IS =:::::::: rATS, MBAT8, b ••1t tou, , •• lla_,_ " •• 10, ..,. It •••d throb.b Oot. 81; fI Ihro ••" It! ,... II"..... Fair No •• 10; Ll Ib'.... b Ql •••• II....... De.. II; a1 Ib'..... VI ,.0. III ..a,1I I ••. '1. SVGA" h.1t ..., IOWA: Genually fair .lamp II .... for fh. ,0"" I",..... D••• II.• 80BI, and IOmewba' cooler .... k th ..o .Irp••••• 1 •••• I, I, ••••• , ... I••• fl· DAILY IOWAN Dllol1. TH.. E FrIday. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ~.~~~c~ENT~s============~~==========·T~8~B~A='='~===T=I=D=.=U=8='============~=========l~O~VV~A=C=ITY~=,=IO~VV~A====~~F=RID~A=Y=,=OC~~T~O~B~ER~1~2,=1=9=4~5=============T8=B~A=.=.=oc=u=~===~==.=.==C=~~V~O~LUME~~xxn~==========~~~~fR16~ !% .. • ouse. pproves Tax' Re uction I PATTERSON URGES 'ATOMIC' GROUP Aufo Workers Strive 10 Include MacArthur, Promises Jews in Palestine 1,250,000 Troops Rebel Against British Legislation Provides for Slash Air Firms in Wage Demands Home in 6Months Immigration Policies Of Over Five Billion inl 1946 High Point Soldiers Wright Plant Pay Boost First Compliance Military Depot Raided Released by Reduction Now in Senate Hands, Bill Would Remove By Major Corporation With Union Requests As Reserves Arrive 12 Million Low Income Persons From Rolls In Occupation Forces To Maintain Order • By TUE A880UIATSD palss TOKYO (AP)-Genral MacAr­ By FRANCIS M. LE MAY The ceo Unitcd Automobile workers, now negotiating for a 30 thur gave high-point American JERUSALEM (AP) - Armed W A 'HING'l'ON (AP)--Amid houted demands for sIa hes in percent wagc rate. increase in t~e motor indu~tr~, br~.adened their troops in the PaciIic the good Jews seized munitions in a raid yesterday to Include the' aIr craft and aJr lme fIelds- federal spending, thc house passed yesterday the first tax-cutting lim news yesterday that 1,250,000 of on the Palestine military training Extension of the wage campaign was mapped after President them would be sent home within bill to entel' congress in 16 years-easing individual and business R, J. Thomas of the big automotive union described a wage in­ six months, and on the occupa­ depot yesterday, military head· burdens by $5,350,000,000 in 1946. cruse granted by Wright Aeronuatical company all "the first tion front demanded a new social quarters said, while a clandestine The vote was 343 for, 10 against. rompliance by a major corporation with the union's wage pro· order tor Japan, including wom­ radio declared an active resist­ For 1947 the legi lation provides a $7,252,000,000 reduction en's suffrage. gram. " ance movement had been tormed below prescnt levies. officials descl'ibed the wage increase obtained from Headqu!lrters' plans to send Now tossed to the senate, tbe bill takes 12,000,000 low income , UAW troops home would leave only to assist immiaration of Jf!Y{S into Wright Aeronautical at it') Paterson, N. J., plants as approxi­ the Holy Land. per ons off the income tax: roll completely and gives at least 8 400,000 troops in Japan, Korea percent reduction all other persons subject to this levy. mately 30 percent'. Wright granted a 22 cents an hour raise on all and other Pacific stations by the Viscount Lord Gort, British 10 to Chairman Doughton (D., .C.) of the house ways and means basie rates for Jl0Urly paid employes. About 6,000 workers are af­ end of March. high commissioner of Palestine, i;mmediately and probably more will be after reconversion committee and the house Hepublican leader, Martin of Massa.­ fected Five sweeping changes in Ja­ conferred with Jewish leaders to peacetime operations. Previous basic rates ranged from 81 cents pan's social and political setup chus tts, joined during the dcbate in demanding curtailment of to $1.41 and hour. were enfranchisement of women, after the raid in which 218 rilles government sRending, as the only Demands for a 30 percent in~ encouragement of labor unioniza­ and 15 machine guns were stolen. means to assure further lightening crease for 6,000 workers in seven Panamanians Protest tion, advance in liberal education At the same time it was re­ 100 61's Injured of the tax load. so that "the government becomes ported that American soldiers on Doughton said the budget must Bendix Aviation corporation SECRETARY OF WAR Roben P. Paiterson, ",bt, Is urain, tbe HOJl8e leave in Palestine from Egypt and the servant rather than the mas­ be balanced and payments made plants have been presented to Argentine Situation ter of the people," abolition of "se­ Military Affairs committee ~ speed action on a bill ~ estabUsb a elsewhere had been recalled to In Okinawa Typhoon the war labor board by George cret inquisition" systems, and the nine· man commission to control domestic research on the develop· their bases. on the national debt. p. Addes, UAW secretary-treas­ revision of monol¥>listic industrial ment of atomic enerlY. The seeretary Is sbown discll8slnl' the com· Palestine military headquarters Martin took the floor to say: said a large number of Jews Installations Levelled; urer, who declared the union Latin Stud'ent Group, controL mission and Us duties with the House committee's chairman, Rep. "I serve notice that although the Attack Shintoism Andrew J. May. raided thf: depot early yesterday Damage May Cause Republican members of this house would ask for a strike vote if the With Center Here, morning, overpowered the Jewish • The Tokyo newspaper Yomiuro will give their support this board refused to accept jurisdict- Objects to Abuies Hochi yesterqay editorially at­ guard, and fJed with ammunition Evacuation of Base to ion. tacked Shintoism-the religion of and weapons in a stolen transport. measure, we shall continue to tight The wage demands are similar The Panamanian students of the emperor and ancesto worship- H.eated Debate Highlights Last The depot is at Rehoboth, 15 MANILA (AP) - A typhoon, with unflagging determination to to those presented to the big three Midwestern United States, an or- and urged Japanese religious lead­ miles southwest of the JewIsh city with winds up to 132 miles an reduce the costs of this govern­ of the automobile industry-Ford, ganization representing several ers to use the "complete freedom of Tel Aviv. It has ben providing hour, injured 100 of nearly 100,- ment and, by so doing, eventually General Motors and Chrysler-in miltary training for Palestinians, hundred Panamanlans in large of religion" which the allies have 000 American service personnel on bEhalf of their more than 500,000 universities in the midwest, yes· given the nation for the first time Session in Fred Lewis Hearing including Jews for the JeWish r!!duce the burden of taxes." employes. Strike votes have been terday made a "pubHc proiest ' in its history. brigade. Okinawa Tuesday and so thor­ Larrer Cuts Ie. for this month and next among against the abuses of which the 1n another move to gain firm The secret radio station, broad­ oughly levelled installations that Other Republicans demanded employes of the three firms. Argentinian students are victims." control Of Japan's finances, Allied away. He said that the dog also casting in Hebrew and English immediate evacuation of some larger tax reductions at this time. * • • After three nigh ts of heated de- from "somewhere in Palestine," "Students are the vanguard of headquarters announced the im­ forces is urgent, the army re­ Some Democrats complaiend that Other high spots in the labor the democratic principles In Latin peria1 government has been or­ bate and testimony, the hearing of chased his little girl. asserted that 1,000 persons were Makes Threat ported today. the house mea:sure gives insuffi­ picture: America," the statement decla~ed. dered to report all foreign ex­ Fred H. Lewis before the ci vil in a party wWch attacked the L About 452,000 persons were .. "An attempt to curtail their rights change holdings within the next service commission was concl uded "If I'd had a ball bat I would Athlith clearance camp Wednes­ The typhoon later hit central cient relief to low and middle in­ 011 the production sidelines over is an intolerable inj ustlce to which 90 days. last night 6eCore 150 interested have killed that dog," Seydel em· day aiding 208 illegal Jewish im­ and southern Honshu, the main is­ come persons and to small busi­ the nation. we can not remain silent." The new figure called for 200,- citizens. phatically stated. Persons attend­ migrants to escape. land of Japan, killing 69 persons ness. 2, The soft coal strike negoti­ Announcing it was the voice of The Panamanian organization's 000 in poth Japan and Korea­ Suspended from the police fOI'ce ing the hearing loudly applauded and leaving thousands homeless. The house measure, which may ations in Washington remained .. headquarters are at the University four combat divisions of approxi­ alter an information was filed the "Jewish act 1 v e resistance Seydel and Lewis shook his hand be revised in the senate, provides deadlocked and more than 195,- of Iowa. Included in the associa· mately 60,000 men in addition to against him by Mrs. Helen M. before he left. movement," the station said the Today's first official army re­ 000 miners were ou t in six tion are students now attending airforce and special occupation Dalton, 606 E. Jefferson street, Chief of Police Ollie White tes­ group was prepared to assist any port on the typhoon- it did not this relief for taxpayers in 1946: states and new pits shut down. Iowa, Chicago, Wisconsin, Minne. upits in Japan, and two divisions charging him with poisoning her tWed that he was not interested Jew who wanted to enter Pales­ cover naval personnel yet to be • • • 3.
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