hot with buyers out num- firms what we already know, creased 48.4 per cent over the bering sellers. properties listed for sale re- quarter to 518 sales. The Real Estate Institute main low across Australia at Investor purchasers in- of Tasmania latest quarterly a time when buyer demand is creased by 43 per cent, acqui- report confirms that market increasing which means that sitions by investors increased activity has returned to pre we are in a seller’s market,’’ 43 per cent to 419 sales which COVID-19 levels and is on Mr Stuart wrote. was down on the previous target to achieve a ninth suc- However, this is contradict- year. cessive record year of accu- ed when we see that there is Interstate buyers main- mulated sales value (exceed- an increase in fresh stock be- tained a low profile acquir- ing $4.1 billion). ing added to the marketplace. ing just 290 properties which Local real estate identity “The market’s high number is 70.7 per cent below pre Warren Stuart of Raine and of buyers can also be attribut- COVID-19 levels. Horne Sorell confirms the ed to low interest rates and “Throughout 2020, the Tas- market is hot. government incentives cur- manian real estate market has Picture: ALASTAIR BETT Writing in the Sorell Times, rently on offer from both Fed- been driven by Tasmanians Mr Stuart said anyone in real eral and State Governments. ‘’ who accounted for more than Coat River Vineyard will be one of the participants in the Tasmanian Wine estate, or with a steady handle According to the REIT, the Continued page 2 Festival later this month STORY: Page 6 on the property market, would latest quarter showed 2959 Real Estate page 22 Limited Open 7 Days A Week! time only! OPENING HOURS Mon To Fri 8am - 4.30pm Saturday 9am -4.30pm Sunday 10am - 3pm CLOSED PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 131 PITTWATER ROAD, CAMBRIDGE ANYSIZE (Turn Off Opposite) Tasmanian Golf Course Ph 6248 4994 FOR THE PRICE For all your gardening OF A SINGLE needs come see us at... The Pines. 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Deliveries all areas LOCAL TOURISM OUTLOOK UPBEAT - PAGE 3 2 - FEBRUARY 2021 The Sorell TIMES Meetings seek Managing Editor: Martine Haley Ph: 6287 6122 Email: [email protected] Advertising resident’s input Ruth Braggaton Ph: 6287 6122 Mb: 0460 548 495 Email: [email protected] Bin your rubbish or MAYOR’S take it home. Published by Font Public Relations Level 11, 188 Collins St, Hobart, Tas. 7000. ABN 39129451716 REPORT Printed by ACM Launceston Print, with Sorell Mayor 231 - 237 Georgetown Road, Rocherlea, TAS. 7248 Kerry Vincent Editorial production Roadworks aldridge.media [email protected] It’s great to see substan- I RECENTLY attended event with bikes and ve- tial works started on the Responsibility for election comment taken by Managing the Primrose Sands Bike hicles coming from all airport and Midway Point Editor Martine Haley, Level 11, 188 Collins St, Hobart, Tas. 7000. and Car Show fundraiser parts of the state to par- traffic solutions. [email protected] for Skin Cancer Tasma- ticipate. We all know that it is, The Sorell Times, Tasman Gazette and East Coast View abide by the code of ethics nia. Yes, I made the effort This event very nicely and can be, frustrating as set out by the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance media section. Complaints can be made directly to the editor, Martine Haley, on 6287 6122. Complaints can to blow the dust off my compliments the South having road works hold also be made under the MEAA Code, please visit www.meaa.org/faqs-meaa-jour- nalist-code-of-ethics/ bike, remove it from its East Suns Women’s Foot- the traffic up, but we are Complaints brought against MEAA members for Code violations are investigated by MEAA’s National Ethics Panel. The publisher, FontPR, does not accept respon- hiding spot in the garage ball Club’s Truck Show now seeing progress on sibility for errors or omissions published. All published material is published in good faith. FontPR reserves the right to refuse/change or omit material meant for publi- and entered it into the for our Municipality. The council will also munity is only a strong as something that has only cation. All rights are reserved. All content/images are subject to copyright. bike display with hun- Well done to Greg and undertake initial con- its members make it. Get been talked about for 60 March advertising booking deadline: dreds and hundreds of the gang at the Primrose sultation regarding the involved, have your say years. February 24. Copy deadline: February 26. other bikes and cars. Sands RSL for this fan- development of a new and don’t just think that In a few years we will What a brilliant day. tastic event. The team recreational area at the someone else will do it. be able to enjoy this en- There were Ferraris, GT there certainly have their northern end of Primrose It’s everyone’s responsi- hanced traffic corridor. IMPORTANT NOTICE Fords, Camaros, Harleys, facility pumping for the Sands Beach. bility. Please be patient and - COVID-19 Indians, and every shape benefit of the community. This will provide an Council provides many continue to be respectful While all stories and advertise- of Holden known to man. opportunity to hear from varied opportunities and of road workers. ments were correct and accurate at You name it, it was Input a diverse range of the ways for you to find out With school retuning more than likely lovingly primrose community re- what’s happening and to this week we will see an the time of publication, the corona- restored and on display, I’m pleased to see our garding this development get involved. You need to increase in traffic num- virus situation is changing rapidly. with owners standing Community Conversa- so I encourage as many be proactive and regular- bers on our roads. Please check our Facebook page protectively next to their tions recommence this locals as possible to come ly check Council’s web- There will be hun- for updates. pride and joy. month after a COVID in- along. site, Community News dreds of children starting It is expected that this duced hiatus last year. Further community newsletter, Facebook school for the first time. will become an annual Our first meeting is conversations will be held and Instagram pages and They do not have the to be held in Primrose through the year as we Sorell Times newspaper. road sense that adults do, Sands on February 25 at rotate them through our These are some of the so please drive careful- the Community Hall. community. I really enjoy basic avenues that the ly and attentively on our This informal meeting participating in these fo- council communicates roads at all times, espe- will provide the oppor- rums to discuss the many our news, activities and cially in school zones. tunity for residents to get ideas, opportunities and opportunities for commu- Enjoy our inconsis- an update about what’s challenges bought to the nity consultation. tent summer weather and been happening at coun- fore with sensible discus- As usual, I welcome please make the effort to cil and throughout the sions on all fronts. you to contact me at any always dispose of your municipality as well as I urge you all not to be- time to discuss your is- rubbish in the bin, or take ask any questions. come complacent. A com- sues of concern. it home with you. Property market running red hot From page 1 dian price was $460,000, up from $420,000 the 90 per cent of all trans- year before. actions,’’ according to the Port Arthur and Eagle REIT. Hawk Neck bucked the “Many buyers have trend with fewer sales, given up on trying to find longer days on market and OPEN THURSDAY TO SUNDAY an established home and a drop in median price. 9.30AM - 3.00PM have turned to buying va- In Triabunna, the medi- BREAKFAST & LUNCH Now stocking Blundstone Boots cant land in the hope of an house price increased building the home they a whopping $97,500 to MORNING & AFTERNOON TEA want.’’ $365,000.
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