- --:---~.&." •• 'I •• ,ey:; EdE 'f HOI1U thtt Neul . \ ot All The News . , •••• Of All The Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse ews Complete News Coverage of AU the Pointes _ VOLUME 17-NO. 25 Entered as Sel:ond. CIa!. Matter . '.GROSSE "POINTE,. '~ICHIGAN; JUNE. 2,lj', .1956' $3~~oP~e;o~~u 24 PAGES, Fully Paid Circulation at the Post Of!lce at Detroit. Mich. .. ~-----------'-----------------------'.--------- DEADLINES Dr. Bushong. Give~1Tax Ra~e of the , Lowest In \VEEK As Compiled by the 375 GPHS Degrees Five Years Gr(,.'se Pointe News Citizens Absent from Public, at 31st Graduation Hearing~ Total Approved Thursday, June 14 TWO former tax aides, top $1,297,843.29 officials during the Truman Alumni Now Total 8,100; Joyce Bushong, Don Worley, Administration, were convicted Marcia Keller Give Commencement The Park Council approved by a Federal grand jury on charges of trying to defraud Ad9ress June 14 a near record budget for the the Government in an income fiscal year beginning July 1, tax evasion case. Convicted By Evelyn Matic, GPHS Journalism Student at a public hearing held on were Matthew J. Connelly, 48; Diplomas from Grosse Pointe High School went to 375 Monday, June 18. and T. Lamar Caudle, 52. Con- graduating seniors at the commencement exercises held in No Residents on Band nelly who was the White House the new auditorium-gymnasium last Thursday. A capacity d' f t d f' <is tt d d The public hearing was held appointments secretary under au lence 0 paren san rlen a en' e . at 8 p.m.,lto premit Park tax- former President Truman; and This class brings the total~------------- I Caudle, former justice depart- number of alumni' of Grosse' M h de payers to be present to approve ment tax head, could-receive as Pointe High School to 8,100. Tl:te . et 0 lsts or disapprove the fiscal budget, much as five years iI). prison first class of 24 graduat~d 1n but not a sing. resident was and $10,000 fine each, when June, 1925. U d '.t present to raise a voice. Meet- sentenced. They were convic- Diplomas were presented ?y , n erWrl e ings are generally held at 5 p.m. Dr. James W. Bushong, superm-' The budget approved totaled ted of trying to defraud the e Government by sidetracking the tendent of schools, who was as- Bl Add.t e n $1,297,843.29, and is summarized criminal prosecution of Irving sisted by Charles Saltzer, assist- g l 10 as follows: Sachs, a St. Louis shoe manu- ant principal. General government, $48,954; facturer, who eventually was Dr. Bushong's Theme Construction Will. Be 9 in finance, $35,117.10; public safe- convicted and fined $40,000. He Dr. Bushong's remarks to the ty, $340,368.82; parks and rec- escaped a prison term on health graduating class centered Early Next Year on reation, $41,900; public works. grounds. around'the theme of, "Adv:mce $130.000 Addition $321,446.20; water supply, $121,- . '" friend and be recognized." 790.80; public health, $5,700; ICELAND is taking steps to Be recognized for the wonder- The Grosse Pointe :Metho- contingency, $60,000; insurance have American troops removed iul people we parents know you dist Church has just _over- and pension, $70,191; debt ser- from her soil. The United States are," he said. "We want you to. vice, $122,450.37; and improve- received a note from the Ice- be successful and live great su,?scnbed a $130,°90.00 earn- ment reserve, $129,925. landic Government, in which it lives with dignity and honor." ,palgn fo~ the erect1on?~ ~he was revealed that Iceland is In this sweeping camera view of the \Grosse Pointe . grounds were made possible by the $500,000 bond issue The major addresses of the next umt to the eXlsltmg Revenue Sources taking the necessary steps, or Farms Municipal Pier News Photographer Fred Runnells' approved by the Farms voters three years ago. This sea':" evening ,were given by three structure on Moross road. Revenue making up the bud- debating 0 the r prospects, in has caught an impressive picture of the improved facil- son saw the completion of the large scale operation, now members of the graduating Campaign Associates, Inc., {}f get was o~tained from "l?roper- which to compel the removal ities at the park. These extensive renovations of docks, open for the residents enjoY,ment. class. Their theme was man's Kansas City Mo. was re- ty tax, ~hlCh brought In $738,- of the troops. The note is re- swimming areas, bathhouses, parking lots and. picnic challenge' to himself. tai ed as the f~nd raising 775; mIscellaneous revenues, " The discussion was opened by n . - $292,310; water department rev",: ported to have officially in- Joyce Bu.shong, who spoke on cou.nsel and, the director of enues, $152,600; and surplus formed the United States, that th ff rt wa Mr HarY"V L last March 28, Parliament had P kAT'rmy S t I · "d B' II <IMan's cliall~nge to his-mind." Jete Of K s' C"t "oJ • funds reappropriated, $114,158.- ar, wo' pee 'a"to,~rs n'Jure rown'e '' <IMan'sgreatest chalienge is es er 0 ansas 1 y. 29. adopted a resolution stating that ' there is no longer any need for D;s Wh . G Ide J d N d A himself, and the. mind, is his General Chairman Youngdahl . Mr. Lane said that assessed :foreign troops in Iceland due II CUSS . en. e IP.g umpe ame:s motivating power," sai(i, Joyce. 'General. Chairman of the tax valuation has dropped from to improvement in the world \ Don Worley Speaks drive PaUl F. Youngdahl; $17.30, the rate for the fiscal C S-t ,. y was situation, ~ '" • amp 'I' e Box at Ho'rse' Show' S,c'h:'ool S'u'.pt. Dont worle f,: e~PhaSizehd !.lhtheAdvance Gift Chairman was year 1952-53, to the new 16w of ~ ~ II Imp or ance 0 VIgorous ea Willis, Bughee; Special Guts $16.35 per $1,000, for the 1956.. AN FICIAL f th US -------- "'- in achieving life's ends. With- Chairman wasA. M. Jackson; 57 year. OF 0 e ., 'H K 'k '0' ~~' "'R' "b rt L G""': t A", I" ". :' out. a healthy body there is not General Chairman was W. G. Custom Departmeni; said that Will Pay $7,200 a Year For orse noc s own Mrs. 0 e •. row a nnua . Served Grosse Poinife From: much for a person to loo-k for- Brownson; Woman's Division Mayor Homer Fritsch, backed hi~ agency ha,s b~gun a cam- Lease of 3 Mile- Hunt Club Show FridaYi Patricia Petzold '27-'38 Achieved I~ation ward to, he said. Chairman was Mrs. W. G. by the council, complimented palOn of confIscatIng Commu- I. d' F II f 81 h M .' K 11 1 d d th Mr. Lane on hl"S"'ffl'cl'ent man~ b E A nlure In a rom eac ers W'd R • . arCla e er cone u e e Brownson,' Service Committee ... nist propaganda being sent to ssex rea ,I e ecognltlon senior speeches with an admen- M C K aging of the. city government. ' 1 '1 Chairman was rs. • . h. h bl d th d t this country as fIrst c ass mal, -- Several box holders and their guests watching events ition to keep the souls' need Bowles: w IC ena e e ecrease 0 in which ref u gee s in this The Park and Army of ii- at the Grosse Pointe Hunt Club's annual horse show F,riday Dr. Samuel M~ Brownell, foremost in using mind and be put into effect. country are being pressured to cials are ironing out details evening escaped serious injuries when one of the"horses United States Commissioner body.' I .Campaign Workers ------ return to their homeland. The ofr a one-year lease of. the competing in the groom's bareback class leaped.a four-foot of Education and former Tire Girls' Glee Club, under Others working in the eam- W dele t official, Irving Fishman, deputy anti - aircraft unit site at I Superintendent of Grosse the direction of John E. Finch, paign were: 00 S yc lS "N guard rail into the boxes. ~------------ t d th . 1 t' collector 0f customs In aw Three Mile drive and Essex, Pointe Schools- reco5nized pres en e e mUSICa por IOn Hugh Delfs, Rudolph Olila, H t B C York. said the confiscation has it was brought out at the The horse, with rider Jo Ann wood court, and Celynda Fin- nationally as an edueator of of tile cqmmencement program. Howard Downs, Bernard Payne, ur y ar the approval of the addresses. 1 '1 t. Wallace, 18, of. Northville, was lays on of Kerby road. d d The High School Band played Ralph Recor, Thomas Estes, He told the House un-American regu ar counCl mee,.mg on n 17-year-old gelding, IlVerity;" Mrs. Donald Martin of' Berk- wi e experience, was name the traditional "Pomp and Cir- Owen Middleton, Fred Steiner, A lO-year-old Woods cyclist, Activities Committee that five Monday, June 18. owned by, Irv Goldman of De- shire road who ""las iJ;1the box Friday, June 15, as ~:uperin~ cumstance" for the processional James Carlin, John Scales, Ken who misinterpreted the actions million pieces of Red propa- in~i:~~a~~:e~o~~~~it\~~tL~~: troit. adjoining that of the Temple- tendent of Detr.oit schools. and recessi9nal for the seniors Leipprandt, Fred Gerow, Doug- of a motorist, suffered injuries ganda mail eJItered the United Runs Through 3 Boxes ton's raised her arm to deflect He will succeed Arthur Don- in their caps and gowns.
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