Quiz List—Reading Practice Page 1 Printed Monday, March 26, 2012 2:01:28 PM School: McMurray Elementary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Word Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Count F/NF 120728 EN 100 Cupboards Wilson, N.D. MG 4.2 8.0 59,764 F 123467 EN 100 Days and 99 Nights Madison, Alan LG 5.6 4.0 24,832 F 18751 EN 101 Ways to Bug Your Parents Wardlaw, Lee MG 3.9 5.0 37,552 F 80179 EN 101 Ways to Bug Your Teacher Wardlaw, Lee MG 4.4 8.0 54,326 F 128370 EN 11 Birthdays Mass, Wendy MG 4.1 7.0 51,075 F 146272 EN 13 Gifts Mass, Wendy MG+ 4.5 13.0 89,334 F 136675 EN 13 Treasures Harrison, Michelle MG 5.3 11.0 73,953 F 113011 EN 1607: A New Look at Jamestown Lange, Karen E. MG 6.8 1.0 7,340 NF 53617 EN 1621: A New Look at Thanksgiving Grace, Catherine O'Neill MG 7.1 1.0 3,121 NF 661 EN 18th Emergency, The Byars, Betsy MG 4.7 4.0 25,174 F 30561 EN 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Vogel, Malvina G. MG 5.2 3.0 16,876 F 523 EN 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Verne, Jules MG 10.0 28.0 138,138 F (Unabridged) 11592 EN 2095 Scieszka, Jon MG 3.8 1.0 10,043 F 166 EN 4B Goes Wild Gilson, Jamie MG 4.6 4.0 29,977 F 9001 SP 500 sombreros de Bartolomé Seuss, Dr. LG 4.0 1.0 3,690 F Cubbins, Los 31170 EN 6th Grade Nickname Game, The Korman, Gordon MG 4.3 3.0 24,076 F 8851 EN A.B.C. Murders, The Christie, Agatha UG 6.1 9.0 57,139 F 32378 EN A.I. Gang: Operation Sherlock, The Coville, Bruce MG 5.3 7.0 43,115 F 32377 EN A.I. Gang: Robot Trouble, The Coville, Bruce MG 5.9 7.0 43,934 F 103423 EN Aargh, It's an Alien! Wallace, Karen MG 3.0 0.5 1,764 F 36200 EN Abe Lincoln for Class President Strasser, Todd LG 3.6 3.0 23,054 F 17601 EN Abe Lincoln: Log Cabin to White North, Sterling MG 8.4 4.0 24,236 NF House 45400 EN Abe Lincoln Remembers Turner, Ann LG 4.1 0.5 738 NF 101 EN Abel's Island Steig, William MG 5.9 3.0 17,610 F 65575 EN Abhorsen Nix, Garth UG 6.6 16.0 99,206 F 86479 EN Abner & Me: A Baseball Card Gutman, Dan MG 4.2 5.0 34,035 F Adventure 34799 EN About Face Wood, June Rae MG 4.6 9.0 61,164 F 54089 EN Above the Veil Nix, Garth MG 5.3 7.0 44,306 F 103424 EN Abracadabra Gutteridge, Alex MG 3.8 1.0 3,982 F 29341 EN Abraham's Battle Banks, Sara Harrell MG 5.3 2.0 16,174 F 17651 EN Absent Author, The Roy, Ron LG 3.4 1.0 8,535 F 11577 EN Absolutely Normal Chaos Creech, Sharon MG 4.7 7.0 50,001 F 12573 EN Absolutely True Story...How I Roberts, Willo Davis MG 5.1 6.0 36,851 F Visited Yellowstone with the Terrible Rupes, The 5251 EN Acceptable Time, An L'Engle, Madeleine UG 4.5 11.0 79,250 F 27746 EN Accidental Lily Warner, Sally LG 3.8 1.0 9,916 F 6001 EN Ace: The Very Important Pig King-Smith, Dick LG 5.2 3.0 19,244 F 24909 EN Achingly Alice Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds UG 4.9 4.0 27,725 F 16751 EN Acid Rain Edmonds, Alex MG 7.2 0.5 2,726 NF 102 EN Across Five Aprils Hunt, Irene MG 6.6 10.0 61,778 F Quiz List—Reading Practice Page 2 Printed Monday, March 26, 2012 2:01:28 PM School: McMurray Elementary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Word Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Count F/NF 17602 EN Across the Wide and Lonesome Gregory, Kristiana MG 5.5 4.0 28,726 F Prairie: The Oregon Trail Diary of Hattie Campbell 36046 EN Adaline Falling Star Osborne, Mary Pope MG 4.6 4.0 26,391 F 1 EN Adam of the Road Gray, Elizabeth Janet MG 6.5 9.0 57,357 F 32324 EN Adventure on the Wilderness Road, Lawlor, Laurie MG 4.4 5.0 32,881 F 1775 29526 EN Adventures of Blue Avenger, The Howe, Norma UG 6.2 7.0 43,543 F 20251 EN Adventures of Captain Underpants, Pilkey, Dav MG 4.3 1.0 5,731 F The 29468 EN Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Laiken, Deidre S. MG 4.9 3.0 18,672 F The 13601 EN Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Twain, Mark MG 6.7 18.0 109,571 F The 16733 EN Adventures of King Midas, The Banks, Lynne Reid MG 5.0 4.0 26,437 F 34704 EN Adventures of Midnight Son, The Patrick, Denise Lewis MG 4.3 4.0 30,788 F 138974 EN Adventures of Ook and Gluk, Pilkey, Dav LG 2.5 1.0 4,373 F Kung-Fu Cavemen from the Future, The 41118 EN Adventures of Robin Hood, The Mattern, Joanne MG 5.7 4.0 26,076 F 30506 EN Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Vogel, Malvina G. MG 5.9 3.0 16,316 F The 13602 EN Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Doyle, Arthur Conan MG 8.8 16.0 83,631 F (Claremont), The 30517 EN Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Vogel, Malvina G. MG 5.7 3.0 19,132 F The 64111 EN Adventures of Super Diaper Baby, Pilkey, Dav MG 2.5 0.5 2,715 F The 41119 EN Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Fuentes, Stephen MG 6.2 5.0 31,861 F 109990 EN Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Hall, M.C. MG 2.4 0.5 2,411 F 30525 EN Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Laiken, Deidre S. MG 5.3 2.0 14,949 F 502 EN Adventures of Tom Sawyer Twain, Mark MG 8.1 12.0 68,079 F (Unabridged), The 109704 EN Adventurous Life of Myles Standish Harness, Cheryl MG 7.1 3.0 19,270 NF and the Amazing-but-True Survival Story of Plymouth Colony, The 54090 EN Aenir Nix, Garth MG 5.2 6.0 41,531 F 16752 EN African-Americans in the Thirteen Kent, Deborah MG 6.9 0.5 2,943 NF Colonies 103459 EN African Myths Jeffrey, Gary MG 4.3 1.0 4,042 NF 6401 EN After Fifth Grade, the World! Mills, Claudia MG 5.6 4.0 26,676 F 351 EN After the Dancing Days Rostkowski, Margaret I. MG 3.8 8.0 59,657 F 5201 EN After the Goat Man Byars, Betsy LG 4.5 3.0 22,639 F 352 EN After the Rain Mazer, Norma Fox UG 3.7 8.0 60,076 F 47402 EN After the Storm Brooke, Lauren MG 4.3 5.0 35,727 F 120399 EN After Tupac and D Foster Woodson, Jacqueline UG 4.7 4.0 29,251 F 353 EN Afternoon of the Elves Lisle, Janet Taylor MG 5.0 4.0 27,390 F 14651 EN Afternoon on the Amazon Osborne, Mary Pope LG 2.6 1.0 4,517 F 32381 EN Against the Odds: Gator Prey Strasser, Todd MG 4.1 3.0 21,800 F 25292 EN Against the Odds: Grizzly Attack Strasser, Todd MG 4.0 4.0 25,531 F Quiz List—Reading Practice Page 3 Printed Monday, March 26, 2012 2:01:28 PM School: McMurray Elementary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Word Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Count F/NF 20679 EN Against the Odds: Shark Bite Strasser, Todd MG 4.5 3.0 23,548 F 140625 EN Agent Q, or The Smell of Danger! Anderson, M.T. MG 5.1 6.0 40,244 F 25298 EN Agnes May Gleason Duey, Kathleen MG 4.9 4.0 27,010 F 115389 EN Agnes Parker...Keeping Cool in O'Dell, Kathleen MG 3.6 4.0 27,106 F Middle School 11401 EN Agnes the Sheep Taylor, William MG 4.7 4.0 28,442 F 201 EN Agony of Alice, The Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 5.3 5.0 30,164 F 10772 SP Agu Trot Dahl, Roald MG 4.4 1.0 4,292 F 77198 EN Airborn Oppel, Kenneth MG+ 5.1 15.0 101,042 F 119440 EN Airman Colfer, Eoin MG 5.8 16.0 101,119 F 83024 EN Akhenaten Adventure, The Kerr, P.B. MG 5.7 13.0 85,761 F 74909 EN Al Capone Does My Shirts Choldenko, Gennifer MG 3.5 7.0 49,509 F 131868 EN Al Capone Shines My Shoes Choldenko, Gennifer MG 3.8 9.0 65,391 F 12401 EN Alabama Fradin, Dennis B. MG 4.8 1.0 5,984 NF 109348 EN Alabama Moon Key, Watt MG 4.1 11.0 75,314 F 12402 EN Alaska Fradin, Dennis B. MG 4.2 1.0 5,872 NF 118054 EN Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians Sanderson, Brandon MG 4.9 9.0 58,202 F 133649 EN Alcatraz Versus the Knights of Sanderson, Brandon MG 4.9 9.0 58,033 F Crystallia 126447 EN Alcatraz Versus the Scrivener's Sanderson, Brandon MG 4.7 9.0 59,681 F Bones 140919 EN Alcatraz Versus the Shattered Lens Sanderson, Brandon MG 4.8 8.0 53,788 F 136589 EN Alchemy and Meggy Swann Cushman, Karen MG 5.6 6.0 39,819 F 73207 EN Aleutian Sparrow Hesse, Karen MG 5.7 2.0 10,459 F 108597 EN Alex Rider, the Gadgets Horowitz, Anthony MG 9.1 1.0 6,376 F 902 EN Alexander Calder Venezia, Mike LG 5.0 0.5 1,131 NF 17603 EN Alexia Ellery Finsdale Duey, Kathleen MG 4.9 4.0 28,388 F 118492 EN Alfred Kropp: The Seal of Solomon Yancey, Rick MG+ 5.1 10.0 68,153 F 124102 EN Alfred Kropp: The Thirteenth Skull Yancey, Rick MG+ 4.6 9.0 64,376 F 17751 EN Alice in Lace Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds UG 4.8 5.0 31,237 F 503 EN Alice in Wonderland and Through Carroll, Lewis MG 7.8 10.0 56,209 F the Looking-Glass 12373 EN Alice Nizzy Nazzy, the Witch of Johnston, Tony LG 2.9 0.5 1,035 F Santa Fe 29359 EN Alice Rose & Sam Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.3 7.0 44,400 F 52290 EN Alice's Adventures in Carroll, Lewis MG 7.4 5.0 26,435 F Wonderland/Alice in Wonderland 31159 EN Alida's Song Paulsen, Gary MG 5.3 2.0 13,977 F 29387 EN Alien for Rent Duffey, Betsy MG 2.6 1.0 7,378 F 7870 EN Alien Secrets Klause, Annette Curtis UG 6.6 8.0 46,342 F 5339 EN Aliens Ate My Homework Coville, Bruce MG 4.8 5.0 32,140 F 73762 EN Aliens Don't Carve Jack-o'-lanterns Dadey, Debbie LG 3.8 1.0 6,432 F 402 EN Aliens for Breakfast Etra, Jonathan LG 3.2 1.0 6,830 F 20645 EN Aliens Stole My Body Coville, Bruce MG 5.2 6.0 40,549 F 11402 EN Alison Goes for the Gold Connor, Catherine MG 5.5 1.0 8,944 F 11403 EN Alison on the Trail Connor, Catherine MG 4.3 1.0 8,719 F 27721 EN Alison Rides the Rapids Alexander, Nina MG 4.7 2.0 10,481 F Quiz List—Reading Practice Page 4 Printed Monday, March 26, 2012 2:01:28 PM School: McMurray Elementary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Word Number Lang.
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